Prototype 501 (Original Anime...

By chiharutato

171 14 0

There comes a time when one feels awkward and out of place. For a young robot named Kohane, these thoughts ar... More

Chapter 1 - A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 2 - A Special Friend
Chapter 3 - Be the stars that will always guide me
Chapter 4 - The Wolf under the Sheep's skin
Chapter 5 - Confession in the Candlelight
Chapter 6 - What truly resides in Your Heart?
Chapter 7 - Promise Under the Moonlight
Chapter 8 - Purpose
Chapter 9 - Samsford's Paradise
Chapter 11 - Aftermath
Epilogue - A Second Chance...

Chapter 10 - This is something only I can do

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By chiharutato

"Itsuki! ITSUKI!" Someone yells.

"Argh..." Itsuki moans.

The last thing he remembers is being hit unconscious and falling to the ground. Goodness knows how long he had been lying here for.

"Itsuki, are you alright?" another voice asks as Itsuki's vision starts to become clear.

Damn it! It must have been Kohane who hit me unconscious!

Professor Mars, Erika, and Saki are crouched down beside him. They all have a concerned expression on their face.

"Brother, what happened?" Erika asks as she takes Itsuki's hand to help him up.

Itsuki rubs the back of his head and groans.

"Where's Kohane?" the professor questions. "We thought she was with you. We can't set the next phase of the plan into motion without the two of you together."


"Kohane!" Itsuki suddenly yells, startling the three.

"Itsuki, what's wrong?" Saki asks. But Itsuki shrugs their grips off him.

He starts running in the direction of the central city.

"Itsuki! Where are you going?" Professor Mars calls after him.

"I need to find Kohane! Something tells me she's in danger! I think she's gone to find the CEO!" He answers without turning back.

He breaks into a sprint before launching his Cyberarmor and speeds his way off into the distance.

The professor and the girls watch as Itsuki gradually disappears from their sight.


Kohane spots the demolition robot below her as it rampages its way towards the central city.

Alright! I've found him!

She swoops in and lands on the robot's head before trying to steady herself. She then grips onto the surface tightly to avoid falling off.

"It doesn't look like it'll stop any time soon," Kohane tells herself aloud. She carefully edges her way to the front of the robot's head.

Sure enough, sitting in the cockpit is a very terrified-looking Mr. Samsford. The red lights are still flashing on the interior, and the whole robot vibrates as it plows through the earth with its strong metallic arms and legs.

Kohane bangs on the window to get the CEO's attention.

Upon hearing the noise, he looks out the window at Kohane, and for the first time ever, Kohane sees a mixture of hope and fear in his pleading eyes.

To see Mr. Samsford looking like this means that these are desperate times indeed.

Kohane makes her way straight above the cockpit to where the emergency exit is.

She grips onto the handle and tugs at it with all her might.

After several attempts, the circular door finally swings open. Kohane then emerges her head into the cockpit.

"Hey! It's me!" She yells inside. "Grab my hand!"

She offers the CEO her metallic hand and he grabs it as the young robot pulls the middle-aged man to the surface.

A sudden breeze blows at them, messing up their hair as the afternoon begins to set in.

"W-why are you even here?" Mr. Samsford stammers as the two find their balance atop of the large robot.

Kohane sighs. "I'm kinda here to save you, you know?"

Tears begin welling up in the CEO's eyes and he immediately kneels at the young robot's feet.

"I'm so sorry! I... I've ruined everything!"

Kohane watches sympathetically as the man weeps with his hands covering his eyes. His glasses have condensation and tears on them, but it's ok.

Let him be, she thinks.

After a little while, Kohane helps the CEO get to his feet again.

"Hey, it's alright," she tells him calmly. "The important thing is that you've learnt your lesson. I hope you will learn to rely on the people around you and stop looking down on them."

The man looks at her, his eyes swollen and bloodshot from crying.

"Oh, and also, stop bullying my father."

The CEO looks guiltily to the ground.

"I don't think I can ever repay you all for what I've done," he says.

Kohane sighs. "The least you can do is face the consequences that await you. I have forgiven you, but I don't know if the boss feels the same way."

The man nods, defeated.

