Glitter and Gold-My Hero Acad...

By PikaBlueQueen

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About 80% of the human population have a 'Quirk'. A 'Quirk' is like a superpower or special ability, so for t... More

Prologue: Izuku Midoriya and (Y/n) Akashi Origin
Chapter One: What it takes to be a Hero
Chapter 2: Roaring Muscles
Chapter 4: What 'I' can do for now?
Chapter 5: Rage, You Damn Nerd
Chapter 6: 'Deku' vs. Kacchan
Chapter 7: Bakugo's starting line
Chapter 8: Yeah, Just do your best, Iida!
Chapter 9: Encounter with the Unknown
Chapter 10: Game Over
Chapter 11: All Might....Of A Woman
Chapter 12: Upon each of their hearts

Chapter 3: Start Line

371 6 1
By PikaBlueQueen

-(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Izuku and I had just been separated to start the first part of the U.A. school entrance exam, Izuku was in group B, while I was in group A. Already stepping off of the bus that has taken us to the A building side. I see a few others, but it seems that these other teens had a recommendation letter just like me. My mind was my imaginary friend to talk to cause I heard them commenting that 'I doubt they have as many letters as you though.~' While gazing at the few people two teens caught my attention the most.

A teenage boy and girl. They both looked around my age from the first glance. 

The girl was about 5'8 just an inch taller than me. She had black hair that was tied up in a high ponytail, making the tips look like spikes. And her bangs were on one side of her forehead. She has black beady eyes I believe her name was Momo Yaoyorozu. Making a mental note to myself of what she looks like I moved my eyes to the next one that stood out. 

The boy.

He was an inch taller than Miss Momo. But why he stood out the most to me was base on his two-colored tone hair. One side was white like snow, the other was red like fire. When he lifted his head I took notice that he had two different colored eyes. 

The right side of the eye was gray, and the left was turquoise. But I guess the most interesting thing was his face was half marked? It looked like he had been burned or something. I couldn't stop looking at him. Not cause of his mark, it just seems like he was more ashamed of who he is. Of course, that is just my recollection.   

He was behaving a lot like me when I first came into the city. I remember when I first entered a bus everyone was looking at me like I had horns on my head or something. He really looked like he didn't wanna be here any longer. I can relate to that too, but at the same time, he looked like he wanted to hurry up and just show his 'Quirk'. 

As he had his hand in his pockets I think he sensed I was staring at him, I already regret that. However, he didn't get mad or irritated he just looked away. What bothered me was how emotionless he was. Most of it.....okay nearly everyone is at least a little excited about taking this exam. But for him.....well he just looks like he wants to hurry up and get on with it. 

'Hm, I think I can get along with that guy.'

I guess he and I will have a lot in common hopefully. Only his behavior....the way he walks around or looks at things. Like he doesn't care. Or doesn't see the point in caring about it. I think it has something to do with that scar.....

To him, it's like a weight on his shoulder. And judging by that scar he is focusing on nothing but the dark. I feel a light wave of guilt for him. I remember my uncle telling me something once when I was 7. I remember thinking there was nothing but the dark just like him. He always told me...

'If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark...that is ALL you'll ever see. I want you to look for the light in everything. I know it will be hard at first but if you can do it with just one person at a time I promise you not even those who see nothing but the dark can get to you.' 

I felt a wave of regret about how I last saw him as I pray and hope my uncle is doing well. When the announcer explains to those in group A, that since those with a letter are small this year they are going to go one at a time. Going from youngest to oldest. It turns out that I heard the name of the boy was Shoto Todoroki. I starch my head wondering where I have heard that last name before. 

Only I really have no business to bother people I don't know. So I waited my turn, setting my back on the bus waiting for my turn to start. Only I realized how much I didn't sleep last night. And I get a little cranky when I don't sleep. When I looked back in the back of my mind as I remember WHY I don't sleep well......mostly cause I don't like the dark. 

