
By Ravenna30

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When broken people collide, Stars are born. ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ After the events of The Deathl... More

• Lumos •
1. A Soldier Fueled With Fury
2. As If My Life Isn't Weird Enough
3.People wonder how I'm still sane
4. Draco Malfoy
5. I Really Wanted To Avoid Drama Today
6. Getting Settled In Hogwarts
7. Surprise! Percy Is A Bright Witch!
8. When Was I Ever Normal?
9. Looks Like Fates Doesn't Hate Me That Much
11. I Await A Guardian!
12. Plants Trying To Strangle People? Why not?
13. Scars Never Fade
14. She's Come A Long Way
15. That's A Cry For Therapy From You All
16. My Life Is Weider Than You Think
17. A Call From Home
18. Oliver Wood Would Love This Chapter
19. The Quidditch Trials
20. Predicting My Death? Nothing new
21. To Do The Right Thing
22. Quidditch Season!
23. Tick Tock
24. "You're Doing Amazing, Sweetie."
25. You're Always Welcome Here
26. I Got You
27. You're Not Getting Rid Of Me That Easily
28. You Know You Love Me
29. I Know
30. That Sly Witch
31. Falling Hard
32. He Was Just A Boy
33. My Biggest Fear?
34. Santa Tell Me
35. Are You Really There?
36. All I Want For Christmas Is...
37. I Will Be Here
38. Halo
39. Halo II
40. You
41. Status: Commited
42. I'm Not Blushing!
43 : Death's Here
Extras: You're Always In My Mind

10. Percy Has A Dagger, Anybody Surprised? Anybody?

13.6K 442 133
By Ravenna30

• September 16th, 1998, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry •

"Chudley Canons is the best!"

"Puddlemore United is the best, you dunderhead!"

"If you both don't shut it right now, I'm gonna hex you both to oblivion," Theo and Blaise closed their mouths quickly at Percy's words which sounded very promising and the wand aimed at them just made it clear that she will do it.

Draco saw, quite amused of how the two boys seated in front, who had been in You-Know-Who's presence, shivered under Percy's glare. He can't really blame them. He leaned in to whisper to his friend. "We can see Madame Pomphrey if you want," his grey eyes were filled with worry.

"Nah, I'm fine. Plus, I don't wanna miss my first DADA class," Percy tried to smile but it was more of a grimace as the pounding in her head became more prominent.

Draco laid his hand on her back. "Hey," he said softly. His magic which had been floating freely around him rushed to Percy, trying to comfort her. It was almost as if it had it's own mind, Draco didn't notice this happening but the demigod did notice it.

Her headache lessened, the black spots that danced in her vision disappeared. "I'm fine,"

"You totally don't look fine," He looked around the DADA classroom to see the seventh years chattering from the back where they were seated. Their conversations had only become louder as they waited for their DADA teacher to arrive. He was half tempted to hex them, but he controlled himself and cast a silencing spell around them blocking all the incoherent things. He didn't forget to cast a charm to notify them if anybody walked into the room.

"Thank Hades, that's better," She smiled at him in gratitude.

"You okay now? We can see Madame-"

Percy cut him off. "No, I'll be fine,"

Draco looked at her uncertainly as she smiled reassuringly. "Why do you get these headaches anyway?"

She hesitated before answering. "You see um, I got a major head injury a few months ago and um, because of some weird reason I get these constant headaches,"

Draco saw right through the lie but didn't question her further on that matter. "So, what do you do when you get these headaches?"

Percy felt guilty for lying to him. She knew that he could see right through her lie. She wanted to tell him the truth but she couldn't for obvious reasons. Obviously, she can't tell him she get these headaches because of the curse that Hell himself had placed on her.

"I swim or run or train,"

"Anything we can do now?"

"Nothing that I know off,"

A frown crossed his face as he thought of how she disregarded caring for herself. "Nothing?"

She thought for a moment. "Will did say that getting rid of my bad memories may or may not help as the injury was inflicted with magic,"

"Then I think we should start on those Occulumency lessons,"

Percy hummed in agreement. She took out the book he had given her from her satchel. "I've been reading through it. Very Interesting. I wasn't able to find books like these in Flourish & Blotts,"

Draco shook his head. "No, you can't. I got this from our own library,"

"It's comprehensive with accurate steps, I wasn't able to put the book down," she turned to the page that she had bookmarked earlier.

"I can see that," he said with a smile as he saw that she was already halfway through the book.

"I don't really read many books but when I found a book engrossing, there's no way anybody can stop me from finishing it," she smiled back at him.

