Protecting Home: Forgotten Po...

By HaileyMayLomax

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Percy Jackson is in charge of protecting Camp Half Blood from the evil Neverseen. With Hazel and the help of... More

The Prophecy
Chapter 1: Welcome! - Percy
Chapter 2: Nightmares - Dex
Chapter 3: Preparation - Hazel
Chapter 4: Planning - Dex
Chapter 5: Something's wrong - Hazel
Chapter 6: Ready? - Fitz
Chapter 8: Go. -Fitz/ Hazel
Chapter 9: The Neverseen - Hazel
Chapter 10: Getting Help - Dex
Chapter 11: Learning - Hazel
Chapter 12: Reunion - Dex
Chapter 13: Traitor - Percy
Chapter 14: Realizations - Dex
Chapter 15: Information - Hazel
Chapter 16: Making Sure - Dex
Chapter 17: Tempest - Percy
Chapter 18: ...What? -Keefe
Chapter 19: Problems - Hazel
Chapter 20: Admitting - Dex
Chapter 21: An Unexpected Greeting - Hazel
Chapter 22: Dreams - Tempest
Chapter 23: Curious - Biana
Chapter 24: First morning at base - Hazel
Chapter 25: The circle of friendship- Dex
Chapter 26: Discussion -Hazel
Chapter 27: Trust -Dex/Tempest
Chapter 28: The Beginning of the end: third person Annabeth
Chapter 29: Endgame - Keefe third pov
Chapter 30: False Blame - third person Hazel

Chapter 7: Set? - Hazel/Percy

108 4 14
By HaileyMayLomax

A/n: I'm so sorry for not updating sooner!!! I just lost any/all inspiration and motivation I had to write, and I've also been order busy lately. I know, lame excuse, but it's the only one I've got. Also, as you would've seen if you read the title, this chapter will be split between Percy and Hazel PoV. There is a reason for that, but I won't say what. Anyways, onto the story!

PoV: Hazel

I pulled out my sword before I walked over to Chiron. Many of the campers were panicking, so I tried to look as calm as someone who was about to be fighting what was probably a group of elves, ogres, and goblins could.

 "What is it, Chiron?" I asked as Fitz joined me.

 " Has Dex woken up yet? " Chiron asked, rushed. He sighed when we shook our heads, "That's going to be a problem. Listen, we just got a message from a black cloaked figure to turn over the camp, or fight. Sadly, they gave this message to Percy instead of me, and now we have to fight."

 " It'll be fine, Chiron, " I tried to sound encouraging, "We've fought worse."

 Chiron nodded before pointing to where Jason was trying to calm down some of the newer campers, "He may need some help."

 Fitz and I nodded and we both ran towards Jason. Just before we reached them, I put my sword away. "What's wrong?" I asked, trying to sound gentle or calming or anything that could help the situation.

 "We're going to be attacked!" A small, blonde girl cried, " They'll hurt us! "

 "We'll be okay," Fitz said, obviously being way more successful than I had been. He crouched down to the girl's height and took her hands, "They won't hurt us. The others will protect you. " He smiled, "And then you'll stay here and get to enjoy the sun and your friends and be happy." He let go of her hands and stood up a little bit, "Now, why don't you and your friends go to your cabin?"

 The girl's large, chocolate brown eyes shimmered as she gave him a small smile. She then nodded and took her friends' hands and pulled them towards the Hermes cabin. As they left, Jason gave an astonished laugh, "Well, that worked! What'd you do?"

Fitz shrugged, " I just thought about all the good things about this place and guessed what she might prefer. It's not to hard. "

Jason laughed again, looking back towards the Hermes cabin before looking at Fitz, "So, so you know what's happening?"

I spoke up, " Some evil people are going to try to take the camp. "

Jason pulled out his Imperial Gold coin and flipped it in the air, catching it on heads and turing it into a sword, "Like that'll ever happen!"

