Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

430K 16.5K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 39: Misery

3.8K 165 180
By FreshRawRot

The palace becomes peaceful again but still gloomy with the maids forced to be regular again. No more of the fun games or climbing everywhere with weapons. They were just simple servants with attitude but they were still rivals with the knights. Since they weren't allowed to have weapons upon themselves, they couldn't defend anyone properly and so knights were established within the palace. The whole place became a warzone with the two sides doing nothing but scowling and taunting each other as they passed by. The maids snicker and mock their friends' deaths while the knights belittle them and brag about training. Nobody was happy.

Lily got assigned to serve as Diana's personal maid but they were still having trouble with one thing.

"Who's the father?" Diana begged her with an awkward smile while shaking in agony.

Lily's lips quiver as she covers her mouth, staring at the floor with a dark expression and sweating nervously.

"... Can we talk about something else, My Lady?" Lily forced a smile on herself while looking at her with teary eyes, begging to not ask her about it.

"Lillian," Diana grabbed her hands and stared directly at her soul. "Tell me"

"..." Lily reverts her eyes to the side anxiously while Diana continues to make her uncomfortable. "If I told you, will you get mad?"

"Mad? Me getting mad? Is that what concerns you?" Diana grinned menacingly. "I would never get mad at my dear Lily" She stared intensely at her and Lily trembled.

"I have an idea but I'm not sure myself"

"What do you mean?"

"Ahem. You know alcohol is very strong right?" Lily coughed and Diana squinted her eyes. "I probably did it when I was drunk so I don't know who it is" She answered directly to her face and Diana turned into stone.

"WHAT?!" She stumbles backward and Lily panics.

"Just kidding! I was joking!" Lily yelled. "But please don't tell anyone!" She clapped her hands together and Diana nodded.

"Ok! I won't!"


"Make Felix stay away from Lily as much as possible!" Diana announces to the maids aggressively with a stern look. "He's an enemy not to Lily, not to me, but to all of us! No knight will be allowed here and you guys will get to keep your weapons!"

The maids roared with different reactions. They were happy to be back but also determined to keep their leader safe from the knights. Everyone had figured out why Diana made the announcement.

"We will do our best, My Lady!" They all bowed and scattered away to get dressed properly.

Diana put on a grimacing face while walking back to her room. "... This is so complicated" She mumbled to herself.


Athanasia sits in her private library and reads a book. Anastasia sits across from her with a quill pen in her hand and writes on a piece of paper during the sunny afternoon. It's quiet and nice in the library with no one bothering them and the walls muffling all the sounds and ruckus happening outside. It was a time for them to relax and be at ease though the pregnancy still shocked Athanasia when she found out. Immediately she knew who it was and quickly got rid of her guard as fast as possible. Poor Felix gets even more tortured and confused when everyone suddenly turns hostile against him.

"What are you writing there?" Athanasia asked but didn't move her eyes away from the book.

"A poem, master" Anastasia lifts the pen off of the paper and sets it down. "Something to organize my thoughts and feelings"

Athanasia furrowed her eyebrows. "Feelings? You mean joy?"

"..." Anastasia folds the piece of paper and puts it in her pocket. "Something like that"

Athanasia peeks at her normal face and back at her book. "Ok. If it makes you feel good, I guess?"

"Do you want to hear it, master?"

"Hmmm. No" Athanasia responds. "You can keep your secret" Her eyes go dull but Anastasia lights up.

She was astonished that Athanasia lets her keep her privacy when usually she always demands the information. However, she was different because she treats Anastasia more human than her late sisters. That's why Anastasia began to feel special with her master and very aware of her feelings. Though she develops other forbidden feelings that conflict with her joy. But for now, she focuses on the present and enjoys her time.

"Master, do you have any plans for the ceremony?" Anastasia asked and Athanasia lifted her chin while looking at her in bewilderment.

"Ceremony?" She tilts her head with a frown. "What ceremony?"

"... While spying on the em-"

"Ah. You went spying again?"

"Sorry, master if that upsets you. I'll never do it again"

"I mean I'm not mad. It's ok to do that but you really don't have to" Athanasia exclaims.

"I'll keep that in mind"

Athanasia rubbed the back of her head as Anastasia kept quiet while staring at her. The atmosphere that was once peaceful and comfortable had turned gloomy and awkward. Both of them were confused and uncomfortable, not knowing what else to say. Athanasia wanted to know the information but actually wants it as a surprise while Anastasia blankly thinks about her own words and actions. The clone was unsure of her master's goal now.

"Well, I'll find out later" Athanasia brushed it off. "Let's just enjoy this time before it's over"

"... Yes, master" Anastasia takes another sheet of paper and picks up her quill pen. Then proceed to write in it while glancing at Athanasia.

'....' Her eyes go back to the paper and Athanasia glimpses at the paper.


