Tempting Fates (E. Mikaelson)

By sTeFaNthe_RiPpAH

21.4K 504 16

THEY WERE destined to be before they were even born. It was written in the stars. But Alex would be damned if... More

Act 1
Chapter 1: the kidnapping

Chapter 2: the rescue

6.1K 177 4
By sTeFaNthe_RiPpAH

Alex had decided that she did not like this century's latest doppelganger at the very moment.

It was not a decision taken lightly, but there was only so much whining that she could handle before her brain exploded. Where are we, who are you, what do you want? It was a constant loop the brunette seemed to be on. The kidnappers were clearly growing tired of it, and Alex was counting down the seconds before another smack would echo through the abandoned home. Of course she understood, but all the questions were not going to help them at the moment.

Rose even said so moments later, leading to the doppelganger following Alex around as she searched around the room.

Where could it be?

"What are you looking for?" The copy asked.

Great, now she's turned to questioning me.

Alex sighed, turning to the girl shortly before facing back towards the couch, throwing cushions to the dirty ground. "Have you seen a w...stick lying about? Approximately 12 inches, light brown, pointy?"

The thought that the abductors may have taken it suddenly occurred.

Elena's brows scrunched together, looking at the girl like she was crazy.

"We've been kidnapped by random strangers, and you're looking for a stick?!" She whisper shouts. Alex rolled her eyes, exhaling slowly before responding with a simple nod and sarcastic smile. Elena scoffs, clearly not amused as she stomps over to a chair and plops down. 

"Aren't you the new lady living up in that mansion on the hill? I know why I'm here, sort of, but why are you?"

Alex grunts as she gets to her knees, beginning her search under the couch instead. "Oh right, because I should know why I randomly get knocked out at some stupid ball after hiding in the corner where the food was all night. Obviously I don't know, child, otherwise I probably wouldn't be- Ah ha! Got you!" She suddenly exclaims, pulling what looks to be a stick from under the couch.

It is then that the kidnappers decide to come back in, staring oddly at the girl holding a stick for moment before quietly discussing with each other.

Alex decides that she does actually want to know what is going on, so she steps closer to the two, waiting for them to finish whatever they were saying before tapping the tall lady on the shoulder, who grows tense as she turns to face the woman. 

"Sorry for interrupting whatever vampirey supernaturally talk you two are having, but may I ask why I am here? I'm not entirely sure what's going on, as per usual, but perhaps you could give me an inkling of understanding here?" Alex awkwardly finishes, looking between the two amused looking vampires.

"You know what they are?!"

We're just gonna ignore that one for a bit.

Trevor shrugs, looking to Rose for an answer. Rose rolls her eyes, scoffing before facing the woman. "I can't give you all the details, I myself am not entirely sure, but all we know is that he wants you as well as the doppelganger, and we want our freedom. I'm unaware as to why a human is so important, but I digress." She finishes her statement before turning back to Trevor to calm his already racing thoughts.

Elena stares, unsure of what to do as Alex nods, happy to be sort of in the loop.

No wonder they didn't take my wand, they have no idea who I actually am. That solves one problem. Kind of.


A knock suddenly rings through the otherwise quiet house, startling most of the occupants. Alex sits on the cushions on the floor, ready to enjoy the show, whatever the show may be, as Elena's palms grow sweaty, realizing that this could be it. 

Trevor panics a bit more, Alex watching on as Rose comforts him before going to the door. She tries to listen in, but is overwhelmed by a strong pull in her chest. Her eyebrows furrow, rubbing where her chest aches, eyes closing as a smell invades her senses. It was like being in a library full of old books, and the faintest smell of coffee permeated the air. There's something else too, an undertone of earthy scents. Like fresh rain in a forest. 

It smelled like a perfect heaven if you asked her.

Rose enters the room once more, this time followed by a tall male in a suit.

Oh dear merlin, that is the finest specimen of man that I have ever seen.

The man sees the doppelganger first, speeding towards her first. 

"Impossible." He breathes, leaning in. "Hello there."

 Alex narrows in on that, and her heart clenches. 

I don't even know this man and I'm jealous. Bloody hell. 

Alex scoffs at herself, causing the man to pause, eyebrows furrowing as he faces the other presence in the room. His features slacken, almost unbelieving, before he is rushing towards the woman sitting a bit ways behind the doppelganger. 

He couldn't believe he almost missed her. How could he have ignored the fragrant smell now flooding his senses? She smelled of the sweetest delicacies, with floral undertones and something else he couldn't put his finger on, but oh how he longed to. And he would, given time. They had forever, after all.

Their eyes locked, and time stood still. For just a moment, it was only them. 

He reached his hand out for her to take, helping her stand from the cushion she was on before pulling her closer. Staring into her beautiful green eyes, he couldn't help but get lost within them.

"I'm Elijah." He muttered, lacing their fingers together. "Alexandra." She replied, still taking in his features. The man, Elijah, smiled, and her heart fluttered.

She understood now. Everything had fallen into place. Looking into his hazel brown eyes, for the first time in her entire life, Alex felt entirely at peace. This was her one. This was her other half. And she would be damned if anyone were to try and take that away. 

 I got an original. Sweet.

They were shaken from their short introduction by a voice, breaking them from further intoxication of one another. 

"What is going on?" Elena grated through her teeth, thoroughly peeved at the moment the two were having. Did they not see the three other people in the room?

Elijah reframed from answering, instead walking towards her with grace. Alex followed silently, hands still enlaced together as they walked. "We have along journey ahead of us, we should be going." He spoke.  "No please, don't let him take me!" Elena realizes she should have let them have their moment. Elijah ignores this and instead faces the kidnappers, now slowly making his way to them. "Just one last piece of business, and we're done."

