~Seven Uniting Souls~ Avenge...

By Bunny-Crystal

37.1K 841 201

'Lola Stars. Not the greatest of names--she knows, but she doesn't mind it. She's waited her whole life--li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

3.7K 90 2
By Bunny-Crystal

~~A Little After The Past, But Still Before The Present~~

"And let me tell you again, little Lady, that it is a great honour to have you fighting on our side of the war!"  The Colonel thanked again, shaking my hands between his own bigger hands up and down quite violently.  When he pulled away and looked at the scenery, (not a pleasant sight to see) my hands were still moving up and down.  Without taking any notice of this he babbled on and on and on and on and on and on and oh dear Lord help.  He spun back around to me, doing a full one-eighty, and grabbed my still moving hands to shake and thank me again.

Apparently having me (a daylight vampire) on their side of the war was a big deal to them.  But I'm only here because of Peggy.  This crazy man.  Wait--oh, oh--is he still talking to me?
"And the war will go smoothly and the Germans will lose and we'll prosper and gain Independence for America--!"  He rambled excitedly.

"I-It'll be a pleasure to help you, S-Sir!"  I stammered, trying to regain control over my arms.

"Yes, yes!  This is perfect!  Brilliant!"  He clapped his hands together, grabbing me once again and leading me to the camp...oh yeah and he is still talking.
"All these new cadets are working hard to be fully ready for the war, and we're especially lucky to have their absolute cooperation!"  He gestured to the ranks of running men and women who were lapping around the fields--panting and gasping for breath.

"I think they're most likely to die at this moment."  I giggled as they collapsed to the floor the moment the Sergeant ordered them to take a break.  "A-Are they okay?"

"Oh, they'll be fine!"  The Colonel pushed me forwards to some buildings.  I'd done my own 'special training course' just so they could see if I was fit for battle.  Surprisingly, (not really) I passed with flying colours.  I noticed everyone looking at me weirdly as it became closer to night.  I guess dinner's soon then 'ey?  Their's and my own.
"Oh!  Yes, and Vampires are nocturnal, right?"

"But not me."

"But not you...right.  Okay.  I'll add that to your list of abilities."

"It is in the name..."  I shrug shyly.  I just wish Peggy would frickin' show up already!

"AH YES!"  He shrieked into my ear.  I clutched my ear in pain and gritted my teeth to combat yelling: 'SHUT THE FUCK UP MAN!'  Because I'm 'civil.'  "DAYLIGHT VAMPIRE!"  More heads turned to us in shock and surprise.

"Yup...y-you can lower your voice now..."  I shyly rubbed my arm.  But he didn't listen to me.

"THAT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE NOW!"  He continued carelessly.  He opened a door into a large, tall room where literally every cadet and soldier of ranking was getting dinner.  They just froze at his excited entrance.  Was this not normal?  Or was it what he shouted to the whole world outside of this building?  "ATTENTION."  They all stood at attention and faced the Colonel.  He gestured to me once more.
"THIS IS LOLA STARS.  YOU WILL ADDRESS HER AS GENERAL, OR GENERAL STARS AND NO LESS UNLESS SHE TELLS YOU.  SHE IS A GENERAL AND YOU WILL TREAT HER AS SUCH."  So the uniform he got me was a General's after all?  Wow, I do not deserve this position.  I'm just joining the army for Peggy...as stated previously.  I don't actually want to help them with bloodshed..unless it's against delicious rabbits whose blood goes well with any meal.

"Is this such a big deal...?"  I mumbled under my breath so no one could hear me.

"NOW CONTINUE WITH YOUR DINNER."  He dismissed, walking to where the food was being served and gesturing for me to follow.  I can do this.  I can do this.  I followed after him.  Everyone sat back down, but they were all watching me with fear, confusion or awe.  I can't do this.  I can't do this.  RETREAT!  RETREAT!  RETREAT!  I used my super speed and combined it with my 'fight-or-flight' response and got the heck outta there instantly.  I zoomed out the doors, up the wall and onto the roof to calm down.  Clutching my hands to my heart, I took a few deep, calming breaths, sitting at the edge of the building and watching the moon rise into the sky.

It was beautiful.  I saw the Colonel come out of the building right after me, but he didn't know what direction I went in, so he sighed and went back inside.  I sighed in relief for some alone time.  It was peaceful...relaxing...the sound of birds and the chatter inside the building.
"I thought you might be up there!"  A Brooklyn accent chuckled quite loudly.  

"ACK!"  I jumped in surprise.  Unfortunately for me, my body was sitting at the edge of the building...like, the very edge of it...so I slipped after I jumped and...well.  You get the picture.  I plummeted to my demise.  Unable to change into my bat form which takes ten seconds, as with every other shapeshifting form, I prepared for impact like any good soldier would.  But it never came.

"Oh! Sorry, Doll!  I didn't mean to scare you!"  His Brooklyn accent filled my ears.  I opened my eyes after not meeting with the ground, to find that he had caught me in his arms.  Looking into his blue eyes, on my right wrist, my soulwords glowed warmly against my skin.  Heat swarmed my face.

"S-Sorry!  I-I d-didn't e-expect you to be there!"  I stuttered, hiding my face with my hands.  He chuckled and gently put me down.

"No, you're fine, Doll.  It was my fault.  I just wanted to make sure you were okay."  He took my hands in his rougher hands.  My blush reddened at his accent and care.

"I-I'm f-fine..."  I looked at the ground shyly.  He chuckled...again.  Apparently, I'm the funniest person in the world.

"I'm James Barnes, but my friends call me 'Bucky'.  And my soulmate, you, can too."  He gently lifted my chin up to meet his blue eyes and charming smirk.

"Where did 'Bucky' come from?"  I giggled.

"My middle name...Buchanan."  He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck and suddenly becoming shy.  I guess he's more of a woman's man than a social man.

"Well, Bucky.  It's a pleasure to meet you."  I giggled.  "And as you probably heard, I'm Lola."  I smiled, slowly becoming more confident.

"Lola.  That's a beautiful name for a beautiful vampire."

"Yeah?  Bucky's an odd name for an odd fella."  I giggled.

"Haha."  Bucky rolled his eyes and grinned.  "I noticed you didn't get any food."

"The crowd made me more nauseous than hungry."  I sighed truthfully.

"Well, let's get you a proper meal then, Doll!"  He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and led me in.

"Alright...but...another thing."  I stopped him for a moment, taking a deep breath and looking into his beautiful eyes.  I could stare for days.  "I...I have...six...soulmates including you."  I squeaked, looking to the ground.


"Y-Yeah..."  I kicked a pebble and watched it fly into oblivion, never to be found again.

"Damn, well, since I don't want to end up like that pebble, and I've already fallen for you the same way you fell for me;"  He lifted my chin up again.  The bastard was smirking at his own jokes.  "I don't care whether or not I have to share you.  Because I just want to be by your side."

"That was cheesy."  I giggled, wrapping my arms around the taller male and hugging him close.  "But I like cheesy."


Aww!  I can't tell if that went well or not!  But I'm ending the chapter there!  This is a little before the first Captain America movie by the way!

Let me know if you liked this, because I feel so giddy and sappy XD

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