character x reader one shot b...

By strawhatyuna

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Just a bunch of random one shots with characters. Feel free to leave a request. I do not own characters. More

Hello!-Request page
Tee x reader (Puyo Puyo Tetris)
Levi x reader (Attack on Titan)
Kyoya Otori x reader (Ouran High school host club)
Sasuke x reader (Naruto)
Takashi Morinozuka (Mori) x reader (Ouran High School Host Club)
Kakashi x reader (Naruto)
Gaara x reader (Naruto)
707 (Saeyoung/Luciel) x reader (Mystic Messenger)
Jumin x reader (Mystic Messenger)
Kakashi x reader (Naruto)
Ray x reader (Mystic messenger)
Itachi x Reader (Naruto)
Sasuke x reader (Naruto)
Zen x reader (Mystic Messenger)
Levi x reader (Attack on Titan)
Cheater Loke x Reader (Fairy Tail)
Sting x reader (Fairy Tail)
Neji x reader (Naruto)
Mika x reader (Seraph of the end)
Link x reader (Legend of zelda:Skyward sword)
Sasuke x reader (x Gaara) (Naruto Highschool AU)
I mean ok
Usui x reader (Maid Sama Modern AU)
Yuri Plistetsky x reader (Yuri on Ice)
Death the kid x reader (Soul Eater Christmas special)
Hikaru x reader (Ouran High School Host Club Christmas special)
Taki x reader ( Your name Christmas special)
Levi x reader (Attack on Titan christmas special)
Kyoya x reader (Ouran High School Host Club)
Viktor x reader (Yuri on Ice)
Kaoru x reader (Ouran High school host club)
Gray x reader (Fairy Tail)
Request: Tatsumi x reader x Lubbock (Akame ga Kill)
Adrien x Reader (Miraculous Ladybug)
Luka x reader (Miraculous Ladybug Adrien x reader pt 2)
Itachi x reader ( Naruto Modern AU)
Shoto Todoroki x reader (My Hero Academia)
Tamaki Suoh x reader (Ouran High School Host club)
Yuki Sohma x reader (Fruits Basket)
Haru x reader (Free!)
Katsuki Bakugo x reader (My Hero Academia)
Request: Finny x male reader (Black Butler)
Yuu Nishinoya x reader (Haikyuu)
Yami Sukehiro x reader (Black Clover)
Request: Dagger x male reader (Black Butler)
Yuri Plisetsky x reader (Yuri on Ice)
Request: Doll x reader (Black Butler)
Katsuki Bakugo x reader (My Hero Academia)
Hawks x reader (My Hero Academia)
Shoto Todoroki x reader (My Hero Academia)
Keiji Akaashi x reader (Haikyuu)
Koushi Sugawara x reader (Haikyuu)
Request: Peter x reader (Black Butler)
Yuno x reader (Black Clover)
Shota Aizawa x reader (My Hero Academia)
Shota Aizawa x reader (My Hero Academia)
Kazuto Kirigaya x reader (Sword Art Online)
Jumin x reader (Mystic Messenger)
Shota Aizawa x reader (My hero Academia)
Request: Yuno x reader (Black Clover)
Saiki K x Reader (The Disastrous life of Saiki K)
Tsukishima x reader (Haikyuu)
Shoto Todoroki x reader (My Hero Academia)
Diluc x reader (Genshin impact)
Kaeya x reader (Genshin Impact)
Request: Maguro Sasaki x reader (Puyo Puyo Tetris)
Akito Shinonome x Reader (Project Sekai)
Request: Hatsuharu x Reader (x Yuki) (Fruits basket)

Yami Sukehiro x reader (Black Clover)

379 10 1
By strawhatyuna

Because there needs to be more of these in the world~

Also I don't know what age Yami became a magic knights captain so we're going to go with 20

Things in bold and italics are flashbacks


"Asta!" I yell as I see him go flying into a wall

"That dumbass" My husband pops his knuckles.

"Captain Yami maybe you should" He grabs Finral by the head and throws him the same way he threw Asta


"Light magic: Gold bind" He's just about to grab luck too before I activate my magic, holding him against the wall

"Eh? So you want to get involved now?" He sneers. I run over to the two boys and flip through my grimoire. "Light magic: Goddess healing" They get up, thanking me. I look back at Yami who just rolls his eyes in annoyance. 

"I still don't get how you two ended up together" Asta scratches the back of his head

"What do you mean?"

"You and Captain Yami! You're like polar opposites. He's so brutal and you're so kind" Asta shivers thinking about what Yami would do to him after he said that

"I've wondered that too if I'm being honest" Noelle pipes

Everyone nods their heads and I sigh in response. Yami starts laughing loudly and everyone looks confused. 

"You say it likes she's actually innocent. When we were in our younger years she was even more brutal that I am"


"It's true" I shrug

Everyone looks at me in interest as I sigh, looking back at Yami. He shrugs as I sit down next to him, everyone sitting in front of us. 

