
By VanessaWriting

324K 6.8K 3.3K

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2K 59 40
By VanessaWriting


Farkle's outfit^

~Vanessa's POV~

"Still hasn't made sense why the two of you wanted to come with me." I turned to the boys as I set my smoothie down on the table. "Just a change of the setting is good, Wolfy." Jason smiled as he drank from his blueberry smoothie. "Plus the three of us haven't spent time with each other in some time." Farkle added in with a smile as he drank his mango smoothie.

"Yeah, it's not like I see either of you at school, my house, your place or at Topanga's." I nodded my head sarcastically as I drank my blueberry smoothie. "Hey, we do what we do." Jason pointed at me after he and Farkle shared an expression. "That's right we are individuals that can do as we please." Farkle agreed as he grabbed a napkin.

"How do you have two guys and I don't have one?" Jessie asked me as she walked over to us with a small pout. "Well you can ask these individuals while I, an individual, go speak to Luke." I smiled at her before sitting her down in front of Farkle and Jason. "They're excellent with relationship advice." I smirked, sending the boys a look making them realize what just happened.

I grabbed my drink as I walked over to look who had a smile on his face as a girl, who looked oddly familiar, walked away from him. I walked up the platform as Luke looked down at the baseball in his glove.

"Someone looks happy." I smiled pointing out the obvious as I sipped my drink nudging him. "Well, maybe someone is." Luke nodded with a smile as he twirled me around a bit.

"Woah, did you get that lucky?" I asked him never seeing him like this when it comes to a girl. "She loves the Yankies, Vane. How often does that happen to find someone who's funny, good with sports, and cute?" Luke asked with a happy expression.

"Well, I'm happy for you, Luke." I smiled giving him a side hug knowing that was always something he wanted to happen. "She even gave me her number." Luke showed me the baseball. "Way to go Luke. That's rare." I nodded as we high five each other but just about as he was about to speak a terrifying voice was heard. "Hiya Luke!" Connie popped out of the bushes greeting him with a crazy expression.

"Ah!" Luke and I screamed as I dropped my smoothie in fear. "Creepy Connie!" Luke and I exclaimed as we held on to each other tightly. "Ness, Luke, what's the- Ah! Creepy Connie." Jessie and the boys rushed to us but when Jessie realized who it was she pushed the boys behind her. "I mean, funny seeing you again. In real life and not just in my nightmares." Jessie twitched a bit seeing Connie. "What?" Farkle and Jason furrowed their eyebrows.

"Luke, I really need to talk to you." Connie turned to us looking at Luke. "Connie, I really need to run away from you." Luke responded before letting go of my arm running away causing Connie to turn to me.

"You have to listen to me." Connie told me, giving me her crazy eyes. "I really have to get away from you." I smiled nervously before going over to get Farkle and Jason's hands rushing us to the Ross penthouse.

"What's going on?" Jason asked me as I kept pulling them. "One of my greatest fears came back to haunt me." I frowned as I answered him not slowing down as I heard Jessie catching up to us.


"I can't believe Creepy Connie is back from boarding school." Luke frowned as we got to the penthouse now with Ravi. "I can't believe they let her leave." I shuddered as Farkle and Jason were still confused while Jessie and Luke agreed with me.

"I am sure she wishes to rekindle our romance. Poor thing is probably still reeling from our break up." Ravi crossed his arms with a small smirk as Jessie, Luke, and I shared a look.

"Okay, just stay focused. You never know when Creepy Connie is gonna strike." Jessie reminded us as Luke and I nodded. "Is this all really necessary?" Jason asked me not knowing the story behind Creepy Connie. "Yes." Luke and I answered in unison with no hesitation.

"I'll explain later." I informed the two boys before we walked into the kitchen getting a surprise. "Hi, guys!" Connie smiled, holding a cleaver which did not help with our nerves. "Ah!" We all screamed as Farkle and Jason kind of got the idea.

"Guess who made Friendship Fruit Cake. Die." Connie smiled before stabbing the cake causing Farkle to grab my hand as we all shrieked. "Guys, Creepy Connie made us a creepy crumble." Jessie whispered to us as we looked at the cake with scared expressions.

