90s Love

By love990

90.1K 5.8K 798

Set in California in the 1990s, follow Janae in her journey of navigating her high school life in an environm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51: Epilogue

Chapter 12

2K 143 16
By love990

My insecurity and jealousy quickly faded. Q and I seemed to be getting closer, and I never caught him hanging out with other females again. The girl from the hallway I learned was Bianca, a new girl from Long Beach who he shared a class with. When I casually brought up the topic of him befriending girls, he had smoothly told me I was the only one, and he liked it like that. That's all he had to say for me to breathe a little easier.

The next thing everyone was buzzing about in school was the concert that was going down on the other side of the city. It was open to everyone 15 and up, and the tickets were sold out in a week. Rocky snagged us some, and we were all more than excited to have a "grown" Friday night.

We were lucky our parents even agreed to let us go. The only thing that sealed the deal for my parents was the fact that Calvin was gonna be there.

I stared at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair, and making last-minute tweaks to my outfit. Grabbing my purse, I made sure my keys and pager were inside before walking out of my room.

I was met with my parents sat on the couch watching the news."Bye Mama. Bye Daddy."

Daddy's face scrunched up as he took in my outfit. "That's what you're wearing?" 

"I don't look nice?" I questioned, smoothing out my skirt.

"Yes, you do." Mama insisted with a smile. "Daddy's just being Daddy."

"Calvin leave already?" I asked them.

"Yeah, just a while ago. Tyree picked him up," Mama replied.

"Okay. I'll see you later." I spoke. "Love you."

"You got your pager don't you?" Daddy asked.

"Yes," I confirmed.

He wasn't done. "Don't be out there acting crazy Janae you're only 16."

"I know. I promise I'll be home before 12."

"Before 12?"

"It's a concert, it could run overtime." I explained. "I'll be safe. Love you."

"Love you." They chorused and I just fixed my bag on my arm before walking out of the house rushing across the street to get Nicki.

"You look nice." I complimented as she stepped outside.

"Thanks. You do too." She replied, the two of us starting to walk towards Raquel's where we would get our ride to the venue.

"Yo, everybody and their Mama are going to this concert it's gonna be so dope." I beamed not able to hold in my excitement.

"I know right." Nicki agreed. "We've been waiting on this for a month. And everyone's talking about the after-party the club is hosting after. We gotta check it out. They said all you gotta do is show your ticket to the show and you're in."

"I told my parents I'd be home by 12. Maybe we'll be able to go."

"Yeah, hopefully, the show's supposed to be over by 10:30, but you know how shit around here gets."

"It gets live!" I shouted, cupping my hands around my lips, the two of us sharing a laugh. Our enthusiasm for the night caused us to pick up our pace, continuing to talk about our hopes for the evening.

Once we got on Rocky's street, we heard music and chatter, two cars parked in front of Rocky's home. Nate and Andre were our designated drivers for the event. While Nicki got into Nate's passenger's seat, Will opened the backdoor of Andre's car waving me to get inside where she and Rocky sat.

"Hey, y'all." I greeted as I shut the car door behind me.

"Hey, Janae." Vanessa, Andre's girlfriend, turned in her seat to send me a polite smile.

"Seatbelt," Andre instructed me as he started to drive.

"Right," I muttered, doing what I was told.

I don't know what got into him, but all of a sudden Rocky stopped talking about all the shit he did wrong, and I saw him in the halls more. I put it all on Vanessa, seeing every time I did see him nowadays she was all up under his arm. Whatever it was none of us were complaining, seeing Rocky's mom let him borrow her car for the evening.

"Kay's in Nate's car, right?" I checked with Rocky, who nodded as Andre started to drive.

The performers we were seeing weren't globally famous but famous locally. They were a three-member rap group composed of dudes from around our side of the LA county. Everybody in our hood rocked with them, especially since they had a native in the crew, Wallace. He grew up with Kelly and Rashad and was known as a crazy good lyricist. He had all of our respect for trying to make it big.

The amount of support was clear by the scene we were greeted with when Andre turned on the street of the venue. He had to circle around twice before he found a parking spot, and the line was spilling out into the street.

"This is crazy," Rocky voiced as she stepped out of the car taking in the scene with awe.

We didn't find ourselves on the other side of the city much. We were divided by invisible lines that were drawn by poverty and wealth. The other side of the city was always a place that was a couple steps ahead. It was filled with diverse people who had jobs that could afford them houses with greener grass on their front lawns and painted fences.

