Dead By Daylight Imagines

By kokichi_oma

11.2K 153 30

Ever wanted to date a Dead By Daylight killer? Wonder what it's like to run around and do gens with the survi... More

S/o With A Jealous Ghostface
Claudette Morel and Nea Karlsson Switching Perks
My DBD Ships With Hcs!
Legion (Susie), Spirit and Pig Mocking S/o For Helping Their Teammates HCs
Reader Using Unusual Tactics To Escape Killers

Ghostface, Legion (Frank), and Michael Myers With Reader Knowing DBD

2.3K 31 7
By kokichi_oma


- A cold fog drifted from the forest, alerting you of your first trial. "Wish me luck guys I'll see you in there." Looking around you noticed the fog circling Claudette, Kate, and Steve as well. After playing so many trials on the computer, you should be fine, right? Right? 

- Taking a deep breath as you spawned into the trial, looking around "Crotus Penn Asylum, wow it looks even better in person."  Feeling a little starstruck you stood amazed at the chapel in front of you. Shaking your head, remembering the task at hand; generators and escape. 

- As you bent down to start repairing a generator with Kate, you couldn't ignore this feeling of being watched, "Spine Chill" was coming in clutch. A small glance behind you confirmed your suspicion; Ghostface. He was crouched behind a wall stalking Kate as she obliviously continued to work. 

- Leaning in, "Kate, it's Ghostface off to my left. Make a run, don't make it obvious but I'll try to distract him." She looked hesitant before getting onto her feet and running over to the chapel. You hopped off the generator only to notice sparks to fly from it along with a puff of smoke, "Seriously Ghosty? Ruin?" 

- Rolling your eyes you took advantage of the fact that Ghostface was too distracted by Kate's sudden movement to notice that you had moved away from the generator. Sneaking up behind him, leaning into him, you whispered "Hey there Ghosty Boi, wanna show me where your ruin is?"  You whispered, smirking. 

- A string of curses could be heard as he jumped back from his crouched position. Under his mask, Danny's eyebrows furrowed, who are you, how do you know about his ruin, and what kind of balls do you have to come up and talk to a killer so causally? 

- Stretching your arms in the arm you gave a smile to the masked murderer. "Ah, no worries I'll find it eventually. How about you give me a nice chase, and I'll give you some pallets to eat? Hope I don't ruin that cute face of yours though." Throwing a wink at him, you started running leaving him behind the wall, unable to move. 

- Shaking off his confusion he started to chase you, trying to mind game on the t-wall. You shout over your shoulder, "Oh nice mind games! Won't work on me though!" He gripped his knife tighter as he started to catch up. "What a sly minx I have on my hands. Let's have some fun." He twirled his knife, running faster. 

- Looking over your shoulder you noticed he was catching up and quick. "Shit I need a pallet." Covered in some trees you see a pallet resting up just waiting to get thrown down. You run past it, making it look like you were going to loop it, waiting for the perfect moment. 

- Danny couldn't help but smirk, he knew you were going to loop around this. Crouching at the pallet he waited for you to come back around thinking he was still giving chase. That was until a sharp pain hit him in the head, a slight groan escaping as he quickly recovered. 

- You stood at the other side of the pallet with a deadpanned face, "Really? Seriously dude, who brings "Enduring" anymore?! What you also got "Spirit Fury"?!" Crossing your arms and shaking your head, he could only stare in disbelief "I'm kind of disappointed in you, you were ready to eat some pallet. Ghosty face, get some better perks." And with that, you were off as he stood there trying to comprehend everything you had said this trial. 

Legion (Frank) 

- The countless hours turned days you spent on Dead By Daylight has finally come in handy. You don't know how you ended up here, but quite frankly all of your practice has given you some confidence. 

- Spawning in your trial, you looked around to see the snowy resort, also known as Ormond Resort. "Oooh, wonder if I got lucky enough to get a Legion! I hope it's Susie or Julie, the two cuties of the legions." Smiling to yourself, you started to walk around the map trying to remember where the generators spawn. 

- As you started working on a generator your heart started pounding; whoever the killer was, he was close and getting closer. Crouching behind a bush, you spotted the legion as he chased Bill. "Jeez his terror radius is huge, is he running "Distressing"?" Keeping an eye on Legion, you tried to figure it out who it was as they went into their feral frenzy. 