In fact, my nightlight bulb went out in the middle of the night, and like a six sense I couldn't sleep until the sun's rising made me know it was time to get the day started. I mess up my face knowing I have to remind my mom about getting more bulbs. 

The last thing I remember before I close was eyes was how nervous Izuku looked when he found out we were not going together to take the exam. I really don't wanna say I'm glad, but in a way, I wouldn't want to ruin what I have longed to have since I was 2. In fact, I'm not a complicated person as people think. If anything, Izuku has something that I will never know about having.

His words still haunt me, but also sting me at the same time...... 

'I think those who are the 'Specials' are lucky! They are born with a 'Quirk'! Can you imagine how lucky they are!'

My body was so close to losing control when on instinct my body woke me up as I seem to have 'kick' or punch in this case in my sleep. It wasn't until the same boy Shoto I was looking at early gently tap my shoulder. Asking me if I was okay? 

I massage my eyebrows waking myself up. Relaxing and remembering to get back under control.

"Yeah...Thank you. Sorry."

Shoto explains that they were getting me all set after he just finished up his part of the exam. I thank him again when I looked at his turquoise eye again. I don't know much about starting conversations but I spoke before I thought about WHAT I said.

"....I like your turquoise eye. It's pretty."

He paused looking back surprised, in fact, that is the first emotion he seems to felt in maybe years. I then feel more like an idiot as I explained to him. That I wasn't very good at starting a conversation with anyone. He just fixed his emotionless face back as he calmly said its fine. When he seems to have the same problem as I do, he doesn't know much about talking either. But I think I heard him mumble that his mom says the same thing to him. 

Watching him walk away, I giggled a bit to myself that I think he might be a shy person. In fact, watching him walk away I think of winter. Feeling like he has never felt spring before. Wondering when was the last time he felt spring? 

See what people seem to forget about the cold, serious type ones is that it doesn't mean that they are ALLWAYS cold. They just have been buried in the snow for so long they forget what the sun feels like.

 It wasn't until I overheard someone saying the rest of the groups were starting so that means Izuku was starting now. Seeing how worried and scared he was before we went separate, and he wasn't even on the bus yet. 

I gave him a piece of my own advice from what my mom told me. When she told me I wasn't like everybody else. Yet I think he thought I meant something else. But I told him hoping it would help him find the courage to use his newly All Might 'Quirk' and use it proudly. 

"Izuku, while you are in there I want you to keep this in mind okay? My mom told me this nearly every day.....'Heroes are made by the path THEY choose, not the powers they are graced with.' So go make YOUR own path, don't worry about the test win or lose don't let it stop you from moving forward."

Before leaving on the bus I remember messing with his already messy hair. I think he felt like a child. And I remember how quickly his face was blushing and he told me to not do that. I don't think Izuku realizes how cute he looks when he blushes like that. In fact, I always relax more when I'm around him. 

Facing towards the area where group B should be heading I pray that Izuku is okay. But mostly I pray and hope he will see what I see when I look at him.


Meanwhile just as group A was setting back up for the next person going down on the list, Izuku was shaking as he looked at the whole separate area. Okay in fact there was a lot of these spread like mini towns. The others taking the exam were either calm, cool, and collected, or they were impressed with the amount of money to make these exams worth getting into. It seems Izuku was the only one who seems to be nervous. As he looked over everyone's face he noticed the same girl who he meets outside the U.A. entrance. 

Swallowing his nerve he wanted to at least thank her, so with shaken legs, he tried walking over. Again the KEY word is 'TRY' to walk over. Yet a loud voice called out to Izuku just as quickly almost froze in place as he saw a tall boy with glasses.

He was about 5'10 (Geez everybody is taller than me TT__TT I'm 5'4.....curse this short spine of mine.) He had a wide frame of a body, he had short dark blue hair, that was flattened and neatly groomed. His eyebrows looked like arrows that you see on a street that points left and right. He marched up to Izuku to stop. His name was Iida Tenya. 