"I'm quite surprised that you understand these," he gestured to the book on the desk, "even highly skilled wizards struggle with it,"

"Oh I've a few queries too," she used the papers, that had her own notes that were kept inside the book to guide her to another page.

"You're doing this quite seriously," Draco commented noticing her own notes kept inside the book roughly.

"Yeah, I think Occulumency will be handy for me and this," she took out one of the papers she had placed between the pages, "is an idea of a friend of mine,"

She placed the paper where it belonged and opened another page. "Now, my doubt is that I can't understand this part," she pointed the top paragraph on the page, moving the book so the owner of the book can see.

"I literally have no idea what it is,"

She frowned and her eyebrows furrowed at his answer before it cleared as she realised the book was in greek as she had charmed it so she can read easily. "Oops, sorry," she smiled sheepishly and with a wave of her wand she changed it back.

Draco chuckled and looked at the paragraph she had pointed earlier. He nodded as he remembered the paragraph. "Oh yes, this is pretty complicated. Actually-"

Draco was cut off by the door opening loudly. They both winced as the sudden sound hit their ears. The charm was lifted as a new person walked into the room. They saw Remus Lupin walk through the door, giving them a rueful smile.

"I'll tell you about this later," Draco whispered to her, not taking his eyes of the teacher.

Percy imitated his actions. "Okay, Dragon,"

A shiver went down his spine as she used that nickname for him. He was pretty sure that she didn't even realise she had called him that. He forced himself to not look at her as pink tinted his cheeks, barely noticeable.

"Good morning class!" Professor Lupin greeted the class merrily. He had a far more tidier attire than his usual. Though, he looked tired as usual, he sure looked a lot happier than they had seen him in their third year.

"Good morning, Professor!" The class sang back. The students were thrilled for their DADA class for the whole three weeks. They were eager to know what interesting lesson he will be teaching.

"Our first DADA class of the year!" He let out a happy sigh. "We'll start off with a happy note. Today I'll be teaching you about the Patronus charm. I assume you all know something about this particular charm. Can anyone tell me about it?"

Hermione's hand shot up in an inhumane speed while few other students put up their hands calmy like normal human beings. Professor Lupin chose Hermione as she was the first one up.

"The Patronus Charm is one of the most powerful defensive charms known to wizardkind. It is an immensely complicated and an extremely difficult spell, that evokes a partially-tangible positive energy force known as a Patronus or spirit guardian. It is the primary protection against Dementors and Lethifolds, against which there are no other defence."

Professor Lupin cut her off as he didn't want her stealing all his lines. "Brilliant, Hermione, as usual. Ten points to Gryffindor." Hermione beamed at him as she sat down. "Now, as Hermione told, this spell is immensely complicated, it is a ridiculously advanced spell but I want you to learn as seeing the now happenings. You all should be able to atleast cast an incorporeal patronus at the end of the year."

The audience nodded. Professor Lupin continued with a satisfied smile. "To successfully cast the spell, you begin by mustering the happiest memory you can think of, the happier the memory, the better the charm will work. Alternatively, you could also imagine a scenario that would make for a very happy memory." At this he looked pointedly at Harry who blushed.

"The next step is to begin drawing circles with your wand to increase the power of your spell. You must then say the incantation, Expecto Patronum; the Patronus will come from the tip of the wand and can be directed towards a target by pointing one's wand at said target. Now say the spell with me - Expecto Patronum."

The class chanted along with him. "Your wand movement must be accurate for a strong patronus. Do it with me without the spell," he moved his wand in a circular movement which the others imitated. "The more the circles, the more the power of your spell."

"Expecto Patronum." Percy muttered as she drew a circle with her wand. Wisps of silvery smoke flew out of wand which she quickly covered with her hand and willed for it to disappear.

Draco, who had been impassively copying the wand movement, looked at her with wide eyes. "Did you even think of a happy memory?"

"Um, no?" He just shook his head at her answer. Another point was added to the list, 'Things only Percy Jackson can do' - Producing a patronus in her first try without even thinking of a happy memory.

Professor Lupin cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "You'll not cast the spell now," The class groaned and complained. "If another student complains, fifty points will be taken from their house." That did the magic, they shut their mouths and sat back down before you can say expecto patronum.

"As I was saying, you'll only cast the charm at the end of the year. We'll learn theory first. I want you all to be prepared before you actually cast the charm as it is a tiring spell and needs practice. We'll be learning new spells on the way but this particular charm should be mastered by all of you."

The class nodded again, to show that they understood. "We'll start with history. Take out your quills and parchment, write as I say." The students did as they were instructed.

