Unexpected Surprises

By baileyhoover4

4.8K 183 257

Lyndsey Backston had a rough childhood growing up. She has gone through some life-altering things that she ha... More

Without them
The Set-Up
Like a Snacc
I'll Ask Again *R
Dicked Down
Overnight Bag
The Couch *R
Girl's Like Me
Moral Dilemma
I Respect You, Why Can't You Respect Me?
Cheers Bitch πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚
Figure It Out While I'm Gone *R
You Can't Force People's Secrets
What Are You 16 Again?
Spiraled Into My Hole
I Want You *R
Spoil Me
Missing You
Charity Gala Pt.1
Charity Gala Pt. 2 *R
My Mind is a War Zone
Thanksgiving Pt. 1 *R
Thanksgiving Pt. 2
You're Adorable but Pathetic
Meeting the Parents Pt. 1 *R
Meeting the Parents Pt. 2
Presents πŸŽπŸŽ€
Samuel *R
I Love You
Z & D
Meeting Tiana *R
Move-in with me *R
Vacation Pt. 1
Vacation Pt. 2 *R
What I thought of you the first time I saw you. *R
I want our kids to have your eyes.
Shiny Rock
I Will Protect You

Luxurious Lifestyle

78 3 0
By baileyhoover4

I woke up in bed, the last thing I remember was James starting the movie and him massaging my head. If I could go to sleep like that all the time...

I exhale the thought, don't get ahead of yourself, Lyndsey.

I look over to my left, and James was already awake handling business calls from the kitchen. I stretched out my limbs to take up the whole bed. I am going to get used to waking up here. I look down and see I'm in his shirt again. How many undershirts does he own? 

This one was navy blue with a v cut neckline; it is just as soft as the other ones. I wonder how much he spent on these. I know this material isn't cheap. The room was peacefully quiet, unlike the other times I've been in here. I could smell the coffee being brewed. The smell of creme brulee pulls me out of bed toward the kitchen; I loved that the way his apartment carries smells all over. He never needed to light a candle; he could just make coffee to create a scent. 

James is sitting at the island on his laptop; he is so focused he doesn't see me studying him. His bright blue eyes were searching the screen for something. His face didn't seem too thrilled to be working this morning; he rolled his head back and forth from looking at the screen for too long. James ran his fingers through his hair, then tussling it back into place. His blonde hair was darker than usual; it must be from the lack of sun. 

I make my way to the kitchen walking behind him. I stand up in my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around his neck, I place a small kiss below his ear. He hummed in response to my kiss. This is a dangerous spot to kiss, but it was the only place I could reach from behind him.

"Good morning, babe." James kissed arms.

"Good morning. I could smell you made coffee." I pulled away and made my way to the coffee maker. 

"Yeah, I got a new blend and wanted to try it out with you. Oh, God, I sound like a coffee snob." 

I let out an ugly laugh, "You actually do." 

"Can you pour me a cup too. I need to finish this email; then, I'm yours for the rest of the weekend." He stretched his hands behind his head.

I watch as his muscles flex with every movement.

"How often do you go to the gym?" I casually ask him. 

"I go before I head to work during the week." 

"You go for five days a week?" I grab the cups down and go for the creamer.

"Yeah, it keeps me focused during the week. You, on the other hand, keep me focused during the weekend." I look back at him over my shoulder to see his face. James had a suggestive look raising his eyebrow at me. "Or you could invite me to those little stunt sessions of yours during the week. I'd be more than happy to come and join you, baby." 

"I told you that wouldn't happen, but I'll think about it." I hand him his cup of coffee. "Don't worry, it's black, just like you like it." 

"You know me so well. Anyways you should probably start getting ready or prepping for tonight. Rick's wife takes all day to get ready, I guess. He bitches about it every time." 

"I may take a bath to relax before tonight. My nerves are all over the place. I'm so nervous, Babe. I'm sweating just thinking about it." I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Like what if I don't fit in? What if something happens? My brain is going over nonsense what if's." I gulp my coffee down.

I look at James, who is staring at me intently, listening to me ramble. 

"I don't want to make a fool of myself. What if I fall? God, that would be fucking embarrassing." I continue to chug my coffee. I knew this was going to make my jitters even worse.

