It All Started with a Beanie

By younggirlsyd

355 52 17

Most people wear beanies as a fashion accessory, but for Erin Walker, it's not an option. Since she was 12, E... More

Author's Note


15 2 0
By younggirlsyd

Mom and I chatted some more until we both decided to get ready. She had an afternoon shift today, which allowed us to have a mother-daughter night.

I didn't add much to my outfit today, just comfy clothes with no make-up. Of course, I color coordinated my beanie to my shirt, but that's about all the color I wore.

Having nightmares had always set my mood sour for the rest of the day.

As I get to the school, I see a lot more people outside than the previous day. I pull into my new parking space and noticed they're gathered around the side of the school. A look of confusion finds a way to my face and I exit the car, walking towards the crowd.

"Hey, Erin!" I hear the sound of someone calling my name and look up to see Ollie, rushing towards me.

"Hey, Ollie. What's up?" He smiles at the use of the nickname but it quickly vanishes, a worried look replacing it.

"So, um, before you decide to see what all the fuss is about behind me..." I notice him slowly pushing me back as I walk away. I stop in my tracks.

"Oliver. What's going on? Why are you pushing me back?" I try to go around him but he quickly rushes to prevent me from moving forward.

"It's just..." He pauses. "I think you shouldn't go over there."

"Why?" I attempt to go around him again, but fail, again.

"I just don't think you should. For safety reasons?" He says the last part as a question, making me move him out of the way and walking towards the crowd. People look at me as I walk towards the center, actually moving out of my way. I'm confused as to why everyone is looking at me, but continue walking. That's when I see it.

Blue. Green. Purple. Pink. Black. So many colors wrapped up into one piece. The once red and white wall was now flooded with neon colors. Lines crossed each other but never blurred into a mess.  There were words written but I couldn't make them out at the moment, still in shock at just the amount of color that was already there. But then my eyes focused on the black writing that stood in the center of the mural.

"I'm sorry -Jerk"

Despite the beautiful chaos that was the neon background, the writing was entirely different. It was a continuous strand of black writing, staying in a cursive manner. Strokes varied between thick and thin, but it was barely noticeable. 

Just by looking at what was written, no one would've known it went to the new girl, but by Parsons additional piece, it gave away who the message was to. Hanging off the top of the 'I', a beanie sat. It looked just like the one I wore when I first met Parsons. That object happened to be why everyone was staring at me.

"What's all the fuss about?" I hear the sound of our principal, Mr. Lopez enter the atmosphere, causing kids to disperse and chatter to fill the air. He walks up to the center, close to where I'm standing, looks at the wall and then to me. "This is for you, I presume?" I nod.

Students began to talk louder, realizing the girl with the beanie got the attention of someone.

So much for going unnoticed.

"Okay, everyone! Go to class!" He looks to me. "Come to my office." I nod and follow him to the office, where people continue to look, point, and talk about me. 

Mrs. G smiles at me when she sees me enter the office, but quickly realizes I'm with the principal, ending the reign of her contagious smile. 

"In here." He opens the door and gestures for me to walk in, which I do so. I hear the door close and he walks to the other side of the dark, wooden desk, sitting in a rolling black chair. I sit in the small leather chair, not finding any comfort whatsoever.

"Before you say anything, I-" He waves his hand, cutting me off.

"Ms. Walker." He pulls out my file, placing it on his desk but not opening it. "I know you didn't do this. You haven't taken an art class in any of the schools you've been in and spray painted murals belong to a certain student here at Silver Beach. You may know him, Neil Parsons?"

Of course this wasn't the first time Parsons had done this. But why did he? When I said apologize in person, I meant literally apologize in person. 

"I know him, sort of."

"You're not in trouble, at all. I honestly called you here to ask how you're settling in." A feel of relief falls over me, allowing me to get comfortable in the chair as much as I can. 

"It's going good so far, better than my old schools. I've made some friends and the classes aren't too bad."

"That's good." He looks at the clock and then back at me. "Well that's all. You can go to class. You can ask Mrs. G for a pass if you need." I nod and walk out to the main area. And to some coincidence, Parsons happens to be talking to Mrs. G. He notices me and a small smile sits on his lips. Not a mocking one, like a smirk, but a genuine smile.

"Hey." I ignore him and look to Mrs. G, who is still smiling.

"Whatcha need, darling?" I ask for a pass and she writes one, wishing me a good day.

If only she was there to wish you one this morning.

However, as I leave the office, into the halls, I hear a pair of footsteps behind, which quickly end up beside me.

"I said 'hey'." 

"I know." He seems a little hurt, but quickly recovers.

"I'm assuming you saw my apology. What did you think?"

"I though it looked...nice." I say this a little harshly, which gets to him. Not much, but a little. I stop in my tracks turning to him, saying what I need to say. "Neil, I appreciate the effort, but that's not what I meant. You were a jerk to me when we first met and when I said I wanted an apology, I wanted one face-to-face. The gesture was nice, but I need to hear something from the source to believe it." I pause for a moment before continuing. "I wanted to get through this year unnoticed, with no one remembering me. Now, I've become the center of attention." I end what I'm saying and begin to walk away, but stop when I feel a hand grab my arm, turning me back around.