Penelope grumbles and sits in her room, scowling and scrunching her nose in fury. Frustrated and envious, she was overlooked by everyone at the ball. In the past, she used to have many friends and acted however she wanted to since she claimed to be a royal herself. Then everything changed when Dian died and Diana appeared. Her friends were not hers but Dian's and so they cut off ties with Penelope. Of course, they couldn't tolerate Penelope's lunatic behavior and ego. It was revolting and pointless to hang out with her when the emperor doesn't even show interest in her. Thus, they begin to become friends with Diana who was much nicer and better. The woman who took everything she wanted. Penelope vowed to get rid of her.


"What?" Penelope grunts in a harsh voice and a maid comes in.

"A package from your sister came, Lady Penelope" She placed it on top of a nearby table and left early. "Good day!" She shut the door and ran away to avoid any trouble with her.

"Tsk! I'm supposed to be Her Majesty!" Penelope walked over to the package and ripped it open with her bare hand. "Soon I will be" She grinned evilly and took out a small glass jar filled with a dark liquid.


The sound of the door being tapped on startles her and she quickly hides the vial inside her pocket. She throws the small package into the trash and puts on a deadpan expression.

"Come in!" She scowls and slouches on the couch but also makes sure not to break the precious jar.

The door opens with a creak and a servant walks in quietly with a tray. For one glamorous and big tray, there was nothing on top but a letter with the royal seal. The servant stands next to Penelope and offers it to her while bending over. Penelope snatches the letter and opens it swiftly while the servant watches. As she reads the content of the letter, a wide grin spread across her face and her eyes glitter with hope. She jumps up and smirks in delight while squishing the letter tight to her chest.

"Finally!" she squealed and turned to the servant coldly. "Prepare me the most expensive dress ever along with many jewels and accessories!" She commands and the servant nods.

The moment the servant leaves, Penelope holds up the letter and looks at it with adoring and ambitious eyes. She was excited and amused.

"Finally. My moment to shine is here" She reads it and takes out the flask. "Soon everything will be mine again"


"There's a Crown Princess ceremony"

"Huh?" Jennette faced her maid in puzzlement. "Crown Princess ceremony?"

The maids perk up with delight and smile gleefully at the confused princess.

"It's where the emperor will announce his heir, Princess!" They giggled and tried to cheer her up. "This will be one of the greatest moments!"

Jennette gaped at them in astonishment and stood up. She takes the letter and reads it carefully while her maids celebrate early. She grinned in pleasure and imagined herself taking the crown with Anastasia looking in awe. She daydreamed about their future together and was so confident in taking the throne until Athanasia came into her mind.

"Ah! What about Athanasia?" Jennette turned to them. "What if she takes the position?"

"Pff" Her maid shrugged it off and she flinched at their reactions. "There's a very low chance of her taking it"

"Agree" The co-worker nods and Jennette knits her eyebrows.

"What do you mean? She already gathered a lot of support from the nobles and is loved by everyone!" Jennette argues even when she thinks she dislikes her. It was weird of her to do that and even Jennette was shocked herself. "She has everything"

"Princess, your father will never let her take the throne though"

"Yeah. You've been by his side longer and are loved by everyone too" Her maid compliments. "Didn't you prepare for this moment? Athanasia is just a random child that appeared out of nowhere and you were raised in a Duke's household before."

"You were trained and educated to take the throne, princess"

Jennette gets an upset feeling and looks at their happy expressions in suspicion. She felt dizzy and a bit sick of them praising her about how she received better education and more fit for the throne than her cousin she barely knew for months. It felt wrong to think that and Jennette felt like Athanasia is better suited too. However, that would also mean losing the opportunity to make Anastasia hers. Her motivation for taking Anastasia defeats all of her other purposes and so she takes their side.

"... I am" She stands up and takes a deep breath. "Prepare my outfit for that day! I need to stand out when I receive my title!"

"Yes, Princess!" They leave the room in amusement.

Jennette goes to her desk and opens a drawer filled with many jewels and gems. Though none of them were as valuable and precious than the simple gold chain necklace sitting inside. She takes it out and holds it in her palm while gazing at it blankly. The memories of Anastasia she knew in the past replays in her head as she keeps it in her palm. Her heart beating in a pleasant way and her eyes glittering. She wrapped it and put it on top of her heart while thinking of Anastasia.

"I will keep our promise" She whispered and then wished for her desire to come true. "Just wait for me, Anastasia. Soon we'll be together."

"I will forever stay by your side, princess. Promise!"


"BULLLSHITTTT!" Athanasia yelled through her hands and at the ceiling.

"Erm. Miss" Lily squinted her eyes at the nagging Athanasia slouching on her couch without a care in the world. "Even so, you still have to attend"

"I will say it again and I will say it proudly" Athanasia put both of her hands over her mouth and faced the ceiling. "THIS IS UTTERLY BULLSHITTT EVEN I CAN SMELL IT FROM HERE!!"

"Master, please attend for your sake. You cannot ditch it"

"What's the point if he's going to pick Jennette?" She nagged. "I'm going to be humiliated and everyone is going to her. I mean sure I can support her but it's pointless in my opinion"

"Master, no one will turn their back on you. It's just one title"

"No shit!" Athanasia blurts out and Lily gets startled by her language. "People should know that I'm not a princess!"