Marching over like a soldier and ordering down at a frightened Izuku telling him to not bother the others. Even scorning him about focusing on the exam than whatever he has going on. He even folded his arms wondering why the heck is he even here? In fact, while watching already Izuku can feel everything thinking they are saying the same thing.

"Oh, yeah.....HE'S SO OUT."

Swallowing his voice Izuku can already hear some of them chuckling how he is acting like a scared little kid, 'Pretending' he wanted to be a hero.~ Which only added more to an already building up anxiety Izuku. It wasn't until the announcer went over what was said about how the exam works just like when all the patriciates came into the exam. So going over it one more time he then shouted out for them to start!!

With just one blink Izuku made him look back behind seeing how one minute there was a crowd, and then the next he was all alone!? Looking up he saw how everyone was already ahead. No, scratch that. A couple of yards away from him!? All Izuku cared about was just wanting to have at least ONE villain saved for him.

Yet, what Izuku fails to understand is one big key thing. 

'It's an Exam. They wanna pass too. So, sad as it may seem, it's every man for himself.'

Everybody was taking down whatever villains that pop their way within the city, meanwhile hidden cameras were set all over the physical exam, in a dark room watching each patriciate as they were doing one or two things. 

Panicking on getting as many points as they could.

The other was calm, focus, observant, or any combination of three. 

So, yes Izuku was panicking. But can you blame him, through all the alleys, corners even right in front of him, everywhere he looked he saw broken machine parts? He overheard as he ran past some that they had pointed up to 30, 45!?

Holy cow!? How do they have some many points when he doesn't even have one!? If you want my option, I think what is holding Izuku back was how he had just two hours ago swallowed All Might's quirk. He has had NO field test run of using it. Not to mention All Might told him from when he first trained him that One for All is a huge burst of energy. If he isn't careful his arms, legs might shoot off of his body!?

So can you really blame him for worrying? 

He was however saved by another patriciate who basically used him to score another point. He had blonde hair that was styled that was spiked on both sides. He had a feminine-looking face. His name was Yuga Aoyama, his quirk was 'Navel Laser' basically he can shoot a laser out from his belly button. With a French accent, he thanks Izuku for helping 'him' score another point. Seems to think very highly of himself he winked and ran off. 

While Izuku was taking his test over in group B, those waiting in group A were just waiting for their turn. (Y/n) was just stretching while her turn was coming up. Even though she was so far away, group B was on the right and group C was on her left. And seeing how she saw Bakugo's tag was group C, she can already hear the sound of someone screaming at the top of their lungs.

Even mimicking him blasting at the right pop sound (Y/n) nod once and spoke.

"...Yep, that's him alright."  

Not to mention how many times he STARTS the fights she knows his quirk's sound effect like the back of her hand. This must be his best day ever he is being as destructive as he wants. Growling in annoyance, talking to herself cause he was making the most noise. 

'Uhh, and he calls ME a showoff.'

Until her body felt a sudden quake, building up! How she could tell well, for one she knows someone in the family who has the quirk of using earth mainly to fight. So she knows by heart something was coming and it was big. Her eyes followed over to were group B was. Right now she was just praying Izuku was going to have the courage to make a statement. If he wants to be a hero, he has to swallow the person he 'use' to be....and be the person he was meant to be TODAY.

Back in group B, Izuku was hearing the mic announcer counting down how many minutes were left in the exam. And Izuku hasn't even made ONE stinking point!? Come on!? I don't need much!? Just enough to pass!? He kept screaming in his head, but it wasn't long until the ground was slowly shaking!

 In fact, as it was building it was getting louder, and louder! 

Stronger, and getting closer... 

In fact, the other students looked up wondering what the heck was that!? And what was coming their way!? It wasn't until one of them called out as a giant shadow just appeared out of now where on the field!?