"Guys, I'm not creepy anymore. Luke, I have extinguished the torch I once carried for you. And Vanessa I no longer have the feeling to hurt you a bit." Connie tried to assure us as Jason stepped in front of me.

"Uh, it was less of a torch and more of a bonfire." Luke disagreed with Connie as he looked at her in shock. "And a bit? You hung me upside the ceiling, which was thirty feet up the air, just because you thought Luke and I were a thing." I shook my head looking over to her remembering what she did to us. "I still question why I didn't get a restraining order from you." I sighed as Farkle and Jason looked at me in question.

"Do you still carry my torch, Connie?" Ravi walked up to her with a hopeful smile as we looked at him in question and shock. "I'm sorry, you are. . .?" Connie asked him looking at him in confusion as Luke and I shared a look.

"You must be joking. We dated for two months. Remember when we held hands for thirty two and a half seconds on Valentine 's Day?" Ravi smiled trying to remind her. "Still not ringing a bell." Connie shook her head, folding her arms as Ravi looked offended.

"Well, 'creepy' just turned into 'awkward'." Jessie turned to us as we agreed sensing the awkwardness in the air. "Ravi, why don't you go upstairs." Jessie walked over to Ravi giving him a smile.

"So that I can find some proof that Connie and I dated?" Ravi smiled thinking that was what Jessie was going to say. "Heh. No, no, because this is getting hard to watch." Jessie answered him as we agreed with her before Jessie walked him to the staircase in the kitchen.

"Luke, I came here to warn you. Mackenzie's after you!" Connie walked up to us as we started to get worried. "Mackenize? You mean, the cool girl I met in the park?" Luke questioned her causing me to furrow my eyebrows thinking about it.

"Mackenzie's not cool. She's my roommate at boarding school. She's a complete weirdo who is totally obsessed with you." Connie shook her head giving us her creepy eyes. "Takes one to know one." Jessie commented as she ate an apple which we couldn't help to but agree with.

"Well, if you think I was bad when I was crushing on Luke, it's nothing compared to Mackenzie. At school, all the girls called her Mad Mac." Connie explained to us while I rolled my eyes knowing this had to be a plan of hers. "Mackenzie's not mad. And we just met today. How could she be obsessed with me?" Luke questioned her as we waited for Connie to answer.

"Well, I might have talked about you for 10 months straight. Then there was the shrine. And the failed cloning experiment." Connie looked into space as we looked at her with wide eyes. "I'm just happy I wasn't involved or mentioned in any of this." I shook my head as I gulped.

"But the point is, Mad Mac is after you." Connie turned to Luke as it seemed Jessie had enough. "Okay, Connie, clearly you're making this up just to keep Luke from dating another girl." Jessie stood up as Jason and Farkle nodded thinking the same thing.

"Well, it won't work. I'm calling Mackenzie to hang out tonight, and there's nothing you can do about it." Luke shook his head with a small smile. "Fine, Luke. It's your funeral." Connie shrugged before walking out the kitchen door leaving.

"I'm going to my room. . . and probably hide out in the panic room for a couple hours." I sighed before walking up the staircase with Farkle and Jason behind me.

"Okay can you explain everything to us?" Jason asked me as we got up to the top. "Yeah, all of this seems weird and disturbing considering you are only scared of one person." Farkle nodded as we passed the Ross siblings bedrooms going into mine.

"Yeah, and if there was a competition Connie would be the first one to be my most feared person with no doubt. And that says something." I jumped on my bed as I shook my head. "A man that tortured us for years versus a teenage girl who's done what wins?" Jason raised an eyebrow as he and Farkle sat down on my bed.

"Okay it could be a tie but you guys have no idea what Connie has done to us. Actually no scratch that Peter is still first then it's Connie but had to make my point made." I responded as I had wide eyes before my door was knocked.

"Hey, Vane. I'm going in my closet. Want anything?" Emma asked me as she walked in. "Yeah, can I get some nachos and two bags of butter popcorn?" I smiled, having a craving for nachos knowing the boys will like the popcorn.