 " Okay, I don't know if you guys get it. " Fitz interrupted, "I know you guys are really powerful, and I know you've trained for a moment like this, but so have I. I've been training for years with one of the most powerful people I know, and we've never been able to defeat these guys. No matter how much planning we out into it."

" And that, Mr Vacker, " Percy called, sauntering towards us with Riptide resting on his shoulder, "is why we don't have a plan." He came to a sharp stop at the edge of the group. "Not to mention that I'm 98% each one of us is stronger than whoever you know."

I mentally groaned. I knew Fitz was talking about Sophie, but Percy had either forgotten about her, or had just missed that part of the conversation entirely.

Fitz shrugged, "Can you fly?"

Jason raised his hand before speaking, " Present. "

"Make people around you stronger?"

Percy shrugged, " I mean, I guess my leadership skills count there. "

"I second that!" I exclaimed , receiving a smile from Percy.

"Can you teleport?" Fitz asked.

The group went silent. " Hold on, " Percy started, "You know someone who can do that?"

Fitz nodded, " Lets keep going. " He then started saying a lot of random gibberish.

"What?" All three of us asked together.

"I'll take that as a no," Fitz smirked, "Can you vanish into thin air?"

I raised my hand as I thought about what Keefe said Sophie could do. I didn't remember vanishing being one of the things he said, "Technically I can make the Mist hide me?"

" Make forcefields? "

"I feel like I could maybe do that with the Mist too..."

" Control shadows? How about light? Maybe feeling  emotions? " He started listing so many things I lost track of what he was saying, "Can you do any of that?"

" Um... No? " Jason tried.

"That's what I thought. "

" And this powerful friend of yours can do all of that? " Percy asked.

Fitz shook his head, "She can only do the first few. Everything else? That's the people who are coming. That's what they can do. And I hope you're ready for that. Because if not, you won't last long."

_ __________________

PoV: Percy

I stared at Fitz as he spoke. I'd lost count of how many different abilities he'd mentioned, and they had a wide range. The one that I heard and stuck, though, was people that could control fire. It was a shame Leo wasn't here, because he could maybe control the fire, but I knew I'd be the second best person to go against them. I glanced at Jason and Hazel, who both looked like they knew who they would fight, though, from the options I heard, I couldn't think of anyone Hazel would be good against besides the vanishing people. 

Suddenly there was a loud cheer on the other side of Half Blood Hill, and the four of us ran towards the sound, leading a very, very small group of more campers behind us. We came to a stop at the top and watched as about 15 cloaked figures walked into the camp. The first thing I thought was about how they managed to get inside without permission, but the second was about how few of them there were. 

I glanced at Fitz for support but only became more worried as he started looking around the rest of the empty camp. That's when I remembered the vanishing elves Fitz had mentioned. Quickly I shipped around and tried to talk quiet enough the group at the Barrier wouldn't hear, but loud enough the demigods near me could. "Watch your back. They can disappear, so be careful." The group nodded and I turned back around, "Let's go!"

I led the demigods in a charge down the hill. If course our opponents noticed, and of course they retaliated , but I thought we could take them.

I had never been more wrong in my life.

Immediatly a wall of fire appeared. I took it as my cue and put it out, looking for whoever was causing it. I made my way over to him, her, whoever it was, and tried to douse every fire.  It went back and forth for a long time, with him summoning fire and me putting it out. It wasn't long before I was tired, and I could only guess he was as well, but with the hood, it was hard to tell.

Suddenly, I felt someone grab me from behind. Theyhas their arm wrapped around my neck in a choke hold, and soon I saw black rimming my vision and the people became colorful spots. I had one last thought before the world went black:

We failed.

I failed.

Not one of my longest chapters, but, as I've said in the past, I'm very bad at fight scenes, and this was the best not entirely awful way to avoid writing it. Once again, I'm sorry for the wait, I really want to update, but it's just a bit hard. SO, I'll hopefully see you all again yomorrow, but , for now, enjoy this cliff hanger. bye!

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