In fact, it was a robot 0. There the teens were speechless, for one thing, all they had to mainly focus on were the villains in front of them, so what about the fourth one.....well think of that as a surprise.~ Izuku was trembling at just how big it was!? The old feeling of what happened with Bakugo, the Sludge monster. But now, he seems like a shrimp compared to this thing!?

It drove over and soon one by one, the teens were running away either scared or thinking I got enough points right now my life is more important. And everyone was running away, Izuku drop landing on his back at how he doesn't know what to do with that old feeling of your whole life flashing before your eyes!? That near-death experience was making him tremble scared. Not even seeing those running away, in fact, Iida looked down seeing Izuku scared stiff. 

However, thinking of the exam he just ignored him and ran off, acting like he didn't see him. Izuku tried picking himself up when he heard something coming from in front of where he fell. Seeing a broken rumble someone crawled out. It was the girl who Izuku meet outside the U.A. who helped him. She looked exhausted, the girl was named Uraraka. Uraraka's quirk was 'Zero Gravity' basically she has the ability to remove gravity from objects, people, etc. She uses that by touching them with her fingertips. The weakness of this quirk is the more objects she has under the influence of her quirk, she will struggle to keep them afloat. 

If she keeps pushing herself she will feel sick and nauseous even to the point of vomiting. 

Uraraka tried using her quirk to help herself, Izuku watched as she tried pulling herself up. It wasn't until Izuku remembers what Airi told him for one last-minute advice. 

'You need to promise me something while in there Izuku. You must promise me, that you will stay true to who YOU ARE. Not as a hero in training.....but a GOOD MAN.'

The feeling of helplessness and fear so boiled into that same instinct of his body moving on his own. Izuku ran over to where Uraraka was. All he could think about was saving a life. He knows he has never tested his quirk, but....he has to try. 

And protect a life.

 Even just a single life.

 As if hearing his pled to protecting this life before him, Izuku's body had formed what looks like a rush of power coursing through his body. 

Pushing him up in the air at lighting speed!? Causing a gust of wind to make everyone look up or back behind them seeing Izuku heading straight for the head of the zero numbered robot. Uraraka followed the sudden blast of wind launch up into the air, even the others stopped and stared as the same boy who seems more lost and out of place was flying high into the air as he tightens his fist as he was hearing All Might telling what to do when he makes his strike. 

But he was also thinking about what (Y/n) had told him, how tough it was ONE day he spends with her after school. How she gave him the one thing he needed when no one else gave it to him. If anything she believed in him....its funny how all it takes is one person to make us move forward. Glaring at the robot Izuku screamed in the depths of his heart heading straight for the robot's face.


A huge impact of force completely broke and made a huge dent in the metal giant!? Sending it straight out and on its back!? Making the others on the ground drop their mouths wide open!? As Izuku smashed the robot he didn't realize until AFTER he made the punch but his whole right arm was burnt looking, and his whole jacket sleeve was torn off. Izuku watched as he was in mid-air rethinking what happen last time. How All Might explained that Izuku's body moved all on its own. Just like when he tried saving that girl.....

His body reacted all by its self. 

It isn't until the wind tickled in his ears, and he could have sworn he heard a voice that seems to whisper behind him, picking up on his thoughts. 

'You have a Quirk now.....You have 'REAL' power now.....You don't need to hesitate any more....'

The sound of the robot made a loud crashing sound that woke Izuku out of his trance. But he snaps back into where he was as the announcer screamed how there is ONE MINUTE left before the exam is over and finished!? He gasped remembering he hasn't even made ONE POINT YET STILL!?!?! But gravity made Izuku look down finally as he lost his voice at how gravity was pulling him down. And fast!!!

Izuku's thoughts were racing as he was contemplating on what to do!? Thinking that well since I use One for All jumping up!? Maybe I can use it landing!! However, he tried moving his right arm only to see it wiggling in the air like a noodle!? Then going for his legs, just like his arm he couldn't even move them either!?!! 

