
By timeless_snowbarry

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Barry was placed into the Speed Force for 6 months after Savitar; little did Barry know that those 6 months h... More

Speed force
Coming Home
Waking up
Unravel the Speed Force Truth
It's good to have you back
A Day In The Speed Force
Date Night
Game Day
The Advice
Finding Out the Truth
Karaoke Night
The Kidnapping
Just a Friend
The Sacrifice
First Date
I Saw You...
Christmas Joy
You're Never Alone, Barry
A Walk in the Park
Love is Your True Force
Movie Night
I'll Always Find My Way Back To You...
You Are The Best Birthday Gift, Ever!
I Love You
This Is The One...
Secrets Are Like Walls
Will You Marry Me?
Move In
You Look Beautiful
You Need To Calm Down
Happy Anniversary

Arrow Cave

1.8K 40 108
By timeless_snowbarry

Present time~

STAR Labs~

3rd person POV~

As the morning sunshine rose filling Central City with light and love; while evil and dark plans filled in the Gideon Time Vault. Thawne then approached Gideon; "Good morning, Eobard Thawne how may I asset you?" Gideon asked

"Gideon, show me the future" Thawne instructed to Gideon

"Of course, showing now," Gideon said showing Thawne the article from 2024

"Great, now if we move forward in our next phase of the plan. Will the outcome be the same?" Thawne asked will a sly smile

"There seems to be a complication in moving towards the next phase of the plan" Gideon announced

"Which is what?" Thawne said with his temper raising

"The Flash defeats King Shark today, sir; and King Shark is supposed to defeat the Flash in 2 years prior of today..." Gideon states

"Great, we will have to get rid of Barry Allen for the day and I know just how to do that..." Thawne said while an evil smile appeared across his face. "That will be all, Gideon" Thawne said as he saw Gideon disappear; Thawne then pressed the side of his neck to form into Ronnie Raymond. Ronnie then exits the Gideon Time Vault with a mischievous smile lit on his face; Ronnie then finds Caitlin in the cortex. "Hey, Caitlin, what's up?" Ronnie asks looking at Caitlin with a gentle smile

"Hey Ronnie, nothing really this morning has been slow..." Caitlin said with a bright smile while waving at Ronnie

"Oh, really why don't you take the day off?" Ronnie asks Caitlin with a slight smile

"Well, anything could happen while I'm gone..." Caitlin said while typing on a monitor

"Well, Barry could speed you over here within a second beside its only one call away," Ronnie said with a smile trying to sound convincing

"You know what? That actually sounds really nice..." Caitlin said noticing out of the corner of her eye; that Barry Allen had arrived in the cortex. "Did you oversleep again, Barr?" Caitlin asks Barry with a loving smile on her face as she gets out of her chair to go hug her Barry.

While Caitlin hugs Barry, Barry then realizes that this is something he needed desperately; "Yes I did oversleep; because this week has been so chaotic; but hugging you makes it all worth it!" Barry says embracing Caitlin's warmth from her hug which feels like home to Barry.

"Aww, Barry you are the sweetest. Anyways, Ronnie was mentioning that you and I could take the day off; and I've been thinking we haven't seen Star City in a while so..." Caitlin said with a loving look in her eyes as she breaks in the embrace.

"That sounds amazing, but what about any metas?" Barry asked facing Ronnie for an answer

"Well, you will be alerted when an attack happens and you will be there within a flash, right?" Ronnie said with a smile

"Yeah you are right, thank you Ronnie; this means a lot to us!" Barry said as he held his girlfriend in his arms.

"Of course, it's not a problem at all; and it will be good for y'all," Ronnie said as he sat down in Caitlin's chair.

"Should we inform the others?" Caitlin asked looking up at Barry with a smile

"I can actually, don't worry about it; go and have fun in Star City..." Ronnie said while gazing at the beautiful couple.

"Great, let's go see some old friends then!" Caitlin said gazing at the love of her life; Barry then picked up Caitlin in bridal style with them both sharing loving smiles towards each other. Lightning began coursing throughout the beautiful couple as they left STAR Labs.

As Ronnie was the only one remaining in the cortex; he then opened up the computer and started typing. A tab on the computer popped up stating that: 'Would you like to disable Caitlin Snow and Barry Allen's meta-human alert systems?' "Yes, I would, everything is going to plan now..." Ronnie said with an evil smile as he disabled their systems.

Star City~

As lightning trails throughout Star City; with car alarms and car windows breaking in the process. The lovely couple then reached Arrow Cave to surprise their best friends; but little did they realize that the Green Arrow was on a mission and Felicity was on the monitors doing what she does best.

Being extremely quiet, Barry sent a wink Caitlin's way and was gone within an instant while making Caitlin's hair fly in the wind as well as Felicity's. Felicity then recognized the gust of wind that had just passed and she became speechless to who was standing in the Arrow Cave. "Caitlin?!" Felicity said in shock to seeing her best friend.

"Hey, Felicity!" Caitlin said with a bright smile in seeing her best friend and began to walk up to Felicity to give her a hug.

"Barry? What are you doing here?" Oliver said over the intercom

"Saving your ass as usual" Barry said as he used his speed to defeat the bad guy.

