Seddie: IFall in love

By ILoveJennette

56.6K 1.2K 146

Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson are the complete opposites Sam is Abnormal and Freddie is Normal so they could... More

Seddie: IFall in love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authors Note
Chapter 5
Authors Note!
Chapter 6
Authors Note:
Chapter 7
Authors Note :)
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note!
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Authors note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

1.3K 39 5
By ILoveJennette

Week Later Carly's POV:

I go to Sam's house to help her pack her things since she's moving in with me and Spencer she's as quiet as a mouse now she never really talks to anyone only me

"Hey Carly I should probably give you this my mom probably wanted you to read it..."

she hands me a white envelope that says Dear Carly and on the back From Pam X I look at Sam in a way that asks if it's okay and she gives me a slight grin and turns away I sit on her bed and open it

Dear Carly,

I wanted to write this letter for you to thank you for always being such an
amazing best friend to my daughter Sam I can't even imagine where she would
be if you weren't apart of her life your a sister to her and everyday when she
comes home from your house she's always so happy and cheerful and you
can tell she always has a place to call home there you fill her with joy and excitement
that's something i never gave her that i wish i could have, that one time you and Sam
stopped being friends for a while broke her heart and she cried herself to sleep for all
of those nights I just wanted you to promise me one thing, you have to promise to be
there for my Samantha and always stay being her best friend! she loves you so much
Thank you Carly for being such a wonderful, Amazing, Beautiful young women!

From Pam

I wipe the tears that came from my eyes and put the letter back into the envelope and into my handbag

At Carly's House: 10:30pm:

" Hey Sam?"


"Do you wanna sleep in here with me we could talk if you wanted to..."

Sam hops onto Carly's bed and the both of them are sitting up

"I read the letter your mom gave me..and I just wanted to say that we will always be best friends and I won't let anything between us! And I know It might not be the right time for you but maybe you should go see Freddie he has been worried sick about you but I understand if your not up to it"

Sam smiles at Carly

"I will go talk to him tomorrow"

"ok! I think we should get some sleep you've had a long day!"

They give each other a friendly hug and Carly turns around and closes her eyes but Sam just stares up at the roof

"Carl's? "

Carly turns to face Sam

"Thanks for doing this you really are my best friend"

They both smile at each other

"Anything for my best friend now go to sleep Puckett"

They both giggle and go to sleep

Freddie's POV:

I had to go see my Sammy but I didn't know if I should go see her or not in case she was to upset to see me

I hear a knock on the door and I have to answer it since my mom's not here so I open the door and relieved when I see who's standing in front of me

"SAM!!!" I yell and bring her into a tight hug which she responds to and then she kisses me

"I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in a while I will tell you everything later I just needed to see you"

"it's ok I understand and you don't have to tell me anything if your not comfortable"

"no its ok I want to tell you your my boyfriend"

"ok" I say softly and take her hands and kiss her forhead

"come in, my mom's given me the house for 4 months because of my Aunt so you can stay here if you want"

"I would love to I will just have to tell Carly, Oh yeah Freddie?"


" mom wrote this....for you"

Sam hands me a letter that says Dear Freddie on it

I look up at Sam and give her a smile and she smiles back and I put my arm around her waist and kiss her

"I'm glad you came back" I say

"me to!"

we kiss again but this time is a little more passionate.....

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