Trevor shuddered as the attention was now entirely upon him.

"I have waited so long for this day Elijah, I am truly...very sorry." His breathing was shaky as he grasped his hands together in fear of what may happen.

Elijah stared at him for a moment, the air growing tense. 

He slowly circles the man, not helping to ease the air, as he releases Alex's hand "Oh, no. Your apology is not necessary." Alex steps to the side, letting the men do their men thing.

Trevor looks to the ground. "Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina, and I failed you." 

"Well yes, you are the guilty one. Rose stayed with you because she was loyal to you, that I honor." Elijah pauses, now standing in front of him. "Where was your loyalty?" He asks, staring Trevor down. 

"I beg your forgiveness."

"So granted."

Alex sneezed, breaking the impossibly tense atmosphere. Elijah faced her for a moment, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as she covered her mouth, muttering to herself about the dirty house. She looked up, meeting Elijah's eye before walking forward. "Well, I for one cannot  wait to get out of this stuffy place. Can we go now?" She grasps his hand, smiling as he once again laces their fingers together. 

"Of course. Anything you wish, my love."

Oh I enjoyed that immensely more than I should have. 

Trevor exhaled slowly, watching the girl with a grateful look. She didn't even know she just saved his life. And he was forever indebted to her. 

Elijah turned back to the doppelganger, who panicked when she realized he was going to take her. 

"What about the moonstone?" She rushed out, giving pause to the man.

His face dropped. "What do you know about the moonstone?" 

Elena paused before answering, "I-I know that you need it and I know where it is."

Elijah stared at her for a moment before a hand squeezed his, unintentionally relaxing him if but for a second. Elijah glanced at Alexandra, who began drawing small shapes onto his hand to keep herself from getting bored as her ADHD riddled mind began jumping from topic to topic, before facing Elena once more with an amused look.


"I can help you get it." Elena speaks shakily, her heart skipping a beat as he leans closer. "Tell me where it is." Elena shutters once more. "It doesn't work that way." 

"Are you negotiating with me?" He chuckles, briefly looking to Rose, who looked shocked. "It's the first we've heard of it." She exclaims, grasping Trevor's hand in her own to calm her racing mind. Elijah then tries to compel Elena before realizing her necklace was stopping them from getting any further. He rips it from her neck, grabbing the back of her head, "Tell me where the moonstone is."

Wish he'd grab me like that-wait no.

Elijah gets his answer, before a crashing sound comes from further within the house. 

He holds Alex closer as he begins questioning Rose.

"What is that, who is here?"

"I don't know, I don't know."

Elijah looks to the roof before leading Alex away, grasping Elena and tossing her towards Trevor, who quickly grabs her arm and drags her along as they get closer to the sound. He learned his lesson the first time. 

"Yknow, if this were a horror movie, we'd be dying , right?" Alex speaks, following giddily as Elijah leads. He chuckles once more before another shattering sound echoes. He releases her hand in favor of passing her to Rose instead. He gives Rose a hard look, one telling her not to let anything happen to his girl, before walking closer to the stairs. 

"Over here!" A voice rings out from up the stairs.

"Over here!" Another sounds, closer.

And suddenly, Trevor, Rose, Elena, and Alexandra are all gone and Elijah is left standing alone. 

A deafening roar sounds throughout the house as Alex opens her eyes, facing a black haired male. Damon. He motions for her to be silent as he covers her mouth with his hand before quickly yanking it back as he takes several steps from her.

"Did you just- lick my hand?" he asks incredulously as he watches Alex quickly wipe her tongue on her sleeve.

"And I don't even know where your hand has been- ugh!" She shouts before rushing back towards the stairs. Damon tries to grab her but backs up when she stabs him with what looks to be a stick. "What the hell?" He mutters to himself.

"Excuse me to whom it may concern,  you're making a big mistake if you think you can beat me. You can't." Elijah tries to reign himself in, already on edge at the lack of Alex at his side. 

Elene and Alex come into view, meeting at the middle at the top of the stairs. Elena's eyes widen before trying to get Alex to hide behind her.

Sweet, but unnecessary. 

"Please don't hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me." Elena says.

Elijah's eyes narrow in on Alex behind her, who grins as she meets his eyes. He fails to hide his half smile as he speeds halfway up the stairs, before narrowing in on the doppelganger. 

"What are you playing at?" His question is met with something being thrown at him.

He grunts, wiping the vervain from his eye before continuing up the stairs. Elena backs away in fear before Alex shoves her away and jumps into Elijah, moving his hair from his face as she checks for injuries, her logical mind not processing the fact that he is indeed an original. 

He smiles at her sweetly before grabbing her hand once more.

A man appears at the top of  the stairs suddenly, and begins shooting stakes at Elijah, who quickly moves in front of Alex before releasing her hand and rushing up towards the man. 

Stefan throws his weapon to the side before launching himself at Elijah. They both grunt as they fall down the stairs, Alexandra taking her phone out to record before Damon is suddenly in front of her and yanking her out of the way. Elijah pins Stefan to the wall before realizing another has Alex. He quickly releases the man before shoving the black haired man from his mate. The brothers groan from the ground as Alex and Elijah stare at one another once more. Realizing he was dealing with young vampires, Elijah rolls his eyes before deciding to just leave. The doppelganger could wait, and he knew where she was now anyways. 

Alex motions to the door, seeming to understand before he even speaks, and he grins before bringing her hand to his lips for a quick kiss before pulling her closer and speeding away. 

Alexandra was far more important to him, and today was a special day.

It wasn't every day you met your soulmate, after all. 


longass chapter hope you guys liked it :)

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