polaroid ; lrh

By tiptoesluke

251K 8.9K 4.9K

❝are you taking a picture of me?❞ More

pinky promise
little j
car radio
after midnight
yours and mine
new years
8128 miles
graduation party
hi hi is this thing on??


8.4K 302 234
By tiptoesluke

there I sat in my pale blue jumper, knees tucked into my stomach, and eyes gazing out the window.

rain lightly tapped against the frame then slid down effortlessly.

I always seemed to enjoy rainy days. the house was quiet and I had every reason to lazily spread out on my white sheets all day.

but not today,,

today I found myself quite bored and my petty eyes dreaming out the window. the sky was painted a terrifying gray color which was signs of a thunder storm.

due to hot weather the storms could get bad in california.

all the books and nail polish piled on my bedside table had been used. I was now left in my thoughts just staring out my large bedroom window.

my parents took the trolly to work leaving our family car sitting in driveway, teasing me to use it to release me from my boredom.

yet there were so many places to go, but nothing was crossing my mind. I thought of all the places I'd rather be than trapped in my room.

my eyes roamed around my blue colored room and landed on a pair of headphones laying on my desk. I was very dependent on my headphones and plugged them in whenever i didn't feel like being present in reality.

Claudia teased me for tuning her out and tells me to stop being so head over heels in love with music.


and that's where I could end up driving to. the record shop on 27th street that Claudia and I have visited the other day.

there must have been isles and isles of endless music genres.

oh and that boy. that boy must have known a thing or two about music. if he had a shift today he could quite possibly open me up to some new music.

I hopped off the indented window seat and left my bedroom. slowly I made my way down my empty hallway and into the garage where the car sat. my parents would not mind if I made a few 'errands' for the family. and for the family I really mean, for myself.

there was nothing I had to watch at the house, unless you count my fourteen year old sister, Felicity. she was taking a nap and wouldn't be up for hours.

I made my way out of the driveway, my rear view window peaked open, raindrops falling into my lap. the dark sky was intimidating, and I knew for a fact I wanted to make it home in time before the storm hit.

I promised myself that I wouldn't be in the store for more than an hour.


the same bell clinked as I pushed that rustic door open to enter the store. same as the last visit, there were no employees to greet me and only one old lady peering at records with her tiny reading glasses on.

I threw my cross body bag over my shoulder and made my way to a box set of records.

there was a record player, spinning around while a song about sex and mystic adventures played. I couldn't help but pick up the record to read about the band who played the song.

the 1975.

'now we're just outside of town
and you're making your way down
she's got a boyfriend anyway
she's got a boyfriend anyway'

a smile creased upon my lips as I took in the lyrics. I liked the sound of this song quite honestly.

I pushed a piece of falling hair draping in my face behind my ear. I shifted down the isle, the front desk slowly being blocked by tall shelves of records.

I was the only one in the aisle, the old grandma alone somewhere else. I peered at some albums with bright colors on their covers and took them off the shelf.

and what appeared in the gap that gave me a peak of the aisle over was a young boy.

the back of his head was curly and blonde, but the top was styled high in a quiff hairstyle. he had red headphones jammed in his ears and he nodded his head to the beat that blasted so that even I could hear muffled sounds of the song.

the blonde boy stacked and organized records on the shelves, which gave me the recognition that he worked in this store.

"let's get these teen hearts beating faaastterrrr" the nameless boy impressively sang along out loud.

I chuckled softly and started playing with the ends of my long hair. the boy played the air guitar for quite some time before spinning around to find me peering through the gap of the shelf.

he paused in his tracks and eyed me down with a shifted eyebrow. he obviously didn't know I had been standing there while he had his own jam session.

"shit." he mumbled under his breath and ripped the headphones out of his ears.

I gave him a slight smile and then put the records back on the shelf, hiding the boy on the other side. I heard his footsteps make their way around and found him towering over me now in the same aisle as I was in.

this boy was tall. and with no exaggerations, he was like no other boy I have ever seen before. his body was lean and his long legs were lanky with black jeans ripped holes in the knees. on his tiny set of pink lips sat a shiny black lip ring, and man was that hard to keep my eyes off of.

his skin was very light. lighter than my own pale skin quite frankly. snowflake like.