'You may have molded your body into a proper vessel...but you did it in a hurry so be cautious. The physical backlash of One for All can be intense.'

Those haunting words didn't really sync in with Izuku until now as he falls fast into the road!! Holding his pain in from the physical force of just using it once! Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. All Izuku could do was curse at himself for trying to act like a pro on day one. He remembers how (Y/n) explained to him, even pros could lift 3x's their own weight on their first day. To me, I think the most shocking thing is One for fact all Izuku had was a hair sample of it and it's THAT powerful? 

Shocker isn't it?

Finally opening his eyes Izuku tried thinking of doing something to soften himself from landing into the road, by doing maybe a Detroit smash, yes it may mean he has to use his only left arm!? But hey in moments like this, if all you had was your left hand to hold onto something would you take it? In a life or death situation? Timing it just right...Izuku ready himself to smash the ground when something slapped his cheek it was the same girl he tried to save as she was floating in mid-air that she brought both her and Izuku down safely onto the road when she groans.


Izuku and her drop-down, finally Uraraka could breathe but not before vomiting at using her quirk too much. Izuku looked up from where he was as he saw how drained Uraraka was as she had no energy left to even ask if he was okay?  Seeing how she wasn't hurt made Izuku feel a whole lot better so using whatever energy he had left he tried dragging himself if he had to, at least getting ONE stinking point. He speaking out loud, how that all he needed was one. Just one point and maybe....maybe that one point could make a difference!? 

"....And that's it time's up!!"

A loud siren echoed throughout the whole area making everyone look up, some sigh in relief that they got some points. Others grin, at how easy that was....but Izuku was as pale as a drop of sweat ran down his cheek. As he fainted that he didn't get one.....even one point....he fainted on the spot that he knows without a doubt...


While a crowd gathered around where Izuku and Uraraka were a few of them wondering if either of them were okay? While some were wondering how do they help them a few of them spoke to one another already speak foul gossip.....

"Dude, did you see that 'dude's attack?"

"I didn't think he had that kind of strength?"

" either...."

"Maybe it's some kind of reinforcement type of quirk...?"

"There's something think if he HAD that kind of amazing quirk he didn't snag any points all day?"

"Maybe he was trying to trick us, or something?"

"Well the joke's on him!~ There's no way he'll pass the exam now. With zero points!~"

While those by-stands watched, mocked, or even wondered why someone made a stupid move like that all on a poor fallen Izuku. Iida was standing right behind the ones who mocked Izuku's action. A soft gust of wind made Iida stop and look at Izuku again. As he couldn't believe how none of them are getting the whole point of what Izuku had done.

'They're all missing the point! Don't they see what he did!? He sacrificed everything just to save that girl!? He must have known how little time he had many points he needed to pass! That he was putting his life on the line.....but still despite those concerns....he didn't hesitate to jump!'

Re-watching and re-living the actions Iida Izuku was there scared stiff...Iida was right there, watching him. But instead of going over and helping him, he thought solely on the exam.....

And that made him sick to his stomach!? What kind of a person runs away like that!? What kind of person wants to be a hero-!? How could Iida who was right there run and leave him behind like that!? That's what made him so angry, but because Izuku wanted to pass just like everyone else. And instead, he ran away.....he was thinking too much for himself....he was ONLY thinking of passing.....

Iida trembled ashamed of his actions asking himself. 

'If this wasn't an exam.....would you have done the same thing HE did?'

He looks up wanting to say to Izuku he was sorry he thought an exam was more important than saving a life or even helping a life.....but then Iida paused for a moment wondering why is it there was a zero robot on the field? Wondering if the judges saw or even planned this?? 

It wasn't long until a new wise and sweet voice came over from behind. The sounds of a cane as the woman were nothing but a short elderly lady came walking over her cane looked like a needle as she smiled telling how every one of them did a wonderful job. 

