Chapter 14 - Love

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Eldarion turns and goes away. - Tell my sister to come to me when... she's finished...- leave said to a servant.

-Anyway, I came first! - smiles the girl as she steps away from the elf.

-But you will lose at the archery- smiles the elf and turns to the servant who arrives.

-Excuse me, Your Highness, but your brother, the Prince, wants to see you as soon as possible- he says after a brief bow, another as short follows and returns to his duties.

-Eldarion knows very well how to ruin the plans...- sighs Kayla then smile -I could ignore him and continue to do what I was doing-

-I don't think it's possible... go, I'll see you later- Legolas smiles at the girl.

-Thanks- Kayla approaches and leaves him a quick kiss. - See you later- then she leaves the stables.

Kayla joins her brother at the palace with a smile on her face.

-Do you need me Eldarion? - She asks lively as she enters the room where the boy is working.

-Ah yes, I have to talk to you about some things...- he starts talking about work, sits down, and stays there with his sister for a few hours.

-Well, so we're done here? - asks her with a voice between tired and bored while she rises from the table and sighs.

-Mh... one last thing...- the voice of his brother stops her.

-Tell me-

-You're an adult now and... I'm sure Dad would agree with me... we have to find someone right for you to marry-

-What? - she asks while trying not to burst into laughter.

-I'm serious, you're a princess, and we need to find you, someone..-the girl stops him.

-No, no, you can't be serious- the smile falls from the girl's lips and she becomes serious.

- Eldarion, no. I don't want to! I'm sure I'll be able to handle it on my own- she finishes the sentence with an ironic tone and gets out of the room.

-Give me a chance to get you to meet some people okay? -

-No! Why do you care so much about my love life now? - She asks.

-It's not your love life... it's also political! So you'll meet those people! - The prince rises from his chair screaming and frightens his sister and she steps back.

-As you like- she whispers and leaves the room, she hastily stops a servant and asks for Legolas.

Following the servant's instructions, she goes into the private inner garden and finds him arranging his bow sitting on the ground with a few arrows beside him.

-Hey... are you done with your brother? - Legolas asks, hearing the girl who soon sits next to him with a sigh.

-Yes... he needed mainly for problems with the council of elders- she says slowly resting her head on his shoulder.

-Mainly? - asks the elf as he continues to arrange the arch.

-Well... it was strange during the meeting then he stopped me and I was... informed... that I have to meet people... guys who would be right for me... to marry...- sighs while playing with her nails.

-To marry...? - asks uncertainly as he rests the arch on the lawn while she nods slowly.

-I will reject them all, don't worry- raise your head and move a rebellious lock that has escaped the elaborate braid. - In fact, you know what? I will enjoy rejecting them one by one even for stupid reasons- she chuckles nervously while he smiles and turns to her.

-You're so funny...- smiles and fixes the rebellious lock.

-I expected a different reaction from you- she sincerely says surprise and starts smiling genuinely.

-I'm angry, but it's not your fault... so why take it out on you? -He smiles and kisses her sweetly.

-Are you angry? - The girl moves away from him confused.

-Because you'll have to see other guys and it will be difficult for us because... you know your father is my best friend- sighs looking down on his hands that run the embroidery on the sleeves of the girl's dress.

-I love you... I swear I won't give you any reason to be jealous- she smiles and holds a laugh when the elf snaps her head and looks at her.

-I won't be jealous! -Responds spicy.

-Of course- she keeps smiling and then leaning her lips on those of the blond.

-I will not be jealous- bellows on the girl's lips and then let go and caress the soft skin of Kayla's neck.

Their lips touch gently as the two bodies approach dangerously. The elf gets up by detaching from her lips and taking her by the hands helps her to get up.

-So our plan is for you to go out with all of them and reject them all? - asks as she takes it by the hand and braids their fingers as he begins to walk.

-So now we have a plan? - she smiles and gets closer to him. - Anyway, I will try again to talk to Eldarion-

-Good- he smiles and lets her into what he then recognizes as her rooms.

-What are we doing here? - He asks sitting on the bed.

-We were stupid, we don't want to be seen but we kiss in the garden, in the stables, and around the building- he chuckles and then kisses her.

Kayla returns the kiss by caressing the platinum hair tips of the elf. Meanwhile, Legolas' hands caress her hips gently and draw her towards him. She feels drawn to him, goes to sit on his legs, and clasps to him with arms surrounding his neck.

-Kayla... calm, I don't want to... rush you- whisper him on her lips.

-You're not rushing me-

He makes her lie gently on the mattress and joins her, then kisses her. Slowly, gently they reveal themselves taking care of each other's bodies. The light kisses on the tips of her ears help her with the initial pain caused by him. As he moves slowly to get her comfy enough, he whispers words in elfic to help her. After a while, the pain is only a vague memory and between kisses, whispers, and groans they declare love to each other. After both reach the peak of pleasure the elf lies down beside the girl and embraces her.

-Thanks- says Kayla as he tenderly kisses her forehead.

They both get on alert when they hear someone knocking on the door.

-Your Highness lunch is ready to be served in the rose room! -

The girl gets up from the bed and wears the light nightgown resting on the chair of her desk then goes to the door and opens it enough to see the maid.

-Um... I think I'm gonna skip lunch... I'll swing by the kitchens later, so tell the cooks to keep something aside- then close the door and lean against it with your back.

-Do you think we'll ever have a little ' time for us without being disturbed? - she says while smiling at Legolas still lying in bed.


Tell me what do you think, did you like it? How does Eldarion seem?

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