"But they also don't know that you're his niece" Anastasia argues. "Just go"


Then Anastasia keeps on nagging her to go to the ceremony while Athanasia becomes stubborn about it. They talked for a long time with Anastasia calmly reasoning with her while Athanasia shakes her head and being a child. Lily stands in the back with a gloomy face as she watches them fight. It was seeing two of her children fighting since she technically saw them both grow up.

"... Sigh. Your mother will be sad" Lily said and caught her attention.

"Mother?" Athanasia stands up. "Mother is going?!"

"Yes, she is" Lily places her hands on her shoulders. "Please just attend and bear with it"

"... Fine" Athanasia answers angrily and changes her mind quickly. "I'll go and watch her take the crown I guess"

"He's only going to announce it, not crown her" Anastasia corrects her and Athanasia gazes at her with a long face.

"... Oh yeah. That" Athanasia's eyes move down to her dress and she glimpses her hand that was in the pocket. She looks back into her clone's pink eyes and they stare at each other with the same expression.

"Hmmm." An idea popped into her head and she turned around. "I'm going to do something special while we're there"

Anastasia blinks and follows her out the door as they make their way toward the garden. "Special? What are you going to do, master?"

Athanasia sighed and looked at her emotionless then stopped. She looked at the curious clone with dull eyes and brushed her black hair with her soft hand. Anastasia got stunned by her touch and gaped at her master as her cold fingertips caressed her cheeks. She blushed lightly but still kept the deadpan face while staring at Athanasia.

"It'll be a surprise. Don't worry about it" She leans in close to her face and Anastasia feels a thump in her chest when she gets closer. "Keep an eye on Lily and mother. That's an order"

"Yes, master" Anastasia nods and they go in opposite directions, separating from each other.

Athanasia looks back at Anastasia who was running away and disappeared from her sight. Then she reached into her pocket and took out a folded piece of paper that had a completely different language written inside. She stroked her chin as she wandered down the halls, reading it and a smirk appeared on her face.

"I shall put on a show for you" Athanasia hums and shoves the paper into her pocket.

"La~ la~ la~ la~"


Felix mumbles to himself and trembles while standing out the emperor's door in distress. He was tired too from panicking over Lily and getting death stares from her co-workers. The two sides hate each other but their leaders are friends. Everyone was aware of their friendship but it didn't change how they viewed each other. Felix remembers hearing complaints from the knights every single day when they just catch a glimpse of the privileged maids. Meanwhile, the maids look on the strong men with contempt and mockery, taunting about how the knights were unable to defend themselves. They only fight each other with words but the hatred between the two will only get worse, impossible to resolve if it continues like this.


"Gah!" Felix jumps and faces the person with a pale face. "Oh! Athanasia. W-What are you doing here?"

She squints her eyes and inspects him closely as he sweats nervously at her suspicious face. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing! I'm just tired"

"Did you get hurt when I removed you as my guard?" Athanasia pouts sadly and Felix flinches.

"No! I wasn't hurt at all! I'm sure you had a logical reason for it so I understand" Felix exclaims and Athanasia dims her eyes.

"... Lily is doing fine"

"Phew!" He lets out an exhale of relief and freezes. Athanasia stares at him and he stares back at her with a different expression.

Athanasia was speechless just by saying him sigh out of relief and her chest was huffing. Felix trembles in fright and embarrassment while Athanasia's aura gets menacing. Everything was swirling around in her head as she scans Felix's expression and movements with a straight face. She knew the truth along with the maids but they pretended not to know. Athanasia wanted to call him out and other stuff but at the same time, she expected something similar due to her mother's actions in the past.

"Sigh" Athanasia holds back her anger and relaxes her mind as she gets over it. "I have a special request to make"

"Do you want to see His Majesty?" Felix moves out of the way. "You can go in"

"No, I don't want to see him" She frowns and Felix gulps anxiously. "I'll just send him a letter instead" She turns around and walks away.

"W-Wait!" Felix stops her and she faces him again. "Erm. Can you at least tell me and then I'll bring the message to him?"

"And so you can bring back the message to me by walking into the palace so you can see her?" Athanasia saw through his act and Felix turned to stone. "... She'll be fine. She's a great mother and I know that myself" Athanasia sneers and looks at him.

He gives her puppy eyes filled with sadness and concern for her and Athanasia gets baffled by his expression, soon feeling pity for him. She breaks into a cold while gawking at him in sympathy.

'Gosh. He really does care about her' Athanasia pressed her lips together.

Felix sighed and put on a bittersweet smile that stunned her. "Well, I'm glad that she's alright" He bows and goes back to guarding the door with a relieved expression.

Her eyes droop at his innocent and optimistic personality despite not seeing Lily after that day. She was puzzled and troubled at the same time about their relationship. They are supposed to be rivals considering how their friends hate each other's gut but no. They overlook that and become close friends. Athanasia was infuriated but also happy for the pregnancy. If the whole relationship goes to the next level, then peace might be achieved. But she didn't want that just yet.

"Actually, I will tell you what I want," Athanasia said and Felix perked up.