"Coming up." Emma nodded with a smile as she walked out. "Um, how is she going to get that if she's going into her closet?" Farkle asked me as he and Jason were confused.

"Oh, it's because if you go in the elevator in her closet you can get in her mall." I nodded as I explained to the two causing them to look at me in shock. "Yeah. . . they're richer than our parents. I'll explain the Connie thing when she brings everything." I told the boys as I took my phone out knowing they're going to talk about this with each other.

'Hey, Kenzie' I texted my friend I met at one of my auditions.

'Hey, Nessa. How's everything going?'

'Everything's more or less fine but I do have a question. Did you by any chance get a gig from a girl named Connie?'

'Yeah, I did. She's paying good money. How'd you know?'

'I had a feeling. Look, Kenize, be careful with this girl. She's crazy. I'd had an encounter with her many times and all of them lead to something horrible.'

'Don't worry, Vee I'm pretty sure I'm safe, no need to worry.'

'Just be careful please and also don't hurt Luke he's one of my best friends.'

'I'll make sure not to hurt him. He's actually pretty cute, not my type though.'

'Alright see you soon hopefully not in a horrible way.'

'See you :)'


I sent her one last text before my door was opened and in came Emma with our snacks.

"Thanks, Em." I smiled as she handed me and the boys our snacks. "Thank you." The boys nodded thanking her as they started to eat their popcorn. "No problem. And I'm probably not going to see you later, Vane because I'm working alone at the shack." Emma smiled as she clapped her hands.

"Is Boomer leaving you in charge tonight?" I asked her seeing her excitement which I received a nod as a response. "Nice. See you later, Em." I smiled as she waved before walking out the room closing the door.

"So what exactly is the thing with Creepy Connie?" Farkle asked me as we started eating our snacks. "Well, if it wasn't obvious Connie is obsessed with Luke, has for a long time. One time Jessie thought there was nothing wrong with her and invited her here unfortunately it was one of the times I was here." I started to explain to the two as they turned to me.

"Connie came here to 'tutor' Luke but then invited him to this thing in the park which he made an excuse for including me in it. She came here dressed in a Dementor from the Harry Potter series with her makeup all creepy."

"Connie somehow got a hold of Kenny the Koala, scaring us because Luke has always had Kenny since he came here to the Ross'. So she cut off Kenny's head sending the body to Luke but then she saw me still here and somehow got me tied up getting me on the ceiling."

"Nobody saw me before they got rid of Connie and hold of Kenny's head. Got me down and soon sewed Kenny back together." I explained the first story as they looked at me in shock. "What the hell." They looked at me with wide eyes as I nodded.

"Why did she tie you up there?" Jason asked me as Farkle was too shocked to ask me himself. "Because Luke freakin' used me as an excuse then and Connie had it in her mind Luke and I had a thing or have some kind of fling which is never and has never happened." I sighed as I shook my head thinking back to that night.

"Well, it does sound bad." Farkle nodded seeing the point of the story. "Oh, that's not the only thing." I shook my head, having another story ready.

"One time Jessie had a chance to do a play at the Ross' school and Luke was the main lead and had to kiss the girl main lead Connie didn't get. She tried a lot of things but she succeeded in getting rid of the main girl lead and her understudy which I really don't want to go into details because it's just a wow thing and not the good kind of wow."

"I was there for the opening night of the school play which led to a disaster. Luke refused to kiss Connie, getting her angry and for some reason Jessie got a hold of her dad's blow torch which is supposed to be only used in a military hand."

"Connie burned down so many things and somehow I got involved on the stage. I don't even know how I got to the stage but I know I almost got hit by that. I'm just thankful Ravi got her to stop." I sighed as the boys looked at me in shock which I understood why. "Yeah, I know." I nodded as I ate my nacho.

"Okay the name Creepy Connie makes more sense now." Farkle commented as he nodded with Jason agreeing with his legal brother. "Now you know why we're all terrified of her." I told them which got me nods of understanding.

"But why didn't you ever get a restraining order?" Jason asked me which was a really good question. "I thought that her being sent to boarding school was enough, clearly seeing her here shows that it wasn't." I explained to the boys thinking that was the best thing I could have done.

