
By rae_rainbow

118K 3.4K 273

just an ordinary winteam fanfic ❤ More

Part 1 Sleep With Me
Part 2 Hia
Part 3 Dean
Part 4 Team's Past (one)
Part 5 Jealous (18+)
Part 6 Team's Past (two)
Part 7 Spoiler
Part 8 Drama Begin
Part 9 Team's Plan
Part 10 Confused
Part 11 Hurt
Part 12 Love You
Thank You
Part 13 Still Not Fixed Up
Just info
Part 14 The Truth
Part 15 Fixed Up (18+)
Part 16 Are We Okay ?
Not an update
Part 18 Win's Plan
Miss you
Part 19 Almost End
Part 20 The End
SP Chapter 1 First Meet
SP Chapter 2 First Sex (18+)
SP Chapter 3 Conversation
SP Chapter 4 Competition
SP Chapter 5 Dad
Hi 😊
SP Chapter 6 The Ex
SP Chapter 7 First Date
SP Chapter 8 Happy Valentine (18+)
SP Chapter 9 Win's Father

Part 17 Unexpected Situation

2.5K 97 12
By rae_rainbow

Made : Sept 2019
Last edited : Dec 2023

In already waiting his brother for almost 1 hours but Win still not coming. In worry and confused at the same time because Win also ask Korn to join the meeting. When Win come, In feel more nervous. Win become so serious and In can feel a tension on his brother...

" Don't be so nervous, I will not fight with your boyfriend na ", said Win opening the conversation
" Awww phi.. I waiting so long na... Until Phi Korn have to go first ", said In.
" Yaya.. Where's your boyfriend hah ? " asked Win
" He go to buy something for cheering up Team, he will come back soon ", said In.
"Cheering up? ", asked Win curious.
" Team said that his stepbrother call him just to insult him... That's why Phi Korn wanna comfort him.. ", said In.
" He didn't tell me about it ", said Win dissapointed.
" Hei Phi, you don't have to be dissapointed.. Actually you're the real medicine... Team said he already feeling okay because you came back.. But you know Phi Korn just care so much with his bestfriend, so he need to see it by himself that Team really okay ", said In.
" Awww really.. Team said like that ? ", asked Win with a big smile on his lips.
" Now I regret to tell you.. Your head become bigger ", said In.

After Korn arriving Dean, Pharm, and Manaow also ready join the meeting. This is the first time Pharm meet In and Korn. Team ever talked about Korn, but Pharm never meet him. Different with Manaow who ever meet Korn once in the past. She feels happy because Korn still keep in touch with Team. Even though Manaow and Pharm was Team's bestfriend, but Korn still Team's number one bestfriend...

" Long time no see Phi Korn ", said Manaow.
" Yeah.. Long time no see ", answered Korn.
" Manaow you know him ? ", asked Pharm.
" Yeah I met him once in the past ", answered Manaow.
" Hi Pharm.. I'm Korn.. ", said Korn with smile and give a hand to shake with Pharm.
" I'm Dean.. Pharm boyfriend's ". said Dean suddenly shake Korn hand's.
" Dean.. You look really bad ", said Win.
" Why ? You more worse than me.. Without listen the explanation you mad at Team ", said Dean.
" Awww enough.. We don't have to start the fight na.. First let's order the drink then talk ", said In breaking the ice.


Team practice with other students who delegated for the competition. Because of they only have a few days, Team and others practice with a professional coach more often...

Some of his friends feel uncomfortable because the coach was really assertive. But Team doesn't care about it. The thing that always on Team head is he winning the competition...


" I don't agree.. Why we help Team but he may not know about it ? ", asked Pharm.
" Because the plan only will succees if Team doesn't know anything Pharm ", said Win.
" No, Team will feel uncomfortable na, he will feel like we lie to him ", said Pharm.
" Pharm.. Calm down.. ", said Manaow.
" I know what you feel Pharm.. At first I also don't agree with Win.. But you know that Team really stubborn na.. He will not let us help him ", said Korn.
" Listen.. I am not doing this to make Team mad.. I am doing this because this is the only thing that we can do to our Team ", said Win.
" But Phi... You said that you will help Team, but Team not allowed to know.. We also don't know anything about your full plan na ", said In.
" Hemmm that's why you guys have to listen until the end.. I only told the first part but Pharm already not agree ", said Win.
" Just continue then Win ", said Dean.


Team finished the practice and found out many food that he love near his bag. He knows this all from his bestfriend Korn. Only Korn would do something cheesy like this. Team happy to accept his bestfriend careness...

Team grab the phone and plan to call Korn. He dialed the number then waiting the answer...

" Phi Korn ", said Team.
" Yes Team, you finished practice ? ", asked Korn.
" Yeah.. I will back to Win's condo na ", said Team.
" Okay... Be careful.. Call me when you arrived at Win's condo na ", said Korn.
" Okay Phi.. And... Heiii what are you doing ", said Team by screaming.
" Team.. It's everything okay ? Team hallo Team ? ", said Korn.
" He will be okay if he followed all the thing that I said ", said someone from the phone.
" Shiaaa who are you ? What the hell you do with Team hah ? ", said Korn.
" Emmm not yet.. Not yet.. I will do something if he doesn't followed my instruction ", said the mysterious person.
" You.. ", said Korn can't finished his words because the phone already cut off.


Hi guys.. So happy that Hemprope series comfirm... Awww my boun become the main character.. He really deserve the best na😭😭😭.. Thank you guys for you who always support boun and prem... Finally we got something what we need the most..❤

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