The Switch Hitter (GxG)

By kourtc44

42.9K 1.2K 604

Soph, a new junior at Delaware County High School, is used to being alone. She doesn't need any friends. Afte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

1.9K 61 27
By kourtc44

I slung my bag over my shoulder, yawning as I did so. The other girls around me were chattering amongst themselves, but I was too tired to even consider starting a conversation. It was the Friday before the week of tryouts; we had finished the last open gym before the start of the season. My stomach was continually churning with the pressure I placed on myself. I knew deep down that there was no way the coaches wouldn't put me on the team. I'd seen and practiced with all of the competition firsthand; I was too good to pass up. 

Yet no matter how often I tried to reassure myself of that fact, the nerves refused to go away. Combined with my nightmares, which I was now getting nightly, I was averaging around three hours of sleep per day. There were bags and dark circles under my eyes. I already had enough trouble staying awake during school, but now it was damn near impossible. Frankly, I was shocked I hadn't collapsed playing softball earlier. 

Anna still had me under house arrest, which meant I had to go home as soon as school and softball were over. While I had a significant amount of free time, every time I tried to take a nap I ended up just laying in bed, my head spinning. This situation was stressing me out so bad I couldn't concentrate on my homework, and my grades were starting to drop again. I had gone from As and Bs to mostly Cs, and I knew before too long Anna would notice. She could obviously see that I wasn't getting enough sleep, but I still hadn't told her about my nightmares. Fortunately for me, I didn't wake up screaming anymore, just in a cold sweat. 

At that point I took what I could get.

I shook my head, trying to clear the grogginess out of my brain. Even though my adrenaline had carried me through practice tonight, it was rapidly wearing off, and I felt my muscles tightening already. Without sleep I had remained sore for the last week. My play had definitely been affected, but it was minimal. I pushed through and tried to give practice all my attention. Oddly enough, it was one of the only things that made me feel better. 

I needed softball. 

Even with all of the negative memories with my dad, it was my favorite thing in the world. Even if I wasn't really friends with the girls on the team, the game itself was enough to put me in a better mood, a better mindset. I was hard on myself when I made a mistake, but I played to the best of my ability the entire time. There was nothing more satisfying to me than coming home exhausted, completely beat, because I used up every ounce of energy in the weight room, in practice, or on the field earlier. The sense of gratification that came from putting in the maximum amount of work and seeing it pay off was like no other sensation I knew. I actively sought out validation like that in all aspects of my life, and in softball I could get it. I loved everything about the sport. It gave me a purpose, something to focus on, to channel my energy into.

If I couldn't have softball, I knew that I would eventually end up in a dangerous place. And that was the main reason for all of my nervousness.

I felt my phone buzz in the back pocket of my pants, distracting me from my mental monologue. I pulled it out to see a text from Anna.

I'm going on a date with Jacob, be home by 8:15.

I sighed. If I wouldn't have been ready to pass out at any moment, this would've been the perfect opportunity to stay out. 

Ok. I replied reluctantly, mentally kicking myself for being so tired, even though it really wasn't my fault.

My shoe was untied, and I slipped my bag off my back so I could lean over. I groaned quietly at the ache in my back and knees, double knotting the laces so hopefully I wouldn't have to tie them again. I stood back up and started towards the doors, but suddenly I felt a hand close around my wrist.

I jumped slightly, turning around to see who it was. I barely got a chance to register a pair of beautiful green eyes before my lips were sealed off. I couldn't help but smile against Ari's mouth at her enthusiasm. I felt my worries, my aches, even my exhaustion drain out of me as I deepened the kiss, putting my hands on her hips and pulling her into me while she gently pushed me against the wall. Suddenly I was wide awake, aware of every detail. I felt her arms wrapped around my neck, the way her body was against me, how soft and amazing her perfect lips felt on mine. It would never get old.

 It had been a week since our first kiss in the parking lot, and because I was grounded we rarely, if ever, got to spend any time alone together. But that didn't stop me from thinking of her, missing her, longing for her. When I wasn't with her, my body ached for her. I didn't understand how she could occupy so much of my mind, but I loved it all the same. It was another reason I despised all of the time I spent stressing over tryouts; it took away time thinking of Ari.

She put the life in me.

We pulled away, and I saw her smiling widely. "Hi."

"I missed you," she said.

"I noticed."

We were alone in the hallway; by now everyone was either in the parking lot or gone already. The hallway was suddenly illuminated as a car drove past, and we both jumped. Ari turned her head back to face me, and her smile faded and she grew visibly concerned a little as she got a better look at me. 

"You look like shit." 

"Gee, thanks."

"Sorry," she said absently, her focus on the bags and circles surrounding my eyes. "But seriously, are you ok?"

I hesitated, feeling compelled to be honest with her, but instead I just nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You're a terrible liar."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not lying."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

She raised an eyebrow dubiously. "Then why don't I believe you?"

I shrugged, scratching the back of my neck. "I don't know?"

