Shots~AdiYa/JenShad ✔

By Special_20

5.1K 241 187

Many short stories on Adiya and Jenshad...... Please check inside to know.. Love and only love ❤️ ❤❤ More

Sunshine Sight


1.1K 77 30
By Special_20


There are seen two small kids playing ludo. They are Aditya and Zoya.

Zoya- Hey, don't cheat... I saw it was 2.

Aditya- no, it's 6. (He said taking the dice)

Zoya kicked the board- I am not playing with you.....

She ran downstairs and saw Harsh was packing some clothes in a suitcase and Waseem was helping him... And Anjana was talking with Roshnaak. Aditya came there looking everywhere.

Aditya- dad, are you going somewhere?

Harsh- Not I, we are going somewhere...

Zoya got startled- Uncle, where are you going so suddenly???

Harsh- My boss got me transferred to New York City. So, we all have to leave...

Zoya was shocked- No, please..... You promised to come to our home for dinner... Papa?

Waseem- They have to leave, Zoya... But don't worry. Harsh uncle has promised us to come soon.

Harsh smiled- I'm sorry, Zoya. We can't do anything now...

Zoya turned to Aditya- You really have to go???

Zoya always liked him a lot. He was her prince charming. But she was too young to realize her love for him. Aditya went to his room and Zoya followed him.

Aditya- Zoyii, I don't want to go... please, stop Papa...... With whom will I share my puzzles.

Zoya- You have to go, Adi... You share your puzzles with your new friends... But remember I will always be your best friend.

Aditya- I know... You are the best and best.. You are My Zoyii... But still I won't go...

Zoya- Adi, don't say that.... don't worry. We will talk every day on the phone ok..... I promise.....

Aditya- Ok..... But I will miss you more than you will...

Zoya- We will see that.....

"Zoya, Adi come down fast"- They came out of the room. Everyone was crying..... Harsh had kept the suitcase in the car. They all bid goodbye to each other...

Aditya- Dont cry, Zoyii.. (He said peaking her lips)

They settled down in the car and left for the airport. Zoya was in shock, still thinking about what Adi just did...


After Hooda left New York, Because of time differences and works, there would be very few conversations between them. Although Aditya and Zoya would talk every day... Zoya was slowly realizing her love for him. But with the time, Aditya stopped talking to her making some excuses... And slowly they lost contact...


15 Years Later,

Aditya was finally back in India and it looked really different now. Many things had changed. He came here after a long time for business propose and also to meet his girlfriend. He had just completed his graduation. His parents could not come due to work. His voice had some American accent now.

After 2 days,

Aditya entered college. It looked like he came into a fashion show. There were no strict rules, all were having fun... He went to the principal office.

Principal- Ok... All done. Wait for a second, I will call the final year students and you will discuss with them...

Aditya- Sure sir.

The Principal asked a boy to call the students in the project club...

As soon as they entered the club, everyone became silent...

Principal- Hello students... I am here to introduce you to your temporary trainer. His name is Aditya. He will guide you to the plan. (He left from there)

Tara- Hey, Zoya... Look at our new trainer. He is so hot..

Zoya without looking- I am not interested. Now, open the charts...

Aditya started talking about the projects. The moment he spoke, Her heart stopped in her chest. She lifted her eyes that land on the guy. Her heart stopped in her chest. He looked so familiar..... He had spiky dark brown hair that complimented his skin so beautifully. His sharp eyes were brighter than the sun itself. His smile nearly melted her into a puddle of nothing.

Zoya- Tara, do you know his gull name?

Tara- Yes... It's Aditya Hooda.

And she was confirmed he was her Adi.... In the whole lecture, her eyes were on Aditya. He had become so tall and handsome. Even though her life was fun going, only she knew how much she missed him in every joyous and sad time. She had spent the happiest times with him. Tears were forming in her eyes remembering their childhood. He had become smart too. It was unbelievable that he was the same talkative Aditya...

She looked down as he turned his head. She blushed to feel his hot gaze on her. She slightly lifted her lashes to find him watching her. She waved at him smiling but he turned without response...

At the same moment, the bell struck and everyone ran out for lunch... Aditya took a glance at her left from there...

