The Token - A Guns N' Roses F...

By gotthegameofwriting

788 50 17

Story inspired by the movie She's the Man. A female Duff is tired of dealing with the bullshit of trying to m... More

Chapter 2: Guns N' Roses
Chapter 3: You're Insane
Chaoter 4: The First Gig
Chapter 5: Burnt Pastries and Coffee
Chapter 6: Bars are Fun
Chapter 7: Cousin Kendal
Chapter 8: The Wrath of Betsie Tate
Chapter 9: Get Out
Chapter 10: A Little Black Book
Chapter 11: Rhythm Guys Do It Better

Chapter 1: A Stupid Idea

155 8 0
By gotthegameofwriting

The token female of a rock band, that's all I was ever known as. To say it was hard to make it as a female rocker was an understatement. It don't know which was harder, getting taken seriously or finding a band that wants you for your ability to play (not your ability to fuck them). Don't get me wrong, not all the guys on the strip were pieces of shit. There were SOME good guys, but sadly the bad outweighed the good ten to one. Whenever I played with guys I was under a microscope. If I ever made the smallest mistake I would get grilled or even get kicked out of the band which was a huge contrast to when someone else in the band made a mistake. They would just shrug it off. It was bullshit.

You're probably thinking, hey Michelle why don't you join an all girl band? I did. I tried, but either the group was only there to fuck groupies or we fought constantly. It was almost worse than the other groups I had been apart of.

It all came from a stupid comment that one of my closest friend's Walter said, "you'd have better luck passing off as a guy and making it than you would making it as a girl."

He meant it as a joke.
He meant it as something I wouldn't really think much about. I spent a week, an entire week mulling the thought over in my head as I worked at my Uncle's coffee shop.

I was running out of time to make it as a bassist in a rock band. I'm only 18 now, but I know that Is blink and four years would fly by and I would still be working in the coffee shop.

The nerves started to flow only once I let Macy take scissors to my hair cutting it in layers to shoulder length. I was scared, no terrified, bring up the idea to Macy about pretending to be a guy, but she supported it. She had known how the past year had gone for me. She had been my shoulder to cry on when I was chewed out or kicked out of a band. She was my rock, and today was another reason why I loved her to death.

As I looked in the mirror, I almost looked like a stranger, ALMOST.

"Hmmm," I shook my head and the shorter layers felt freeing as they flopped around my face. Like a weight that had been removed from my shoulders.

"I know what you need," I watched as Macy left the bathroom in search of something.

A reality check is what I needed, but I could have one of those later. I had been apart of god knows how many bands, and I was running out of time. I was getting desperate.

"No, you're not dying my hair," I stared at Macy as she held the box.

"Is it because of the smell or your hair?" She knew I had a strong nose. My nose would most amplify the most delicate nonexistent smells. If you ever needed to find a gas leak, I was your girl.

"The smell.....also I won't look good as a blond. I'll look like an albino or something," I admitted as I leaned back against the wall.

"Suck it up better cup, you'll look good as a blonde. you're going blonde if you want no one to recognize you. If you hate it we will dye it again tomorrow. ," I laughed as I shook my head. She was right. I guess I was going blonde. Plus it was only hair.

"What the fuck Macy?" I stared in the mirror at the patch of brown hair she missed. I didn't deal with the vomit enduring smell for what felt like hours to have her mess it up.

"No, it's supposed to look like that. Gives you something that people will remember about you. Makes you recognize you as......"

"Duff," my new name rolled off my tongue as I stared at myself in the mirror. I still looked a little feminine, but with the right clothes and makeup. Plus a lot of the glam rockers looked a but feminine. I might actually be able to  pull this off.

"What's this?" I held up some cloth that was amongst the pile of clothing that Macy had bought for me while my hair dried.

"Most guys don't have boobs. Here let me help," she took the fabric and wrapped it around me. Lucky for me I had small boobs to begin with, so hiding them was possible with a baggy shirt on top paired with a jean jacket.

"What's that cooking in the kitchen?" Once I threw the pants on, I headed towards the kitchen.

"Your dick," Macy casually responded as a piece of sausage cooked on the stove.

I froze in place. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

"Don't worry, I'll throw it in bleach or something so it won't smell like sausage," I stared at her blankly as she wandered back into the bathroom.

As if the smell was my top priority. As if I was more worried about the smell than the idea of taping a piece of sausage to my inner thigh. WHAT IF THE TAPE FELL OFF.

"Hey girls, what's cooking it smells delicious!" Walter came walking through the kitchen only to freeze when he saw me.

"Hey, I'm Walter, you a friend of Michelle or Macy," he asked walking into the kitchen.

"It's me Michelle," I teased back earning a shocked looked from Walter.

"New hair?"
"Yup, you like?"
"Yeah, looks punk!" He smiled at me as he walked into the kitchen.
I felt relief fill me as I watched Walter join me in the kitchen. It was good to know Macy didn't fuck up my hair.

"What's cooking?" He stood over the stove to see a sausage cooking in the pan.

"My dick," I casually replied. It was my way of welcoming him into the plan. Hell he was the main reason this thing was actually going to happen so why no let him in on it.

It was as if something clicked in his head and the gears were turning.

"No," was the only word that left his mouth.
I couldn't help, but have a smirk grow on my face. Maybe this plan was insane?

"No what?"
"Tell me it's a joke and you're not actually going to consider this as a legitimate solution to your problem of not finding a band to play with. Michelle....tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you don't plan on duct taping this piece of sausage to your thigh to pretend you have a cock," his tone was sharp as he spoke.

"Hey don't get mad at me, it was your idea! I'm just taking your advice!" I shot back as Macy returned to the room.

"It wasn't advise! It was a joke. A stupid joke! Macy," he desperately turned to Macy practically begging her to be on his side.

"Michelle is going to dress up as a guy to try to get into a band," I had to hold back another giggle as he continued to plead with Macy about how stupid the idea was.

Macy just shook her head and laughed, "I'm the one who cut her hair. Plus the sausage is my idea too"

"The sausage is too big," was his only response. It was clear from his body language that he wasn't happed, but I didn't care. It's my life and I will do whatever I wanted.

"Cucumber?" I asked, saying the first dick like food that came to mind.

"No, you'll look like you have a boner the entire time," he continued to investigate our fridge and moved onto the pantry. Laughter filled the room.

"A slim Jim?"
"No! My dick is not going to be a puny little Slim Jim," I shot back offended at the fact that Macy thought that my pretend dick would be a little slim Jim.

Walter took the sausage that a shrunk a little out the pan and cut it, so it was short.

"What the hell Walter, that was my dick and I have to leave in like 10 minutes for an audition!" I screamed back. He remained silent as he continued to chop it.

"Here, this size will have to do....just...just dry it off or something so it doesn't look like you peed your pants," Walter handed it to me before leaving the kitchen obviously not wanting to deal with the plan.

Fast forward 20 minutes I'm standing outside what looked like a rundown house. I took a deep breath before pounding on the door taking a deep breath.

Everything was going to be okay. Maybe?

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