"I see. What is it?" He beams at her with a bright smile. "I'll bring back the response as soon as possible"

Athanasia puts on a gentle smile as she softens at his gleeful expression.

"Thanks, Felix"


All the servants get called to the place again to prepare the ceremony. Lily stays in the palace with Diana, Athanasia, and Anastasia due to her pregnancy. Even when their leader was no longer with them to command, the maid managed to tolerate the others' presence and resist the temptation to play. They were beginning to behave normally after the loss of their own. However, it didn't change their relationship with everyone else as they still viewed them as ruthless murderers especially the knights. Glaring and scowling at each other, they stay wary of each other during their shifts.

The ceremony is set up and the guests begin to fill the room, excited about the next heir. All ears and pampered, they could do nothing but talk and wait for the emperor to come through the doors. Only then Claude announces his next heir that will decide the fate of the empire. In the battle of two conflicting and opposite princesses, they all wait for the results and enjoy their time.

Duke Roger stands still, anxious about the upcoming announcement when he barely commutes with Jennette. Ever since she came to the palace and broke off the engagement, she was too focused on having fun and yearning for the love of someone else. In the end, she pays the toll of the two people she loves being taken by someone else. Duke Roger can do nothing but trust Penelope in this situation while Ijekiel stays by Jennette's side during the party.

The trio arrived at the party and glowing up as usual with their beauties glimmering. Athanasia once again had another glamorous light blue dress sent by Claude to her and she wears it because why not? Anastasia wears a blood-red dress that made her look mature and elegant but her personality changes that perspective when she gets friendly. Diana goes to her new friends and chats with them delightfully. But sometimes she gets a weird pain inside her body that forces her to stop what she's doing. Of course, her friends get concerned but she shrugs it off and reassures them it was nothing.

"Master, is there something pleasing?"

"Hm?" Athanasia faces her in bewilderment. "What do you mean?"

"You just look...brighter on a day that you despise and a party that you tried to avoid going to" Anastasia scans her expression.

"Do I now?" Athanasia smirks and Anastasia's eyes widen. "Maybe." She turns around and snickers to herself.

The clone gets mixed feelings about her acting like this. One half of her wants to be happy while the other gets concerned. However, her joy defeated everything and so she stayed happy and eager for her.

'Can't wait for master's surprise'

Jennette talks to her friends while Athanasia stands in the back like a lone wolf with a menacing aura flowing out of her. Anastasia stays by her side and keeps her happy expression, all thrilled for the surprise. Suddenly someone swiftly moves through the crowd and walks to them with a friendly face. Both of them glanced at the divine light that was countering with Athanasia's dark aura and teaming up with Anastasia. Soon Athanasia gets destroyed and blinded by the two lights that combine while standing in between. Which ruined her mood.

"Are you ladies having fun?" He grinned charmingly at them and Anastasia also put on an attractive smile.

"Why, yes we are. Lord Alpheus"

"Well, I'm glad you are. Duchess Karalis" The both of them laughed at their own silly jokes and Athanasia watched them. Ijekiel turned to the gloomy and dangerous blondie as he prepared to introduce himself. "Prince-"

"Not a princess. It's fine to call me Athanasia, Lord Alpheus" She interrupts.

"I see. Well, it's ok to just call me Ijekiel. I would like to know you better" He smirks and she glowers at him, making him nervous. "Erm. Are you having any problems with the ceremony?"

"Not really. I'm just bored and want to get this ceremony over with" She shrugs. "I give my support to the princess because she's the only one worthy for the Crown"

"Oh? Do you not have the chance to get the throne?"

"I actually do but I don't want it." She sighs. "The emperor isn't even my father and plus I already told him that I don't want it. So most likely he'll give it to Jennette" She shrugs.

"Hmmm. Interesting choice" Ijekiel was pleased with her own words and Anastasia gets suspicious of his funny look. "Any reason why?"

Her expression darkens as she grumbles to herself, making him feel awkward. "I appeared months ago compared to the princess who was by his side for 4 years. I didn't receive proper education (lie) and the empire forgets that I exist (also another lie)."

Ijekiel examines her deadpan expression closely, noticing her pain and anger from the inside. There was fire in her eyes but also another thing that he can't describe. He was just enchanted by her appearance.

"You look beautiful today" He compliments her and she looks at him with a dull weird face.

"... Thanks, and you too" She responds and Anastasia giggles quietly while covering her mouth.

Ijekiel noticed her cheerful expression and she was shining again in his eyes. Recognizing the feeling inside his heart, he realized his first love again while staring at her in awe. He forgets sometimes that he's in love with her but now he remembers it completely. Soon he finally realized that it was a moment to win her over once again with no one in his way this time.

"Make way for His Majesty, Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia!" The announcer yelled and all eyes were on him.

