The 597th Tales

By DanteG188

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The Clone wars progress around the galaxy, and with the Galactic Republic losing supporters, the Jedi Order s... More

A NEW DAWN - Chapter 1
Battle of Dantooine Part 2 - Chapter 3
Supply Run - Chapter 4
Siege of Ossus Part 1 - Chapter 5
Siege of Ossus part 2 - Chapter 6
Assault on Ord Mantell - Chapter 7
Troopers End - CHAPTER 8

Battle of Dantooine Part 1 - Chapter 2

182 2 0
By DanteG188

Start writing your story

"So you are the Galek that Oak talked to me about," Commander Jorgan says to Galek.

Galek turns around looking at Commander Jorgan and just stands there in silence. He snaps out of his shock and stands at attention and responds "Yes sir!"

"You were on Dantooine, so you tell me what all these rumored reports are about," Jorgan demanded.

"It was a small skirmish to set up camp, intel told us about small droid squads patrolling the area and we didn't take it seriously. A small amount of casualties sir that is all." Galek said as he removed his new 597th helmet.

Galek held his helmet in his hand and continued to look at Jorgan. Jorgan walks away from Galek and walks towards the corridor. Galek disturbed by the fact Jorgan walked away from him without saying anything else he catches up to the commander.

"Sir if I may ask, where are we going?" Galek asked

Jorgan stops where he was walking and looked over his shoulder. Jorgan said Dantooine to Galek and then continued walking. Galek stopped in his tracks in shock he couldn't really think of how he would show up on Dantooine to assist Ghost Division in his new armor. Galek snapped out of it and ran into the armory where Wraith, Yuun, Thresher, and Revai waited for him.

"Revai what's the point of you bringing smokes again?" Wraith asks

"Well when it hits the fan we are going to need air support from Thresher, so you wanna pop one of these bad boys on the ground around those clankers and all you will see is a bunch of scrap metal fly around" Revai excitingly explains

Galek grabs a bag full of Z6 Ammunition and RPS rockets for his RPS. He doesn't hesitate to put the bag on his back and to put on his helmet.

"Galek whats all the rush for?" Yuun asks

"We are being deployed again" Galek responds in a hurry

"To where?" Thresher asks now shifting his attention from Revai

Galek looks at the group and then puts a brand new cartridge in his Z6 and responds:

"We are being re-deployed to Dantooine to assist Ghost Division."

All 4 of them looked at Galek like he was crazy, the door to the armory swooshed open with Gearbox running in to alert the others.

"Everyone to the hangar and board a LAAT, we are going down to the surface of Dantooine!" Gearbox said in a rush

The 4 grabbed their gear and putting on their helmets they ran out of the armory towards the hangar. Galek was thinking to himself wondering the possibilities that Ghost Division could be in trouble. Why would they send the 597th to help out GD and if it's that bad that reinforcements were requested. Galek boards the LAAT with Gearbox, Yuun, Wraith, and Revai while Thresher gets into the Co-Pilot seat of the LAAT. All LAATs on the Leviathon were boarded and took off for the surface.

"Alright listen up people this is our first operation together, I don't know the terrain very well so for this one imma give it to Galek!" Gearbox says to everyone in the LAAT.

"The terrain is grassland and forest so expect ambushes from commando droids, there is also to be known of the local resistance," Galek says while putting up a hologram of the area. "Ghost division was supposed to set up camp here and move towards the nearby town to speak to the resistance leader, but according to intel they haven't reported back so our objective is to locate Ghost division."

All the troopers nod at Galek. Galek acknowledged the nods and continued

"We will be landing here in the forest, once we land i want a 360 around the LAAT. Once LAAT takes off we will begin moving toward the Ghost Division camp and rendezvous with the rest of our troops. If Captain Snipe of Ghost division is not identified or found in the camp we move forward towards the nearby town."

Galek closes the hologram and turns towards the door, he doesn't even know if Oak came back to Dantooine to assist Snipe. The one thing he doesn't want to see is Snipes nor Oaks bodies on the cold grassy floor.

"Pilots open the side doors and begin landing sequence on Point Alpha," Galek says over comms to the pilots.

"You got it Galek!" Thresher acknowledges

The LAAT lands and the airwaves push the tall grass down as troopers begin to get out and do 360 formation around the LAAT.

"Yall stay safe down there!" Thresher says over comms to Galek

"Will do!" Galek replied

The LAAT takes off out of the forest opening back towards the Leviathan. Galek and his troops begin making their way through the forest towards the Ghost division camp. Galek sees a toppled tree remembering the explosion during the move towards the designated campsite. Galek snaps out of it when he hears a trap spring and turns to see an Axe swing down and pin a trooper to a trunk killing the trooper and a Spike trap spuing spikes at 2 troopers hitting them in the chest instantly killing them.