"As you know, Yami and I are 2 years apart. He became captain of the black bulls at 20. I wasn't able to take the magic knights exam until I was 18 due to family issues. It was his first year actually going to the exam too"

"You ready Y/n?" My friend Charles wears a huge grin on his and mine stays emotionless as usual


"Come on N/n smile a little" He grabs my cheeks trying to form a smile

"Let go Charles" A malicious aura surrounding me

"Fine fine...let's go"

"Wait where's Charles now?!" Asta interrupts 

"Shut up Stupista it's not important"

I giggle. "He's part of Aqua Deer. Back to the story now"

We walk in to the arena and Charles's eyes widen and he grabs my wrist, pulling me to the line quicker. I sigh as he pushes past a lot of people. We get our numbers and he continues to pull me to the arena . He lets go of my wrist and I bump into a very muscular person.

"Hey what the hell kid"

"I'm not a kid I'm 18"

"Smartass huh" He grabs me by the head. So he's the captain of the black bulls

"Could you put me down"

"Eh? Why would I do that" He squeezes tighter

"Yami, you can't do that to the participants" The captain of Golden dawn interrupts. He lets me go and I dust off my shoulders. He takes his seat with the rest of the captains as the exam starts. It's fairly simple and soon we're at the final stage.

"Find someone to spar with"

"Hey Char-" I notice Charles is talking to someone else, 'Gee thanks' I roll my eyes as another guy comes to me

"Fight with me"


"I'm not going easy on you just because you're a girl"

"Fine by me"

We were the first pair to step into the middle. He takes out his grimoire smirking. "Earth Magic: Earthquake" the ground starts to shake and break from under me. I jump up starting to run around him. I take out my grimoire and flip to a random page. This should work

"Light magic: Sword of judgment" It pierces his leg and he loses balance. "Light magic: Goddess cage"

He touches the frame and immediately drops to his knees. Goddess magic can either give someone magic, or take it. In this case, it took his. The cage disappears and I put my grimoire away. 

After a while, everyone has their matches and the captains start calling numbers.

"Number 73" Charles steps forward and the captain of Gray Deer raises his hand. He nods and steps back

"Number 74" I step forward and every captain raises their hand. Yami jumps down in front of me and we make eye contact

"You're joining my squad"

"No" I simply say

"What do you mean no? Do-"

"I'd like to join Golden Dawn" The captain smiles and nods his head

" So you weren't always a Black Bull?" Noelle asks

"Nope. Yami here was pretty butt hurt when I denied him"

"Was not"

"Was too"

"You know what they say, once a brat always a brat" He rolls his eyes

"Anyways, I was in Golden Dawn for 3 years. Everything was great and I had no complaints. I would see Yami around every now and then but I hated his guts"

"You called Captain Vangeance?"

"Just call me William Y/n. Anyways the Wizard king wants to see you"

"What for?"

"He didn't say."

"Thank you Captain" I leave without anther word. I walk towards the wizard kings castle and knock on his door before opening it. 

"Sir Julius? What did you nee-" I pause when I see captain Yami there

"Why are you here?" He sneers 

"I could ask you the same thing asshole"

"What did you just call me?"

"You heard me"

"Okay okay calm down. I called you both here because I need you both to go on a mission together"

"Together?" We say in unison

"Yes together. There are bandits attacking small towns and taking everything they have."

"So just send magic knights there. Thank you I'll be taking my leave now"

"Y/n" Julius looks with his eyebrow raised. "Anyways we can't, not with all the attacks from the diamond kingdom. Anyways, they're attacking in a pattern so we have reason to believe they'll be attacking h/t." My eyes widen slightly at the mention of my home town. I sigh and cross my arms

"We do we leave?" I ask

"Tonight. It is imperative for you two to get along for this mission so please don't kill each other"

"There's no way in hell I'm working with this brat"

"What did you just call me?"

"A brat. I called you a brat"

"Call me that one more time and see what happens" I start to charge my magic and so does Yami. Julius traps us in his time magic and I sigh internally

"I'm serious you two. Put your differences aside for just this mission" He lets us out and I roll my eyes. 

"Be here at 7. Don't be late"

"Don't command me I have seniority"


"Wait why did you hate each other?" Asta cocks his head

"because he was an asshole"

"and she was a brat"

"Huh some things never change" Finral sighs

7 rolls around and I wait for Yami to come in front of the fountain. Julius and some other member from Golden Dawn is here to transport us to my town. 

"Yami, you're finally here" Julius sighs

"You're late dumbass"  I mutter

"say that again BRAT" He spits in my face

"Say it don't spray it" I get a handkerchief from my bag and wipe my face.

"Good luck you two, remember what I said"

We step through the portal and appear right in front of the village chief's house. My stomach turns, getting bad memories of this place. "Come on, let's get this over with"

"Don't boss me around brat"

I don't respond, just knock on the door. The village chief's granddaughter opens the door and a cocky grin forms on her face. "You're back. Couldn't become a magic knight?"