The emperor walks into the room with everyone bowing their heads including Athanasia but except for Jennette. She had the pass of not showing manners to him since she was his daughter and the princess. Athanasia tried to show that she wasn't a princess to others while hiding her identity of being the late emperor's daughter. The big moment was almost here. As Claude walks down the aisle, he looks side to side and searches for someone specific in the crowd. He catches a glimpse of the dark aura and immediately finds out who it was. Then when he takes one look at her, he reverts his eye back to his chair and sits on it. When that walk is over, the party continues and people chat with each other wondering who he'll choose. Jennette was anxious the whole time while Athanasia spaced out, not giving a crap about it. The princess wanted the throne to get back everything but Athanasia only wanted to get out of the place or revenge.

All of a sudden, the stage full of musicians gets replaced by another group with different instruments. Everyone peek at the stage in the quiet atmosphere only filled with whispers. Athanasia grabs a cup of water from the table and chugs it without spilling a drop. Then she walked up to the emperor, catching everyone's attention and Claude looked at her expressionlessly as she boldly went to him.

"Blessing and Glory upon the Obelian empire" Athanasia curtsy in front of him and put on an unwanted smirk.

Claude raised an eyebrow at her strange face and paused for a moment. He glanced at the stage and then back to her. "Are you going to start?"

His question surprised the people in the room, baffled and wondering what he meant.

Athanasia nods and grins cunningly while covering her mouth. "Yes if you say it"

"You may" He leans on one hand and puts one leg over the other.

"Thank you, Your Majesty" Athanasia curtsy. "I shall put on a show" She walks to the stage and everyone watches her in curiosity about her next move.

Anastasia perks up and becomes excited about her performance as she gets onto the stage. Athanasia clears her throat and tests the magical microphone (AN: Or her voice, I don't know) in front of her. Once all eyes were on her, Athanasia lifts her chin and spoke up.

"Hello, everybody. Today is a special day and so I will be putting on a simple performance" She said and the people gaped at her while whispering to each other. Some praised and had high expectations but others were unsure about it. Diana beams at her own daughter and becomes pleased at her doing as Penelope clicks her tongue in irritation, criticizing and having bad thoughts about it. "I will sing a song"

"A song?" The whispers get louder. "She barely talks. I wonder how well she can sing"

Athanasia ignores all the whispers and takes a deep breath as the music starts.

"Hope you enjoy it" Athanasia makes eye-contact with Anastasia and the clone tilts her head in puzzlement.

The music starts out slow and the room goes silent, only music is playing and people are paying attention to the stage. Athanasia calmly hums and waits for the part for her voice to come out when the beat drops. Then when the part came, Athanasia put on a warm straight face while singing in a soft and passionate voice that matched the song.

(AN: I got them lyrics from my fav weeb song 'Bamboo Flowers' by Diao ye Zong/RD-Sounds. But I'm only using a few lyrics and the meaning will be different from this interpretation.)

"Is it fate for that flower. To wither..."

She starts and the audience gets stunned by her beautiful and relaxing voice.

It was lovely and gentle like an angel singing despite the fact that Athanasia is the opposite. Immediately they begin to listen very closely while staring in awe. However, for Anastasia, she got startled just by hearing the first line. It was familiar to her that she was in astonishment, thinking about why she felt this way and how it was familiar to her. Soon as Athanasia continued singing the lyrics, she finally realized where she got the song. It was from her poem.

'Master?' She stared at her with a pale and sad face and in disbelief about how Athanasia managed to get her 'secret' poem. She was scared now.

"Those words, which I did not exchange enough of –

I hold them all back in my chest."

Athanasia sings and Anastasia shakes in frustration. The clone trusted her master and felt special by the way she was treated. She imagined being happy with her master and thought she was the kindest person ever. But in the end, she lied and used her poem that tells her hidden feelings. She was mortified. 'Don't sing anymore'

"The thing I still, still wish for...

Is it the happiness of the girl I loved?"

Athanasia acts like a pitiful girl in the song and people were amazed by her passionate performance. Anastasia flinches and her expression darkens with her aura going gloomy and wistful. She felt a certain pain within her chest and sweats were forming all over her body. She begged for it to be over quick in her mind as Athanasia continued to sing her poem to the public.

Finally, Athanasia puts on a soft smile and loving eyes that were staring at Anastasia who gapes back at her. The song is coming to an end and she prepares to say her last line when the music dies down.

"I shall just hide my deep love inside my chest.

Aah... I will always be praying..."

The song finishes and the music ends beautifully. The audience was speechless at her performance including Claude who mildly enjoyed the entertainment. They applaud quietly and soon it goes to a roar with people praising and complimenting her. Jennette gets nervous about them praising her cousin as she slowly claps her hands. Anastasia does the same but with a sorrowful face, feeling regret and disgust inside. Ijekiel notices her complexity and knits his eyebrows as he shows his concern for her.

"Anastasia, are you alright?" He asked her and she was breathing hard.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine" She puts on a bittersweet smile. "The song was so beautiful," She said weakly and bit her lips hard while letting her head down.

Ijekiel didn't do anything but looked at her worriedly, not knowing how to comfort her.

Athanasia gets random flowers thrown to her and she questions where they came from as she gets off of the stage. Her fans swarm her and she is engulfed by the crowd as they shower her with compliments and love. She forgot that this will happen and rethinks her decision about singing the song. When she escapes the crowd, she goes up to Anastasia and Ijekiel that were standing near the pillar.

