The Last Kingdom Imagines

By ImaginationOnFiction

16.8K 187 15

A collection of The Last Kingdom imagines, mainly featuring Uhtred and Y/n! Expect your favourite Last Kingdo... More

Betrothed to a Dane
An Errand for Alfred
A Royal Proposal
Held Hostage by Haesten
The Execution of a Dane (Part 1)
The Execution of a Dane (Part 2)
Leaving for Battle

A Negotiation Between a Saxon and Danes

1.4K 22 1
By ImaginationOnFiction

A request. Thank you for your support and storyline idea. 

So this is where Alfred, King of Wessex has been hiding? He lives quite extravagantly as a Saxon ruler. I'll give him that bit of praise, but nothing more.

I look around, walking through the grand palace of Winchester. I follow closely behind a small, nervous like priest who escorts us through the palace. It's as if he has never seen a shield-maiden or Danes before.

Following closely behind myself is my father Guthrum, and behind him is Ubba, who I consider to be an uncle of mine. We wander through the palace, towards the King's court where we are called to "negotiate" with the King of Saxons.

I snicker at the thought. We are Danes! And we do not negotiate. We fight for what we want and we take it! I always thought Saxons to be silly, with their God and belief of peace.

If anything is to come from this "negotiation" it is I who will make it clear to Alfred that we do not surrender to Saxons, nor negotiate with them. If Alfred wants us to leave Wessex so desperately, then his Royal Highness will need to fight for it with blood, instead of bribing us out.

"Remember, Y/n." Speaks up my father Guthrum, "It is I who will speak to Alfred and hear his negotiation. You will stay quiet." He commands.

I slow my pace and walk next to my father. "If Alfred is to say anything at all that I disagree with, then I'll voice my opinion!" I begin. "I will not allow this Saxon King to buy us out of land that we can claim and conquer for our own people!" I respond boldly back to my father.

The voice of Ubba interrupts, saying, "Your daughter has the right attitude, Guthrum. We mustn't allow Alfred to think of us as weak, to take a bribe and leave at his command."

Guthrum hears this and nods in thought. "Regardless, we will hear his talk of sliver. And with his riches we will be able to buy more boats and warriors to eventually take his whole kingdom." He trails.

"So do not worry, Y/n." He adds. "Either way, Alfred is to lose. We will take his sliver and his precious Saxon filled Wessex!" He laughs aloud.

I shake my head, but smirk at his response. Perhaps my father is right. We can take this King's silver if he offers well, and take his land also. I did not mind this plan at all.

Finally the priest stops outside a large door and knocks rapidly. The doors are then pulled open by two of the King's guards. Myself, Guthrum and Ubba walk into the large room. We are greeted by Alfred who stands from his thrown. Over to his right, stands a very familiar face that I haven't seen for many years.

"King Alfred!" Chimes my father in greeting with a smirk on his face as he strides into the room.

Ubba also speaks with surprise when he makes mention to the other person in the room. "And Ah! if it isn't young Uhtred Ragnarson!"

My eyes widen once I gather that Uhtred is now indeed standing in front of me. My heart races unexpectedly in my chest and I can not control it. I am completely stunned and shocked to see Uhtred in the flesh.

Uhtred nods his head in small greeting to both Ubba and my father, and his eyes freeze in place when he notices me.

We both now stare at each other is disbelief. "Uhtred?..." I trail confused.

"Y/n?..." he trails back, with the sound of shock evident in his voice.

I had known Uhtred for most of my life, we had grown up together. We used to play together as children after he was taken in by Earl Ragnar the Fearless.

We were childhood best friends. As we grew into our early teen years we trained in combat together and practiced our fighting skills.

And later on, into our late teens we were very found of each other and developed an obvious attraction to one another. But nothing ever became serious between us, even though we felt quite strongly for each other. That one summer when we realized our love for one another, we had discovered it too late. I unfortunately had to leave Earl Ragnar's estate with my father, and I never got to see Uhtred again after that... not until now.

I guess you could say Uhtred and I have a history... one I feel always was unfinished. I wonder if he also feels the same.

King Alfred looks from Uhtred to me. "Well, I gather that you all already know each other. I can not say that I am surprised." He then says.

King Alfred speaks again. He directs his full attention back to myself, my father and Ubba. "Welcome, Ubba and Guthrum, and..." he slowly trails in confusion, looking at me. He did not expect my arrival and has yet to meet me for the very first time. So I introduce myself, obviously annoyed of course.

"Y/n." I state coldly. "My name is Y/n, daughter of Guthrum." I say.

I take a step closer to Alfred, who stands firmly at this thrown. I can tell my sudden movement has made him uncomfortable. I smirk. "So, shall we negotiate then?" I add. "That is what we are here for is it not?" I remind.

My father Guthrum now steps forward and stands beside me. He gives me a look to back off slightly and I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest in surrender.