"These are really good." Jason gestured the popcorn as Farkle agreed while I sent them a smile.


"Kenzie, what are you doing?" I asked her as I heard her laugh from Luke's room which I walked into leaving the boys in my room. "Just continuing my part of the gig." Kenzie crawled out under the bed. "What do you have to do for this gig? And why are you still doing it? Connie is insane." I sighed as I closed the door.

"I have to be obsessed with Luke and I'm actually doing a pretty good job of it. The pay is really good, not the best but not the worst either. And yeah kind of getting the point of Connie being creepy and insane." Mackenzie nodded as she looked down at her phone typing something.

"I know this is going to get back to me in some way but I'm probably not going to do anything about it." I shook my head sighing. "You know the place right? What's the best way to get around this place without being seen?" Mackenzie asked me as she sent a video.

"Um, probably through the air conditioning vents." I pointed to the one in Luke's room wondering why I'm not stopping this but knowing this probably coming back at me later. "Thank you." Mackenzie smiled as she quickly climbed up to the vent as I heard noises outside the room.

"Ness, are you okay?" Jessie quickly rushed to me as Connie, Luke, and the boys rushed in the room. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I questioned as I glanced at Connie in worry. "Because Connie was right. Mackenzie is really Mad Mac." Luke started to look around as Jessie nodded.

"We just heard all of this and knew you were in here." Farkle explained to me as Jason nodded. "Did you see her?" Connie asked me acting as if she was worried. "If I see a crazy person, yes. If 'Mad Mac' is here, no." I answered with a nod as I sent a look to Jason hoping he'd understand what I was saying.

"No sign of Mad Mac. But I can still smell her evil stench." Connie sniffed the air as I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, I think that's just my dirty gym clothes." Luke and the boys sniffed the clothes before they gagged.

"Guys, look! The window's open." Connie pointed to the window as Jessie, Luke, and Farkle looked out of it while Connie looked down under Luke's bed.

"What's really going on?" Jason whispered to me as he glanced back to Connie understanding my look. "Kenzie is a friend of mine I met at one of my auditions and this is just a gig she got. Connie is still very much creepy." I whispered back at him, hoping Connie doesn't hear us.

"Shouldn't we tell everyone?" Jason asked me as everyone else was looking around. "We probably should but I don't know what will happen if we do. I'm kind of scared." I nodded whispering to him, causing him to nod before putting a hand on my shoulder.

"She couldn't have gone out the window, we're like, thirty stories up. Unless. . . Mad Mac is Batman." Luke shook his head as they backed up from the window. "Why's that always your answer?" I asked him as the rest looked at him in confusion.

"What did you ever see in him?" Jessie questioned Connie, who shrugged, as she gestured Luke before the door shut causing everyone to turn to it. "You will be mine, Luke. Connie, you can't protect him forever." Jason read the paper as Farkle walked over to me while Luke jumped over his bed going to Connie.

"Connie, please, protect me forever!" Luke begged her as I looked down wondering what Connie was planning.

"I'm here for you, Luke. Jessie, I'll keep an eye on him. You clear the penthouse, then go down to the lobby and do a perimeter search of the building. Vanessa, you can take care of the boys." Connie explained to us while having a hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Oh, trust me I'm trying to." I nodded looking around. "Here. Take this." Connie walked over to Jessie with a walkie-talkie. "Oh, walkie-talkie. Fun!" Jessie smiled taking hold of the walkie-talkie.

"Roger, roger. Copy that, good buddy." Jessie said over the walkie-talkie as the teenagers looked over at them with furrowed eyebrows. "Breaker, breaker. Got your ears on?" Connie smiled saying it over the walkie- talkie.

"Ten-four. What's your handle?" Jessie asked as they continued. "Focus! I'm being hunted here!" Luke yelled at them as the others nodded even though I knew what was going one it was weird. "So, Connie, I am going to show you. . . this scrapbook I kept of our time together and prove we dated." Ravi walked in the room causing everyone to sigh as he walked up to Connie with a binder.

