My beloved elf

By UfoAziz

1.3K 22 6

What if Legolas falls in love with his best friend's daughter? What if she loves him back? As background a ne... More

Chapter One - Desperate Pleas
Chapter 3 - Always worried about the princess
Chapter 4 - Princess Training
Chapter 5 - Jealousy?
Chapter 6 - Whispered Words
Chapter 7 - Quarrel
Chapter 8 - Kayla
Chapter 9 - You are something important
Chapter 10 - The battle
Chapter 11 - Party air?
Chapter 12- Kiss
Chapter 13 - An Excellent Afternoon
Chapter 14 - Love
Chapter 15 - Take me away from here
Chapter 16 - Fathers
Chapter 17 - Time to Savour
Chapter 18 - Far away?
Chapter 19 - Thranduil
Chapter 20 -All done?
Chapter 21 - Seeing it again
Chapter 22 -I love you
Chapter 23 - Noah
Chapter 24 - For you
Chapter 25 - Tauriel arrives

Chapter 2 - Princess saved

129 4 0
By UfoAziz

Aragorn, Arwen, Gandalf, and Legolas stopped after hours of riding.

They lit a fire for the night, while Aragorn and Legolas are looking for more firewood.

-How long before we reach the princess? -

-Tomorrow at dawn we will leave and tomorrow night if all goes well we will be able to help her.. -

-Aragorn.. - The friend calls him -We will save her- says resolutely the elf.

- I hope... you know she's a great girl... and I think without her our whole family wouldn't be the same...- Aragorn stops sadly.

-Hey man, we're gonna save her- the elf pats on his shoulder.

They go back to the other two traveling companions.

-We are in dangerous territories now, since the orcs have come so far ahead... Gandalf and I will go ahead... Legolas, you stay with Arwen- Aragorn and Gandalf breaks away from the other two.

-So Arwen how is it to be mortal? - asks Legolas to the friend.

-I can't judge... but I can tell you that I love having a family, it's the best thing in my life- Arwen reaches out to touches Legolas's hand on the reins.

-Legolas, do you think you will be able to create the family you deserve? - she asks him sweetly.

-Now we have to save yours.. - He tells her referring to her daughter.

-We haven't spoken to each other in a long time like we did... so many years ago-

-I missed you Arwen-

-You too, my friend- from here the smile took part in the conversation.

-Tell me about your family- asked Legolas who had returned serenely.

-There is Eldarion, he's 24 years old, has a good heart, he knows how to be benevolent but at the same time fair and he is a good warrior... He follows his father's footsteps. Kayla has turned 20 a few days ago... she is a half-elf, her brother is human... . She has elvic abilities, we taught them the elfic... Kayla, well we think that among the elvic abilities has also acquired immortality but we do not know yet...She is a beautiful, sweet and sunny girl. Maybe a little too good when it comes to judging... she's good at wielding the sword... she's great.. even with the bow.-

-Looks like a perfect family-

-Oh no! - says Arwen laughing. -We argue very often, many times we disagree about things even futile! Kayla fought with her father so much, but they love each other... I remember that day that Aragorn gave her a pony, but she didn't want it... she wanted a horse and didn't talk to him for two whole days... she's a stubborn girl, but knows how to love and be loved... -

The two continued to chat.

Meanwhile, in front of Aragorn and Gandalf discussed how to free Kayla.

-Then we have decided... we have to tell the others-

-What troubles you Aragorn? - Gandalf asks him.

-Nothing... I was thinking about the last things I said to Kayla-

-What did you say to her? -

-I promised her that I would save her and so it will be... before they attacked us, she was telling me something... and I was holding back the laughter not to give her the satisfaction of making me laugh-

-She is a strong girl-

-Kayla we are coming- says Aragorn with determination.


Meanwhile, Kayla fights fatigue and exhaustion. When the ogres had attacked, she had wielded the sword and had fought, but there were too many and she had been wounded.

The wound was on her leg and it was becoming infected, causing her enormous pain, despite having tied a piece of cloth around her leg to shield the cut.

Kayla's a golden girl, she doesn't give up easily, much less now.

The hours of pain had filled her with thoughts and at this moment her mind was occupied from the moment before the attack, her father who did not want to laugh and she who took it.

The night was falling.


The four comrades have arrived.

-So, go unnoticed is excluded, it is impossible. I, Gandalf, and Arwen create a diversion while Legolas, you are the fastest and agile, you will have to find Kayla and bring her to the point established before- explains the plan Aragorn.

While Aragorn, Gandalf, and Arwen attacked the orcs from the front Legolas came from the right almost unnoticed in all the confusion.

Many ogres die but Legolas still does not find Kayla, who poor hides behind the tree, with so much effort, frightened.

Legolas kills another ogre as he screams the girl's name, but she's not answering.

Then he leans on the side of the tree behind which Kayla is hidden.

The girl with the last strength he has left takes the elf by the foot and pulls it to the ground.

Legolas slams his back to the ground and Kayla throws herself on him intending to attack but exhausted he collapses on the elf's chest.