Informing how each one of them is heroes in her eyes. She then went through her pocket as she gave those who are closest to her some candy for their hard work some gummies. Making her way over to Izuku who needed more concerned than anything else. 

"Oh my goodness..... you already hurt this badly by your own quirk sonny?"

Puckering her lips and she kissed him right then and there making everyone a little weird out by that......

(And frankly, I would be too.....nothing personally Recovery girl but the only person I'd let anywhere near me is my mother.....)

A few of the by-standards wonder what the heck just happened when the boy with the French accent pointed out that the woman before them is 'Recovery Girl' she has the amazing healing ability to heal anyone she touches or kisses in this case making the recovery quicker. So when a green light surrounded Izuku's body everyone watched as his body was healing fast and healing the broken bones he suffered. Even his legs that were twisted now slowly were twisted back into place. 

All heal and everything Recovery girl asked if anyone else was injured? It didn't take Iida long before he asked if there are other ways the exam worked that he didn't even figure out until now? His eyes looked over behind him wondering if the judges planed that fourth robot?     


Even though all the other group physicals were over group A was still finishing up the last ones who got a letter. So cleaning up the last person's battle the very last person was (Y/n). Ignoring those who worn that cocky smirk as she walked past them or thinking base on her appearance what can a weak teen like her do? 

(Y/n) made her way into the gate, when she finally came all the way into the front of the first road site, she could hear the gates closed ever slowly behind. The judges looked over their folders and papers as they look upon the screen seeing (Y/n) getting herself ready for what is to come. A voice with a cheerful perkiness to it as it seems excited. 

"Oh my!? I have been wondering when we would get this one to come or try out at U.A.!? My goodness! Now I am more excited than ever!?"

"....Yeah....but don't you think it's kind of strange how NOW she shows up?"

"I agree...I mean.....remember what happened 11 years ago?"

A long moment of silence filled the room when one of the judges slam a fist on the arm of its chair. Saying it's all cause of the stupid media, saying how they turned a child's tragedy into their hot selling item. What kind of media sells a little girl's horrible nightmare and making her look like a hero!? She was a four-year-old little girl.....and she has been scared so badly that she became so unstable she had to stay even longer out of the city.

" must have taken her a lot of courage to come here. I mean remember how angry Airi was?" 

"...Yeah but can you blame a mother for protecting her child saying she deserves to grief? I don't, in fact, the last principal we had made it seem like they were insulting them than anything."

"...Yes. I completely agree 100% on that. Still.....all we can do for 'that man' is to see how much his child has grown. Thirteen years is a long time to understand your 'Quirk'."

As the announcer was about to count down for the exam to start (Y/n) took a deep breath as she felt a gust of wind coming up from behind her. A loud sound of the horn was ringing throughout the area and as in slow motion an army of robots even a level zero, a few of them really started coming towards her!? As the small gust of wind tickled the side of (Y/n) face, her eyes snapped open and she slammed her foot down and from the impact the cameras the judges had their eyes glued to, felt a sudden quake!?

Some nearly fell out of their chairs from what happened, while the other judges in their seats were seeing static on the screen!? Someone called in on what happened out there? Hearing someone on the other end saying it's due to the girl's sudden 'Quirk' that the cameras they had hidden that they lost the signal. 

Fixing up the screens, the judges who fell off picked themselves up and sat back down. When they called it in saying they fix it and are rewinding it. In three, two, one the screens were back on. But what really got everyone was how much was on!?

In fact, let's just say you left everyone in the judges' room, all had their mouths dropping a gap. In fact not only did she finish so quickly but she had the highest record in the U.A history!? In both villain points even hero points and rescue points!?

(Author's note: Group A is a tad different than the rest. They have fake fallen civilians around the course.)