"Slow down. Take a breath, go take a bath. I'll be out here, or I can join you. I told you I was here for you." He had his arms crossed over his chest, talking to me softly. I take a deep breath and exhale that breath. I nod my head, letting him know I calmed down from my panic I put myself in.  "You ok now?" He looks at me with uncertainty.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm going to go take a bath." I grab another cup of coffee and head to the bathroom. I keep exhaling the tension I keep building up in my shoulders. I set the mug on the counter and start the bathwater. I remember I brought my bath & bodyworks soap with me. I run and grab it quickly before the water fills up. I squeeze the strawberry pound cake scented soap into the water. I was going to smell delicious after this. I grabbed a hair tie and wrapped my hair in a messy bun. I strip out of the cotton shirt next and step into the warm water. 

I sink down into the water letting the bubbles rise to my collar bone. The porcelain tub was cold against my back. I wish my bathtub were like this; everything was luxurious in James's apartment. He had good taste in everything; I began to drift to his taste in women. What if I wasn't as pretty as them? What if he had to change his taste in women entirely because of them? I never compared myself to other women, but with Tiana having that effect on him, I wanted to know what she looked like, I wanted to see how attractive she was.

I couldn't take myself down that road tonight. I wanted to keep a positive headspace. I only wanted to think about how fabulous I'll look tonight with James by my side. I close my eyes, just imagining how we'll look tonight. 

"Why does it smell like a bakery in here." James pulled me out of my thoughts.

"I just got it the other day, and I wanted to use it in the bath." I glance over the edge of the tub to see him leaning against the sink counter.

"It makes me hungry." I knew that was a loaded sentence.

"I'll feed you later." I giggle and sit up so I could see him better.

"I hope so. By the way, I got you something the other day." James heads to the closet and comes out with a dark blue box. 

"James, I don't need another gift. The dress was enough as it is." I wave my hand at him to take it back.

"Please, you'll love it. It will make you feel more a part of the women that are there tonight. Rick told me I should get you something." He shrugged his shoulders, telling me it was no big deal. 

"Well, let me see it." I motion for him to come to the bathtub. 

"How about I show you when you get out. I don't want to get it wet." 

"Fine, can you grab me a towel. I'm intrigued now." 

James goes to the cabinet and holds it out for me to step into. He holds my arm, so I don't slip and bust my ass on the tile floor with my wet feet. I give him a sweet smile; he is such a gentleman to me. He takes the box into the closet, I follow behind him. I wanted to know what was in that box. 

"Ok, close your eyes," James instructs me. I do as I'm told and close my eyes tight, I feel James wipe my neck with another towel. I felt cold metal touch my skin; it was heavy against my collar bone. 

"Ok, you can open your eyes." 

My eyes flew open, stunned by the sparkling necklace that was around my neck. I knew this had to have cost him a large amount of money. All these teardrop diamonds connecting to the single row of diamonds. 

"James! Take this back right now." I look at him then back at myself in the mirror. I looked like a queen with this necklace draped around me. 

"Nope, sorry, I can't do that." James shook his head at me, telling me it was a done deal. 

Why was he gifting me all these expensive items? My fingers trail down the necklace feeling the cold diamonds. I couldn't wear this out in public. I would get robbed on site. 

James takes it off of me and gently sets it back in the box. He places the cover back on it and tucks it next to my dress. 

He smiles at me, "Babe, don't sweat it. You deserve to be spoiled. I haven't anyone to spend my money on in a long time. Let me do this, I work hard, and I have gotten everything I want. Now it's your turn." 

"You're going to make me cry." I felt my lips quiver. 

"We can't have that, baby." He takes me in his arms and holds me against him. I didn't deserve this or him. My own mind was battling with myself about what I deserve and what I don't. 

"I need to go to the lobby to get my suit. They dropped off your dress earlier this week. Make sure it looks good." He gives me a quick kiss before leaving me in the closet. 

