Hello again (BakuDeku Club AU)

By TunezJem

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chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
Chapter 6

chapter 4

431 12 9
By TunezJem

It was horrifying...

The blond, who Izuku once thought was his "friend", opened the car door for the smaller boy.

This was his chance. His chance to run. But.....he couldn't possibly out run someone like Katsuki. Right?

Not wanting to cause problems Izuku hesitantly got in the vehicle. Right after Bakugo got in to and sat uncomfortably close to Izuku. He perfectly sat against Katsuki, with his arm around the smaller boy.

He said something to the driver, but it was muffled by Izuku's worried thoughts. He silently panicked besides Katsuki, looking at his hands in his lap, sweat forming on his forehead.

He felt the vehicle move and he panicked even more. He was so panicked that he didn't notice Bakugo calling for him.

"Hey. Hey! Hey, you okay?" He asked. Midoriya jumped a little in his seat, "Y-y-yeah! I'm o-okay!" He lied.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow questionably. He may not know Midoriya that well, but he wasn't born yesterday. He could tell that he was lying.

"Are you sure? You don't look okay."

It was stupidly obvious that this "kidnapping vehicle" is, infact, an Uber. But Izuku, insanely how drunk he is, ignored all the hints and started to panic. But for a good reason of course.

Izuku looks at Katsuki's phone, which was on his lap. The phone screen turned on suddenly and a unread text message was displayed on the home screen.

Izuku squinted a little to clearly read the message.
'Hey Katsuki! It's your Uber drive, I'm outside!'

Izuku mentally facepalmed. How could be be so stupid?! He assumed the worse and he panicked for no reason. He was so embarrassed beyond belief but only he knew that.

But what are you supposed to think when you're extremely drunk and about to get in a random car?!

But at least he can breath now. He doesn't have to worry about being kidnapped.

Midoriya finally sunk into the seat of the car, finally able to relax. He sighed rather loudly out of relief.

"You okay?" His "kidnapper" asked.
"Yeeah~" Izuku said, still drunk.
The blond smiled and ruffled the others green messy hair.

Just then the car slowly stopped outside of a hotel. A....hotel? Why?

They both got out and Izuku examined the outside, not like he could understand were he was at, since he was so drunk.

Bakugo handed the driver some cash and closed the door. Midoriya tried walking in, but he stumbled to much. Katsuki ended up helping the greenette in.


They reserved the room on the top floor, floor 7. Still wasted Izuku held on to Bakugo for support and walked into the elevator.

Midoriya held on to Bakugo for dear life it seemed. He held his arm, cuddling it almost. Hugging him from the front and the back, it was a little uncomfortable to watch.

The elevator stopped and out stumbled drunken Midoriya.
"Now....what room hot stuff?" He asked hdimg on Bakugou's arm.

He chuckled and slowly lead Izuku to the end of the hallway, where their room is.

"Cmoooon! Huuurrry! I want to go iiiin!" Izuku pouted like a child as he waited for Katsuki to open the door.

Once the door opened Midoriya ran to the bed and landed face first on to the sheets. The door closed and he heard footsteps approach the bed.

Izuku wasn't tired, he was just glad he could stop walking. He laid there for a few seconds before getting up and seeing Bakugo sitting on a chair with his phone out.

Izuku frowned. All his drunk mind could think of is how Bakugo hasn't been giving him attention.

The thing is............they're not a couple.

Izuku moved to the corner of the bed with his legs to his side, staring at Katsuki. He sighed heavily, waiting for a response.

When one didn't come he sighed again but even louder. This continued for a few seconds.

Katsuki looked away from his phone and at Midoriya, "What?" He asked.
"Attention!" Izuku said, raising more questions.

Bakugo put down his phone and looked at Midoriya confused.
"What?" He asks again.
Izuku puts his arms I front of him and does this grabby motion, "I want attention!"

Katsuki raised an eyebrow and smirked. He walked to the corner of the bed where Izuku was a picked him to put him on his lap.

"You're very small" Bakugo commented.
Izuku was about to say something in return, possibly saying how rude Katsuki is. But before he could Bakugo said cut him off.
"Makes cuddling alot more easy."

Izuku smiled and nuzzled his head into the blonds neck, savoring his sent.

It was very wholesome, watching the two cuddle. The dominant one held Izuku in his arms as he straddled Katsuki.

They listened to each other's breathing for awhile until Izuku started to take it a little further.

He suddenly kissed Bakugo's neck, causing him to shiver out of surprise.
"W-wha?-" Katsuki stuttered.

Izuku sat infront of Bakugo, looking into his eyes while licking his lips. Katsuki was a bit caught off guard, he didn't think Izuku was the type to do a thing like that. Yeah, he flirts and does get a little clingy but nothing more, from what he's seen.

It took awhile before Bakugo fully processed the situation. He was stunned by a bottom and he wasn't about except that.

Izuku looked straight back at him, with lust in his eyes, thinking he'd won. Won what you may ask, well I don't know he's drunk and drunk people think stupid things and do stupid things.

Wanting to while that smirk off his face Katsuki knew what to do. Without another word he leaned forward and did the same thing Midoriya did.

He shivered in response not knowing what to do. He really didn't think he would get this far or what he was doing in fact.

Was he really going to loose his virginity to a guy he barley knew?

On cue the blonde kissed Izuku on the lips wanting to make out or something? Katsuki's pretty hard to read, especially for Midoriya. You could hardly tell what he's thinking.

But now it seems like he wants something.

No, not something. More like someone.

word count:1049

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