One Last Time (WayV - Xiaojun...

By demigxddess

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COMPLETED | True love never dies, it'll always remain in one's heart even if the person dies. A story about t... More

F I N A L E (Alternate Ending)
Q & A
Song Inspiration #1
Update #1
Update #2


514 24 6
By demigxddess



~ Third Person's POV

Today the couple decided to have their private date at the lake. While waiting for Xiaojun, Eehuey was quietly reading her favorite book.

She then averted her gaze at the bushes when she heard the twigs and leaves being disturbed, she immediately closed the book she was reading to wait if it was Xiaojun arriving.

A bright smile greeted her and she didn't hesitated to stand up to give him a tight hug as if they didn't see each other for so long.

"Xiaojun!" she cheerdully greeted.

"Sorry baby I was late, I was busy at home." Xiaojun answered, giving her a hug as well.

"It's okay, I understand." she said and broke from their hug.

The excitement from her eyes withered when she noticed something on his face that made Xiaojun concious all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice sounding a little tensed.

Eehuey did not respond, instead she used her thumb to wipe off what she suspected concealing cream off of Xiaojun's face.

"Ouch." Xiaojun whimpered at her touch.

Eehuey was shock to see a dark purple bruise on the side of his face.

"What's this?" she asked him.

Xiaojun's eyes were locked hers and his hand shakily touched the bruise on his face that he was obviously hiding.

"It's... n-nothing." he stuttered.

Eehuey was still skeptical and wasn't satisfied with his answer.

"What happened to you? Did you got into an accident? Did someone beat you up?" she held unto Xiaojun's chin and tilted his head sideway as she eyed his bruise.

"No no..." he said, gently swatting her hand off his face. "I just bumped into something, that's all." he assured.

But Eehuey wasn't having his excuse.

"Then why were you hiding it from me?" she asked.

Xiaojun sighed heaving. "I knew you would react like this that's why I tried to hide it."

"It's only natural for me to worry about you." she said. "I am your girl."

"I understand..." he took her hands and smiled bitterly. "But this is really nothing serious." he assured her.

Eehuey gulped, she wasn't sure if she'd trust his words but what can she do, he said he was okay so maybe she believed him.


Their relationship became stronger as days passed, there were ups and downs in their relationship but they remained sturdy.

Xiaojun also earned the sister's trust after persistently visiting them and sending gifts over. It was important to him that he has good relationship with Eehuey's guardian.

Everything was going so well but Eehuey couldn't help but worry whenever she sees Xiaojun...

"What?" Xiaojun was startled when Eehuey grabbed his chin all of a sudden and made him look to his left and right.

She was examining his face after noticing so many bruises on his face.

"It seems like your bruises on your face multiplying on their own." she states sarcastically.

"It's really nothing..." Xiaojun responded in an uninterested tone, returning his gaze to his notebook.

They were studying together in Eehuey's room. Goals!

"Xiaojun..." there was a hint of empathy in her voice which made Xiaojun shift his gaze at her. "Tell me truth, what's going on?" she asked him.

Xiaojun only pursed his lips and looked down acoiding eye contact with her.

"I've noticed that the bruises on your face keep multiplying everyday, I also noticed that you're loosing weight all of a sudden... and your arms."

She took his arm and raised his sleeve just above his elbow.

"Your arms have bruises and wounds as well." she said. "And... I can't just i-ignore all of these, Xiaojun. I'm starting to worry about you, are you really okay?"

Xiaojun looked like he was hesitating to tell her the truth but he eventually shook his head to her implying 'no'.

He was not okay.

"I am not okay." he confessed.

Eehuey brows furrowed at him, he felt worried about his boyfriend. "What's the matter? You can share it with me so I can help you." she said.

Xiaojun heaved heavily before uttering a single word. "My dad... he..." he couldn't even finish his sentence because he was still hesistating.

But Eehuey patted his back to make him know that it's okay to share it with her. "My dad has been physically abusing me."

"What?" Eehuey couldn't believe him at first. "B-but w-why? W-why would he do that?"