"But for now, we need to get you back to Galactica. You've got a lot of explaining to do in front of everyone," Kohane tells Mr. Samsford. "They should be arriving soon."

Kayla, please hurry!

Suddenly, the young robot hears a familiar voice call her name. But it isn't the one she was expecting.

"Kohane!!!" Itsuki yells as he lands on the demolition robot before his Cyberarmor retracks back into his necklace.

The CEO hides behind Kohane's back, and she gulps. She didn't expect Itsuki to find her so soon. She has no idea what to say to him.

Guilt rises inside Kohane as she takes a step back from Itsuki, and lightly bumps into the CEO.

"Kohane, why did you leave me behind?" Itsuki begins.

Looking at the circumstance we're in now, I don't have a choice. I have to explain everything to him.

Kohane takes a long deep breath before she begins. "Look, I'm sorry. I lied," she tells the 17-year-old as she shifts from foot to foot uneasily.

Itsuki takes a step towards her. "Why? I thought you trusted us. I thought you trusted me..." he trails off glumly.

Kohane grips her own arm tightly. "I... I didn't want you to be sad."

Itsuki looks perplexed.

"Why would I be sad?"



There's a moment of silence as the tension between the two grow stronger and thicker with every passing second. The CEO stays silent behind the young robot, barely moving an inch.

"Because I'll die!" Kohane finally yells.

Itsuki's eyes grow wide. "What..."

"I'm going to die," Kohane reiterates. Tears begin to prick her eyes as she averts her gaze from Itsuki's eyes.

"What do you mean you'll die? We formulated a plan, remember?" Itsuki reminds her with some urgency in his tone. "We would make sure I come and rescue you before the robot exploded. We promised we'd save you!"

It breaks her heart to see Itsuki lose his trust in her. But she knows it was best not to tell him about her true purpose. Well, not until now anyway...

"I-" Kohane begins, but Itsuki cuts her off abruptly.

"You said you'd go find the serum and then meet up with me. But it feels like you're trying to avoid me all of a sudden," Itsuki says. "Are you perhaps hiding something from us?"

"Itsuki, I am the serum," Kohane hears herself suddenly blurt out.

"W-what? What do you mean? You're not making any sense..."

Kohane takes another deep breath, and then sighs.

"My real name is Prototype 501, and I was built to destroy the demolition robot we're standing on right now," she finally explains.

A look of disbelief spreads across Itsuki's face. "Then what was that nonsense about not having a purpose? I thought you were just an ordinary robot!"

"It's true that I believed I was just some useless robot. However, I recently found out my true purpose, Itsuki. I have to save Galactica on behalf of my father," Kohane says.

Less than 10 kilometers until the central city.

"My mission is to plug my body in the robot's core to transfer the serum with the nanites, in order to deactivate it," she continues. "I need to stop it otherwise it will ransack the city!"

Itsuki staggers backwards and nearly falls to the ground in shock. This... This can't be! He thinks to himself.

"Y-you're kidding, right? T-there has to be another way... I can't just let you die like that without doing anything!" He cries as he grabs Kohane's hands. "Please! Let me help you! There's gotta be a way out of this!"

Kohane slips her hands away from Itsuki's grip. "Unfortunately, this is the only way. I'm sorry, Itsuki," Kohane whispers.

She makes her way to the other side of the robot's back, before placing her palm on the surface of a hidden door. It responds to her by opening up.

Suddenly, Itsuki notices a red glow emitting from the room below. He edges his way to where Kohane is standing.

The CEO remains in the same spot, and crouches down once again, with his face buried in his knees.

"This is the robot's core," Kohane explains to Itsuki as he arrives beside her. "Once I successfully deliver the nanites inside it, the robot will explode. Then, it won't cause the city any harm."

She takes hold of his hands and begins to cry.

Seeing Kohane like this, Itsuki feels his eyes begin to sting too. Before long, there are tears gliding down his face. They reach his lips and he can taste their saltiness amidst the bitterness he's feeling inside of him.

"Believe me, I truly wish that there was another way to overcome this. But I have chosen to accept my inevitable fate... I must do what's best for Galactica and fulfill my duty," Kohane weeps as she hugs Itsuki in a tight embrace.