"Look, if there's anyone who knows about delusional relationships, it's me, but we never happened, guy." Connie threw her hands up as Ravi looked very offended. "Oh, we happened! Look! A ticket stub from that Mumford & Sons concert I took you to. A doodle you did on a napkin. A lock of your hair." Ravi opened the binder showing it to Connie while the rest of us shared a concerned look.

"I gave you a lock of my hair?" Connie asked Ravi in confusion as he looked caught.

"It is not important how I got it." Ravi shook his head with a smile as he continued to flip through the binder as Luke and the boys shared an expression. "Can you take him with you? He's starting to creep me out." Connie asked Jessie as she gestured Ravi.

"He's starting to creep you out? You dressed as Luke for Halloween. And stayed that way till Christmas." Jessie reminded her as Luke and I nodded before Jessie took Ravi with her and I got the boys out with me.

"Wolfy, tell him." Jason whispered to me as we walked to my room. "Tell me what?" Farkle asked with furrowed eyebrows as we got to my door. "Hold on, Farkle." I told him as I opened my door pushing them inside before shutting my door.

"There you are." Mackenzie stood up from my desk chair. "That's Mad Mac. We have to-" Farkle looked at her with wide eyes before Jason covered his mouth stopping him.

"Kenzie? What are you doing in my room? I thought you were in the vents?" I looked at her in confusion as Farkle looked at us with wide eyes.

"I was but then I remembered I have no idea how to move around this place." Mackenzie nodded as she looked around the room. "Why am I helping? I question myself very much right now. Luke and Connie are in Luke's room while Ravi and Jessie are downstairs." I sighed, shaking my head.

"Thanks, Vee." Mackenzie smiled before rushing out the room as I turned, seeing Farkle looking at me in confusion. "So Kenzie may be one of my friends I met on an audition I got and she may be on a gig right now." I smiled sheepishly as I explained what was happening very vaguely.


I was getting a bit hungry so I told the boys to stay in my room while I go to the kitchen. I was about to go in but then I heard some voices from the terrace so I went over to open it and when I did I was surprised.

"I told you not to continue this gig." I looked over to Kenzie as she was tied up on a chair. "Yeah, I should have listened to you." Mackenzie nodded as she struggled in the knots.

"Vane, you knew?" Luke looked at me in shock as he questioned me. "In my defense I didn't know that this is what Connie was planning. I just knew Kenzie was on her acting gig." I held my hands up as I saw Connie getting another rope.

"Should've stayed in your room." Connie, in a wedding dress, looked at me with crazy eyes and before I could run away she tied me, tying me upside down using the bottom of the above terrace.

"How does this keep happening?" I exclaimed as Luke started to try and escape out of the terrace. "This isn't fair. If your groom doesn't have to stay, then why do we have to?" Mackenzie questioned Connie as Luke got away.

"Ooh, I like a guy who plays hard to get." Connie smirked walking over to the fireplace. "Man, I really should've gone to the bathroom before I came here." Mackenzie sighed as Connie left to get Luke. "Oh, boo you. My blood is going all to my head." I frowned before I tried to get my hands out the rope.

I tried so much to get my hands out but the ropes were too thick so I tried getting my feet untied from the rope. It took a bit but I finally succeeded unfortunately that meant I fell on the cement floor.

"Are you okay?" Mackenzie asked me in worry hearing the strong thud. "No. No, I'm not. Pretty sure I just sprained or severely hurt my left arm." I answered her as I moved to sit up on the ground.

"Yeah, there's no way we're getting out of this anytime soon." I shook my head looking over to Mackenzie. "Isn't your boyfriend and best friend up in your room?" Mackenzie asked me as she struggled through the ropes herself.

"Yes, they are but I'm pretty sure one of them may be able to come get us but I'm kind of worried for the other one ropes hurt him." I frowned as I answered her.


~Jason's POV~

"Okay Nessa's been gone too long." Farkle sighed as he looked up from his phone turning it off. "You're right. . . you don't think Creepy Connie got to her right?" I asked him as I remembered what Vanessa told us about Creepy Connie.