"I don't know..." he said. "He suddenly changed and become this violent person, he started becoming addicted to alcohol which makes him more agressive and he would always pick on me for no reason, he would lock me up in my room and won't even give me anything to eat or drink and would only let me our if he needed my assitance."

Eehuey's face turned blue after hearing what he has been going through all this time.

"Xiaojun babe, I am sorry to hear." she said to him.

"Perhaps... he's still sad about the divorce and being separated from your brother." she adsed.

"I guess so..." he said.

"I don't like what he's becoming." he added and wiped his hand on his face.

"Then you should report him to the police if keeps doing this to you, this is not right Xiaojun. You're his son he shouldn't do that." she said to him, gripping on his arms.

He shook his head. "I can't do that." he said.

"I can't leave him as well even if I wanted to 'cause who would take care of him, I'm still worried about him."

Eehuey didn't know what to say, she wouldn't know what she'd do if he was in his position... after all, he is his father.

She just got closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder as he patted his back to calm him down. "I'm rsally sorry to hear about this, Xiaojun... I hope that you're dad will stop being violent to you, you don't deserve it."

He nodded to her words. "But I don't want you to keep things from me, if there's anything you want to talk about or anything that's bothering you just tell me. Okay?" she said to him and moved her head away from his shoulder to look him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell it to you sooner."

"It's okay." she said. "Just know that I'm here for you, I'm ready to listen to you and I'm willing to help you as much as I can." she assured him.

Xiaojun gave him a lopsided smile, he swung his arm around her to pull her closer and planted a kiss on her forehead. "That's why I love you so much."


* One night...

Eehuey and the sisters were having their dinner when they heard a weak knock on the door.

They all looked at each other confusedly. "Who could it be?" Sister Flora asked.

"Hmm, only one way to find out." Sister Joan stood up to open the door, upon opening the door a man suddenly collapses on their floor, just right in front of sister Joan.

"Oh my goodness!" sister Joan screamed at the sight.

Sisters Flora and Rose along with Eehuey heard a loud thud on their floor along with Sister Joan's screeching so they got curious.

Suddenly, they heard a man coughing so heavily so they went to see it for themselves.

"What? What's wrong sister — Huh?!" Sister Flora gasped upon seeing a young man lying unconcious on their doorstep.

The floor was stained with blood for he had just coughed out blood. His white shirt was also stained with blood.

He looked really messed up, brutally punched and wounded.

"Let's help him out!" Sister Flora panicked.

Eehuey's mouth agaped upon seeing this and she immediately run towards the por young man to help him.

"Xiaojun, Xiaojun!"


Xiaojun finally woke up...

He gently opened his eyes and when he redemeed clear vision he realized he was in Eehuey's room.

He gently sat down on his bed, grunting at his sore and aching body. He also noticed a damped cloth was placed on his forehead and so he took it off.

He was all cleaned up, he had band aids over his wounds and some ointments on his bruises.

He also noticed he was wearing a didferent shirt, an oversize plain gray shirt, he assumed it must he Eehuey's.

All of a sudden the doors swung open and Eehuey entered the room, she had just taken a shower and was in her pajamas.

Her eyes widen seeing him concious

"Xiaojun, you're awake." she said.

She couldn't contain her emotions any longer so she quickly jumped into bed and hugged him tightly.

"Thank God you're awake, what happened to you?" she almost sounded like she was about to cry.

"Ouch." he squealed when Eehuey squeezed his sore body.

"Sorry." she said, letting go of him.

Instead, Eehuey grabbed his hand. "Babe, what happened to you? Who did this to you? Was it your dad?" she asked, tears forming in her eyes as she pitied his boyfriend.

Xiaojun waa a little suprise with the sudden endearment but he didn't complain anymore.

He sighed heavily before uttering. "My dad and I got into an huge argument..." he said.

It was enough to explain why he looked badlybeaten up.

"He got all physical again and almost tried to kill me, then he kicked me out of the house." he explained.

Eehuey held his hand tighter caressing her thumb on the back of his hand while listening to him. "I had nowhere to go so I came here, hoping the sisters would welcome me."

"You know you're welcome here anytime." she said to him.