Less than 7 kilometers until the central city.

Itsuki wraps his arms around the robot tightly. "No! I refuse to believe that this has to be the outcome!" He wails. "You can't just leave me..."

Kohane tries pulling away from the 17-year-old, but he hugs her tighter this time.

"Itsuki, please... Let me fulfill my father's wish," Kohane sobs.

Itsuki rapidly shakes his head and hugs Kohane even tighter than before. "Kohane... Oh Kohane," he whimpers.

Some time passes, but the two remain in each other's arms.

Suddenly, a distant sound gradually grows louder as the two notice a grey object in the sky move closer and closer towards them. A few seconds later, it's looming right above their heads.

It's Mr. Hinazuki's private helicopter.

Less than 5 kilometers until the central city.

The rotor blade's spinning motion sends dirt and blades of grass flying into the air around as the door of the helicopter opens. Then, a ladder is thrown down and a head peeks out from inside the passenger seat compartment.

"Itsuki!" Kayla yells to the 17-year-old below as the ladder reaches the surface of the demolition robot.

At last, Kohane manages to free herself from Itsuki's embrace while he is distracted by the commotion above.

Two of Mr. Hinazuki's bodyguards make their way down the ladder before approaching Itsuki.

"Kohane, what's this supposed to mean?" Itsuki questions with puffy red eyes.

Kohane wipes away the tears on her face. "I'm sorry," she whispers.

"Itsuki!" Kayla cries again. "Please! Come with us!"

"Kohane! You promised you'd stay by my side forever! You promised me!" Itsuki wails.

One of the bodyguards grabs him from behind. "Young man, we have received an order from Miss Hinazuki to come and rescue you," he states.

But Itsuki retaliates by aggressively trying to detach himself from the man's grip.

"Damn it! I haven't finished talking with Kohane yet!"

"Mr. Hoshizaki-"


"Itsuki! Please!" Kayla pleads as she begins to cry. "We're doing this for your own good!"

Kohane turns to Itsuki, her eyes also bloodshot from crying. "Itsuki, please listen to her! You have to go with them!" She tells him, in a desperate attempt to convince him to leave. "I don't want you in harm's way!"

Meanwhile, the second bodyguard strides towards Mr. Samsford and offers to help him up. However, the CEO swats his hand away and shrinks backwards, skeptical towards the help he's suddenly receiving.

"Hey, get away from me!" He yells, spitting everywhere.

At this moment, Mr. Hinazuki himself leans out the door of the helicopter and looks straight at Mr. Samsford.

"Roberto!" He calls from above. "Let me help you!"

The CEO shakes his head aggressively. "No! You're planning to arrest me, aren't you? I bet you've already called the cops on me! They're probably waiting for us back at Galactica..."

This time, Mr. Hinazuki shakes his head. "Listen, Roberto! We'll settle things once we get back to the facility! But for now, you have to come with us! I don't want you to die!"

"No! I'd rather die than be sent to prison!"

"Roberto! Please!"

After several attempts, the CEO finally swallows his pride and gives in. He starts to weep in his hands again.

"I... I don't deserve your kindness, Evan..."

Mr. Hinazuki smiles tenderly. "Galactica wouldn't be what it is today without your contribution," he tells the man.

Mr. Samsford looks up towards the boss, his eyes shining. "Really? Did you really mean that?!"

"Of course! When would you ever catch me lying about something?" Mr. Hinazuki winks.

The CEO lets a small smile escape from his lips.

"Thank you, Evan..."

And with that, Mr. Samsford follows the bodyguard up the ladder, and into the helicopter's interior.

But on the other side of the demolition robot, Itsuki continues trying to free himself from the other bodyguard's grip.

"Let me go!"

"Please, Mr. Hoshizaki. It is our mission to rescue you and bring you back to Galactica safely."

"Itsuki! Come with us! I beg you!" Kayla cries from the hovering aircraft.

"ENOUGH!" Kohane suddenly yells, startling everyone around her.

She makes her way towards Itsuki and the bodyguard.

"I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble," she apologizes to the man. "But please let Itsuki and I have a conversation alone. It won't be long, I promise."

Hearing this, the bodyguard nods, and releases Itsuki from his grip.

