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Bakugo sat in the teachers lounge as Izeni showed his dad his quirk. " Papa! Ish my qwirk cool!?" Izeni asked his dad excitedly." It is Izeni ! You're gonna be he best hero ever!" Izuku said with a smile. They heard two gasps from the doorway to reveal the couple's best friends, mina and uraraka (a/n- this is a headcanom where baku and mina are besties,shush) , "Deku's the dad!?" Mina exclaimed,closing the door. "Katsuki flinched ,"yeah..." he muttered deep red covered his face."babe you ok?" Izuku asked.

*flashback time!*

Bakugo stood there in the bathroom of his home in disbelief.'no!this isn't possible!' He thought wildly as he stared at the pregnancy test in his hand. He started shaking." I'm...p-pregnant w-ith deku's c-child..." he muttered to himself as he fell to the floor.

A knock startled him."Brat! You ok in there?" Mitsuki called from the other side of the door." M-mom..." his voice cracked at the end as he began crying. This was all that was needed for alarm bells to start ringing in Mitsuki's head as her mother instincts took control and she kicked the door open.

She immediately ran to katsuki."katsuki! What happend are you ok?!" She asks worriedly."m-mom...I-I'm s-sorry..." he muttered as he sobbed." For what?! Katsuki you've done nothing!" She said as she comforted her son,who hasn't called her mom in over 12 years.Mitsuki then noticed it,the pregnancy test, she gently took it from katsuki and looked at it.
"Katsuki...." she started,he awaited to be hit,be screamed at to abort it,but it never came?  He looked up to see his mother smiling softly."It's ok,baby,I'm here.I'm not leaving..." she whispered to him as she hugged him."who's the father?" She asked."I-it's deku..." katsuki muttered." IZUKU'S THE DAD?!" She shouted shocked.

*end of flashback (and tony star-*gets slapped*)*

"Yeah I'm fine!" Katsuki smiled

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