"The sisters were so worried of you." she said, and caressed his soft brown hair. "Especially me, I never imagine I would see you like that... I was so scared and so worried."

"I'm sorry for disturbing you and making you worry that much, baby." he said to her.

"You shouldn't be sorry." she said.

"I can't believe your dad would do this to you." she said to him, touching his bruised face.

"I'm just lucky enough to still be alive right now, he almost killed me." he said and tears escaped from his eyes.

"Maybe it's best if you stay away from your dad for now, you'll be much safer here." she suggested.

"Is it okay with you and the sisters if I stay here for a few days?" he asked. "I have nowhere to go, I am really sorry."

She gave him a smile. "You can stay here for as long as you like."


Xiaojun did stay with Eehuey and the sisters for more than a week. He did not attend classes yet 'cause he was still recovering.

They kept it a secret that Xiaojun was actully living in the convent along with Eehuey and the sisters to avoid any rumors.

The sisters have been taking care of Xiaojun ever since and he was grateful for their kindness to him despite having past conflicts with his mother.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me, sisters Rose, Joan and Flora. I owe you a lot." he said while they were having dinner together.

"No worries, young man. You have proven yourself to be a wise, kind-hearted gentleman." Sister Rose said.

"You are welcome to stay here for as long as you wish, we wouldn't mind. Won't we?" Sister Joan asked and all three nodded.

Xiaojun looked at Eehuey and she gave hin a cheeky smile.

"We could adopt you as well if you wish." Sister Flora joked and they all laughed.

"That's very heartwarming, sisters but..." he paused a bit. "My father needs me, I need to get back to him to take care of him."

The sisters looked at each other with a questionable facial expression. They were all silent including Eehuey who looks like she didn't want to agree with Xiaojun's answer.

Sister Flora sighed. "Young man, you truly are the most loving son I know."


Xiaojun had to sleep in Eehuey's room but... they didn't sleep on the same bed.

He had to sleep on the floor where the sisters have placed a mattress and gave him warm pillows and blanket.

Before sleeping, Eehuey would help him clean and treat his wounds. However, Eehuey was unusually silent this evening unlike before which made Xiaojun curious.

"What's the matter? Why are you silent?" he asked.

She didn't answer him at all. She was currently applying ointment on his face.

"Eehuey..." he called again, then he grabbed her arms and gently pulled it down so she can look him straight in the eye.

"What's wrong?" he repeated.

Eehuey heaved heavily. "Do you really need to go back to your father?"

"Eehuey... you know he needs me."

"But what about you? He's hurting you. If you go back I'll worry about your safety." she said to him.

"What if he can no longer control his anger and he'd do something even worse to you..." she said, she sounded like she was about to cry.

"I'll be fine." he said.

"No." she disagreed. "I know I kinda sound selfish, but I want you to stay... stay with me so I can take care of you. I'll have no worries if you're with me."

"Baby..." he called out. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine I promise."

Eehuey pursed her lips, seems like she couldn't convince Xiaojun this time she was a little disappointed.

They bid each other good night after she had finish treating his wounds. She tucked into bed and so did Xiaojun. They turned the lights off and opened her lamp on her bedside drawer.

Xiaojun knew Eehuey was a little unhappy that time, he could sense it and he couldn't sleep knowing his girl isn't okay.

Eehuey, who was wearing blind folds on since she couldn't sleep without one, was half asleep when she noticed her bed shifted weights.

She was about to removed her blindfolds off to see what was going on but then her wrists got pinned on the side of her head.

She then felt something trailing her lips, she got goosebumps all of sudden and she wanted to speak out but the next thing she knew, her lips was planted with a passionate kiss.

Her heart braced rapidly and her mind was going crazy that moment. She felt electrocuted, it was just so sudden and that was her first kiss.

The kiss didn't last that long as Xiaojun pulled her blindfolds down and he saw how surprised Eehuey was with the way she looked at him.

"X-Xiaojun?" she whispered.

Her face was red as a tonato and her cheeks were blushing in embarrassment.

"Why did you do that?" she continued.

She also noticed that Xiaojun was already lying beside her in her bed. "I knew you were a little mad at me, baby. Sorry if I startled you with the kiss." he said.