Legolas a bit confused looks at the girl who does not want to move. He sees other ogres coming, gets up to sit, and then stands up, pulls up the girl who seems to recover a little. Legolas leaves her, thinking that she can hold but folds immediately under the aching leg.

The elf leans on his knees holding the whispering girl -Help...-

-Are you Kayla? - asks Legolas as he moves his hair from her face, brings a lock behind her ear, and discovers the pointed ear.

-I hope... can you hold on? - The girl closes her eyes for the pain.

-I take it for a no- says the 'elf getting up and taking the girl as a 'bride'.

Legolas enters the forest, runs, and holds the young woman.

She stops at a clearing between the trees and lies on the ground.

Untie the improvised bandage and scan the wound, pull out some herbs from a bag hanging from the side and medicate the wound.

After a while, Kayla regains consciousness, gets up on her elbows, and sees sitting at her feet an elf, with long blond hair in order, thin but still toned and muscled.

-Who are you? - he asks with such difficulty.

The elf approaches Kayla, who sees him in the face and remain enchanted with his clear eyes.
-The wound is better, you should feel better in the morning-

-Who.. are you? - asks again, but can not hear the answer because she lacks with forces and she has to put down her body again.

Kayla sees the beautiful face of the elf above her looking at her worried, she hears voices but can not tell them apart.

Aragorn arrives with Arwen and only 2 horses.

-Kayla! - the mother hugs her with strength.

-She's fine, even if she won't be able to stand for the wound until tomorrow.. only two horses? -ask Legolas.

- Thank you, my friend, for saving her- Aragorn thanks him and then goes to his daughter to hug her.

-Thank you! - says Arwen as she hugs Legolas.

-Only two horses because the other two died because of the orcs- informs Arwen.

-And Gandalf instead had to leave... He didn't tell us where he was going, he just walked away and ordered us to go to Rivendell and wait for him- Arwen continues.

-We have to move.. not all orcs are dead- says Aragorn.

-There will be... more- Kayla intervenes.

-She needs to eat and drink- says Aragorn and his wife give him what he needs from a horse bag.
Kayla eats and regains some strength.

-We have to go, now... Arwen comes with me. Legolas can you take Kayla on the horse? - Aragorn takes over the situation again.

The elf nods and Aragorn helps Kayla climb in front of Legolas.

To get on the girl has to make an immense effort, as soon as she sits she feels an arm that surrounds her waist and he holds her close to him.

The girl is very tired, she leans on the body behind her, she bends her head just to the side and sees the elf who saved her and who brought her back to her parents, she smiles and then closes her eyes to rest.

She feels the horse's neighing, the pain in her leg, the elf's breath on her neck, the arm that surrounds her life and rests on her side with kindness but with the strength to keep her up and the warmth of his body.

They ride all night and at dawn slow down the pace.

Slowly Kayla wakes up and rips her head off the elf's shoulder.

-Good morning, my lady- the girl turns around and sees that he is looking in front of himself seriously.

-Good morning-

-Where are my parents? - She asks looking around agitated.

-Stop or you'll fall from the horse- he warns her.

-The orcs followed us we had to split, we meet again at Rivendell- he explains to her, meanwhile he tightens his arm around her waist to not make her fall because she was agitating too much.

Kayla moans for the pain in her leg coming back.

-Have you not slept? - she asks while she tries to conceal the pain of the wound.


-And you're not tired? - insists the girl talk.

-We elves know how to divide the energies, save them and use them in the best way-

They still ride for a while ' in silence but Kayla hates this silence so pressing.

-Hey then yesterday you didn't tell me your name! -

-I am Legolas son of King Thranduil-

-So you're a prince!-

-You're not one of many words- the sentence ends in lament.

Legolas notices and stops the horse.

-Hold on to the reins I have to go down and you will no longer have the support- says as he passes her the reins, takes off the arm of her waist, and comes down.

Then he offers her the hand that the girl grabs and he helps her down by taking her with his other arm, Kayla still can't stand for the pain and Legolas helps her by making her sit against a tree.

-Didn't you say the pain would go away? - asks the girl in a grimace.

Legolas takes off the bandage and sees that the wound is not healing but is getting worse.

-Is it getting worse... were you hit by an arrow? - he asks and the girl nods.

-I took it off because it was doing infection...-

-It was a poisoned arrow, now I will try to treat you but it will hurt-

Legolas takes herbs tries to treat it.

-No Legolas please it hurts so much! -

-Don't worry, don't panic, close your eyes.. - he whispers as he continues to medicate.

Soon he stops and puts on the bandages.

He sits next to her and hands her some food, but she refuses.

-My lady you have to eat-

-You're a contradiction, you call me "my lady," but you are a prince- She's trying to ease the tension.

- Don't call me "my lady" anymore- Kayla says and he smiles.

-"As you wish, my lady.." - he says in Elvish, thinking that she does not understand.

-"My parents taught me the Elvish"-

-"it's true! Your mother told me..."-

-"My mother told you about me?" - she wonders perplexed.

-"Yes and she was right you are a beautiful girl..."-

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