"DONT MOVE AND GET DOWN!" Galek yelled

Galek looked around the grass seeing a trap in a short distance and shoots it with his DC-17

"We have to keep moving we aren't too far from the camp," Galek says for everyone to hear.

Galek and his troops begin moving into the forest again where they start to see the ghost division bodies. Galek looked at the bodies as he walked by them noticing how fresh they were. They came to a stop when a Clone Scout from Ghost division named Style popped up from the grass injured calling out for Galek. Galek and the rest run to Style.

"Galek, we were ambushed again, put into a pretty long skirmish." Style grasps for breath, "My squad and I were separated from Snipe and were picked off".

Galek grabbed Style's hand and clutches it.

"You are gonna get through this brother trust me," Galek says while signaling for a medic

The medic takes Style to a nearby tree and patches him up to ease the pain, Galek and the others continue leaving 1 trooper behind to guard the medic. Wraith walked faster to catch up to Galek.

"We didn't ask who ambushed them Galek" Wraith said

"I know but you saw how he was, all we have to do for now is get him the help he needed and keep moving." Galek responded, "For now keep your head on a swivel, we don't know what else is out here."

They continue moving into the forest and find the camp destroyed and full of Ghost division troopers moving bodies and trying to scavenge supplies. Galek walks into the group of Ghost Division troopers and sees Oak giving orders to other troopers.

"We need to find out where these droids came from!" Oak yelled, "I want patrols to scout the area and find an exact location of where these droids are coming from!"

Troopers ran in a hurry to join up with other groups to scout the area as Galek walked up to Oak with his group of clones.

"Oak, we found Style in the forest where we landed, we have a medic rendering aid and a trooper guarding the medic," Galek said to Oak as his back was turned from him

"Galek, good thing you showed up this camp was attacked and beaten up," Oak said

"Anything from snipe?" Galek asked

"We found Snipe pinned to a tree by spikes, if only there were troopers to stop this from happening but we think this is the local resistance's doing," Oak responded

Galek looks down and then hears a familiar voice from the trees

"I found someone you might want to talk to, his name is Riko Vontori, one of the resistance trapper," Commander Jorgan said while shoving the trapper with his DC-17 out in the open

Galek looks at the trapper knowing that this man set the traps that killed snipe, and his men in the forest. Oak crossed his arms looking at the trapper as Jorgan put the trapper down to his knees with a DC-17 to his head.

"So I'm going to say this again and maybe with more heads around you'll talk, where is your leader, and why are you attacking us as if we are the enemy!" Jorgan said

"You attacked us in the night, shooting us when our guards were down," Riko said, "Yet you didn't expect us to attack back you are all disgusting, Our leader is still in the nearby town!"

"Thanks for the intel bud," Jorgan said

Jorgan pulls the trigger of his DC-17 shooting the trapper in the back of the head. Galek and the rest of the 597th in shock of the actions of Jorgan that they couldn't even move. They knew it was against the code to kill prisoners without any remorse. Oak didn't even flinch like the rest of the troopers, he knew what was coming as he's seen it happen before in combat.

"The rest of Ghost Division will move to the nearby town and I will be taking Galek with me as well." Oak said, "I need you and your troops to search for that droid base,"

"Got it, contact me on frequency 150 tac 2 once you've come in contact with the resistance leader," Jorgan said holstering his DC-17

Galek and the rest of Ghost Division moved out into the forest, he is still a bit in shock when Jorgan shot that trapper. He didn't know if that was a natural thing or an order, he just didn't question it. Galek saw a random red blaster bolt fly past him and hit the trooper behind him.

"GET DOWN!" Galek yelled as he started shooting his Z6 back at where the bolts came from

"Can anyone see them!?" Wreck yelled

More red bolts flew past them and everyone began firing back, Galek continued to fire back and didn't let up on the trigger.


"Don't let up Galek, remember you're the anchor!" Oak yelled back

Galek pushed forward seeing resistance fighters pop up from the trees, gunning them down without a flinch. He pushed up to the last resistance fighter putting the rest of his Z6 cartridge into him filling him full of bolts he just didn't let up. It was getting too much to the point that Oak had put his hand on Galek's shoulder to stop him.

"Galek we're fine, just a couple injured that's all." Oak said, "Don't start pulling a Jorgan on me now, I need your mind focused for what's to come."

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