Eehuey still look like her soul left her body 'cause he didn't react nor answered back, he was just staring right back at him and this made Xiaojun chuckle at her innocence.

"Come here." he whispered in her ear and pulled her in for another kiss.

Eehuey did not resist him and to Xiaojun's surprise, she started kissing him back.

He broke their kiss and gave her a smile. "I love you so much, Eehuey." he said.

Then he resumed their kiss, Eehuey responded to him in between kisses. "I love you too."


* The next evening...

"Are you sure you can already go back to school? Are you feeling better now?" Eehuey asked Xiaojun as they sat next to each other on the dining table.

Xiaojun nodded at her. "I am feeling all better now, thanks to you and the sisters. I am sure that I can go back to school already." he assured.

Eehuey gave him a close mouthed smile and nodded. "If you say so..."

It was suppose to be a peaceful dinner 'til they heard someone banging on the door and shouting.

"Xiaojun! Xiaojun! I know you're there! Come out!"

"What in the world?" Sister Flora muttered and the sisters stood up from their seats to see who was bangibg on their door leaving Eehuey and Xiaojun on the dining table.

Xiaojun already knew who it was.

A warm hand reached out to Xiaojun's hand resting on top of the table, he averted his gaze at Eehuey and her eyes were full of fear.

"Xiaojun..." she called out his name sounding so worried.

Upon opening the door, the sister saw Xiaojun's father and he even had a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Han?! What is the meaning of this?" Sister Flora asked.

Eehuey and Xiaojun peeked through the window to see Xiaojun's father on their doorstep, he looked drunk and miserable.

"How did he knew you were here?" Eehuey whispered.

"I don't know either..." he said.

"I know Xiaojun is inside hand him over sisters, I am not here to create any trouble just hand him over!" Han said to the sister.

The sisters all raised an eyebrow at him. "Us? Hand over Xiaojun to you? You are physically abusing your own child. Shame on you!" Sister Rose said.

Han got infuriated by this and so he threw the bottle of beer he was holding to show his anger and the bottle of beer shattered into pieces of broken glass.

Eehuey and Xiaojun flinched in shock after seeing this but the sisters did not even stood back. They were calm and unafraid of his aggressive behavior.

"Give him to me now! He is my son! I have the rights to take him away!"

"We're not giving Xiaojun to you, Han! The poor kid is only going to suffer with you." Sister Joan said.

"And besides, you kicked him out, remember?" Sister Ross added.

Han got even more angry because the sister did not follow his command. "If you don't give me my son this instance, I will kill your adopted child if I ever lay my hands on her."

Eehuey gasped hearing that, her heart beated rapidly as she quivers in fear while Xiaojun was shaking his head. "No, no. I can't let that happen."

Eehuey looked at him. "But... Xiaojun?"

She already knew what he was going to docwith that said.

"You're out of you mind, Han." Sister Joan shouted.

"Give me Xiaojun or I will kill both of them right here, right now!"

"I'm sorry Eehuey..." Xiajun kissed the back of her hand, her eyes were already forming tears. "I want you to be safe..."

"No, Xiaojun, don't go... please." she cried, pulling Xiaojun but he had let go of her hand already.

He turned her back at her and walked towards the door to give himself up to his dad.

He wanted Eehuey to be safe even if he knew that he, himself, is not safe around his dad.

"I am here dad, I'm coming with you."


Eehuey cried so much that night, her tears started to dry up. The sisters tried to calm her but it was useless.

She was worried about Xiaojun.

She didn't knew if she'd still see him okay or even alive after giving himself up to his brutal father.

There was no means of communication either since Xiaojun's phone got confiscated.


Three days passed...

Xiaojun did not attend school anymore, she had no idea what happened to him so she worried so much to the point that she couldn't focus in class anymore.

There was absolutely no sign of Xiaojun, until one night...

Her phone rang and she got up immediately to check who was calling.

"Xiaojun is calling..."

She had no time to waste and immediately answered the call as if her life depended on it.

"Hello? Xiaojun? Are you okay? What happened to you?" she said, hands trembling as she held the phone.

