we were weapons | BLACKTAN

By ouralchemy

29.5K 1.4K 842

That night they decided they were done. YG was becoming greedy and no longer held the same goals as them. He... More

The Cast


1.4K 68 46
By ouralchemy

Jisoo woke up to gun shots being fired.

"Oh no, the girls," she said to herself weakly as she tried to pull herself up by using the tree as a steady surface.

The others were looking for her and she wasn't going to be there. If they get hurt it would be her fault for leading them there. She knew it wasn't rational to think like that but she couldn't help herself but feel guilty that she didn't stay in place. She was stronger than this and she needed to help the others defend themselves.

"I'm coming," she said quietly as she struggled through the forest.


"Guys there's a few stragglers left, stay put and I'll get as many as I can without being compromised," Jennie said through her com as she put her eye up to the scope, and aimed it at one of the enemy.

"Gotcha," she whispered as she pulled the trigger. Working fast to find another and kill. Lisa wasn't kidding when she said Jennie was their best sniper, within 4 minutes there were 5 more dead and not another in sight.

"Ok, I think we're good. There's no movement in sight," Jennie said to the others.

"Okay, we don't see anyone from the windows either," Lisa said while motioning the others to follow her through the door.

"Coast should be clear now, you okay JK," Lisa asks walking up to the boy.

"Yeah, that was nothing," he said shaking his hair, and then pushing it behind his ears.

"Okay, now Jisoo is still out there. But Most likely passed out somewhere," Rose sternly said.

"What do you mean passed out? How do you know?" Taehyung said stepping forward.

"We found this vial in one of the rooms, most likely where she was being kept. It's half way empty so I'm guessing she broke free during the injection. But she's a tiny girl so this amount would be enough to knock her off for a couple of hours. She was running on adrenaline before, but no-" Lisa was cut off by two gun shots and they all immediately dropped and looked around for the source.

A man falls out of the tree and his stray bullet hits a window from the building behind them. They hear another drop and look over to see a body has fallen.

Jennie drops from the tree and runs towards the body.

"It's Jisoo!" She says as she falls to the ground and checks her pulse.

The other runs towards the girl and see she holding a gun in her hand.

"You missed one Jen," Jisoo struggled out, letting a laugh loose.

"Oh my god! Jisoo you've been shot!" Jennie said noticing her own hand was covered in blood.

"No biggie, the bastard couldn't aim for shit. Just reopened my um, old wound.," she said pointing at her arm.

"Unnie," Lisa and Rose said at the same time crouching down next to her.

"I'm fine, I'm fine! I'm Jisoo, I'm okay! But I am about to pass out so, you," she said pointing at the sky as her vision and comprehension was slipping away, "will need to carr-" she said as she passed out.

"Hurry one of you grab her, and be carful, Lisa and Jimin go get the cars," Jennie said giving out orders but never taking her eyes off Jisoo.

"I'm glad we found each other," Jennie whispered, while pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Taehyung please lift her off the ground carefully, and put her in the back of Lisa's car, I need to grab my sniper," she said as she quickly walked away. Not being able to hold back the tears that want to leave her eyes.

Taehyung looks at the girl in front of him and notices she looks so peaceful for someone who's just been through hell. She looks broken but her face would tell you she's experiencing the best sleep of her life.

He crouched down and picks her up as carefully as he can from the position they're in. He stands up slowly and immediately she clutches her arms around his neck and snuggles into him. He freezes for a second and looks down at her, feeling selfish that he enjoys her being this close.

"Come on, lets get you home," he says to her and carries her to the car.

"Careful, careful," Rose says as she helps them into the backseat. She was going to tell the guys to drive in the other car but she takes notice of how protective Taehyung is being with her. He's holding her to his chest and doesn't look like he plans to go anywhere, so she leaves it and crawls to the other car knowing Jennie would like to drive with Jisoo.

"Let's go home boys," she said getting into the backseat and thanking god they all made it out alive today.


