The Omega is my soulmate

By Little_deku1

10.1K 374 84

There is no description More

Knowing the Alpha
Her soulmark
Even though I hate her I thank her
Your the one I want
She's mine
He knows
Her Backstory
She's back
Your to annoying
Toxic Ex
Just the 2 of us
I'm doing it for you
Little girl
Not a chapter

Thinking of you

307 11 3
By Little_deku1

Now be a good girl and try not to scream got it~

(Liz's POV)

I laid on my bed facing the ceiling thinking of what would happen if I didn't give G what she wanted. But at the same time I was curious to know what was in the case, so I hoped of the bed and went to the closet and took out the big suit case struggling a bit but setting it down on the bed.

"The fuck did it get heavier from last time or something?" I say opening the case and looking inside.

"WAIT WHAT THE HELL" I whisper yell to my self. 

"Why does she need thi-" I heard knocking on the door and immediately shut the case hiding it under the bed and going back to the position I was in.


"Yea what is it"

"Are you hungry?"

"Nah I'm good I don't really want to eat so I'll pass"

"Ok well we got to go to work" AJ said walking away.

"Shit he's right" I got up and changed into black jeans, a jacket and put on one of Amanda's shirts and heading out to the front door.

"AJ you ready to go" I say putting on my shoes.

"Yep let's go" He's says excited I smile a bit as we head out and right to work.

(Back Amanda)

I sat in the bedroom crying while blood dripped down my sleeves, I knew G left so I had all this time to clean up. But instead I got up and headed strait for the basement.

"Lily You still here?"

"Y-Yes" She said as she came out from hiding and over to me.

"What happened to you?"

"Oh this it's not a big deal you know I can handle it heh" I say giving her a weak smile.

"Can I atleast help you bandage your arms?"


"Ok then"

Amanda on the other hand didn't pay attention to lily talking to her about things while she was putting bandages on her arms. She couldn't stop thinking about her beautiful girlfriend and how she wished to have her in her arms again. Oh how she wished she could give Liz all the love and kisses she could give her.

"Hey hello earth to pretty lady"

"Hm oh us sorry what"

"Oh my gosh I told you I finished"

"Oh ok sorry for not paying attention I was busy thinking about my-"

"Your girlfriend yea I know because you talk about her all the time" She said laughing at me.

"You little nugget what is it with you spying on me huh?"

"It's not spying if I'm right here with you dummy"

"Whatever" I say laughing a bit.

(1 hour later)
(Third person POV)

While playing with the kids Liz couldn't stop thinking about Amanda. She couldn't stop thinking about her plump lips, her soft silky hair, her beautiful smile, and how beautiful she was. She just wanted to kiss Amanda and be in her arms again but she knew she had to be patient but she just couldn't. The thought of not having her girlfriend with her made her tear up not even noticing the little kids staring at her.

"Are you ok" one kid asked.

"Huh" she snapped out of her trance.
"Yea I'm ok don't worry about just go play ok" She said with a smile trying to cover up her tears.

But the kid instead gave her a hug telling her that whatever was going on it would be ok.

"Th-Thanks now go play ok"

"Okay bye" The kid smiled before leaving.

Liz stood up and headed over to the exit door deciding to head home early.

"Hey Liz where are you going" AJ asked confused as he walked up to her.

"Home....." she tried not to sound sad.

"But we don't leave until later"

"I know I just don't feel ok so I'd rather go home now"

"Oh ok well I'll see you  at home then take care ok and make sure to watch you're surroundings ok"

"Hmh yea I'll make sure bye AJ"

"Bye" AJ gave Liz a hug before she left before starting her walk home.

(Liz's POV)

"How could I be so stupid to leave you alone by yourself" I mumble to myself.
"I wish it was me and not you damnit Amanda why am I so stupid" I couldn't stop thinking about Amanda which made me tear up I needed her, I needed her hugs and kisses she was like a drug you couldn't live without. But the thing I needed now was alone time so I walked a little quicker soon reaching home but stopped as soon as I saw a cat laying in the front porch.

"Hey buddy what are you doing here?" I say kneeling down right next to the cat.

The cat just looked at me and meowed as he slowly cuddled against me.

"How about I take you inside with me come on" I say as I pick him up and brought him inside heading up stairs and sitting down on the bed with him still in my arms.

"Atleast I have someone to cuddle now" I say smiling.


"You want to sleep is that what you wanna do"


"I'll take that as a yes then" I then laid down on the bed putting him next to me as he cuddled up to me getting comfortable. I laid there staring at the ceiling thinking about Amanda again feeling my tears start up again. I tried wiping my tears away but they just kept coming, I just turned to my side not caring about my tears anymore.

 "I hope I can get you back my love" I mumble before falling asleep.

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