Outlaws (Arthur Morgan x rea...

By TheCherryMonk

25.6K 556 166

(Y/n is the daughter of the infamous outlaw Dutch van der linde her mother and the love of Dutch's life, Anna... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Should i continue
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Should i rewrite
Im rewriting
I need friends

Chapter 17

872 21 6
By TheCherryMonk

It's been a few days since Arthur told me about his feelings and we both agreed to keep our relationship secret as possible. For severely reason but mostly so that dad won't go all overprotective over me again.the only people that I have told we're the girls because they wouldn't stop bothering me about it but besides that no one else really knows.

Arthur was walking over to the horses and unhitched midnight. Full of curiosity I walk over to him. "Hey Arthur"I say. Arthur turns around and as soon as he saw me a smile comes to his face. "Hi sweetheart"Arthur said giving me a kiss to the cheek.

I blushed and giggled lightly then looked to see if anyone saw. Arthur warps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Watch yourself Arthur or else you'll get caught"I say raising a brow. "I honestly don't care if I get caught or not at this point"Arthur said leaning down to place a soft but quick kiss. Arthur then let go of me and mounted his horse.

"Your so adorable..you know that"I said crossing my arms over my chest. Arthur looked down at me with a smile while shaking his head. I then returned the smile back to him. "Where you going"I say nodding in the direction of the horse. "i'm just going near blackwater to bring back Sean"Arthur answer.

"Ooo near blackwater huh....sounds dangerous let me come with you"i said to the man. "No....like you said dangerous so I can't let you do that"Arthur answered. "Please Arthur"I say giving him puppy eyes. "No y/n. To dangerous it's much safer if you stay here at camp with the rest of the gang ok"Arthur said with a frowning his brows. "Please"I said doing the puppy eyes. Arthur gives in and sighed and said "fine go get your horse".

"Can I go with you on your horse?"y/n said. "W-why can't you ride on your own horse?"Arthur said confused tilting his head to the side. "Because my arms hurt"y/n said really just wanting to be close to Arthur. Arthur looked at the woman squinting his eyes at her. "I know your just making up excuses but I'll let it slide because I love you "Arthur said with a chuckle.

"Yay!"y/n said happily making Arthur chuckle more. Arthur rolled his eyes and hoped off his horse and helped y/n on. "M'lady"Arthur said tipping his hat at the woman. She let out a lighthearted chuckle and Arthur hoped on the front of the horse. Y/n wrapped her arms over his waist and rested her head on his back. Arthur then snapped the reins making the horse move and walk the direction Arthur wanted him to go.

As soon as the two where far enough form the camp y/n lifted her head up rested her head on his shoulder instead. She kissed Arthur's cheek making him slightly blush. "Kiss"y/n said making duck lips wanting Arthur to kiss her. Arthur chuckled and turned his head and kissed her lightly. She then laid her head down on his shoulder as if it were a pillow.

"I love you Arthur"y/n said softly and truthfully

"I love you too princess" Arthur said back to her making the girl smile happily.

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