I pulled out the dress James bought me. I still couldn't believe he bought me this gorgeous dress. I knew he had to have spent a fortune on it. I was already nervous about going with him, but I was also ecstatic to be his girlfriend officially. I had wanted this since he left for his trip. Even though I couldn't handle hearing about Hallie or Tiana, it was heartbreaking, and it brought me back to a dark place. I didn't want to end up like Hallie; I didn't want Tiana to come waltzing back into his life and snatch him away from me. I couldn't imagine that I didn't want too. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. I left the closet to go sit on the bed and started to cry. I couldn't help it; I didn't want this taken from me.

"Babe, I need help with this..." He stopped mid-sentence and ran to me. "Baby, what's wrong why are you crying?"

I couldn't get the words out; they only came out in choked sobs. I thought I was over cry and feeling like this. I told myself in the tub I wasn't going to go down this road today. He pulled me into his lap and rubbed my back in the slow circles I've become a custom to. I laid my head on his chest, continuing to let the tears fall.

"What if she comes back and tries to take you back again? I don't want to give you up." I suck up my tears. I was ugly crying in his arms.

"Are you worried about Tiana? Please, Lyndsey, you won't need to worry about her. I only want you. I haven't felt like this is so long. I only have eyes for you. I have never lied to you about that. You are everything I want. Please, don't doubt yourself anymore. You are so beautiful; no one can compare to you." He kissed my head.

I managed to stop crying to look up at him. I pulled his face to mine. I needed his lips to touch mine; I was desperate for him. He was giving the same passion as I was. I wanted to take all his clothes off and have my way with him before we had to get ready for the night. He pulled away from me. His eyes were the stormy blue telling me he wanted this just as much as I did.

He took my face in between his hands, cupping it "I would love to get you into bed, but you were just crying I can't do that to you. I will, however, take you when we get back." He winked at me, giving me one last kiss. "I think you need a nap, Babe. I already know you're going to be worried about how your eyes look later."

I rest my head on his chest again. "You're right. I do need a nap."

"Go lay down; I'll wake you at four so that you can start getting ready. It starts at 9; I don't really know how long it takes you to get ready. I can call my boss's stylist to help if you want. I don't know. Your the first girl or anyone I've ever brought to these events." He rubbed his neck nervously.

All I can do is laugh. "I haven't been to a fancy event like this either, and I also don't want to put you out for a stylist."

"Don't worry about it; she's really good at her job. He and his wife refer Rylynn out all the time." He was acting like it was no big deal.

"Aren't they going tonight?"

"His wife is on an island somewhere."

"He must make bank." I have never known anyone whose just gone to an island for a vacation before.

"I'll make some calls; you sleep, ok?"

I nod and crawl under the blankets. James pushed me in so that he could lay next to me for a while. I have gotten so lucky with him. I could see a future with him, unlike the other guys I've been with. He was worth giving my heart to.

He smelled like his body wash; mahogany wood. I just wanted to smell him sometimes. It was a manly scent; it suited him well. My mind was starting to slow the thinking process and just go blank. I wanted to drift off to sleep, but I also wanted to be present with James.

"Go to sleep." He ran his finger through my hair, letting them continue down my spine.

I hum in response to him trying to relax me. "I don't want you to leave when you keep rubbing my back."

"I'm not rubbing; I'm simply running my fingers on your back. Sleep, it'll be a long night, and no, we can't leave early. I know the question will come when you're bored." He kissed me softly on my forehead."I have some things to take care of; I'll be back later."

He got up and shut the curtains to keep the sun out. The room slowly became dark, and I started to feel even more tired.

"I'll be back by 3:45ish at the latest 4." His phone went off again, and he was out of the bedroom.

I closed my eyes whenever I cried hard like that I would get sleepy. I needed to look my best for an event like this. My eyes better cool down by the time I wake-up, or I will lose it on myself for having a breakdown.

I woke up to the shower running. What time is it? Just before four great, I woke up right on time. I head toward the bathroom. The mirror was fogged up with how hot he had the water. I stripped down and slid in behind him. I wrapped my arms around his defined waist.

I didn't care I took a bath earlier I just wanted to be near him.

"Mmm, I'm so glad you're up." He grabs my hands in his.

I press my face to his back and hug him tighter. "Can I have a hug?"

He turned and wrapped his arms wide around me. He snuggled me closer to his chest. "You feel better, baby."

I nod my head, " yeah, I just needed a hug right now."