"Babe..." he said panting. "Pack all of your stuffs."

"What? Why?" she was confused.

"Just pack all of your stuffs and meet me at the lake. Okay?"

"Baby... I'm confused, what's going on?" she asked.

"Eehuey..." he called, he sounded dead serious.

"You trust me, right?"



~ Third Person's POV

"Hello? Yangyang?"

Her soft voice echoed in the empty room. Eehuey entered slowly inside looking left and right to find someone.

She never thought of returning here after what happened last time, that time Xiaojun introduced her to his parent that went absolutely wrong.

Yangyang texted him last night and invited him over to their house, even though she said 'no' a hundred times because of what happened recently in the lake with his mother.

Yangyang was surprisingly stubborn.

Yangyang texted her that her mom has finally made up her mind and was willing to forgive her.

She wanted to invite her over for lunch and Eehuey thought to herself that maybe it was time to forgive and settle for peace.

But she was wrong...

"Foolish little girl." she heard someone close the door behind her but before she could turn her back.

A rope was placed on her neck from behind and she was choked as the ropes were squeezed on her neck.

"I will end you this time!" she said to her ear as she choked her.

"L-let me go..." she struggled to speak.

Mei Ling had definitely lost her mind.

She tricked Eehuey to come over by pretending to be Yangyang in those text messages and Yangyang had no idea that her mother had an evil desire.

Eehuey started to gasped for air and she was already lightheaded due to a asphyxiation but she tried to save herself.

"Ahhh!" Mei Ling growled when Eehuey elbowed her stomach.

She let go of the ropes and Eehuey got up with weakened knees as she coughed and later, gasped for air.

"You... you evil woman!" Eehuey huffed looking at her, holding on to her swollen neck.

"You are more evil, you murderer!" she shouted back.

"I didn't kill anybody!" she said. "And if you think I will let you hurt me this time and let you go on with your wickedness then you're wrong."

She approached Lady Mei Ling and pulled her hair dragging her up. "Let go of me, treacherous girl."

"I am so done with your cruelness and just because you're Xiaojun's mom doesn't mean I have to tolerate your cruelty. I am not backing out without a fight this time." she said to Mei Ling.

They got into a really serious fight, they were punching, kicking, slapping and scratching each other.

Tzeline, who wanted to visit Yangyang that time, heard the chaos going on in the family sala that prompted her to see what's going on.

She saw the two fighting and so she got so shock. "Oh my gosh, Lady Mei Ling, Eehuey stop." she couldn't get closer because she might get involved in the fight.

Both of them were already bruised, wounded and bleeding. Tzeline didn't know what to do to stop them so she shouted calling out for Yangyang.

However, Yangyang wasn't home yet.

"You pathetic little girl, stay away from Yangyang don't ruin his life like how you ruined Xiaojun's."

Eehuey was lying on the floor while Mei Ling was on top of her with both of her hands on her neck trying to choke her to death but Eehuey fought back by tugging her hair forcefully.

"Enough!" Mei Ling swatted her hand away from her hair and she pulled out a knife from her pocket.

She came prepared!

"Huh?" Tzeline gasped seeing Lady Mei Ling aim the knife at Eehuey's chest.

Eehuey's eyes widen at Mei Ling, while Mei Ling gave her a smirk. "Good bye, pest." she said and was ready to pierce her chest with the sharp knife.

But Tzeline stopped her by pulling her away from Eehuey. "No, Lady Mei Ling, don't do it." she cried out.

Eehuey immediately stood up and was so shock of what Tzeline did. She literally saved her life.

"Get out of my business, Tzeline! I will kill that girl right here! Right now." she tried to charge at Eeheuy but Tzeline held her waist begging her to stop.

"Lady Mei Ling, don't kill her. Don't do this!" she said.

Tzeline didn't have enough strength to restrain Lady Mei Ling and she could release herself from Tzeline's grip anytime but Tzeline tried her best to make sure she wouldn't hurt Eehuey.

But the someone came barging in...

"Ma, don't kill her! Don't kill Eehuey!"

