Sunshine Sight

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Thank you for the whole idea.


Introduction -

Aditya- He is a pilot and lives with his brother. He doesn't have a good relationship with his father as he wanted Aditya to become a lawyer.

Zoya- She is an orphan and lives with her sister.



Aditya- Arjun, wake up, sleepyhead. We have to go to the orphanage.

Arjun asked in a sleepy voice- which one?

Aditya- "The Sunshine"

Arjun- That's new.

Aditya- yes, mom recently collaborated with them. Now, wake up fast. I have a flight at 2.

At breakfast

Harsh- Aditya, we have seen a girl for you. Her name is Pooja and she wanted to meet you today.

Aditya- But I have no interest to meet anyone of your choice. Anyway, I am busy today.

Harsh- don't show this attitude to me. You have forgotten manners after joining airlines.

Aditya- I know that. Arjun let's go.

Anjana- Aditya at least have something or let Arjun have the breakfast.

Aditya- fine, I am leaving. Arjun, you come after eating.

Aditya left


In Sunshine Orphanage

Aditya parked the car and came inside with hands full of gifts. His driver was carrying chocolate and dresses for the kids. His eyes roamed around the place. It was quiet and peaceful everywhere. The surrounding was very clean. He smiled as he saw someone approaching him.

Aditya- Hello, I am Aditya Hooda. My mom, Anjana Hooda has just collaborated with this orphanage.

Sushma- I recognized you from far. Thank you so much for coming. I am Sushma Tripathi, the mother of this orphanage. Please come inside.

Aditya- Sure

Both went into the office and sat on the couch. The gifts were carried out by the workers.

Sushma- You bought a lot of things. The kids will surely be very happy.

Aditya- Yes, I am pleased to help you. Umm... Can I ask you a question, Mam?

Sushma- Aditya, you should not be formal, now this orphanage is also yours please ask.

Aditya- I didn't see any children?

Sushma- Every morning 8-9 am, there will be yoga classes. The kids are in the hall. The classes have finished I guess.

Aditya- ohh, can I just roam around?

Just then Arjun enters.

Arjun- hello, I am Arjun Hooda.

Aditya- I will be out. You can discuss anything you want.

He went out and saw all the children running out from a door happily.

Everyone was shouting that the class was awesome. He was quite shocked as according to him, yoga classes were the most boring. He felt a pull in his pant and peeked down to see a boy looking at him. He sat down and smiled.

Shots~AdiYa/JenShad ✔Where stories live. Discover now