I tore my gaze away from him and went back to my own business, shuffling through records.

the ridiculously tall boy walked around me and began to stack records next to me. this boy was incredibly taller than myself to state once again. standing side by side, he made me look like a star and he was the entire universe.

he awkwardly coughed breaking the silence, "do- do you need any help?"

I turned my head to get a closer look at him. up close I had now taken in his oh so lovely blue eyes. they were like the ocean and I found myself getting lost in them. and his tiny, itty-bitty nose.

my eyes trailed back down to the lipring, causing myself to run my tongue over my own lips. my eyes met his once again and gave him another smile before speaking.

"i am just looking, thanks." I pushed the annoying strand of hair out of my face once again and then tore my eyes away from the boy.

we stood in silence for some more as we both did our own thing. at this point he was practically all out of records to stack.

"I see you like The Kinks?" his eyes narrowed on the records I held in my hands.


I looked down at the records "oh," and then back up at him with a smile, "yes I do" I replied.

he cleared his throat, "I once saw them live, it was a rainy day out just like today and it was an outdoor concert. I was soaked but I still shouted the lyrics to every song." he rambled on.

his voice was deep and memorizing. he spoke slowly, yet his accent was so thick it was hard to even comprehend what he was saying.

"I would absolutely love to see them in concert one day." I admitted, turning the record over and peering at the setlist.

he stepped closer to me, gazing down at the record as well. his shoulder leaned against me, his broad body basically suffocating me, "I saw them at a music festival in London."

my hazel eyes peered up into his, "you've been to London?"

he proudly nodded and rummaged through his tight pants pockets. suddenly he pulled on a tiny photograph. he brought it closer to me. it captured a colorful stage and a crowd of people. the people were sitting on each others shoulders, holding hands, smiling and watching the band on stage.

it reminded me of the photos that hung across the shops ceiling, the tiny pictures with all the famous places.

and then it hit me.

my attention faded from the photo and back to the boy. he lifted an eyebrow, confused as to why I was staring up at him.

"these pictures," I then pointed up at then ceiling, "they are all yours, aren't they?"

he looked at little taken back because I put this together so quickly. he crossed his long and lanky arms around his long torso.

"yes they are," he weakly smiled at me, "how did you know that?" he chuckled and gazed up at his work of art.

"I came in here not long ago and your friend, co worker, boss, whatever you want to call him, told me all about them," I looked back down at the picture, "I think these are truly amazing and-"

suddenly a flash went off and took me off guard when I found the boy with a black polaroid camera in his hands. it was held close to his face and blocked those precious eyes of his.

i felt my heart fall to my stomach as i looked at the boy with confused eyes,

"did you just take a picture of me?"

he brought the camera down from his face and watched as the photo developed out of the slot. he then looked at me while handing me the random photograph.

my hands grasped around the picture of myself, I was gazing down at the photo of the music festival, my long hair cascading down and my eyelashes batting close.

I confusingly peered up at him, "why on earth did you just do that?" I said between weak laughter,

but in fact I was a bit confused, and maybe even creeped out.

he shrugged, "you're the first person to recognize me for my infamous polaroid pictures." he giggled with a girly squeak, which caused him to shoot his hand over his mouth to cover it up.

this caused me smile and shake my head at the boy, "do you just carry that thing around with you everywhere?"

"pretty much."

I stuck out the photo for him to take, "take it," I shrugged simply, "you didn't need to waste film on me."

he brought the photo into his hand, "you're film waste worthy." and then he stuffed it in his back pocket.

I watched as he placed his polaroid into the basket that originally held the records that he stacked. I assumed that the camera had always been laying in there with the records.

"my name is luke." he innocently stuck out his hand for me to shake.

I gazed down at his long fingers and then back at him and connected our hands together.


"can I show you something cool?" he sounded like a young child.

I raised an eyebrow, "I suppose." I replied not knowing what I was getting myself into.

and with that he latched his hand with mine once more and pulled me down the aisle.

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