Yangyang has finally arrived home from school, he heard the commotion and saw what was going on in their sala.

Mei Ling calmed for a second seeing his son but then she got back to her senses. "Yangyang, I will not accept this woman! Haven't you learned from your brother?"

"It doesn't matter, ma!" he shouted. "I love Eehuey, wheter you like it or not."

Mei Ling got enraged with his words. "No, that can't happen! I will kill her before she could even —"

Yangyang cut her off. "If you kill her..." he spoke out and got everyone's attention.

He brought out a sharp blade from his bag and placed it over his wrist. "I am ending my life as well."

Everyone had a surprised reaction, even Eehuey couldn't imagine Yangyang would say that.

"Yangyang?" Eehuey questioned him.

"Yangyang! Don't be ridiculous." her mother shouted.

"I am not joking around here!" he said to her looking straight into her eyes.

"You can't tell me what to do!" she said to him and raised her knife at Eehuey, which made Eehuey flich.

"I will kill her so this mess would finally stop!" she said looking at Eehuey, completely ignoring Yangyang thinking he wouldn't dare to do it.

"Yangyang, No!" Tzeline cried out.

This made Lady Mei Ling take a quick glance at her son and she saw his eyes were forming tears, teeth gritting as he endured the tingling pain on his wrist as he slowly pierced his skin with the blade.

Blood oozed from his wrist all the way to his arms, his white sleeves were now stained with blood.

The excess blood started dripping on their marble floors.Yangyang didn't even flinch however he was trembling, eyes still locked at her mother's eye.

Her mother felt guilty...

She dropped the knife from her hand and turned her back completely away from Eehuey and started walking slowly towards his son.

Eehuey and Tzeline were lost for words, they didn't know what to say and do after the sight.

"Yangyang..." her mother called, she was now weeping.

He went closer to his son and took away the blade from his hand. Yangyang didn't oppose since he knew her mother won't harm Eehuey anymore.

Upon gently placing the blade on the side table, he turned her gaze to his son and he slapped his face with great force.

Eehuey and Tzeline gasped.

The slap was so intense that Yangyang had his head move to the side but then his mother hugged him immediately after slapping him as she cried.

"You impulsive boy!"


* Later that evening...

After being escorted home by one of Yangyang's driver, Eehuey didn't tell the sisters what happened, she knew that they would only be in a bad mood if they found out that Mei Ling tried to kill her.

She was worried, not for herself, but for Yangyang.

She feels like something is really wrong with him however she couldn't explain her feelings. She was spacing out as she lied in bed holding unto her necklace.

"Be still... Be still..." she tapped her chest.


She was calming her bracing heart, she noticed that she was starting to have familiar feelings for Yangyang that she only felt for Xiaojun last time.

She knew that this can't happen, she can't fall inlove with Yangyang.

A loud thud from her floor made her flinch and she quickly sat up from her bed. She realized a pebble was thrown from her window, she had already suspected someone who would've done that.

And she was right...

"Yangyang? What are you doing here?" she whispered upon seeing him.

"Eehuey, let's talk."

"No, I can't. Your mother tried to kill me, remember?" she muttered.

"I'm sorry about that, please let me talk to you." he said.

"No." she answered.

"Please." Yangyang gave her puppy eyes.

And how was she to resist Yangyang?

He was so stubborn, even if you tell him 'no' a million times he won't stop nagging you until he gets the answer that he wants.

He got inside Eehuey's room through her window and Eehuey immediately noticed something on his face, making her raise an eyebrow at him before she could even ask him about his bruises Yangyang already gave her a hug.

"Are you okay? Did you got really hurt? I'm sorry about my mom." he said immediately and scanned you from head-to-toe looking at your wounds and bruises.

"I got bruised and wounded but I am still o-okay, I guess. I'm just lucky enough you were there to rescue me or else I would've been done for." she said.

Yangyang nodded at her, he held her shoulders. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there on time."

"Hey, don't be. In fact, I should be the one more concerned here right now..." she said.

She raised his right hand making Yangyang stare at it as well, his wrist was now covered with thick bandages but there were still visible stains of blood.

"Why did you do that?!" she asked him.