They had the funds to build better schools with the latest and greatest, and when they were done with them, we got the scraps. Their schools accepted kids from the next town over before they extended their hands to their true neighbors. And the kids from our hood who did flock around that side were too embarrassed to tell their friends where they were really from.

All of that made us prideful and protective of our home.

But our mutual love for Hot Like That (H.L.T for short) allowed tension to be put to the side.

The small theater was packed to the brim with bodies. It felt like we were in a whole other word, the energy in the space was unimaginable. There wasn't a moment where the crowd wasn't rapping along word for word, bar after bar, with the artists on the stage.

It felt like the place was shaking at one point with how invested we all were in jumping, dancing, and singing along. Especially when their namesake song came through the speakers, their most popular track at the time.

Cuz we're hot like that (What!)

Hot like that (Uh!)

Cuz we're hot like that

Hot like that

I always knew I had a connection to music. But I learned early on that I wasn't blessed with the talents to make it myself. So, I was a listener and a studier. I collected CDs in my room, and always liked to watch artist interviews, something about the behind the scenes stories enticed me.

So, as I stood in the crowd at the first concert I was old enough to vividly remember, I never wanted to leave. I was officially in my element.

When it was over, the only thing that kept me from feeling too disappointed was the fact that there was an after-party.

As people pushed to the exit, I tried my best to stay close with my group while I scanned the crowd for Calvin. He was supposed to be 'keeping an eye out for me' and yet I hadn't seen him since we both were at home.

I knew before I even thought of stepping foot in Club 90, Calvin had to be in the know. 'Cause if he walked in the house and I wasn't close behind, we'd both be in some shit.

I even bounced using Will's shoulders as a boost to see above the masses once we were outside. "There he is!"

"Meet us at the car." Andre told me.

I agreed before quickly rushing off so I wouldn't lose him. "Calvin!" I shouted, catching the attention of Tyree who grabbed my brother's arm.

"You good?"

"Yeah, I'm about to go to the after party though. You going?"


"You riding home with me then. I'll find you when we're leaving."

"Okay." I agreed.

"Be careful!" He shouted after me as I started walking away. With the approval and confirmation that I needed, I made my way back to the car with a pep in my step.

"I'm leaving with my brother so I don't need a ride home." I told Andre as we got out of the car once we got to Club 90.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." I confirmed. "Thanks for driving me around."

He smiled, slinging his arm around my shoulders. "No problem kid."

The girls and I stood in line at Club 90 with giddiness. Club 90 was a local legend. I'd been hearing stories since middle school of what went on beyond those doubles doors. It almost was like it was a right of passage when you finally were old enough to enter. To say you walked through the doors of Club 90, got yourself a drink, and witnessed one of the DJ sets was when you could consider yourself grown around these parts.

While the only drink I knew I could manage to get was a soda, I still thought highly of the moment I was able to order myself one.

I held my breath, clinging onto Rocky's arm trying to keep my cool as the bouncer unlatched the velvet rope, allowing us to enter what looked like a multicolored abyss from where we stood.

Inside awaited an elaborate bar to the left, bottles on display on the wall with two workers in pristine uniforms serving out drinks. There was a large empty space in the center serving as a dance floor while a variety of booths, couches, and tables surrounded. A velvet rope guarded the VIP section in one of the corners next to a spiral staircase that a bulky bodyguard protected.

"Holy fuck." Rocky and I chorused as we took it all in.

"Y'all hurry up!" Nicki yelled to us once she glanced behind her seeing we weren't moving.

It didn't take long for us to join in on all the fun, getting spots on the dance floor and enjoying the ambiance of the night. For the first time, I felt apart of the high school life I always saw on TV, the wild nights out partying the night away.

While everyone sat at a booth that was recently vacated, I went to the bar to get another soda, sitting on one of the stools. I thanked the bartender when she placed my drink in front of me before taking a sip, starting to survey my surroundings. Almost spitting out my drink when I spotted Wallace only a couple feet away from me.

My eyes widened like saucers as I realized how close I was to someone I considered to be an actual celebrity.

"I dare you to go over and say something to him right now."

I gasped, quickly turning in my seat only to bump straight into a body, my drink slushing around in my hand. "Oh shit, Quincy!" I exclaimed as I set my drink down, shaking out my wet hand. "Don't fuck with me like that. Are you okay?" I checked his shirt to spot any wet stains.