Kohane takes hold of the 17-year-old's hands once again. "Even if we haven't met each other for long, I can tell that you care deeply about me," she begins.

Itsuki gazes into Kohane's eyes. They're as gorgeous as ever. A beautiful shade of blue glimmering in the light of the sunset.

"For the longest time, I thought I was just a useless robot. I thought I didn't have a purpose in Galactica and that no one loved me other than my father. I believed this for so long, until I met you, Itsuki," she tells him sincerely.


"Itsuki, you are more than what I could ever ask for... Thank you for making me happy during the time we've been together. You helped me to experience so many different human emotions that I otherwise would have never felt if I hadn't met you. So, I am truly thankful that you came into my life. Thank you, Itsuki..." Kohane smiles as a new batch of tears wells up in her eyes and glides down her metallic cheeks.

"Kohane, I-"

"I was never anything special, and yet, you still chose to love me. Honestly, I'm just so happy," Kohane finishes.

Itsuki shakes his head.

"No, you were the one who changed my life! You were there to comfort me when I was mourning over my parent's death. You tolerated my immaturity and stubbornness before the tournament. You chose to stay by my side even knowing that I would die and leave you one day. I'm the one who doesn't deserve you, Kohane!"

"Itsuki..." Kohane whispers.

The young robot gently places her hands on Itsuki's shoulders as she kisses him on the lips.

Itsuki closes his eyes and holds Kohane by her waist.

The kiss is a mix of so many different feelings. Sadness, passion, pain, bitterness, but somehow still sweet.

As the two pull away from each other, the ladder has already been retracted and the helicopter descends until it's just above the surface of the demolition robot.

Taking this opportunity, the bodyguard grabs Itsuki from behind and tosses him on his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down!" Itsuki wails. "Kohane! KOHANE!"

But no matter how much Itsuki tries to resist him, the bodyguard is just too strong.

He steps onto the landing skid and into the passenger compartment while maintaining a firm grasp on Itsuki, even whilst he is still struggling and flailing in his arms.

"Itsuki..." Kayla mutters.

"No! Kohane! KOHANE! NOOOOO! LET ME GO!" Itsuki yells as he kicks about, tears streaming down his face.

The door to the helicopter finally closes, and the pilot steers the aircraft away before slowly ascending into the afternoon sky.

Less than 2 kilometers until the central city.

Kohane smiles and looks up at the helicopter one last time.

I'm glad he's safe, she tells herself.

She crouches at the door to the room with the demolition robot's core, ready to jump in.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Kohane chants inside her head.

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't scared at all. When one comes face to face with the gate to death, it's hard put together just what exactly one is feeling.

"KOHANE!" Itsuki yells from inside the aircraft.

Jump! Kohane instructs herself.

And with that, she falls into the room below.

A kaleidoscope of memories flash before her eyes as she sees everything she has experienced up until now.

Waking up in the science lab. Helping the nurses in Galactica. Meeting Itsuki and Erika for the first time. Apologizing to Kurumi. Joining Professor Mars, Saki, and Erika to watch the Cyberarmor tournament. Having lunch with Kayla and visiting her home. Dancing with Itsuki. Sharing a heartfelt conversation with Mikana. Kissing Itsuki for the first time. Struggling to retrieve her father's papers from Mr. Samsford. Requesting help from Kayla. Fighting the demolition robot. All of it.

Father... Itsuki... Everyone...

As she descends closer to the robot's core, she feels her body morph into the shape of a key.

It's time.

"This is something only I can do!" Kohane declares one last time.

She reaches the robot's core and slots herself in place before injecting the serum with the nanites.

Immediately, flying sparks of electricity crackle and erupt around her as a low rumble grows louder and louder. The floor vibrates intensely as a wailing siren begins to sound.

Goodbye, everyone...

The demolition robot stops in its tracks, just under a kilometer away from the central city. Now, the flying sparks of electricity have reached the robot's surface on the outside, and it is vibrating even more aggressively than before.

It suddenly glows intensely, and a bright flash appears outside the window of the helicopter as the passengers watch the robot explode.

This sends thousands of tiny fragments airborne, before raining down on the barren ground below as the aircraft flies away from the impact.


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