Blue Rose in a Dark Room

By CarraWhales

4.4K 298 15

(Romantic•Comedy) COMPLETED Dylan grew up in a well-to-do family. He was a young good-looking guy with a brig... More

••☆ INTRO ☆••
••☆ Chapter 1: "Behind Doubts" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 1: "Behind Doubts" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 2: "Meet Mr. Regret" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 2: "Meet Mr. Regret" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 3: "Bad Side" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 3: "Bad Side" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 4: "New Helper" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 5: "Independent Girl" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 5: "Independent Girl" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 6: "Choice of Life" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 6: "Choice of Life" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 7: "Love or Lust" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 7: "Love or Lust" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 8: "Old Enemy" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 8: "Old Enemy" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 9: "Wrong Decision" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 9: "Wrong Decision" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 10: "Wrong Direction" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 10: "Wrong Direction" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 11: "Unforgettable Day" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 11: "Unforgettable Day" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 12: "Weird Touch" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 12: "Weird Touch" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 13: "Saving the Day" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 13: "Saving the Day" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 14: "Fear of Loneliness" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 14: "Fear of Loneliness" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 15: "Difficult Words" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 15: "Difficult Words" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 16: "Sudden Getaway" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 16: "Sudden Getaway" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 17: "Perfect Confession" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 17: "Perfect Confession" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 18: "First Pleasure" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 18: "First Pleasure" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 19: "Complicated Love" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 19: "Complicated Love" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 20: "Rich Guy" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 20: "Rich Guy" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 21: "Clever Girl" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 21: "Clever Girl" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 22: "Two Hearts" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 22: "Two Hearts" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 23: "Beautiful Rival" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 23: "Beautiful Rival" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 24: "Stupid Mistake" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 24: "Stupid Mistake" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 25: "Awful Regret" (Part1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 25: "Awful Regret" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 26: "Wonderful Gifts" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 26: "Wonderful Gifts" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 27: "Faithful Touch" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 27: "Faithful Touch" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 28: "Sad Truth" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 28: "Sad Truth" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 29: "Wrong World" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 29: "Wrong World" (Part2) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 30: "Painful Choice" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Chapter 30: "Painful Choice" (Part 2) ☆••
••☆ Final Chapter: "Hidden Past" (Part 1) ☆••
••☆ Final Chapter: "Hidden Past" (Part 2) ☆••

••☆ Chapter 4: "New Helper" (Part1) ☆••

125 6 0
By CarraWhales

Dylan stayed for another fifteen minutes in his car thinking what he would do. He was very pissed and angry. He could not believe he was left alone in the middle of the city while he was crippled.

After a few more minutes, he had enough. He grabbed his walking stick and got out of his car. From there, he began to walk slowly on every flat surface his feet would feel.

"Hey... hey, mister!"

Someone grabbed his arm and pulled him.

"You're going to the middle of the road." a stranger told him.

"Oh, can you take me to the sidewalk?" Dylan requested.

The man did. "There you go, buddy. Take care." He tapped his shoulder, then he left.

"Oh, hey! Wait! Can I borrow your phone?" Dylan called, but he didn't hear a response.

"Oh, great" he murmured, then he continued to walk.

On his way, he bumped several times into trash bins, lamp posts, walls, store standees and even into some people walking in the opposite direction. He tried to ask for help, but no one answered him.

After walking for almost an hour, he felt tired.

"Damn it. I'm going nowhere." he mumbled.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Can you help me? I need help here. Hello!" he called, still no one answered him.

"Fine! You don't want to help a blind guy? You're all good people. Thank you very much!" he barked in a loud and sarcastic tone, then he sighed and walked again.

After another couple of minutes in an unknown place, his feet bumped into something again.

"Hey! Are you blind?" A female voice glowered. "Asshole" she muttered.

Dylan was annoyed, so he took off his sunglasses. "Yes, miss. Unfortunately, I am."

"Oh, you are... What a blind guy doing in this place?" she asked.

"Why? What is this place?" he asked in a bothered tone.

"You're here in the State Pavilion. This is an abandoned place." she answered.

"Huh? I'm in an abandoned place? ...No wonder no one answered me when I was calling for help." he replied.

"Oh, shit. I'm gonna be late. I have to go." she said.

"Oh no, wait! Wait, don't go! Please, I need your help." he begged.

When he didn't hear from her, he gave up. He slumped on the pavement and facepalmed. "Damn it" he muttered.

"Are you lost, blind guy?" She returned.

Dylan quickly raised his head when he heard her. "Yes, yes, I am... and I'm really tired. Someone stole my card and my phone, and I don't know what to do... Please, help me. I don't want to spend the night out here alone." he pleaded in a weary voice.

"All right, where do you live?" she asked.

"115, Main street, Altamont" he answered quickly.

"Okay, how about I help you get a cab?" she suggested.

