Gotta Be You - Zarry

By penguini88

312K 7.4K 2.3K

Harry Styles is one of the most popular guys at school, and also the school slut. He has a tough reputation t... More

Chapter 1 - The Project
Chapter 2 - Downpour
Chapter 3 - Checking Up
Chapter 4 - Guilt
Chapter 5 - Confusion
Chapter 6 - Unfocused
Chapter 7 - You are?
Chapter 8 - Work and Play
Chapter 9 - Best Friends and Betrayal
Chapter 10 - Goals
Chapter 11 - Janitor's Closet
Chapter 12 - Plans
Chapter 13 - Your Song
Chapter 15 - Anywhere is
Epilogue 1/2 Zarry Puppy
Epilogue 2/2 Zarry Wedding

Chapter 14 - Truly Madly Deeply

13K 372 69
By penguini88


*Zayn’s POV*

Harry and I stood in the middle of the cafeteria wrapped in eachothers arms. For once everything just felt simple and nice. No more stress or worrying, just Harry and I enjoying eachothers company.

An awkward cough from behind me finally made us pull away. My eyes met Harry’s and he gave me a soft smile which I returned. I turned around to see Niall and Louis standing near the tables looking out of place in this deserted cafeteria. I sighed knowing even though the world had seemed to be frozen in place for me, that we still had the rest of the school day to conquer.

“So I’m thinking milkshakes, how about you?” Louis asked breaking the silence.

“What do you mean? Like cutting class?” I thought back to the results of the last results of me ditching school. My parents were furious and I’m pretty sure I had been given some punishment that I just tuned out.

“Well Niall’s hungry and we missed lunch, I like milkshakes, Harry and you just together so...yea milkshakes!” he piped. I began chewing on my lip, I did want to spend more time with Harry and not dissapoint me, but I would just end up disappointing my parents. I felt something touch my hands and looked down to see Harry intertwining them.

“Listen we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. I’m the happiest guy right now knowing you're mine and if you want to stay in school I will miss you for those few classes we don’t have, but I will wait it through because you're worth it,” he smiled at me reassuringly.

His words made me feel warm on the inside knowing he cared. One more day without school isn’t too bad, plus I get to spend the rest of it with my new boyfriend and I’m guessing his crazy friends will tag along.

“No, it’s fine. Let’s go!” I grinned happily tugging on Harry’s arm as the other boys cheered at my answer and followed.

Niall babbled on about what kind of milkshake he would get and Louis listened as if his life depended on every word.

“They look cute together,” I whispered in Harry’s ear.

He chuckled, “Louis would be over the moon to hear that.”

I gave him a puzzled look as he winked and walked along before speaking again. “So boyfriend,” he said adding extra emphasis on the word, “what do you plan on getting at the amazing city of milkshakes?”

He began to laugh. Oh Harry, he always finds himself so funny, it’s adorable. like when we were kids he would always ask both me and his mom the same joke over and over: “a baboon asked a giraffe ‘Hey, why the long face?’ Because he thought his neck was his face!'

It was never actually funny but me and Anne just laughed anyway to make him happy.

I chuckled at the memory before answering, “Uhmm, cookie dough!”

I grinned at how childish we sounded right now.

Walking down the hallway with our hands intertwined felt nice and peaceful. Like it was made just to be. Louis and Niall exchanging playful banter as Harry and I exchanged loving looks. I turned around just in time to see Niall stumbling into me, causing us both to crash to the ground.  

“LOUEH PUSHED ME!” Niall childlishy cried out. We all broke into fits of laughter as Harry reached out a hand to help me up. I grinned and took his hands being pulled up. Mesmerized by his eyes, the way the different shades and hues of green clash together, too lost in my own thoughts to notice anything at the end of the hall.

I felt Harry stiffen and the laughter from the blond and brunette die out. I looked over to see tall lengthy figures coming our way. The Jocks.

Harry wrapped his arms around me protectively and I nuzzled into his side, not wanting to see what was to come next.

*Louis’s POV*

The smile from my face fell as I saw the only people who could possibly ruin this moment, walk down the hall. I glanced at Harry and saw him holding Zayn. The Irish lad next to me surprised me by letting out a growl.

“So what is this? The fag party?” A rather large boy spat as he neared us.

“Just leave us alone, okay? We’ve done nothing to bother you,” Harry calmly pleaded.

“You’re in my way fag!” he sneered. I felt my blood boil as the idiots stood here and insulted us.

“Really? Because it looks like you came looking for us like this is a fanclub meeting or something! And I’m sorry if you missed Harry’s speech a few minutes ago, but yes he’s gay, so what? Got any new insults, dumbass?” I threw back.

He looked a bit startled that I had entered the dispute. I heard Niall trying to stifle his laughter which only earned him a glare from the muscular fellow.

“Louis come on man, why are you even hanging out with them? They’re just lame,  come with us,” one of the tougher looking guys to in the back spoke.

“Why would I want to hang out with you blundering idiots? Harry is my best friend and I have way better things to do than throw my life away getting wasted and high every night.”

“Well at least it’s fun compared to hanging out with a bunch of fairies. And don’t act like you're so innocent either because you used to make fun of art nerd here for being gay too before Harry to go all twinkle toes” he retorted, he had a point there, I’ve had my share of nasty things I’ve done to Zayn too.

“You’re right. I did. I stopped though because I don’t like being a hypocrite.” I said as I pushed passed them. I only heard silence from the words I had left them to ponder before frantic footsteps following after me.

I felt a tug on my sleeve, but refused to turn and look at the person. I knew who it was I just didn’t want to know his reaction. I know he accepted Harry, but him and I were closer and did all these sappy loving things all the time together. We even pretended to be play boyfriends (only at one another’s houses) one summer, which meant more to me than he will ever know. We would do cute things like give each other nicknames (yes thats where boobear and snowflake came from), watched couple movies

“Lou, look at me please,” the Irish accent filled my ears. I sighed and turned my head like he asked.

“Back there... were you implying you’re gay?” he cautiously asked me. I pushed back the tears threatening to spill. Why was I getting so emotional? Thoughts of him never being as close or caring filled my mind and I cringed. Maybe I could just laugh it off, but that would just be a cowardly thing to do.

“Yes,” I curtly responded breaking eye contact. I felt a finger lift my chin and I saw Niall’s blue eyes look straight into mine. Warm lips slammed down onto mine and I froze. Niall James Horan was kissing me. My crush for years! And my lips began to move both of us trying to show each other all the feelings we had bottled up. Love, passion, and longing filled my mind.

He bit down on my lip and I groaned causing him to smirk into the kiss. This was going so fast, my head was buzzing. His lips soon slowed down the kiss becoming less heated and full of more passion than lust. The burning in my lungs was too much and I broke apart.

His eyes searched mine frantically, fear of rejection clear. I smiled and grabbed his hands pulling him down the stairs towards the main entrance. I noticed Zayn and Harry confusion covering their faces following after us.

Niall had some explaining to do.

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