He began, "It is evident from old woodcuts and scrolls that the Patronus Charm has been used since ancient times. Therefore, it is unknown who created it, or when it was first invented. The charm also has a long association with those fighting for lofty or noble causes.

According to legend, one of the most famous Patronuses of all time was a lowly mouse, which belonged to a young wizard called Illyius. Illyius cast the Patronus Charm when his village was being attacked by the Dark wizard Raczidian and his army of Dementors. Despite the mouse's diminutive size, it shone with a brilliant light, bringing the Dementors to a halt as it nimbly moved through the ranks of fleeing villagers.

Enraged, Raczidian decided to enter the fray himself, and tried to summon a Patronus to ward off Illyius's mouse. However, he failed to remember that only the pure of heart can produce a Patronus and thus, for the first time in history, it was revealed what happens when a competent, but unworthy wizard or witch attempts the spell; maggots shot out of Raczidian's wand and quickly devoured him as they engulfed his entire body. The villagers then hailed Illyius as a hero."

Before Professor Lupin could continue, Cormac McLaggen put his hand up bringing him to a halt. "Yes, Cormac?"

"You mean death eaters can't cast a patronus charm, sir?" Though, his eyes were on the teacher, his words were aimed at the former death eater in the classroom.

Draco slumped on the chair as he let out a defeated sigh, done with the insults. Theo reached for his wand but Blaise held him back. Percy leaned forward, effectively obscuring the blonde beside her from others eyes.

Rather than Theo's diplomatic approach, she used the other way. "I don't think Professor Lupin said anything about death eaters."

Cormac's sneer vanished and a smirk took its place, which he claimed to be seductive. "Well, honey," Percy visibly shuddered at the name. "death eaters cannot cast a patronus."

"And how exactly do you know that? For hades' sake, don't ever call me that again."

"It is a fact-"

Percy cut him off before he could call her any other names. "Is there any proof?"

Cormac's flirty act dropped as annoyance crossed his face for interrupting him. "People say that-"

"If those 'people' tell you to jump off this castle, will you do that?" She used air quotes around the supposed geniuses whose spread rumors spoil others life.

"Don't talk rubbish!"

She scoffed. "Look who's saying."

Cormac's face was red in anger as he reached for his wand, but before he could even pick it from his desk, she had her wand aimed at him with her eyebrow cocked up in a challenging way. "Trust me, I don't miss." She was truly intimidating, even though she sat on the bench casually as if she wasn't ready to hex somebody.

The other Slytherins had stood up and had their wands aimed at the Gryffindor. Nobody moved an inch to help the frightened Cormac. "Protego!" Professor Lupin cast a barrier between them hurriedly.

"That's enough! Ten points from Gryffindor!" The Slytherins calmly sat back down as Percy put her wand back on the table.

Cormac found his voice again. "But, Professor!" His loud shriek of disagreement made the others wince in discomfort.

"Sit back down, Cormac!" Professor Lupin ordered him. After Cormac had sit back down, he turned to the other side of the classroom where the Slytherins and Percy were seated quietly. "Next time, you won't be excused if your wand is aimed at another fellow student unless said so." They respectfully nodded at him.

Hannah put her hand up. "Yes, Hannah?" Lupin asked as he prayed to the gods above that anything she was going to ask will not result in another fight because in the name of merlin, these students were bloody scary.

"Professor, is there any proof, as Percy asked?"

"Raczidian!" Cormac shouted from the other end of the hall.

Lupin glared at him. "Mr. McLaggen, if you want to speak, put up your hand."

Percy raised her hand. "Yes, Percy?"

"Sir, I believe you said Raczidian was a dark wizard, not a death eater."

"Yes, Percy, those were the exact words I used."

"Then, how exactly is this valid proof, Professor?"

"We've never seen a death eater cast a patronus charm."

"That must be because of this story you told, Professor. Either they are scared of the maggots or they were ordered-"

Ron groaned. "Why do you have to argue about everything?!"

Percy glared at him to which he shifted in his seat. "You call it arguing, I call it explaining." She turned back to the teacher after waiting a few moments for his reply which never came. "As I was saying before Ron so politely interrupted me," Several snickers were heard in the class. "Or they were ordered by He-who-must-not-be-named to not practice the charm."

"But still-"

Blaise interrupted him. "It is true, Professor. Death eaters were not allowed to practice the patronus charm as that would drove away the dementors." Percy nodded along with him.

"But the legend-"

Again, Lupin wasn't able to finish his sentence. "A legend is an old story that may or may not be true so that doesn't count as valid proof as there is not a detailed report-"

"And there have been no death eaters who can produce a patronus charm." Seamus argued.

"Yes, there was one," it was Draco who spoke. He had his arms crossed as he leaned back on his chair to see Seamus.