"I would be angry about what you just did but I'm glad to see you, man!" Oliver said as he gave his best friend a hug; Barry then quickly rushed back to the Arrow Cave with Oliver.

"Barry, I missed you so much!" Felicity said as she ran up to hug Barry

"Good to see you, Felicity," Barry said as he hugged Felicity

"So what are y'all doing here?" Oliver asked with a smile while glad to see his friends

"Well, Barry and I wanted the day off to see y'all," Caitlin said with a bright smile as she kept her gaze on Barry; Felicity and Oliver both noticed this little gesture.

"Oh, Oliver I have something to show you!" Barry said with a smirk; Barry then grabbed Oliver by the shoulder and began to run with lightning coursing throughout Barry's body. Barry and Oliver then arrived at an abandoned ranch miles away from Star City.

At a ranch~

"What the- Barry!!!" Oliver said in anger to the why Barry had brought him here.

"Wait, I have to show the surprise; just stay there," Barry said as he used his hands to tell Oliver not to move an inch. Barry then sprinted somewhere with lightning trailing behind him; Barry then came back within a second with a bow and arrow in his hands. "Okay, are you ready?" Barry asked with a sly smile

"Ready for what?" Oliver asked in confusion to what was going on

"Here we go," Barry said as he cocked the arrow back with the bow.

Barry then shot the arrow but missed tragically; "Nice try, Barry but it's going to take more than one measly arrow to get back what I did 4 years ago." Oliver said while shaking his head with a smile.

"Just wait..." Barry said with confidence in himself; then two arrows that shot from the ground and hit Oliver in the back. Barry then laughed at his friend while Oliver was grunting in pain; "Oh, I've been waiting 4 years for that!" Barry said as he jumped in the air while laughing so hard.

"Haha, you got me," Oliver said with sarcasm in his voice; "Now can you take them out?" Oliver said as he faced his back towards Barry so he could take the arrows out of his back.

"Yeah, sure," Barry said as he ripped the arrows out of Oliver's back

"Great, now take me to a hospital" Oliver said in pain with a small laugh

"Who do you think I am? I'm not evil, I put some of my blood on the tips of the arrows so your wounds will speed heal.." Barry said as he helped his best friend up

"Wow, the pain is just gone..." Oliver said in disbelief

"Yeah, pretty cool right?" Barry said with a dorky smile

A moment of silence filled the ranch; Oliver decided on breaking the silence; "So you and Caitlin?" Oliver asked with a soft smile

"Huh?" Barry asked in shock to how Oliver already knew.

"Barry, I've seen the way you've been looking at her," Oliver said with a smile

"Is it that obvious?" Barry asked with his mind thinking of Caitlin

"More than you realize, Barry I've kind of known since you introduced me to her" Oliver began, "But I could tell that now it's stronger than ever why is that?" Oliver asked with a smirk

"Well, the Speed Force opened my eyes to the most beautiful person in the world..." Barry said as he began to rub the back of his neck while his cheeks turned a bright red color and his eyes started to twinkle in the light.


Arrow Cave~

"Well, since the boys are gone; tell me about you and Barry since you figured out that y'all would be together in the future," Felicity said intrigued to know about her best friend's relationship

"Well, it's everything I've ever wanted in someone; I can't really put it into words but it's perfect in every way... Barry makes me feel like I deserve to be loved. He's the best part of me and I love him more than a person should love another person." Caitlin said with a twinkle in her eyes as she thought of her Barry.

"You know, when I gave Barry advice about love at the train stop; both of us deep down knew that we were referring to you..." Felicity said as she gently grabbed my hand and gave a loving smile

"What advice did you give him?" Caitlin asked with a soft smile

"It was the little things, the way you linger on her when she isn't looking, the smile you fake to play the part, and the quite dream you keep to yourself," Felicity said while keeping her gaze on Caitlin. "Barry did say something while on the train that really spoke to me which was; 'Opposites do attract' and it's true, they really do..." Felicity said with a sweet smile

"Speed and cold are opposites..." Caitlin said taking her gaze from her fidgeting hands to Felicity.

At the ranch~

"We should probably head back, Barry," Oliver said as he got up from the bench

"Wait, thank you for today, Oliver," Barry said as he got up from the bench as well; Barry then reached in for a bro hug but got rejected by Oliver.

"I'm not really a hugger" Oliver confessed as he put up his hands in defense

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know. But the thing is, I am fast enough to just hug you without you knowing so might as well let me." Barry said with a dorky smile

"Fine," Oliver said going in for the hug

"Thanks. That wasn't so bad, right?" Barry asked as the two best friends hugged.

As Oliver and Barry released their hug; a sudden blinding light appeared out of nowhere which startled them both. With both of their faces in shock and speechless; the blinding light then turned into a person who was yet too familiar. The person appeared to be Barry Allen but looking only a tad older than present Barry. "Guys, I have no time to explain but Caitlin is in danger; she is-" Future Barry rambled on until another bright light appeared around him and Future Barry was gone within an instant. Leaving both Oliver and Barry in shock to what the future holds for Caitlin Snow and Barry Allen...

Author's Note~

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter it was a lot of fun to write for me; let me know any predictions or thoughts that you might have on this chapter or future chapters. Anyways happy reading, love! <3

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