Anastasia grins wide but not as bright as usual and speaks in an optimistic tone.

"That was a great show, Athanasia!~ I never knew you could sing that well!"

"It's just a genetic gift that I rarely use" She wheezes and stares directly into her shaking pink orbs. "I planned this a long time ago"

"Oh really? That's good!" She nods and her eyes droop, twitching, not knowing what else to say. Ijekiel notices and steps in.

"I'm unfamiliar with the song. Where did you get it from?" He takes over the conversation.

"... I want to say that I wrote it myself but for now, I'll say I got it from a friend"

"The lyrics are very well written but the meaning is a bit confusing to me."

"Well, what can you interpret from it, Ijekiel?" Athanasia asked and Anastasia flinched again while gaping at her in astonishment.

".... A person that's unable to confess their love to the girl they love and suppresses that feeling deep inside their heart. Only wishing for that girl to live happily with the man she loves" Ijekiel responds. "That's what I think"

"You got it!" Athanasia snaps her fingers and smirks. "That's basically the story though there are also other parts to it"

"I see. It's a lovely yet tragic story"

"Indeed" Athanasia nods.

"Well, happy endings don't happen to everyone" Anastasia exclaims. "Some suffer and die a miserable death that they don't deserve"

"It is unfortunate to know that but it's the truth" Ijekiel agrees and Athanasia nods.

Anastasia felt humiliated and frightened about her master's response to what was happening to her. Anastasia developed forbidden feelings that shouldn't exist in the first place. She didn't want to think about the results and stayed frozen to the floor. Athanasia noticed her anxiety and patted her shoulder to get her attention. Anastasia comes back to her senses and faces her in bewilderment.

"What's wrong? You seem pale?" Athanasia asked in concern which shocked the clone because it really sounded like she was being for real. "Are you sick?"

"No, I'm fine. The song just impacted me"

"... Is it because I used your poems?" Athanasia asked and startled her. "Even if you write in Korean, I can still read it"

"I...." She pauses and stares at her in glum. "Why did you sing it?"

"Sorry, I just thought it was so beautiful and nice that I can make it into a song for the people to hear. I didn't think you would feel bad since... you know"

"Master, do you know then?"

"Know what?" Athanasia tilts her head in confusion and Anastasia's eyes widen. "You wrote that story for fun, didn't you? I'm sure you don't mind if I sang it and besides no one knew it was from you" She shrugs it off. "I mean... if you want.." She rubbed her neck. "I can give you credit," She asked.

Anastasia gets a sharp pain within her chest when she realizes that her master doesn't know about the truth. The story is about her and she was sad. It's strange because she's supposed to be relieved but instead, she was just sad and breaking down inside.

"... No, it's fine" She grinned with dimmed eyes that were broken. "As long as master is happy, I'm ok"

Athanasia blankly stared at her with a deadpan expression as Anastasia nervously stands around with a gleeful face.

'Master, when I thought you were kind and I was special. It turns out you're still heartless and cruel and that I'm nothing more but a slave just like my sisters.' She puts her head down and a teardrop comes out. 'You're really cruel'

Then the emperor stood up and everyone instantly shut their mouths as they turned to him. The big moment was here where he will finally announce his heir. Jennette perks up with joy, confident about being chosen while Penelope smiles in delight. Athanasia rolls her eyes and scoffs while Anastasia stands by her side, looking down and sad. Diana squints her eyes in suspicion and strokes her chin, tense about the results. She didn't whose side to be on since she only wanted Athanasia to be happy. It really doesn't matter which heir he chooses to her but she remembers Anastacius mentioning that she's the right heir. However, she shakes him off of her head and focuses on the present.

Claude glares the people with a cold face and the atmosphere gets gloomy and chilly. They all shivered and he sighed heavily.

"Today I will announce my heir that will take my throne" He gets straight to the point and the audience perks up. He grunts and gives a mini-speech before making his decision.

Jennette thinks far ahead about her plans if she takes the throne. Her first goal would be making Anastasia hers and letting Athanasia and her mom go if they wish to leave. Meanwhile, Penelope wants the Empress position and eliminates Diana though spare Athanasia if she feels like it. Athanasia never thought about it but if he did choose her, then she will get mad and cause a scene. She hated him with everything, only wanting revenge for her father's death though he never actually killed him. He just died from his curse but still, he locked the both of them up. Duke Roger believes in Penelope and thinks of ways to get the engagement again while Ijekiel ignores everything else and worries about Anastasia's weak state. The clone was depressed.

"... Out of the 2 candidates for the throne, I declare that my heir will be..." Claude looks into Jennette's direction and the people murmur to themselves. It soon becomes expected that the first princess will take it since she's the first-born. Then Claude quickly reverts his eyes to the glaring Athanasia and speaks in a loud voice.

"Athanasia de Alger Obelia!"

The gasps were loud and Athanasia's expression darkened as she scowled at the emperor which shocked the people. How can a princess do that to the emperor?