"And who was that?" Dean asked.

"Severus Snape."

The class erupted into hushed whispers at the unexpected revelation. "You mean Severus was able to produce a patronus?" Lupin asked in disbelief.

Draco uncrossed his arms and sat straight. "Yes, Professor, I've never seen him produce one but he claimed he was able to do it."


Percy who knew exactly what he would say, cut him off. "Actually, sir there is somebody who have seen it."

Lupin raised an eyebrow. "There is?"

She nodded and looked at the other side of the classroom where Harry, Hermione and Ron were seated. She gave them a sheepish smile as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry, guys, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but you all suck at whispering."

They frowned at her. "You mean you heard everything?" Hermione asked.

She shook her head. "Just bits and pieces, ya know here and there. Now, will you please?" She directed the question at Harry.

Harry nodded as he stood up. "I've seen his patronus, Professor. Snape can really produce a patronus, a corporeal one."

Lupin was, to say the least, astonished. "And what that may be, Harry?"

Harry pushed his glasses back as he struggled to say the answer. "I believe that it was personal to him, Sir."

Lupin nodded in understanding, he knew that the patronuses were closely based on the caster and few wished to keep it a secret. The students spoke among themselves. They weren't able to believe that the greasy former Potions master, who turned out to be a death eater, was able to produce a patronus. Hogwarts had a fresh piece of gossip that would go on for months.

Lupin gestured everyone to settle back down. "That was a good discussion," he smiled. "I would appreciate if there were more discussions like this. So, we conclude that a patronus cannot be produced by those who aren't pure at heart."

"Thanks." Draco whispered to Percy.

"I just did what has to be done." She whispered back.

"I want an essay, at least five inches, on the patronus charm before next friday. Thank you class. See you next class!" Lupin said which the others jotted down on their parchment. He conjured a silver goblet and poured some water for himself from the water pitcher on the table.

Percy frowned at him as she eyed the goblet held in his hand. Shuffling of feet could be heard as everyone headed for lunch. Her friends waited for the crowd to clear, packing their stuff slowly. She did the same but the frown on her face didn't disappear.

"Percy?" Draco called her as he stood up.

She told her friends to go on without her as she had a query. They offered to stay but she waved it off and told them to just save a seat for her. She mentallu thanked Stolls and Hermes as they bought the lie.

"Sir?" She called him when she had reached his desk.

"Yes, Percy?" He asked kindly.

This was one of the reasons she wanted to tell him. She knew that Lupin smelled the demigod aura she gave off though he didn't know what it was, he didn't pry her for answers nor did he treat her different of who she was. That was why she was ready to tell him even though there are many chances of the exposure of the gods.

"Professor, you've been a werewolf for years now, right?" She asked carefully, unsure of how he would react but she made sure her hesitation didn't show on her face.

Lupin simply let out a sigh. "Yes," she noted his bitter tone.

"Then how didn't you know silver is deadly for werewolves?"

Lupin's face showed his surprise. :What?"

"Silver is highly dangerous for werewolves, sir. They can survive any other types of blades but not silver. It is one of their biggest weaknesses, sir."

"How did you know that?"

"I know that you know that I am more than what I seem, sir."

Lupin nodded. Of course he knew. Percy fished out a silver dagger out of her satchel. Lupin raised his eyebrow as if to ask why in the name of Godric did she have a dagger at school. Percy simply shrugged and handed him the dagger. "It is a silver dagger, sir. It won't harm as long you don't touch the blade. I've heard there are rogue werewolves that try to hurt to you so this is to protect you,"

"Did you have a werewolf friend or something like that?" Lupin asked out of curiosity as he took the dagger with a nod of thanks.

"Not exactly, the werewolves I've met tried to kill me. I've a pretty good knowledge about magical creatures. What bothers me is that why does wizards know next to nothing about them."

"The wizards are like that, Percy. They are too afraid to study them." He said sadly.

"If they don't understand, wizards kill them or stay away from them. They never try to reach out to them. Something has to be done." Percy shook her head.

Lupin simply smiled at her. Atlast, there is someone who can see the truth and that someone was none other than the Dark Lord's (who tried to kill muggleborns and muggles just because he claimed they didn't have magical blood) granddaughter who wanted to be the voice of innocent magical creatures and protect them.


Sorry if there are any mistakes, guys. I was half asleep when I completed it. I've been working on it for almost three days.

Hope you enjoy it!

By the way, Percy's full name is Perseus. I've wrote in the previous chapters as Persephone but I've changed it. It's Perseus Achilles Psyche Jackson.

Do comment on how the chapter is!

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