"Don't be ridiculous. If that happened she'd escape her." Farkle shook his head trying to laugh it off but then he thought about it.

For a second we looked down thinking about the possibility but then turned to each other before rushing out the room.

We looked around for her in the rooms on the floor not seeing anyone in the previous rooms and the final room was Luke's. We rushed in there about to ask Luke and Jessie but then we saw Connie in a wedding dress with a creepy smile.

"Ah!" Farkle and I screamed as we hugged each other in an instant. "Look Lukie-Pookie you got yourself some groomsmen." Connie smiled as she jumped up and down on Luke's bed.

Before anything could be said Connie had shot all of us with darts and in an instant we fell on the floor.


I groaned as I woke up feeling ropes around seeing a wedding setting with Farkle, Ravi, and me in tuxes and Jessie and Mackenzie in horrible bridesmaids dresses.

"My heroes." Vanessa looked at Farkle and me with a sarcastic smile wearing a cast like thing on her arm wearing a dress as she was tied to a hand truck. "What happened to you?" Farkle and I asked her quickly looking at her arm.

"Connie tied me upside down again." Vanessa answered looking over to us as she sighed next to the bride's side I guess. "She tried to escape and she succeeded but she fell on her arm." Mackenzie added in as Vanessa nodded confirming her words.

"Are you okay, Ness?" Jessie asked her younger cousin looking over at her in worry.

"My arm is either sprained or worse, nothing I can't handle. In pain but I can handle it." Vanessa nodded, looking down shrugging a bit. "Don't you have to prepare for your quinceañera soon?" Mackenzie asked her as she looked over to Vanessa with furrowed eyebrows. "It's in February. I got time." Vanessa answered with a sigh. "Can someone explain to me what's going on?" Jessie asked us all. "Just know, I'm an innocent bystander in all of this." Mackenzie shook her head.

"And by that she means she's an actress, a friend of mine, that Connie hired to dupe all of you guys." Vanessa explained as Mackenzie nodded agreeing with her explanation. "You knew that? Why didn't you tell us?" Jessie asked her younger cousin in confusion.

"Two words: Creepy Connie." Vanessa looked over to her answering her older cousin. "Okay, I get it." Jessie nodded probably knowing she would do the same thing.

"Wait so this means there was an acting gig in my own home and I still couldn't book it? Ugh, this is definitely a low point in my career." Jessie asked shocked before sighing as we all sent her a look.

"That's what you focus on right now?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow as we all turned to her. "Hey you and Ness were on Broadway come at me when you haven't gotten a gig." Jessie sassed back as Vanessa and I shared a look shrugging. "Ravi?" Jessie looked over to him in shock as he was tied up next to Farkle.

"Hello! I got the elevator working." Ravi smiled as he greeted her. "And you didn't get help?" Farkle asked him as we looked at Ravi in question. "I wanted to save the day." Ravi smiled as he answered Farkle.

"And how'd that work out for you?" Vanessa and Jessie questioned him sarcastically gesturing the situation. "Well, Connie overpowered me and. . . Oh, that was a rhetorical question." Ravi realized as the cousins nodded confirming it.

"Okay, I will get us all out of this. Everyone is going to be fine." Jessie assured us all as we struggled in the ropes. "I just want some ice. Not necessarily for my arm but to slap some sense into Creepy Connie." Vanessa sighed as she looked down at her arm.

Speaking of Creepy Connie here she came pushing Luke in a hand truck as creepy music was heard.

"Here comes the groom." Connie sang as she pushed Luke to the front soon waking him up. "Oh no." Luke looked down, seeing what's happening as he also looked around the terrace.

"Weren't you wearing a t-shirt before?" Vanessa asked Luke seeing his outfit, making him go wide eyes as did we all realizing what Connie did. "I caught him in his room. He is a cutie. His name is Lukie-Pookie." Connie 'sang' her version of a wedding song as we all shared a creeped out expression while she moved Luke to the groom's place.

"Correction. Luke's a goner." Jessie rephrased herself as she took notice of the situation. "Why am I your maid of honor?" Vanessa asked Connie as she was on her side. "Because you are leaving the love you had for him giving him over to me." Connie smiled as she stroked Luke's cheek freaking him out.