Jisoo wakes up in her bed, with an IV attached to her arm. Her head is pounding and she can't lift herself up with her wounded arm. She sits back down and suddenly all the memories of the night comes back to her. Not just of that night but everything from the last few years is just hitting her in full force right now and before she knows it she's sobbing. She has never cried. It was a promise she made to herself that she wouldn't give anyone that kind of power, but here she was losing it and she couldn't stop it.

She suddenly feels a pair of arms around her and someone stroking her hair.

"Taehyung, why are you here," she said in between sobs, surprised by his presence.

"Shhh I'm here until you feel better, it's okay. Just get it out," he says to her quietly and Jisoo hates how comfortable she felt in his arms and how safe she felt. It was unexpected for him to be so warm and gentle with her. So she continued to sob into his chest, and he eventually repositioned them to a more comfortable position. He lays down on his back and brings her with him so that she's laying on top of him while her face is on his chest.

She falls asleep again, and Taehyung hears a soft knock.

"Hey, does she need anything?" Rose asks, taking note of the position they were currently in.

"No, she passed out again after crying. I brought up water earlier, but it's still here so she should be fine for now," he says quietly and puts his focus back on the girl in his arms.

She closes the door quietly and walks downstairs where the others are currently sitting.

"She cried," she said quietly to the other girls.

"Good," Jennie said. Knowing that it was only a matter of time before she exploded.

"No, I mean she cried in front of Taehyung," she said while the others girls eyes widened.

"Wow," Lisa said. That kind of vulnerability isn't something Jisoo was willing to give into easily, so the girls knew this meant more to her than usual.

"I'm sorry to bring this up but can someone explain to me what the hell happened tonight?" Jimin said resting his elbows on his knees.

"I guess we should start at the beginning," Lisa said while looking at the others, nodding.

"I'm Jennie Kim I am the niece of YG, you may know of him. He's a very powerful man in Korea. He adopted me when I was really young, I didn't come from a great home and he knew it. So he saved me and put me in a much healthier environment. And for that I owed him everything," she said while looking at the others.

"I'm Park Chaeyoung or um Rose, originally from Australia. And when I was younger my house caught on fire and killed my family. I was inside but managed to escape out my second story window, I endured severe burns to my body but I survived. I was put into foster care for a little bit but was sought out by YG and was soon adopted by him," Rose said quietly.

"And I'm Lalisa Manobon, from Thailand. My mother wasn't ever in the picture, and my father was a nobody who ended up on the wrong side of a gang in my neighborhood. He was shot and killed, and YG happened to be standing next to me when it happened. He took me away from the horror and placed me with them," she said pointing to the girls.

"Jisoo came after me but it's her stor-" Jennie started but was cut off by a weak voice trying to speak.

Jisoo cleared her throat and walked over to the empty couch with the help of Taehyung.

"As you all already know I'm Kim Jisoo. My brother–died when I was a kid, and my parents were too hurt to take care of me. They sold me off to some man, who eventually traded me in at a brothel. Years later I was working and I saw this tiny girl just walking alone in the dark, oblivious to this man following her into the ally," Jisoo said staring at Jennie.

"Hey! I was so young back then, that was the first time something like that ever happened to me," Jennie said with a pout.

"Anyways, I knocked the guy unconscious with a piece of wood and she took me back to her house where YG eventually accepted me into his family," Jisoo said.

"The day that I left with Jennie, was the day I was supposed to be sold for a million dollars. And the X Gang were the men in charge, and me leaving ruined any kind of reputation they had," Jisoo said quietly. Jennie took her quiet voice as a sign that Jisoo didn't want to speak about her past anymore and spoke up.

"Jisoo was the start of our group. She was YG's test subject and once she proved herself, he brought us in. We trained day and night for years perfecting our craft. We learned everything you could think of by the age of 13. We were taught to use weapons, learned how to do surveillance and how to strategize plans. We were basically raised to be weapons used against gangs in our area. They were taking over and putting the families in the neighborhoods at risk. So we were created to take them out," Jennie explained, while the boys just sat there and listened.