He kissed my head and rubbed my back gently. We stayed like this for a while. I didn't want to leave the shower, but I know we have to get ready. I pull back to stand on my tiptoes for a kiss. His lips met me halfway. It was a small kiss, but it was comforting.

"I'm going to get out before I take you in here." I got another kiss, and he got out.

"I still plan on having my way with you when we get home." He shouts, going out of the bathroom. I turn off the shower and follow him to the closet. 

"I don't take long to get ready, you, on the other hand, well, I don't yet. We've never gotten ready together." He unzips his suit dress bag hanging it next to mine. 

I head to the bathroom to get ready. I was just going to do big Hollywood curls and throw a warrior braid on the sides. I didn't want to keep pushing my hair out of my face tonight. I pug in my curling iron and dump out my make up. 

Simple, Lyndsey. Just do eyeliner and lashes, I don't need to do a full glam look.

I do an extravagant winged eyeliner, slicing it high up to be dramatic. I chose the boujeest lashes I own. I popped those babies on and examined my eyes to make sure they were sultry enough for the event. I prepped my face with primer and went in with my foundation stick; I wanted to look natural without smearing my makeup on his suit. I set my face and applied the highlighter and a little bit of blush. I dug around for my ruby woo MAC lipstick. I applied it as evenly as possible without smearing it. I pouted my lips while examining my face. 

I looked fabulous. Alright, now on to the hair. 

I finally finish with my hair, hair spraying the living shit out of it to keep in place. 

James came back to check on me.

"I changed my mind. We aren't going anywhere. You look stunning without the dress." He was giving me those hunter eyes while looking at my naked body up and down. 

"I need your help with the dress." I saunter passed him, pulling his hand as I walk by. I know he is enjoying the view while following behind me. 

"Can I have a little taste before we go?" James pulls me to him, pressing my ass to his semi-hard erection. 

"Babe, no. I CAN NOT mess up my makeup." I turn around to face him, giving him a warning glare.

"Fine, but once we're back, you better be prepared." He warns me back.

I cross my arms over my chest and kiss the back of my teeth, waiting for him to test me. James is trying to read whether I was serious or not. I cock my head to the side, raising my eyebrow while shifting my weight to my other foot. 

"Ok, ok, I won't mess your makeup up." He laughs and unzips my dress bag. He holds it open for me to step into like last time. I pull the straps on adjusting my breast under the dress to give them a lift. The dress didn't drag as bad as before; his lady did well. 

"So beautiful, baby." James looks me up and down from head to toe. "I knew you would look wonderful in it."  He takes my right hand and kisses it softly. I give him a small smile; I was relishing in the compliments. He turns around grabbing the necklace box. I spin around and let him place it around me. "Now, you're perfect." He flashes me with his big, white smile. 

I go and find my heels I brought with me. James starts stripping down as I leave. I wasn't about to tempt myself with his naked body in front of me. I grab my phone and take a few selfies to send to Zedra and Weston. They were going to die over my look for tonight.

James came out a half-hour later. He wore black slacks, a black button-up, and a white suit jacket; his shoes were shiny and new, just like mine. He had a maroon pocket square and tie that matched my dress. I was going to become a puddle of hormones if he wore suits like that. His suit was custom made for his body; it showed off every bulging muscle he had. 

"I might change my mind about having a taste before we leave." I joke as I walk up to him. I trail my fingers down the suit lapels. We look amazing together. 

"You're looking at me like you want to eat me up." He grabbed my hands with his and lead me to the floor to ceiling mirror. "Let's get a picture, Zedra demanded one when I got you the dress."

We got a couple of pictures taken on my phone. I was finally able to have cute couple pictures. These photos were the ones you find on IG and admire them. 

"Let me take a few of you, babe." James placed me in the middle of the floor to let me do my own thing. I strike a few poses. He was hyping me up just like I wanted to do to him. He made me feel like a princess tonight.

I will forever be greatful to him.

Author's note:

3596 word count.

I wanted to do so much with the chapter, but I only had so much time.

I am going to make the next chapter about the charity gala. 🤩🤴👸

I can't wait for it. We'll get another steamy scene in the next one

Please vote or comment it would mean alot to me 😁😁

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