Alfred clears his throat and nods. "Yes, we shall begin." He chimes.

Alfred begins to talk and mumble, mainly speaking with both Guthrum and Ubba. I drown out the conversation as I stare at Uhtred across from me. Uhtred looks back and forth from Alfred to my father. His blue eyes sparkle and dance back and forth.

I examine him carefully. Uhtred is much taller now. His figure is well built and he looks so much stronger. His facial features are less soft from what I remember, and are more prominent and rugged. My teenage lover is very much grown up now and he is extremely handsome with age.

A shiver runs down my spine when I realize that he has caught me staring. My cheeks turn a slight pink in embarrassment. I look away to evert my gaze to anything or anyone but Uhtred. Though, I can still feel his eyes staring and burning through my skin.

I shake away thoughts of Uhtred and focus on the negotiation. My thoughts of Uhtred will have to wait for the moment.

"I am simply asking that you and all of your men leave Wessex in peace." Alfred finishes, looking directly to my father.

Guthrum and Ubba look to each other and laugh. My father responds, "Peace? You wish for us to leave Wessex without a fight?" He laughs.

"Why would we ever do that?" Ubba speaks out with a chuckle leaving his lips.

Alfred hesitates before he answers. "I am willing to pay you a very large sum." He trails. "That is if we can come to a negotiation between us both." He clarifies.

"We will not be bought." I reply boldly, interrupting and gaining the King's attention.

I hear the deep voice of Uhtred speak next. Looking over to me he says, "It's a large amount of silver. An offer you will want to take." He assures.

It almost breaks my heart that Uhtred is standing on the side of Alfred. He wears clothing like a Dane, but he can't fool me.

He once told me that his heart was fully Dane, but now he fights for the Saxon people, and in doing so has abandoned his own people who had raised him.

I bet that for Alfred and Wessex, Uhtred would probably even kill me on the battlefield if he had too. This thought made me both angry and sad. Did he even care about the Danish people at all anymore?

"Well, what is your offer then? Let's hear it?" Speaks up Guthrum to the King.

I look up at Alfred who seems hesitant. And I roll my eyes. "Well go on then." I say.

My father gives me yet again another look. Once again the King clears his throat and replies. "100 pieces of silver."

I scoff aloud. "No way!" I shake my head. "If we fight and take your land, we will surely earn much more than 100 pieces of silver." I state.

My father and Ubba debate my words. "My daughter is not wrong." Guthrum adds.

"You will have to do better than that, to try and negotiate 100 pieces of sliver is worthless to us." Ubba says to the King. Alfred looks over to Uhtred in concern.

Uhtred takes a step closer and speaks for Alfred. "200 pieces of silver and nothing more." He begins boldly. "Guthrum, you can buy enough food and boats to hold all of your men." He finishes, trying to persuade.

My father strokes his beard. "I stand with Ubba." He states. "You are going to have to do a lot better than that your Highness." He mocks towards Alfred.

Uhtred moves closer to the side of Alfred and whispers in his ear. Alfred nods. "I think we all need a moment to find clarity in this matter, myself included." He says, standing from his royal throne. "I will need a moment to contemplate and possibly reconsider my offer. So I ask that we take a short break and then I will return." He says before exiting the room, and most likely walking to his chapel room to pray for clarity from his God.

Unbelievable. It is clear Uhtred had something to do will this idea... but why? Alfred leaves the room, leaving myself, Guthrum and Ubba to speak between the three of us. Uhtred lingers near by.

I look to my father and Ubba. "Well, I think if we are going to negotiate with Alfred, as he so badly wishes, then we must ask for a very large amount. We take no less than 300 pieces of silver." I say.

My father crosses his arms over his chest. "No, 400 pieces. He is a king and has no shortage of silver." He states slyly. Ubba smirks.

My eyes then notice Uhtred coming our way. "I want to speak with you." He says, now standing next to me and looking into my eyes. I feel frozen. "Why?" I ask, almost annoyed. "Come with me." Uhtred commands.

He is about to turn and walk away, expecting me to follow but my father speaks to stop him in his tracks. "Hurt one hair on my daughter's head Saxon Boy, and I will kill you myself." Guthrum says.

I smirk. "Don't worry, father." I say. "If he does, I will kill him myself." I respond, trying to sound tough. Though I knew in actuality, I never could. I still love him.

Uhtred and I exit the room and stand together in the large but empty hallway. "You must take the 200 pieces of sliver and leave Wessex." Uhtred tells me with a desperation in his eyes.

I furrow my brows in confusion and annoyance. "And why would I do that?" I reply bluntly, crossing my arms over my chest. Uhtred places his hands over his own hips and sighs with irritation. "Why must you be so difficult, Y/n?" He says, "Take the silver. I do not wish to fight a war against you." He admits.