- As the legions knife swung down to slash Bill, he quickly dodged it knocking them out of their feral frenzy. "Come on, Julie or Frank?" You whispered as they ended their feral frenzy. With wide eyes, frowning "Really it's Frank? Oh, come on!" You grumbled out, loud enough to catch his attention. 

- His terror radius immediately dropped as Frank looked around for the source of the voice. Deadpanning, you come out of hiding looking straight at him, "Are you really running "Monitor and Abuse"?" Frank snapped his attention over to you. 

- "The fuck you say to me?" He said twirling the bloody knife in his hands. Chuckling, you glanced around making sure you had a quick escape, "You heard me, Frank." You could see his shoulders tense up, as he took a step forward, "How do you know my name?" Shoulders tensing up, Frank stood his ground. 

- Taking a step forward, you came face to face with the masked killer, "Oh tell me, how is Julie, Susie and Joey doing?" With that being said, you ran off seeing him getting increasingly pissed. "How do you know about them?! Get your ass back here, I'm not done with ya!" He yelled as he gained his power back.  

- Vaulting a window,  you shouted behind you as he made up ground, "Deep wound me why don't ya!". Frank felt his breathing get deeper, everything seems to fade into red pounding darkness. How did you know all of this about him and his other friends? What kind of special survivor are you? Who the fuck are you?! 

- Frank closed the distance between you two before you could notice, he swung his knife down causing you to scream. Killer instinct took over, he gave a last glance to you before running off to find the other survivors. "Interesting but annoying survivor, I'll keep an eye on them..." He smirked as he ran off, hearing the heart beat leaving you to mend your fresh wound. 

Michael Myers 

- "Don't worry, you've got this. How many times have you faced literally all the killers? A million." Taking a deep breath you open your eyes to see what map you spawned on, Haddonfield. "What are the odds we get a Mikey?" Mumbling to yourself, making your way into a house. A cool breeze brushes by as you step onto the porch, glancing inside. 

- As you walk upstairs, you peek your head into the rooms taking into account everything that in use, "Ok, lockers, and a pallet, there should be a generator in this front room." Your eyes lit up as a generator sat waiting to be repaired. 

- Michael stared at the aura of the generator as he slowly made he way up the stairs. Waiting out in the hallway as he heard you mumble to yourself, "I haven't heard the heartbeat in a while, what if it's a Ghostface and he has me on the verge of exposed?" 

- Ensuring that the floor didn't creak below him, he stood behind you seeing the generator almost fully complete. Shaking his head, he grabbed you off the generator hearing you scream in surprise. "Are you kidding me, Michael! Damn it! I was so close to popping it!" 

- As he hooked you, Michael felt slightly confused. He'd never seen you before in any trials, how did you know who he was? Shaking off the feeling, he went to stalk the other survivors not paying much mind to you. 

- The game continued on, Michael tiering up and making his way to tier three. He didn't pay much mind to you, as you were just another survivor to him; flesh, blood and beating organs. Nothing more, nothing less. Another survivor to kill and sacrifice for the Entity. A bag of blood just waiting to be spilled. 

- You ducked behind a bush as he walked by, knife raised ready to attack anyone who comes into vision. Sucking in a deep breath, you started to run away making distance. Fast vaulting over a window, you crouch behind a red chair hearing the heart beat pick up again. "Shit I shouldn't have done that, I'm so screwed." Calming your breathing, you heard his footsteps approaching. 

- Michael glanced around the room trying to see your aura with "I'm All Ears". His gripped tightened on the knife as he closed the space between you two. Blood rushing in his veins, the thrill of the kill; the thrill of driving a cold blade into your body. Letting your beautiful blood spill. 

- Panicking you jumped out from behind the chair, making a dash for the stairs. "Fuck fuck fuck! Michael come on! Do I look like Laurie to you?!" His mind didn't even stop to process what you said as he wrapped his hand around your neck lifting you off the stairs. 

- Pounding your fists on his shoulder, you try to grab the knife being driven into ribs. Choking screams erupt from you as you try grasping the knife pulling it away from you. Michael stares coldly, dead, as he drives the knife in, letting the blood soak his hands and run down his arm. Once you become limp, he throws you aside. You were nothing to him. Staring down at your body, as the blood pours out he moves on to the next survivor, spotting Yui running away. 

~ Mod Hiko

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