"It case you haven't noticed Marissa, I'm wearing a cloak that belongs to Golden Dawn. Where is your grandfather I don't have time for this"

"Wouldn't you like to know- oh who are you handsome?" She leans against the door frame as I push past her

She scoffs and I go to the Chief's room. I knock on the door before entering. He smiles upon my arrival. "It's good to see you Y/n"

"You too, Chief. The wizard king sent us. He said that some bandits have been attacking small towns and thinks they'll come here next."

"You didn't have to come all this way for some silly adits my dear, the village would have held on"

"Not like we had a choice, the wizard king sent us. Believe me I wouldn't come on a mission with this brat if I wanted to" Yami retorts. I bite my tongue not wanting to start something in front of the Chief.

"Who is this? Is he your boyfriend? Have you finally settled down?"

"No Chief he's far from it"

"yeah grandpa there's no way Y/n would get someone this attractive to like her."

"Marissa..."The Chief warns

"So wanna go on a date?" She snakes her arm around Yami's shoulder

"No, I'm here on a mission only" Yami sighs, pushing her off him. She huffs before leaving the room.

"Theres an extra room on the second floor. You two can use that one to stay in however long you need"

"Thank you Chief"

" she the the Magic Knight in Blue Rose Knights?" Vanessa asks

"Yeah that's her"

"I never liked her" Noelle flips her hair

I laugh at her as Yami simply smirks recalling this mission. "She ended up coming to the magic knights exam the next year. Yami and I were already together at that point and she was mad" I giggle. "Anyways..."

I yawn as we wait on top of the Chief's building. I start cracking my knuckles and Yami simply continues to smoke.

"I don't think they're coming, its already 10" he sighs

"Maybe's kind of weird though"


"At most, the distance from that other village is an hour horseback. They should have already been here. Also, even if they decided they didn't want to come here, we would have seen them pass" I sense a large amount of mana.

"Do you feel that?" I take out my grimoire

"Yeah...I don't think these people are bandits" He takes out his sword. 

An arrow flies toward us and we dodge it. A group of soldiers come in from the back of the town. "Diamond Kingdom soldiers"

"What do they want here?" 

"I don't know."

"Where is Y/n L/n!!!!"

"Why are they looking for you?" Yami asks from next to me

"My guess is because of my parents. My father was from the Diamond kingdom"


They start attacking us and we send spells left and right. We manage to take most of them down, but 3 still remain. The chief tells everyone to stay inside as we try to take care of the people from the Diamond kingdom. Just then a scream breaks Yami and I out of concentration. Marissa is being held by her neck in front to us.

"This is why we said stay inside!!" I yell at her

"Come on we have to get her"

"Do we really though" 

He gives me a look that says 'really?' But I could tell he was trying to hide a smirk. "Fine fine" I flip through my grimoire. "Making me use this powerful spell because of  her stupid ass...light magic: goddess form" Marks appear on my arms and I quickly move behind the guy holding Marissa, knocking him out. I catch her and return to Yami placing her next to him

"That was so scary Yami" She fake cries. I move quickly, taking care of the rest of them and shut off my magic. 

"If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have had to use that spell" I sigh, rubbing my forehead. I take the grimoires of the soldiers and give it to the village chief. He smiles at us and I feel a drop of water fall on my forehead. Before I know it, rain starts falling hard.

"That you for your hard work. Stay for the rest of the night, I doubt you want to travel through the storm. 

After using the baths, Yami and I retreat to the bedroom given to us. The rain is falling even harder now and the rest of the town is probably asleep. My eyes widen to the sound of thunder and I shudder. 

"Wait you're afraid of thunder?" Magna questions


"Wow I never would have guessed! Let's fight now!" Luck punches the air

"Let her finish the story shut up" Noelle commands. I smile before continuing 

I open the door to see Yami already laying on the other side of the large bed, back towards me. I jump at the loud thunder before grabbing the pillow and hugging it close. The thunder continues to roar and I start shaking and squeezing the pillow. I take shaky breaths as tears start to stream down my face. I try to stay quiet, not wanting to wake Yami.

"You're afraid of thunder?" He suddenly speaks up

I stay quiet for a minute. "Yeah. I thought you were sleeping, sorry if I woke you"

"How long?"

"Since I was a kid"

Another clap of thunder causes me to shake and hold the pillow closer. He grabs my arm, pulling me into his chest. I close my eyes, still shaking from fear. "I thought you were going to laugh at me and call me stupid"

"You probably have a valid reason for being afraid"

"Yeah...." I whisper. "Sorry I called you and asshole"

"Sorry I called you a brat" I hum in response and clutch onto him tighter. "Go to sleep"

"Thank you Yami"

"You're going to be fine"

"Awww that's so cute!!!" Vanessa yells 

Noelle's face is dusted pink and Asta is laughing. "That's pretty much how we got together"

"Wait but when did you become a Black Bull" Asta asks

"After we came back from the mission, our relationship was made public. For 3 months I stayed with Golden Dawn before I asked the Captain to let me switch squads. 5 years later we're here, married" I smile

"That's an...interesting story" Noelle comments

"I'm out of here..."Yami starts to leave but before he does, he whispers something in my ear. "I'll take my reward for letting you tell that story later"

'I'm really in for it now aren't I?'

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