"Soph, you're obviously exhausted."

"Well if it was obvious, why did you ask me?" I asked, but regretted it instantly as she punched me. "Ow!"

"Shouldn't have been a smartass," she said, shrugging.

I glared at her, but didn't reply, so she continued. "You need to go home and sleep."

I tensed. I knew I wouldn't sleep if I went home, but I didn't want to tell her why. I viewed my nightmares as a weakness, my weakness, something that I needed to fix on my own. I hated feeling like I was being a burden to anyone. Besides, half of the time no one really cared anyway.

So how did I stall from going home?

I turned quickly, pressing Ari's back against the wall, smirking as she gasped from the suddenness. I pressed my lips against hers, then gently trailed kisses along her jaw until I reached her ear.

"What if I want you to come with me?"

She moaned quietly as I kissed a sensitive spot under her jawline. Her hands moved slowly along my sides, and my skin burned beneath her touch. She hooked her fingers into my belt loops and pulled me closer to her. "People will see."

"I don't care." I cupped her face in my hands and moved my lips onto hers. She pulled away for a breath.

"If we get caught--" she muttered, but I cut her off.

"We won't."

My hands roamed from her face carefully down her sides, finally stopping at her waist. Untucking her shirt, I whispered, "We can say your car broke down, and I'm giving you a ride."

She took one hand off my waist and put a finger underneath my chin, raising my face to hers once more. Our mouths moved together, and she squeezed my hips. She moaned softly in my mouth as I leaned into her. Suddenly, she flipped us around, forcing my back against the wall once more. I grunted softly at the impact, and she laughed.

"So submissive."

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't argue. Usually I didn't like it when another girl took the lead; I always wanted to be in control. But when Ari did it, for some reason I thought it was incredibly hot.

She kissed me again then rested her forehead against mine. I closed my eyes, reveling in the feeling of her skin on mine. I opened my eyes, watching as she internally debating my proposal. I noticed that when she was really concentrating like she was now, she'd bite her lip, which I found adorable. I raised my eyes to her, and I was still locked on those emerald pools when she nodded.

"Ok," she said simply, and a little breathlessly. I found myself grinning hugely.

"Ok," I repeated. She smiled at me, and I brushed my lips against her jaw, moving back up towards her earlobe. After obliging me for a minute, she gently pushed me off her.

"Let's go. Unless you'd rather spend the rest of the night here?" she whispered, raising an eyebrow at me.

I rolled my eyes, smirking in spite of myself. "Fine." 

I picked my bag up from where I'd dropped it earlier, wincing as the pressure returned to my shoulders. But I didn't have much time to wallow in my self misery. Ari grabbed my hand, interlaced it with hers, and pulled me towards the doors. We pushed through them out into the parking lot, and I sighed gratefully as the cold February air surrounded us, relieving my skin of the last vestiges of sweat. 

At this point the parking lot, too, was deserted. I took the lead, pulling Ari towards my truck. She tossed her bag into the back, and I did the same. When she moved to open the passenger side door, I took her hand in mine, spinning her around and kissing her softly. I pulled back soon after and opened the door for her. "That's my job."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Such a gentleman."

"That's gentle woman to you," I said with a smirk.

Rolling her eyes, she climbed up to the seat and I shut the door behind her. I trotted around to the other side, aware that Ari was watching my every move. For some reason, this made me flustered and nervous. My hair, pulled up into a ponytail, was off center from wearing my batting helmet and infield mask. Even though the brisk air cooled me down, my palms felt clammy. I even felt like I was walking weird. 

As I had the thought, I tripped over my own feet, grabbing onto my mirror for support. I cursed myself for being so clumsy. How could a simple glance from Ari make me so awkward? 

I pulled open the driver's side door, avoiding her eyes, but I knew she was suppressing a grin. My face heated up even more at the realization. 

"You're really cute when you get nervous."

I scoffed. "Please. I'm always cute."

She kissed my cheek. "Yes you are." 

I blushed again, but turned my key in the ignition and started driving. My right hand rested on the middle console, and I felt Ari's fingers slip in between mine. The simple joy I got from her touch was inexplicable; it made me so happy to just hold her hand. I know it was cheesy, but I could literally feel the electricity between us.

God that's so corny.

Ari used her free hand to pull out her phone. I watched as she opened up Spotify. She looked up and met my eyes. 

"Pay attention to the road, stupid," she teased. 

"Sir, yes sir," I mocked a salute, turning my attention back out the front windshield. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her open a playlist and play a song. It was Girls Just Want To Have Fun, but not the version I usually listened to.

"This isn't the Cyndi Lauper version," I noted.

"Who's Cyndi Lauper?" she asked absentmindedly.

I slammed on the brakes, causing us both to jerk forward in our seats, and looked at her dumbfounded. "You don't know who Cyndi Lauper is?"

"Of course I do, dumbass, now drive!" she replied, laughing.

I heard the honking of horns behind us, and I shook my head in disbelief before pressing the gas.