"Luke and I were never a thing! And I do love him but as a friend!" Vanessa exclaimed as she explained to Connie. "Are you seriously friendzoning me right now?" Luke asked her shock as she looked over to him. "If it gets through her psycho mind then yes." Vanessa looked over to him nodding.

"This is a nightmare. I get friendzoned and I didn't even get a bachelor party." Luke frowned as he complained as Vanessa shook her head as did the boys and I. "Connie, this has to stop. You've gone too far." Mackenzie shook her head trying to get Connie to see everything.

"Another peep from you and you'll find out how far my fist can go into your face." Connie threatened her as she held her fist out. "I'm sure you two will be very happy together." Mackenzie shook her head smiling nervously.

"I am Reverend Chucky. We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony." Connie held her hand out using her hand as a Reverend since she drew a face on her hand.

"You do realize this right?" Vanessa questioned her as she looked at Connie's hand. "This is one of the many, many, many reasons we call you creepy." Luke finished as he shouted at her as we all nodded.

"We actually made a list. It's twelve pages, single spaced." Jessie added in as Luke, Ravi, and Vanessa agreed with her.

"If anyone has any objections to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." Connie used her hand as she continued while ignoring us. 

"I object." Jessie nodded being the first. 

"Me too!" Ravi added in giving Connie a look for various of reasons of course one main one being because of their past. 

"Me three." Luke nodded as if it was obvious considering all the problems Connie had put him through. 

"I still have to pee." Mackenzie frowned complaining at the need to still use the bathroom which Connie wouldn't let her. 

"I don't want to be here." Farkle shook his head trying to get the ropes off seeing things from Vanessa's eyes now probably. 

"Estas tan loca mujer, estoy sorprendido que no estes recibiendo ayuda." I answered her as I shook my head not even being able to believe she was asking us this. 

"Estoy con él en eso mujer y por cierto, yo también me opongo." Vanessa agreed with me as she gave Connie her response probably more irritated with being tied up than anything really.

Seems like Connie didn't like any of our responses because soon we all had our mouths covered with duct tape so we couldn't say anything even the freakin' mannequins but it doesn't mean we didn't try to scream.

"Now, any objections?" 'Reverend Chucky' asked us all as we tried to scream but it all came out muffled. "Great! Now, let's get to the good stuff! With the power vested in me by the great state of Minnesota- You see, Minnesota is where I'm licensed. Get on with it, Chucky! Yeah. Okay, okay." Connie had a weird agreement with her own hand just spray more creepy out. "I now pronounce you man and wife." 'Reverend Chucky' announced just as Emma, Zuri, and Bertram walked on the terrace.

"What. . ." Emma started looking around in shock. "The. . ." Zuri continued seeing the setting. "Heck?" Bertram questioned as he finished the sentence as we all screamed once again coming out as a muffle scream.

"Ah, more guests! You know what that means. More presents!" Connie smiled as she laughed which was even more creepy. "Where are you registered? Bedlam Bath & Beyond?" Emma questioned her as she gave a sarcastic response.

"I hope her 'something new' is a life coach." Zuri commented as we nodded with agreement.

"Let's be honest. This is like the tenth weirdest thing to happen on this terrace." Bertram sighed as Jessie, Luke, Ravi, and Vanessa nodded agreeing with him. "Put me down for beef at the reception." He smiled as he sat in a guest chair as we looked at him in shock.

"Wrap this thing up, Reverend Chucky. You may now kiss the groom. Don't mind if I do." Connie smirked as she leaned in to kiss Luke who leaned back trying to get away from her screaming. "You think you're having a bad day? I just got fired." Emma frowned before a man outside the terrace was heard.

"Emma, are you here?" The man entered the terrace. "Ah, we should talk about what happened tonight." He started before seeing all of us and looking over to the creepy blonde. "Connie?" He shouted as he questioned.

"Uncle Boomer?" Connie questioned, shocked as we all looked at them in shock more so the Ross clan and Vanessa than Farkle, Mackenzie, and me. "Uncle Boomer?" We all questioned furrowing our eyebrows while half of us were muffled.