"You've said what you needed to say, now it's my turn." I shake his hand off my arm before crossing them, giving him my attention. "Erin Walker, I'm sorry. I'm not just saying this to say it, but because I truly am. I can't say I know how it feels to be misjudged, but I can say it was wrong of me to do so. You didn't deserve the attitude I gave you and the questioning I gave you. I spray painted that little mural because I wanted you to remember that someone went out of their way and risked getting in trouble just to make amends." He gives a small smile at the end just before walking away. I wanted to stop him, but I let him walk away, allowing his words to sink him.

I snap out of my trance and rush to class, already having been late.

As I went through the rest of the week, people kept cutting their eyes at me. People stared, whispered, but no one actually walked up to me and said what they were thinking. The next few days went by rather slowly, which was expected since of the chaos that was Tuesday morning.

I didn't talk to Parsons or his friends for the rest of the week, which didn't really make anything better. But when the final bell rang for Friday, I was the first person to leave. I started to walk towards the exit but remembered I needed to borrow a textbook for some make-up work and quickly rushed to that classroom, which happened to be on the opposite of the building. Heading back to the entrance, I got stopped by a girl.

"Erin, right?" I recognize her as the girl who I first made eye contact with before I even entered the school. Her hair wasn't pulled into a ponytail today; it was curled. She wore skin tight leggings and a crop top, which seemed like a seven-year-old should be wearing, not a teenager. She didn't wear heels, standing at my height. Her makeup didn't have a smudge. She had cherry red lips, which complimented her tanned complexion perfectly; her entire appearance seemed perfect.

"Yeah, that's me." I noticed her looking me up and down, like I was. A look of disgust clouded her face, but I didn't really care. 

"I'm Lexie Lopez, daughter of the principal." Lexie gave a fake smile when she spoke. She paused for a quick moment, placing her right hand on her hip and shifting her weight onto her right leg. "I noticed you got the attention of Neil."

"Yeah, I guess I did." I shrug when I said that, causing her amber eyes to roll. 

"Well I just want you to know, just for future reference, that he's not available." Her words are sharp, but I can tell she's being one hundred percent serious. "So just make sure to keep your hands off of him, okay?

"Yeah, whatever." Why would I need to know that? I don't even know Parsons enough to like him. We're not even friends!

"Well, I'll see you around, Erin." She nods, giving a fake smile. She flips her hair and turns around, walking away.

Well that was weird.


As I am on my home, I decide to take the detour route. My house isn't far from school, so I take the back roads and cut through neighborhoods. I don't pass many cars, but I assume the ones I do pass are taking these roads for the same reason I am. 

Even though the majority of it blurs, I can still make out certain things. I can still make out the two large willow trees that sit right next to the small park. I can still make out the three kids that are playing together, all wearing different colored shirts. I can still make out the roses from the daisies in one of the yards. I can still make out each individual bush. 

But even as I am focused on the scenery before me, how did I manage to drive myself to the house of Neil Parsons? I didn't end up in his driveway, thankfully, but I did end up parked across the street from his house. I didn't study it before, but I take a long look now. The house doesn't seem that large on the outside, despite how vast it is inside. The windows seem symmetrically placed, equal if you were to cut the house in half. The grass is freshly cut and flowers start to bloom at the front. Some toys scatter around the yard, probably Charlotte's, along with a pink and purple unicorn bicycle. The house doesn't have a garage port, but I see a shed-looking building towards the backyard. 

The only thing that stands out at a first glance is the tree. The tree itself isn't young, but it isn't old. Considering it is probably an oak, it contains large, strong branches and an abundance of leaves. It's fall, almost winter, causing the leaves to start to fall; a pile of leaves is already placed adjacent to the tree. But despite looking slightly old, a tire swing hangs off the biggest branch that is closet to the ground. The tire swing looks old, bruises in the rubber. A rope holds tightly onto the swing, looking fresh. The swing doesn't stand out, fitting in perfectly with the setting.

My looking is interrupted shortly after when I notice the front door open. I notice Parsons walk out into the lawn. A pair of sweatpants hangs loosely off his hips, revealing his defined V-line. Nothing sits upon his chest, allowing his abs and muscles to show. But yet again, he wears a pair of weird socks. I think that pair has hot dogs on it, but I'm not sure. 

Then he walks out in the yard, looking for something specific. He looks around in the yard then expands his search to the sidewalk and street. I notice him to start to look in my direction and I quickly slouch in my seat, not wanting to be seen.

You'll be a stalker if he does.

I'm not a stalker.

Says the girl outside his house.

Oh, shut up. 

I wait a few more seconds before sitting up. I look into the yard and notice Parsons still in the same spot, just looking in a different direction. I take this as a chance to get away, and I do so. I quickly, and try quietly, crank up the car and drive away, not looking back. 

Well, today sure has been a great day.

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