"I have a car. I left it at..." He was undone talking when she spoke again.

Her: "I don't drive."

"Really? Who else can't drive these days?" he questioned, furrowing his forehead.

"Do you want my help or not?" she asked impatiently.

"All right, all right. I'm sorry. Um... Can you come with me? I just don't want to be duped again. I promise I'll pay you. I have money, a lot of money." he offered.

"How can you know I will not trick you?" she asked.

It took him a while before he answered. "I just feel it."

"Pfft... You feel it, huh? ...Fine, come on. Get up." she said as she was pulling him up.

She guided him out of the Pavilion and accompanied him in a cab.

"What were you doing in that place anyway?" he asked.

"Photography" she answered.

"Oh, I see. What were you trying to find there, ghosts?" he joked.

"Yeah, I actually captured a pretty good one when I stole a picture of you while you're sulking on the pavement. Too bad I can't show it to you. I think it's a female ghost standing right behind you." she replied.

He turned his head to her with his stoned face. Then, he heard her laughed.

"Right, that's funny." he said in an upset tone. He felt slightly defeated.

After less than twenty minutes, they finally arrived in front of their house.

"Woah, you're really quite well-off, huh?" she said, looking at the big house behind the gate.

"Told ya" he replied.

"Okay, now that you're home. I'll back now." she told him.

"Wait, I'll just get you some cash." he said.

"No, that's not necessary." she refused. She was about to hop back into the cab when another car arrived.

Mrs. Walton got out of her seat in the back. "Dylan, what are you doing here? ...And why you look so dirty?" she asked.

"Oh, mom. You will not believe what I've been through today." he replied.

"Why? What happened? ...And who's this young lady right here?" she asked, looking at her.

"She accompanied me back here." he answered.

"Really? ...Well, hi there. Sorry if my son bothered you." Mrs. Walton said sincerely.

"No, it's all right... Um... I really have to go now." she replied.

"Wait! Mom, pay her." Dylan said.

"Oh, no need, ma'am. I did that for free. I have to go. Bye, lost boy!" She hopped back into the cab and left.

"Do you know that cute, young lady?" Mrs. Walton asked.

"Really? She's cute? ...I bumped into her while I was roaming around an abandoned place." he replied.

"What were you doing in an abandoned place?" she asked in a curious tone.

"I'll tell you the whole story later. I really want to take a shower right now." he answered.


On Saturday, Max and Steve visited Dylan at their house.

"What's up, bro?" Max greeted.

"Hey! Oh, thank god you're here. I'm so bored. I'm about to lose my mind." Dylan complained.

Max chuckled. "Do you want to go out?"

"Yes, please" he answered right away.

"Where do you want to go?" Max asked.

"Let's go eat somewhere. Get me out of here. I beg you." he answered, begging.

Max chuckled again. "Sure"

"I heard about this restaurant on Lore street. They serve giant burgers. Wanna try it?" Steve suggested.

"I'm in." Dylan said, raising a hand.

"All right. To the giant burgers then." Max agreed too.

He and Steve guided their friend to the car. Once ready, they drove to Lore street. It only took them fifteen minutes when they arrived at the place. After the car was parked, they got out and went inside.

They sat at one of the vacant tables in the center and ordered three Triple XXX burgers on the menu. When the giant burgers were served, they were all stunned. Dylan used his fork to know how big his burger was.

"This is one crazy burger." Max commented.

"Now, let's see if the taste matches its size." Steve said, then he took a big bite. "Dang! It's freaking good." he trumpeted, chewing.

They chortled.

While Max was eating, on his right, he caught a bearded man spanked a waitress on her bottom. She was busy serving food to another customer next to his table at that time. She fearlessly looked at him and slapped him in the face straight out.

"Fuck you!" she fumed in a loud voice.

"What did I do to you?" the man shouted, holding his left cheek.

"You fucking touched me, you pervert!" she answered in a furious tone.

The owner of the restaurant came. "What's going on here?"

"This bastard grabbed my butt." the waitress complained.

"I don't know what she's talking about. I was simply eating my food here, and then she slapped me." the man denied.

"You're not only a pervert, you're also a fucking liar." she told him in an annoyed and aggrieved tone.

The man got up. "I didn't do anything to you." he insisted.

"I saw you." Max butted in.

They all looked at him.

"I saw you, sir. You touched her." he repeated.

The man scowled at him. "And who the hell are you?"

Max got up from his chair. "If you want to sue this man for sexual harassment, go ahead. There's a surveillance camera over there. I'm sure it captured what he did to you." he told the waitress, pointing at the camera above the wall.

"Tsk! This fucking restaurant is full of fucking shits." the man grumbled, then he snatched his jacket on the table and left.

The waitress looked at Max. She was about to speak when her boss grabbed her arm and dragged her to the kitchen.

To be continued....

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