Jennette twitches and gets crushed by the result as Penelope goes into agony. They had lost. Diana was having mixed feelings about the announcement as she looked at Athanasia in concern who was unpleased with it. She has become the Crown Princess when she didn't want to.

"... that... bastard!" She huffed under her breath and Anastasia touched her hand to calm her.

"Master..." She calls out to her in a soft voice but Athanasia's blood was boiling to her head.

"... Ugh!" She jerks to the side and runs away in anguish. Out the door, she goes as the crowd gasping and becoming confused about her reaction.

"Athanasia!" Her clone follows her and also runs out the door.

It was a mess.

"Your Highness, is your sister alright?" A woman stands next to the agitated Jennette as she freezes and shakes in frustration that she lost her crown to someone that showed up months ago.

"She's not my sister!" Jennette bursts out and startles everyone in the room, making the situation worse. "She's my cousin from my dead uncle! How could my father give it to a tyrant's daughter!?" She looks at Claude who had a cold face.

They made eye-contact with each other and Jennette's pupils were shaking, begging him to reconsider his decision. But instead, she just received the same cold glare that pierces through her heart and so she ran out of the room.

"Jennette?!" Ijekiel chases after her.


Athanasia stomps down the hall with a grimacing face as Anastasia catches up from behind.


"What?" Athanasia talks in a harsh tone and looks at her with heartless eyes. "Go back to the party. You don't need to follow me"

"How can I do that to my own master?" Anastasia got hurt by her words and put on a heartbreaking expression that stunned Athanasia. She was confused to see her own clone feeling other emotions that are not joy. "I can never leave you"

"Tsk. Of course not" She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "You're a slave made from my magic. You need me"

"How can you say such cruel words to me?" Anastasia questioned and Athanasia flinched. She sneers at the pale clone with an angry face and grits her teeth.
"You dare to question me? I can replace you!"

"I'm only worried about my master..." Anastasia trembled in misery as tears fill her eyes which catch Athanasia by surprise. "You never think about my feelings but I don't care. I only want you to be happy"

"...." Athanasia hesitates to answer and furrows her eyebrows as sweat drips down the side of her face. Anastasia walks in closer to her with a broken smile.

"You are too brutal and heartless. Break me if you want because this body is for you to use" Anastasia grabs her chest with both hands and sobs. "Every day I go through this heartbreak for you but you never noticed"

".... Anastasia" Athanasia's expression darkens and she looks at her sadly. "What are you talking about?" She steps closer.


She hears heavy footsteps in the distance and turns to the sound of the direction. However, Anastasia grabs her and pulls in close to her face. Athanasia, stunned and startled, froze as she stared at the same pink eyes that were glittering in the night. Her eyes widened in surprise and the footsteps stopped moving but there were sounds of heavy breathing in the distance. Though the two of them couldn't hear it as the noise in the background drowns out. Athanasia gaped at her as her soft lips got touched by a warm skin. Her mind goes blank as Anastasia keeps her lips onto hers. The clone's body reacted abnormally to the kiss while Athanasia felt nothing.

They were kissing, a light yet long one.

Anastasia slowly releases her lips but still grabs onto her sleeves. She was crying while Athanasia was speechless and gaped at her.

"...." Athanasia was too shocked at what had happened while Anastasia weeps in front of her. She advanced too fast.

"I love you!" Anastasia confessed but still cried. "Even when... You love someone else" She goes onto her knees and sobs. "I don't care... because my love for you is real"

Athanasia frowns and looks at her remorsefully.


A loud ruckus interrupts them and they all turn to the sound of the noise. Jennette was on the ground and shivering in despair. She was crying and breaking apart when she witnessed the whole thing. Ijekiel was staggered by the scene and stood still while Jennette went through a heartbreak. Her heart was ripping apart and throbbing in the worst pain ever that she couldn't handle it. She had lost everything to Athanasia.

"Why?! WHY?!" She screamed and covered her ears. "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She mourns and griefs for the loss of her first love.


Diana walks around the halls peacefully but is still concerned about Athanasia. That night when the two returned, Athanasia had this deadpan yet sad eyes expression on her face while Anastasia was pale and frightened one. Though she was unable to get anything out of them and they acted normal as nothing bad happened except for the fact she became the heir. However the very next morning, Athanasia and Anastasia separated from each other for a little. Calling it 'personal space' or a 'break'. Everyone was worried about them. Back in the Emerald Palace, Jennette stays locked in her room and cries her own feelings out when realizing she was too late. Many people assumed that it's because she lost the position to her cousin but it wasn't. Jennette loved Anastasia.

"Hmmm. Athanasia and Anastasia are usually comfortable together and close but now they're not. Mama mode is not working" She pouts and gives herself a light slap to the head. "Why can't I figure it out?" She whined.

"Erm. Lady Diana?" A high-pitched shy voice calls out to her and she faces her. A maid was in standing in front of her however it wasn't just any maid. It was the Emerald Palace maid.