She left for the library without replying..... 'Why did he ignore her' was only in her mind. There was a book at the top rage. Stepping up the small ladder, she took some books out. It was so heavy that her legs got imbalanced and she slipped. She closed her eyes tight ready to bang on the floor.

But she felt lifted up. A shiver ran through her body... She slowly opened her eyes and saw Aditya looking at her carefully. It seems like he was trying to recall something. He fell something attracting him towards her... Her eyes were like a home that he was missing. His brown sparkling eyes were intense. They had a long eye lock which was broke by Adi. He made her stand straight.

Aditya- Can't you be careful???

Zoya smiled- The books were heavy... actually.....

Aditya- forget it... I just came here to discuss something...You are topper, right? So, you will help us... Understand..... (She nods) ok. What's your name?

Zoya- I'm Zo.

Aditya- Zo??? weird name... By the way, have we met before??

Zoya shook her head in a no.

" Baby"- both turned to the door. A girl was smiling there.... Zoya rolled her eyes. It was Pooja, she had joined just 2 years back in between and the most irritating girl.

She ran and hugged Aditya making Zoya to step back in shock.... They were hugging very tight...

Pooja- Baby... I missed you so much.. Come let's eat something....

He took a glance of Zoya- Come join us.

Zoya shakes her head- you leave, I will come... (Her voice had changed heavy, she ran outside)

Closing the door of the washroom, Zoya cried thinking- He didn't recognize her... How can he forget everything? He was so rude. He was never rude before. What happened to him. He was her best friend... Why did he change?

She wiped her tears- Finally, she had realized her love for him after so long. But he did even know her...


On the other hand,

Pooja- What happened, baby???

Aditya- It's nothing...You know that girl was... It felt like I have met her before...

Pooja- I don't think so. Now leave this. I am hungry.....

Aditya and Pooja came to the canteen and sat on the corner bench.

Pooja- Principal will kill me if he found me sitting with trainer...

Aditya- I'm not only a trainer but also your boyfriend. This trainer was just an excuse to meet you. I missed you so much after you came to India...

Pooja- Aww... I missed you too...

Zoya was looking at them from far. Tears fell down eyes and it didn't go unnoticed by Aditya..


Next day,

Zoya entered the class and saw Pooja in Aditya's lap... She was leaning on his chest... She went to her seat looking at her teachers coming there... Zoya went to the last bench trying to ignore them. But in every second her eyes were going to see them.

She left out not able to look at them more... Pooja came to her after some time.

Pooja- What is your problem. Why do you stare at my boyfriend every time? He is your trainer...

Zoya shook her head- no, I don't...

Pooja- Listen, he is mine. And we are soon going to marry. So don't try to be smart...

She left glaring at her...


Days passed by, every time Aditya looked at Zoya, he used to forget everything... He was getting attracted to her. It's wrong, he loves Pooja but whenever he looked at her. He felt some strange connection in his heart... He was happy when she was around.

Aditya came and sat beside Zoya as many boys were lurking around her. He had no idea why was he getting so protective towards her. But he couldn't help it... Zoya was also shocked seeing him at her side.

She remembered Pooja's warning to stay away from him. And she thought she should as he didn't recognize her.

Zoya- Sir, you need anything???

Aditya- Yaar Zo, don't be formal. We are of the same age...

Zoya- We have practical and the professor informed you are the one to handle it.

Aditya- Leave it, it's boring.... But you are not...

He comes closer to her face and smiles seeing her nervous...

Aditya- You know you remind me of someone...

Zoya- Who?

He smiled- Someone special.....

He stood up and hit the desk- Ok attention, Students. I know it's lab time. But let's just have fun. You all can go to the ground and play...

Aditya smirked as Zoya hung her jaw. Everyone starts to leave happily.

Zoya- Stop, he is joking.......

He waved and went out with Pooja...

After sometimes,

Zoya ran to search Aditya as they have to work...

She went to the lab hoping he would be there. She tried to open the door but it seemed jammed. She went to another door and opened to see something shocking...

Aditya and Pooja were very close. It looked like they were kissing. Pooja was above Adi, he immediately pushed seeing Zo.

Aditya- Zo, actually......

Zoya looking down- I'm sorry... I should have knocked. (She ran from there feeling insulted, what was she even expecting)

Pooja coming closer- Adi, let's continue......