The song we were listening to was a lot slower than the original, and somehow that managed to make it a whole lot sexier. I jumped as Ari's hand released mine and moved onto my thigh. I shot a glance over to the passenger seat and watched her bite her bottom lip as she looked me up and down. I felt my skin heat up as she undressed me with her eyes. She smirked as she caught me watching her.

"How many times do I have to tell you to keep your eyes on the road?" Her voice was lower, raspier, and drove me crazy, but I obliged. 

I turned into my driveway, thanking God that Anna's car wasn't in the driveway or the garage. I cut the engine, pulled out my house key, and pushed open my door. Ari did the same on her side. I was pretty sure it wasn't supposed to rain tonight, so we left our bags in the back of my truck. I grabbed her hand, leading her to my front door. I unlocked it and pushed it open. Ari followed behind me, and as soon as she was inside all the way I turned, forcing her back against the door to shut it. She moaned as I kissed her jaw, squeezing my hips. I started walking backward, pulling her into my room. She followed where I led her, and soon I felt the back of my legs hit the side of my bed. She pushed me down, and we kicked off our shoes before she climbed on top of me swiftly. Straddling my waist, she kissed me softly. Her sudden gentleness confused me, and I felt my body relax into the bed. I really was exhausted, but I also really wanted Ari. 

It was honestly quite the dilemma.

Moving her lips off of my mouth, she kissed the tip of my nose, then held her face above mine. 

"Now you sleep," she said matter-of-factly. 

I sighed, fighting to keep my eyes open, and tried to roll myself on top of her. She held me down and giggled at my weak attempt. "But I want you," I complained, drawing out my words. 

She shushed me, putting her finger against my lips. "What you need is to sleep."

"I'm still wearing all my softball clothes," I protested.

"You'll be fine."

I wrinkled my nose and glared at her. "I hate you."

She kissed my forehead. "I know."

I huffed, turning over onto my side as she rolled off of me so my back faced her. Undeterred, she draped her arm over my waist and pulled her body against me. "Such a baby."

But this time I was too tired to argue with her. The weight of sleep pressed against me, and I murmured something unintelligible right before I was finally out.


I blinked my eyes open, blinded by the whiteness of the room I was in. As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I realized I was lying in a hospital bed. An IV was sticking out of the crook of my right elbow. A heart monitor beeped at my bedside. My head was pounding, and my body ached. I felt slightly sick to my stomach, not enough to make me throw up, but enough to bother me. 

I looked around the room, seeing a slumped figure in one of the chairs next to my bed.

"A-Anna?" I croaked. My throat felt dry and raspy.

She looked up quickly, seeing me awake. "Soph! Oh, thank god."

I contorted my face in confusion. "What happened?"

She glanced around the room, but we were alone, and the door was shut.

"At your game, you just, passed out. The doctors say heatstroke. You've been out for a week." She rushed the words out of her mouth, like she was trying to make sure no one heard her.

"A week? Holy shit," I replied weakly. I was still a little delirious, and Anna's face was going in and out of focus. I started to close my eyes again, and sleep threatened to overwhelm me once more.

Suddenly the door banged open, and my eyelids fluttered open in shock. I saw a massive silhouette in the door frame. My entire body shook with fear as I saw who it was.

"So, little bitch couldn't handle the heat? Do you have any idea how much this hospital trip cost me?" His snarling voice took over my head. 

"I-I'm sorry, Dad," I began. My eyes started to slip closed.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" he shouted.

I felt my heart rate quicken in fear. The beeps I heard came faster and faster. He wasn't in the doorway anymore; he was approaching my bed. I could see the anger on his face as he pointed a finger accusingly at me. 

"You are NO daughter of MINE!"

He threatened to move closer, but Anna stepped in front of him. "Please, Dad, leave her alone-" But he pushed her out of the way, and she fell to the floor. I backed up against the headboard of my bed, trying to put as much space as possible between me and him.

"SIR!" I heard from the hallway. Two security guards rushed in, followed by a doctor and two more nurses. One of them rushed towards Anna, helping her off the ground. The others surrounded me, trying to block my view of the door and calm me down. My heart was still racing, and my dad was spitting curse words at me. The guards grabbed his arms, practically dragging him out of my room and into the hallway. But he turned around right before he was out of the door and yelled at me.

"Get ready for hell!"

I shot up in my bed, breathing heavy and rushed, heart pounding.

"Shh, it's ok Soph. You're safe."

I looked wildly around my room, realizing that the voice was coming from Ari, her head propped up on her elbow as she looked at me, concern etched in every part of her beautiful face. 

"What happened?"


Sorry for the long wait everyone. I hope this chapter made up for it!

I have a challenge for you guys. Ari and Soph need a ship name, so do some thinking and drop your ideas in the comments. I'll go through and read them all. Whoever I think gives the best one will get a shoutout in my next chapter!

Keep voting and commenting, I appreciate everything you guys do to show me you love the story!

Happy belated Pride! ❤


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