"Connie, you release all these people right now! You know how much your mom hates it when you take hostages!" Boomer scolded his niece causing Farkle, Mackenzie, and I to stare at Connie with wide eyes while the others nodded expecting this. "Oh, Uncle Boomer, can't it wait until after the honeymoon?" Connie sighed asking her uncle as Luke frantically shook his head screaming.

"You gotta knock it off. You have so many restraining orders, there's basically only three places in New York City where you can stand." Boomer reminded her, making everyone realize how even more creepy she is.

"Oh, okay. You're no fun." Connie stomped over to Mackenzie ripping off the tape causing her to shriek before untying her. "Connie, I want you to know, I am dedicating my life to getting you back for all of this. Right after I use the bathroom." Mackenzie vowed before rushing out to the bathroom as Connie ripped the tape off Jessie which she yelped at.

"Ow! I'm getting you back too, for making me wear this hideous bridesmaid's dress. Although, if another role comes up, here's my resume. Scaring men is one of my special skills." Jessie smiled, handing Connie her resume as we looked at her in shock before Vanessa screamed getting Jessie's attention. "Oh, right." She rushed off untying Vanessa removing the tape.

"Connie, you have become one of my worst nightmares but assure that I'll become yours but not for life." Vanessa glared at Connie as she walked over to Farkle and me. "I'm not that cruel. Where's the ice!" She questioned before ripping the duct tape off our faces making us scream as she rushed out the terrace to the kitchen.

"I would hide yourself if it's just revenge for tonight you're in trouble." I turned to Connie as Bertram started to untie us. "She can do a lot with one functional arm." Farkle nodded agreeing with me.

"You got her injured too Connie?" Boomer shook his head, sighing. "She's the one who untied herself falling on the floor." Connie tried to explain causing Boomer to shake his head rolling his eyes.


"You're lucky it's just sprained, Wolfy." I told her as Farkle put some ice on her arm. "What are you? My doctor?" Vanessa asked me as she looked up to me. "Considering that I'm pretty much always healing your wounds but in retrospect you did it when we were little kids so lets call it even." I answered with a small smile as they chuckled. "Thanks, Jay." Vanessa chuckled, giving me a smile. "We're just glad it wasn't anything even more serious." Farkle gave her a small smile which she returned and for some reason I didn't feel jealous. I actually felt happy for them.

We got up walking over to Jessie, Boomer, and Emma as we met up with Mackenzie just when Luke pushed Connie out on a hand truck which she was tied to.

"Hey, you still owe me six hundred bucks." Mackenzie pointed at Connie reminding her I supposed. "Sorry, I spent all my money on the wedding. I love you, Lukie-Pookie!" Connie screamed and smiled over at Luke. "Good seeing you again, Ravi." Connie looked over to Ravi with a smile.

"Ha! I knew you remembered me." Ravi nodded, crossing his arms. "I did the whole time. I was just embarrassed that I had dated you." Connie responded as we all shared an awkward look. "It still counts!" Ravi smiled as we looked at him in confusion.

"Good riddance, Creepy Connie." Luke smiled as Vanessa smirked, sharing a look with him. "Don't call me Creepy Connie. Call me Creepy Connie-Ross!" Connie laughed as she threw rice up in the air.

"All you single ladies, get ready for the bouquet." Connie smiled as Boomer started to wheel her off.

Jessie pushed Emma off trying to get the bouquet but as Connie threw the bouquet it ended up in Vanessa's hands.

"Oh, come on!" Jessie threw her hands up as we all turned to Vanessa. "Yeah, why not? I have someone to make me a dress." Vanessa shrugged.

New update, Amores!!! Hope you liked it!!

How'd you guys like this chapter? Did you like the boys being with Vanessa with the Ross'? Who saw that Mackenzie was Vanessa's friend even before she mentioned it?

Up next is Girl Meets True Maya. What do you guys think will happen? And yes this means the Ski Lodge chapter is coming close.

So I couldn't help myself and I started another book. Teen Wolf fanfic!!!

Published~ June 23, 2020

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