"We are the group known as BLACKPINK, and we technically don't exist. Rosie works very hard to keep our faces and names off the internet. We have successfully taken out a majority of the gangs in Korea," Jisoo finished.

"Wait, BLACKPINK? Why does that name sound familiar?" Jimin asked looking back at Yoongi, who was just leaning up against the computers in the back.

"You've heard their name probably in passing, more spoken in the terms of being a myth. But if I'm correct, you guys are the ones who took down the Eunwoo's gang right?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes, they were taking advantage of the neighborhood," Lisa responded.

"So you guys decided to kill his entire gang?" He continued with a hint of anger in his voice.

"No actually. After a side mission a few months before that we decided to start going by our own morals," Jennie said looking at the other girls.

"We gave them an option change their path or we end theirs. Although we can't tell you where he is now, we can say he is living a respectable lifestyle." Rose said getting up to get drinks for everyone.

"To clarify we offered the redeemable ones a whole new life with our help, we only killed when it was needed for protection," Jennie said looking down. "That being said many people didn't like us when we offered that deal, and thought they could push us out of the way just because we were girls. We got blood on our hands, probably more than you guys," she finished while eyeing them.

"So why did you guys come here? Why did you get close to us?" Taehyung asked.

"YG sent us to kill you guys actually. He saw that you were separated from your hyungs and thought this was his chance to strike." Lisa said apologetically.

"So you were gonna kill us?" Taehyung asked confused.

"Obviously not, if we kill you then YG gets another win. And offing you guys would have been huge for him," Rose said returning with a couple of waters.

"We had a plan to take him down, but him sending us here to you guys made us speed things up," Lisa said pausing for a moment. "Over the years we have came into contact with many people. We kept some long term connections with people who have just as much hatred for YG that we do. But getting you guys to help us would help us a lot," Lisa said quietly.

"YG has a lot of people behind him that will kill at anytime for him. And even worse is that people in the communities think he's some kind of savior because the gangs are gone. But they don't know what else he's doing. Or that he took 4 broken children and made them into killers. What happens when he wants more people fighting for him, is he gonna manipulate more children? No, he needs to go," Rose finished.

"So you guys want our help to do what, exactly?" Yoongi spoke up.

"A few months ago we made a decision to put an end to YG and everything he stands for. We aren't stupid enough to think we can do it just the four of us. We think he's losing some faith in us after what he did to Rose. He reminded us that all we are to him are pawns in his game," Jennie said getting worked up again, staring straight into Yoongi's soul.

"YG was the one who sent you that picture of Rose when Jin was taken. That was an older mission, but that was the first photograph we've seen of any of us in years. So we don't know how much evidence he has on us," Jisoo said, adjusting herself and allowing herself to lean on Taehyung a bit more.

"So we aren't going to act recklessly, but when push comes to shove we will need all the man power we can get," she continued.

"He was the one who took Jin, and planned to kill him that night. He sent us here, four very competent women who could of killed any of you guys at anytime," Lisa said, reminding them that YG was an enemy of theirs specifically.

"So are you guys in?"


Welcome all new readers!! Sorry I was too busy streaming dynamite and ice cream!!! We are getting fed this year!! Did anyone preorder Blackpinks album, I did and I literally can't wait t get it. I did just order IUs love poem album, so I'm very excited to receive that. I know I'm late to that one but I'm just now entering the work of buying KPOP albums. And I will be broke. But I loved ice cream, and I know people have very mixed feelings about but I loved it I thought Selena worked so well with them and the song came out very cute. Just wish the line distribution was better!! Jisoo deserves more!! But ahhh her Kdrama news literally made me so excited and it's going to be so hard to wait till next year to see it!

Warning to all new readers: I'm a very bad updater. I don't have a schedule and it's very messy. But thank you all for keeping up and commenting!! It means a lot to me to that you guys are enjoying my writing.

Again thank you for reading!!

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