I stare into his eyes, searching for answers. Where is his true allegiance? He is fighting for Alfred the Saxon King, but wishes not to fight against Danes? This I do not understand.

"Well, you would not have to fight against us, if you simply chose to fight along side us! You are fighting your own people, Uhtred. You may have been born a Saxon, but you are a Dane!" I remind. "Or have you forgotten?" I question.

Uhtred seems angry after I question him on this. "I have not forgotten!" He reminds me boldly, taking a step closer to me. He sighs, bringing his hand up to his fore head and rubbing his temple.

A moment of silence gives us the time to calm our annoyance towards each other. I then sigh. "Since when did you become a slave to Alfred anyway?" I then ask gently.

Uhtred who looks to the floor, now looks up to me. Our eyes lock in meeting. "A few years..." He trails slowly. "Fighting for Alfred is the only way I can get back my birth right. With his influence, over time, I can take back Bebbanburg." He explains. He speaks up again. "And I have not forgotten who I am. I am a Dane for life, Y/n. You know this." He says to me.

I nod, trying to understand.

After another short moment of silence between the both of us, Uhtred speaks again.

"Just take the silver, Y/n... I do not want to have to fight against you across the battlefield." He says again.

I chuckle whilst shaking my head. "But we are Danes, Uhtred!" I begin with frustration. "My father, Ubba and I, we will have to fight against you and take Wessex." I explain. Sighing once more, I then add. "Don't you see? There will be no fair negotiation! We will take the sliver and still fight you." I say to him. I now take a step closer to him. We stand about an inch apart now.

Uhtred stays silent, listening to my words. Deep down he knew I was right. Fighting against Saxons is the life of a Dane. We live for nothing else, but to fight and claim land.

"If Alfred wants to keep all of Wessex then he must fight for it with blood, and die trying." I then finish confidently.

Uhtred looks to the ground again and then back up at me. "Y/n," he starts. "What I am trying to tell you is I can not..." he trails. "I can not fight against you...."

My brows furrow and I interrupt him before he can finish.

"And why not then? You have already made your choice years ago, knowing ultimately you would have to fight against us, me on the battlefield." I argue without anger.

Uhtred moves, now placing one of his hands on my hip and holding onto it. The other caresses my face, his hand softly rests over my cheek. I am slightly startled by this action, but I melt into his touch.

I have forgotten how much I've missed his touch. It has been too long.

The next words that leave his lips make my heart race. He says, "It is because I still love you that I can not fight you. That is why I am telling you that you must leave, Y/n."

I smile with excitement. So like me, his feelings have not changed. I place my hand over his that caresses my face. I then move both my arms up to his broad shoulders. We now hold onto each other and bring our foreheads together.

"If your feelings remain for me then come back with us, Uhtred... with me." I whisper. "Forget Alfred. We can take Bebbanburg back together! I promise we can." I say to him with a plea in my voice. "We won't have to fight against each other, Uhtred. We could have it all!" I explain.

Uhtred looks into my eyes and brushes a stand of my hair behind my ear. His eyes move from my own, down to my lips and back up again. I am brave and make the first move, kissing his lips. He grabs onto me tighter as if he too had been yearning for this moment for years. He kisses me back with an intense passion, I almost think I could faint.

He slowly pulls away. A look of happiness that is expressed within his blue eyes, quickly turns to sadness. "Y/n..." He begins. "As much as I would love to be with you, I have sworn my sword to Alfred." he expresses. "And I cannot abandon him."

I frown from his words and step away from him. "Y/n..." He trails again. Taking my hand and pulling me back to him, he says, "I promise you I will be with you. But for now I am sworn to Alfred." There is a plea in his voice when he tells me again, "I promise you I will be with you, please believe me. I mean it when I tell you that I love you."

I stare at our intertwined fingers and look back up at Uhtred. "Will you swear an oath to me also?" I ask. "If you say you love me then swear you'll return to me and our people." I say.

Immediately Uhtred responds. "I swear that I will return to you." He states. I smile small as a feeling of relief and hope for the future consumes me. "Then I will wait." I reply plainly. Uhtred smiles and mine turns into a smirk.

"Until then Uhtred, I will take the King's silver..." I trail. "But I will also see you on the battlefield." I finish. Uhtred mirrors my expression and smirks also. Before I can turn and make my teasing exit, Uhtred speaks up. "Wait, when the time comes for the Danes and Alfred's Saxons to fight, swear to me first that you will stay alive until I return to you."

I step closer to Uhtred once more with the smirk I wear. "I swear." I whisper, leaning forward and placing a soft and teasing kiss on his lips. When I pull away he smiles wide. "Now, shall we?" I question, mentioning back to the negotiation. "Because I am about to be 400 pieces of silver richer." I chuckle. Uhtred shakes his head and extends his arm out to me to walk into the room a head of him.

"Destiny, is all!"


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