Aditya pushed her- Shut up...

He ran shouting Zo to stop... They were in the ground, he finally caught her... Both were breathing heavily as they ran...

Aditya- Zo... It's not what you think... I'm sorry... It was just.....

Zoya- You should not explain to me... It's alright... She is your girlfriend. It was my mistake...

Aditya himself didn't know what to say. Why did he even come here to explain her...

Aditya- I don't know... I..... Zo, don't cry, please...

Zoya wiping her tears- I'm not crying...

Aditya cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears- You have very beautiful eyes. Never cry...

It clasp his heart seeing her tears... He slowly lean toward her. She lifts her leg close to him. Their lips were just an inch far that Zoya realized something--

Zoya- I'm sorry.... I... I have class...

She ran to her class washing her tears. She felt like a fool, why did she even cry in front of him. What would he think?

Aditya was standing still. He was doing wrong.. He is in a relationship.. He would be married in few months... But Zo...looking at her makes her forget everything... He pulled his hair in frustration...


Final exams were coming near...

Zoya was trying her best to ignore Aditya. Whatever happened should not have happened...

She was collecting her books to aside. She looked up and saw Aditya looking at her. He shifted his gaze feeling caught.

Aditya hesitantly came to her- How are you, Zo??

She shifted as he came and sat with her. Not getting any reply, he said...

Aditya- You know... I had a friend like you when I was small..... Zoya... (Her ears simply strengthened hearing her name) You know you both have so many similarities... Every time I look at you, It reminds me of her..... We don't talk nowadays and I miss her so much...

Zoya turned to him- Why??

Aditya- I don't know... I was gone mad in love with Pooja that I started distancing myself with her. And I lost the confidence after....

Zoya gave a sad smile standing up. A paper fell down from her book and she left...

Aditya- Hey, Zo....your paper...

She turned and got horrified. It was their childhood picture. She ran to pick it up but was late....

Aditya looked at the photo and his heartfelt silent... He just stared at her open-mouthed. His brain prepared no thoughts other than to register that he was shocked. He closed his mouth, then looked at her toes before glancing back up to catch her eye. She saw the shock register on his face before he could hide it. A small smile played on her lips.....

Zoya- it's ok Adi, I forgive you.... I hope now I have the license to call you Adi???

Aditya- Zoyii....

Happiness was beyond clouds... All their childhood memories started coming like a flashback... His heart was beating faster and faster...

Zoya- But you lost the friendship Adi.... I thought we were different. But love changes everything....

She walked through the door and stopped turning around- And yes... Be happy with Pooja...

It was the moment his mind switched, it was never Pooja but always his Zoyii in his heart. He felt happy around her because she was his Zoyii. He felt the missing part completed because she was his Zoyii...


Next day,

Zoya entered the classroom to find Aditya and Pooja fighting.... Suddenly she came to her all teary eyes...

Pooja- It's all due to this girl that Adi is breaking up with me..... Why did you do this Zoya? I told you to stay away from my boyfriend...

She looked out and closed the door...

Zoya- Pooja, calm down. It's college. Someone can hear you.....

Pooja- Let them hear. Let everyone know how you took my Adi from me.... (She ran out opening the door)

"Pooja, stop"- Zoya tried to go behind her but was stopped be Adi....

Aditya- Zoyii, I love you....

She instantly stopped and turned towards him in shock...

Zoya- Are you insane? Are you??? Adi, she loves you?

He pulled her to his chest- And what about you? Don't you love me? I know you do, you always did...

Zoya was still concerned for Pooja- Adi, she is broken...

Aditya cupped her cheeks- She will be fine in someday... It's better to leave than be in a relation with no love.... Zoyii, I am sorry... I didn't recognize you. You are so different. You have grown up so beautifully... You were like a chimpanzee in childhood...

Zoya hit his chest slightly- You love me because you know now that I am Zoya, right??

Aditya instantly- No, the first day, I saw you... I was lost in you... I am sorry... I....K love you, Zoyii.. I really love you..

Zoya- I love you too.....

The End..

Note : If you have any ideas for OS then you can tell me. I will try to write it... ❤❤❤


Hey, please tell me how did you like the chapter.

Sorry for making it too long.

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