"Yes?" Diana tilts her head and knits her eyebrows in bewilderment. No servant other than her maids are allowed in the palace or are even brave enough to step in here. So she becomes suspicious. "Is there something you need? I have an audience with His Majesty right now"

"I see. Well, can you serve this tea to Her Highness, Crown Princess Athanasia please?" She holds up a tray with a teacup on top. The hot steaming liquid that is blacker than normal made Diana's spine chill with danger.

"... Erm... is there any specific reason why?"

"This tea is very special and will make anyone feel relaxed and calm. Since Athanasia seemed to be in a bad mood, my madam wants to cheer her up"

"And I assume it's Penelope" Diana covers her mouth with her hand while staring coldly at the wary maid.

"Y-Yes but it's best to hide it because she doesn't want anyone to know she sent it. It's best if you say it that you made it yourself. Nothing's better than a mother's love, right?" the maid stutters and Diana leans her head to one side.

"Hmmm." She stares at the liquid swirling around in the pretty teacup. "Why not?" She put on a warm grin. "I'll be sure not to tell her that Penelope sent it and give her my regards, please. So nice of her to do this!" She agrees.

"Of course! I'll tell her but please don't tell the truth or my madam will feel embarrassed"

"Don't worry, I got her cover!" Diana winks and gives a thumbs-up. "I'll tell her it's from me!"

"Yes yes!" The maid beams at the glowing goddess and gives her the teacup. Then Diana skips away with the teacup, on her way to give it to her daughter.

The maid wheezed and then sprinted to get out of the dangerous palace quickly but then the moment she turned around the corner. A foot leans out and she trips over it, face planting the floor. The poor Emerald maid gets off the floor and turns her back to see the culprit. Standing over her was one of the loyal servants of Diana, all cold and stoned-face. Coldly glaring at the weak and alone maid, she bends over her and talks in a strict tone.

"What's in that tea?"


Diana goes to the table in frustration while carrying the teacup. Claude glanced at her moody face and silently sips his tea while she groans about something. Then she looks at Claude and snaps back to reality.

"Sorry for being late, I ran into someone in the halls" Diana smiles brightly at him and he blankly stares at her.

"You're excused. Is there any reason why you requested an audience with me?" He asked.

"Sigh. Athanasia is mad about being Crown Princess" Diana swirls her tea and looks deeply into the black liquid. "Can you possibly reconsider it? I get that she's worthy but I don't want to pressure her"

"I can't. She has the right to the throne because she's his daughter and she's more worthy than the other one"

"I see..." Then suddenly it gets awkward and quiet. They were staring at each other blankly and then Claude breaks the heavy silence by speaking up.

"What tea is that?" He asked and stared at the dark liquid still hot in front of Diana.

"I don't know. A maid from the Emerald Palace told me to give it to Athanasia but she didn't want it though I can't let it go to waste. Penelope is such a nice person to care about her" Diana grinned and then realized what she just said. "Ack! I forgot Penelope doesn't want to reveal herself. Pretend that you didn't hear that" She clapped her hands together and put on an innocent smile.

She sipped the bitter tea. "Huck!" She chokes on it and gags on the flavor.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" She gloomily smiles and grabs a spoon to stir the tea with a bunch of sugar. "This tea is really bitter but it's supposed to make me feel nice"

"..." Claude sips his tea, just calmly spending their time together and watching her in awe as she gets back to her bubbly and fun personality. Although he gave up on her, he's still unable to move on from her. Only hurting on the inside, the more she's with him and how she acts naturally despite the messes in the past. She forgave him.

"Penelope is such a sweet person though. I wouldn't expect her to do something like this!" She laughed and continued to stir the tea with the spoon.

Claude had a bad gut feeling about Penelope doing something... nice. It seemed off since Penelope is lunatic and greedy, always trying to kiss up to Claude and using Jennette to get what she wants. Though he couldn't spoil the day with Diana because this is one of the rare moments where she requests an audience with him even if it pains him knowing how she has another man inside her heart.

Diana takes another sip and smiles. "Ah, that's better" She took a deep breath and exhaled. "... Shall we discuss work?"

"Go ahead"

Then immediately after he said that, a yell interrupted them.

"My Lady!" Someone runs up to them. "Don't drink it!" she yells while sprinting towards them. Diana tilts her head while Claude sneers coldly at the maid.

"Tsk. What's up with h-"


Blood spills everywhere and the teacup comes crashing to the ground, breaking apart as the liquid spills out. Claude slowly turns his face and widens his eyes in shock. The blood particle staining her dress and flowing out of her mouth with one hand over it. Some onto the table but most on her dress, their faces pale and stunned by the blood. Their pupils shrinking at the shocking scene, Diana gets tired and soon loses consciousness as she falls onto the ground.


And that was the last thing she heard before fainting completely as darkness succumbs her.

End Of Chapter 39.

AN: Yoyoyo. I'm almost at the climaxxxx and btw in the manhwa, chapter 14. Athy mentions that Felix can't have Lily lol.

Also, the song is a bit confusing no matter how many times I read the lyrics but I only got a clue of what it means or story. Maybe....

|Word Count: 8384|

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