Seokjin's Touch

By luvyaselfu

415K 18.8K 4.8K

I married him without realising that marrying him was going to change my life forever. I also didn't realise... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 20

7.2K 349 38
By luvyaselfu


When I complained to Seokjin about how I'm behind my work because the guy wouldn't stop bothering me, we got into a heated argument that resulted in Seokjin walking out of the dorm. You would never believe that a few nights before, we fell asleep together in each other's arms for the first time since we married. Anyways, as a result of that argument with him, I locked myself in my room like the obedient wife that I was.

It's been three days since I last saw him.

I stepped out of my room, groaning about how sore my muscles were as I made my way towards the kitchen. It was dark outside and the house was quiet. It's been like that ever since Minseo came back.

Hoseok spent a lot of time with Jiyeon at their place and because Minseo's back, Taehyung spends time with her. As for Yoongi and Seyeon, they're either at her place or at the company since Yoongi practically lives there. As for Jimin, he's been staying over at his girlfriend's place too. I haven't met her but by the sounds of it, the members like her a lot. Namjoon's been busy with his own things so he doesn't come back to the dorms and as for Jungkook, I have no idea where he is. Seokjin? Well, I haven't seen him in three days. I'd be lying if I say I wasn't curious about his whereabouts.

I almost laughed at that. He's probably with someone right now. Rijin. The thought of her makes me just want to bury the two together.

Either way, I pushed all thoughts about Seokjin out of my head and continued down the hall. Once again, I realised just how empty this house is without them... something that's strangely starting to bother me. Just a little. Which was annoying because I love my space. I like being alone.

Running a hand down my face, I sighed, knowing that I'm feeling this way because I probably got used to their presence. You can't blame me though. I've been here for a year now and Seokjin made me follow him everywhere too.

I didn't bother turning the lights on when I got to the kitchen and instead, reached over and turned the kettle on. Reaching for a mug, I grabbed a peppermint tea bag and opened it, placing it in the mug.

For some reason, I found myself turning my attention towards the balcony outside.

"Namjoon?" I blinked when I saw him resting both hands on the railing, leaning against it.

My feet moved on its own, leading me towards where he was. His posture... it radiates loneliness.

"Do you want me to jump with you?" I asked, jokingly.

Namjoon tensed and then looked over his shoulder at me. He smiled, making my heart skipped a beat at the sight of his dimples.

"I wasn't planning to."

"Shame," I murmured. "Because I most definitely was."

"Why are you not asleep, noona?" he asked, turning around to lean against the railing. "By the way, I hope you were joking about jumping."

It was hard not to smile at the warning tone. "I should be asking you that."

He placed his hands in his pockets, "I just got back from the company."

"You look tired."

"I am," he said with a crooked smile. "But I can't sleep even if I want to."

I knew what that meant. I've been hearing the members talk about Namjoon and this-

"A girl," I murmured.

"It's that obvious, huh?" Namjoon said with a short laugh. "You're sharp, noona but that's expected."

"Not really," I said, leaning against the wall, "so, she's the reason you look like that."

"Like what?"


Namjoon blinked at that before smiling again, dropping his gaze to the ground. "It seems that way, doesn't it?"

We didn't say anything but just stood there in silence for a long while. I liked the silence and I think Namjoon liked it too. Out of all the members, I feel most comfortable around Namjoon and Yoongi the most. For Yoongi, it's because we're the same age. As for Namjoon, well, I feel calm when he's around. He's like an anchor.

Namjoon broke the silence by asking, hesitantly, "If you were in my position, what will you do?"

"About the woman?"

"She's engaged," Namjoon murmured.

My heart throbbed at that. Engaged? Namjoon's involved with a—

"She and I had a past together," he said, quietly. "We were so, so young."

I stayed quiet. Were we really going to talk about this? No, does he trust me enough to talk about this with me? As far as I know, none of the members know about his past with the girl. Only bits and pieces.

"We made stupid decisions," Namjoon said, bringing my attention to him. "I made a decision and left her, breaking her in the process. I never looked back."

"You must have a reason for that," I said, softly.

"There's a decision for every choice I make," Namjoon said, lifting his gaze to meet mine. "But I broke her. Walking away like I did... ruined her, Yumi. She—might never be the same girl she once was because of me."

My heart tightened at that. I've never seen Namjoon looked so broken and lost before. At least, not like this.

"I think... it's best if I give up," he said, running a hand down his face tiredly. "she's with another man."

"But is she happy?" I asked, quietly.

Namjoon turned his eyes to me. "Does it matter?"

"If she was truly happy, I don't think you'd be like this right now. You love her and if she was truly happy... you'd be happy for her too- no matter how much it hurt you."

Namjoon averted his eyes.

"Running away..." I hesitated. "won't solve anything."

His eyes came back to me.

"I think you're both lost here," I said in a soft voice. "Regardless of how painful it was back then, you two aren't the same person anymore, am I right?"

I hesitated before saying, "It's not my place to say this but don't give up on her. Not yet. Not until you know that you've done your best... that's when you can let go. The girl... from what I've heard, she still loves you very much."

"If she marries him..."

Reaching out, I placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered, "If she wants to be with that guy then let her... as long as you are able to tell her about what you really feel in here." I pointed at my heart with my other hand. "Until then, don't give up so easily. That kind of love only comes once in a lifetime, you know."

Feeling that I've said too much, I dropped my hand and then glanced over my shoulder. "Maybe I should head back inside." Turning my gaze to him, I said, "Don't stay up too late."

"Why?" he asked when I turned to leave.

I stopped.

"Why?" he asked again.

I looked over my shoulder. "Maybe I came to care about you. Just a little."

And just like that, Namjoon smiled. Dimples and everything.

"You finally admit it."

I opened my mouth to argue but then he was suddenly in my space, arms wrapped around me tightly.

My eyes widened at his hug. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"Thank you, noona," he whispered, lips to my ear.

I froze.

Namjoon pulled back, hands on my shoulders. Then he smirked. "I'll be cheering for you too."

"Me?" I blinked. "What for?"

Namjoon looked over my shoulder and then winked at me. "Sometimes, we need a push to go in the right direction."


Namjoon leaned towards me, saying in a quiet voice, "I'll be cheering you and hyung on."

I stared in disbelief.

Just then I heard Seokjin's voice behind us, radiating with barely controlled anger. "What are you two doing?"

I closed my eyes at that before opening them to meet Namjoon's amused ones. 

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