Don't hurt me...please

By hamynimz

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chapter 1-DHMP
chapter 2-DHMP
chapter 3-DHMP
chapter 5- DHMP

chapter 4-DHMP

96 4 2
By hamynimz

Chapter 4

Have you ever felt the sensations of being betrayed? The pang that feels your heart, that feels like there is a hard stone filled in there instead of warm blood?

Well yeah, that’s what I was feeling right now. My chest burned with hatred and betrayal, making me want to scream these emotions out on someone, but I wasn’t that heartless. Nope, I’m wasn’t and am not going to be a heartless bitch. Ever!

I was sat on my bed staring at my bluish ceiling with small stars that was glued up there and cascaded about 10cm down the ceiling. It had small love heart patterns that me and my dad had once done when I was young.

My heart twisted with anguish making my heart burn again.

She cheated was all I could think about. She’s carrying someone else’s baby.

 My body fell lifeless, bringing back the emotions and piercing stings that emerged in my heart when I found out that my mo-no Jill was pregnant with Joe’s father. Joe my best friend was laid in my bed too, but his eyes were closed and his chest moved up and down with steady breaths.

Once when I fainted, my mo-Jill sprinkled some water on me and that made me conscious. Once when my eyes fluttered open, I thought I was dreaming about the whole incident. and I also wished that I was hallucinating, but when I saw Jill’s red and puffy eyes, I pushed her away from me, and gave us a meter distance. When she tried touching me, I felt disgusted. No, I felt nausea’s and felt bile rising up my throat.

I wanted to throw up but I just couldn't as I didn't have the energy to run and puke.

The thought just made me shudder with disgust. I clenched my fists tight but cried out in pain as new flesh of blood dripped off my already wounded hands.

Jill tried touching, but I flinched as if her hands burnt me.

Once when I regained and controlled my emotions, I couldn’t stand there any longer and stare at the woman who gave birth to me and took care of me all my 16 years of life. I was about to walk away, but she grabbed my hand. I tried wiggling out of her death grip, but she just put pressure to it and forcefully made me look at her.

“don’t you want to know whose baby I’m carrying?” she said with sad emotions emanating from her.

I bit my tongue from saying any bad comebacks to her; as she was pregnant and it isn’t good for her to be pressured or depressed.

So the only thing I did was sigh with exasperation and gawked at her blankly.

“Come sit.” She gestured her hands to the chair where we were all seated there 10 minutes ago.

“NO! Just tell me so I can go. I can’t stay with the woman who is a cheater. How could you mum? Why did you betray all of us? Its all your fault, now our once happy knitted family is torn apart because of you!” I couldn’t hold my tears that flowed and betrayed me. I was breathing hard, and I couldn’t control the sweet gestures she was doing when she was a great cheater. No wait the queen of cheaters. She ruined our family!

I pulled my hand out of her death grip and walked straight towards my bedroom.

When I was about to close my door, I heard her muffled voice.

“I’m pregnant with Joe’s dad. Andrew.”

And with that said, I slammed the door and fell on the floor and started crying. I cried for my family, for my dad that was in love with my mum since high school, I cried for both Joe and I, about how my mum was pregnant with Joe’s dad.

It sickened me to the core at how brotherly and sisterly they acted around each other.

Out of all people and humans around the world; my mum was pregnant with Joe's dad Andrew?

That is so coincidence! note the sarcasm.

Is joe going to be my step brother now? 

I stood up from my spot and speed dialled Joe.

“hello? It’s me Anna….could you come over?” I asked with shaky voice and unsteady breaths.

He didn’t reply was all I could think about. Was he still going to be my best friend? I thought while covering my mouth with my hands, to stop myself bawling my eyes out in the phone.

I started to sob loudly when he disconnected without saying anything to me.

I was going to be lonely for the rest of my life.

10 minutes later, I heard someone knocking on my window. I felt somewhat freaked out. I kept thinking that it was a burglar or a kidnapper. But my fears were wiped off, when I saw Joe’s trying hard to open it.

I quickly ran there with a grin plastered on my face, and opened the window for him with so much happiness.

He jumped over it and I gave him one of my bone crashing hugs.

“Can’t breath.”

“Oh shut it big bad wolf, I know you like me hugging you!” I smirked and gave him my cheekiest grins ever. 

I felt so safe and calm and nearly forgot everything, that is until Joe shifted awkwardly in my embrace.

"Mum-I-mean Jill told me everything." I admitted softly, not wanting to be upset all over again.

He shuffled angrily and my happiness fell off my face as I remembered about my mu-Jill.

I had to open my big mouth now! Hmph!

I stared down finding some interest to my red carped and pretended that I said anything.

It was really hard, since I was controlling my emotions and were keeping them to myself, that is until Joe took a step closer to me.

I hugged him again, but this time I bawled my eyes out.

I cried for who knows how long Joe just rubbed soothing circles behind my back and said soothing words to me.

And now here I am lying emotionless on my bed with Joe’s hand wrapped around me, giving me my teddy's confort

I blinked back some tears that emerged from my eyes, and consumed a dreamless sleep.


I know its short, but please bare with me.

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