"I'm good." He smiled, taking a step back. "You good?"

"You scared me." I frowned as I turned fully back to the bar, catching the bartender's attention. "Can I have a napkin please?"

"I didn't mean to scare you." He voiced as he stood beside me. "You mad?"

"What would I be mad for?" I asked as I accepted the napkin wiping my hand and drying off my cup.

"Ion know. You looking mad mean right now." He commented.

"No, I don't." I denied, pulling a face as I looked at him.

"Yeah, you do." He chuckled. Suddenly reaching for my drink he brought the cup to his nose.

"Really?" I crossed my arms with amusement as he sniffed my drink.

"Just checking." He handed me back my drink.


Quincy stood quietly for a moment, his eyes diverting from me and down to his shoes for a moment before looking back up but avoiding my eyes. He raised a hand to the back of his neck seeming like he was contemplating something, almost seeming nervous to be in my presence.

I instantly furrowed my eyes, not used to this kind of behavior from him. He was playful and confident, smooth-talking. He said what he felt without hesitating and yet there he was, hesitating in front of me.

What was he gonna say?

"Are y-"

"Do you wanna dance with me?" He blurted out.

My heart raced. "Now?"

The songs were making a smooth transition from west coast hip hop to more of an R&B sound. The perfect music to hold somebody close to. I felt my body heat up at the thought of being that close to him.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Now would be nice."

"Okay." I nervously responded, biting the inside of my lip as I slowly rose from my seat.

"You sure?"

I nodded my head as I hesitantly extended my hand out for him to hold. Quincy placed his hand in mine gently, his eyes glancing to mine once more before leading the way to the dance floor.

It was then that I first experienced the softer side of Q. He kept it respectful, his eyes looking to mine for permission every time his hands moved against my body. He held me as if I was fragile, he wasn't too firm and made me feel comfort. After spending the longest wondering what it would've felt like to be in his embrace, I was in utter paradise at the fact that it was happening. And it felt perfect.

"I'm not the best dancer." He admitted to me after a while.

We swayed back and forth simply, going in a slow circle.

Even if we were standing still, I wouldn't have complained.

"You're okay," I told him. "I haven't tried to take the lead yet or anything."

My joke made him smile. "Are you busy tomorrow?" He asked.

"No. Why?"

"We should go see a movie." He suggested with a pause. "Together."

"Together?" I repeated. "Like... together? Alone? A date?"

"A date." He confirmed. "Only if you want it to be."

"I want it to be." I rushed out as I noticed his hesitation. "I mean, yeah, that's... yeah." I cleared my throat, looking down for a moment, neither one of us speaking.

We just swayed in silence until the song ended, it being clear neither one of us expected this to happen.

"Thanks for the dance," Q said as he removed his hands from my body, sticking them into his pockets.

"Thanks for asking me." I breathed out.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow? Is 7 o'clock good? We can meet there."

"7 o'clock tomorrow, at the movies," I confirmed with a short nod. "A date," I added softly, biting back a smile.

Q nodded. "A date."




I watched as his smile grew. "Bye Nae."

I smiled back. "Bye Q."

"You said that already."

"You're annoying." I couldn't help but breathe out, giving him one last look, before walking away, placing a hand on my racing heart.

The girls waited for me at the table with a mix of expressions.

"I saw you dancing with Q," Kaylen commented as I took a seat.

"More like grinding on him." Nicki chimed in, making them laugh.

"He's cute, I support," Will said.

I just put my head down as they laughed once again.

"Are y'all done?" I requested, lifting my head.

"You like him, you can't even lie." Kaylen insisted and I just smiled.

I shrugged my shoulders. "He's alright."

Raquel didn't waste a second to send me a shove. "Fucking liar."

"He asked me out," I informed them, watching as Kay almost choked on her drink.

"The nigga asked you on a date?!"

"What'd you say? What'd you do?!"

"You better have said yes."

"I knew his ass liked you!"

All their voices overlapped each other, making my brain go crazy on who to focus on.

"Shut the fuck up!" Will yelled, smacking her hand on the table so loud the guys, who were absorbed in their own talk, even stopped their conversation to look our way. "What'd you tell the boy?"


They instantly started talking over each other once more in a frenzy. I just smiled as I leaned back in my seat, finding they were all outwardly expressing what was going on in my head.

It was a madhouse in there.

And it was all because...

I was going on my first date ever with Quincy Walker.

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