Yangyang pulled his arm down and looked away. "If I didn't, do you think she'd actually listen to me? No, of course not. Not my mom."

"But... y-you didn't have to, Yangyang that was so dangerous." she said to him.

"I can't help it..." he turned his back at her and went to sit down at the edge of her bed again. "you know I can't stand seeing you hurt."

She remembered... they haven't talked about the sudden confession.

Yangyang shook his head seeing Eehuey's reaction. "I'm sorry, it's all too sudden. Let's just talk about all these things one by one." he said and Eehuey nodded taking a seat next to him.

"You have bruises on your face."she finally pointed out. "What happened?"

She only remembers his mom slapping his face but not punching him that could've cause so much bruising on his face.

"I don't know where I even got these, they just started popping out of nowhere, must be the side effect of my medications." he said and he sighed heavily.

It was weird how his bruises reminded her of Xiaojun.

Eehuey just nodded at him. "Eehuey..." a warm hand find it's way on top of hers and she looked at Yangyang.

"I'm really really really sorry about my mom." he said. "You know she's kinda paranoid but I hope that doesn't stop you from talking to me."

Eehuey closed his eyes, she knew what he meant. "Yangyang, stop it!"

"What do you mean?"

"You can't fall in love with me." she rejected him.

Yangyang became silent for seconds, he thought Eehuey would be okay with that.

"W-why not? There's n-nothing wrong with that." he complained to her.

"D-don't you feel the same way towards me?" he added, Eehuey was afraid go admit it but she had to stand her grounds.

"Yangyang?" she called with her soft voice.

"You're engaged to Tzeline, your mother hates me, she has conflicts with the sisters and the whole town is starting to make rumors again... I don't want to ruin things all over again, I learned my lesson." she explained and pull her hand away from him.  "Do you see my point?"

Yangyang shook his head, disagreeing with her. "That's not the reason why you can't love me back." he said.

He looked away from her and he sighed. "You're still inlove with Xiaojun ge. That's why." he said.

Eehuey pursed her lips, he was right but also wrong at the same time.

Of course, she knew her heart belonged to Xiaojun but she also guilty that feels something for Yangyang but she hates to admit it.

"It never worked out for me and Xiaojun... what makes you think it's going to work for us?" she asked in a dead serious tone.

"But what if we can work things out this time?" he asked all of a sudden, Eehuey's brows furrowed.

"W-what if this time our plan would work? This time will b-be together now and n-no one will stop us." he said enthusiasticly as he grabbed Eehuey's hands.

"Yangyang!" she shouted.

Yangyang got so shock his facial expression changed. "W-why? W-what's wrong?"

"You're not Xiaojun." she pointed out. "So... stop saying all of these."

"Eehuey, I am not trying to be gege." he said. "I am sincere with feelings for you, Eehuey."

"I finally see what Xiaojun ge sees in you and I can't blame gege for choosing you above everything..." he said to her.

He suddenly cupped her face and Eehuey was left dumbfounded, she didn't even flinch and she felt hypnotized with Yangyang's eyes.

"You are one of a kind, you're beautiful, sweet, caring and charming, you're everything a guy could ask for." he said with his soft voice leaning closer to Eehuey's face.

"No, I am not." she whispered, unconciously staring at his plump red lips.

"Yes, you are Eehuey." he moved his face closer to hers, as he eyed her lips. "that's why... I love you."

He was so tempted to kiss her that moment, he gently closed his eyes waiting for their lips to touch but then...


Eehuey tilted her head to the side and took his hand off her face making Yangyang open his eyes in disappointment.

Disappointment was painted on his face as he looked at Eehuey who gave him an apologetic look.

"Don't do t-this." she said to him.

Yangyang shut his eyes and he sighed heavily in frustration, he then got up from Eehuey's bed and turned his back at her.

Eehuey knew he was a little upset with her, she thought Yangyang was about to leave but then he said something to her that shocked her.

"Eehuey... let's just runaway from town."


Another long update, sorry for keeping you guys waiting. It took me four days to complete this chapter. Author is extremely busy, bare with me.


Love you guys!!!

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