When the camera showed the dust clearing there was (Y/n) standing there not even with a bead of sweat. In fact, this was more like stretching her fingers for her. But she had an emotionless face the entire time. In fact when her 'test' was all done she just turned on her heels without even looking back. She didn't say anything, she didn't even look back all she could hear was the sound of her walking out as nothing happened. 

Meanwhile, the judges couldn't believe just how much control (Y/n) had over 'HER QUIRK'. 

(Author's Note: Yeah, sorry. Look I don't want you to KNOW what your Quirk is YET.~ But the reason for that is I have it all planned out for when you find out what 'Quirk' you have exactly. Sorry, but I guess you'll have to keep guessing. And if you think about it, there are how many powers a person can have in this story.~ Hope you are excited to find out what 'YOUR' quirk is.~)


As everyone headed out, Airi was there to meet up with (Y/n), once she saw her as (Y/n)'s mom smiled down pulling her into a hug. Holding her blush in and hold her smile from coming out of place, she let her mom hug her. When (Y/n) asked if her mom saw her friends on campus? 

"Hm? Oh yes. In fact, I meet an old friend of mine, but when I was your age.~ You might not know him.....but he is a very good man."

"Do you know how good men you say there are? In one day mom?"

"Oh come on!~ But seriously sweetie tell me the truth.....Izuku?"

"What about him?"

Messing with her hair playfully, Airi teased a bit but then she asked her seriously. 

".....You gave Izuku 'YOUR old schedule' when you were 9 didn't you?~" 

(Y/n) didn't deny it, but she didn't see the harm in it, even asking if that was a bad thing? Informing her daughter what she meant. In fact, that schedule was what her grandfather gave when she had a hard time controlling her quirk. Airi noticed how she was looking down, showing a sense of guilt. 

"....You think grandpa is mad I haven't talked to him much.....grandma as"

Sensing how much she has been thinking about this, Airi just brought her daughter in, as she soothed her fragile mind letting her know that these past few years have not been easy. For the both of them. Her mom always had the right words so she eased her little girl her two cents. As the sky was painted dusk. 

"Sweetie.....they know this is a very hard time for you...Looking back I remember how that was all your grandpa and your dad talked about you going into U.A. But you know your dad was the one who asked grandpa to hold it off?"

Wondering why was that, taking in this new information, Airi just kissed the top of her forehead, letting her know. 

"...Well, the reason is that your dad wanted YOU to have a choice in the matter. I still remember him saying, 'It's her life. She has never had a choice with what she when the time comes I and Airi are going to ask if she wants to or if she is interested in going to U.A.' And he had that loveable smile on his face. Just thinking about it, and the face you'll make."

(Y/n) then watched as her mother's eyes looked so lonely now as the bright rays of the sun made her realized how much time has passed since then. Asking in a quiet voice what would dad think of 'her' now? Airi held her breath as she saw the same haunting lifeless eyes she had on when she was 5 coming back again to her face. Airi stopped and lift her chin to look up at her. 

".....Honey.....your dad WANTED you to have a choice.....your dad wanted YOU to HAVE a say, and whatever choice you would have made whether to go or not. He still wouldn't stop loving you."

Breathing out (Y/n) asked her mom if she still misses him? She just embraced her softly as her daughter for one spilled second broke down remembering everything leading up to this point. As (Y/n) felt Airi stroke her head, telling her yes. Every second of the day that goes by, that she does NOT think about him. 


It had been one whole week since the exam at U.A and Izuku was just dreading the horrible fact that had been eating at him the whole week. In fact, his mother was completely worried about him as he stared with a blank face at his dinner. So as he was smiling creepily at the meal his mother prepare for them she spoke to him in a worried tone wondering why he was staring at his food like that even asking should she be worried? 

Snapping out of it, he digs into his meal hoping his mother wasn't too worried. Waiting was the hard part for Izuku's mom, but to Izuku he was already dreading how badly he did on the physical exam part. In fact, when he came out of the fainted state he was in after the physical he barely made it past the written part of the exam. 

He doesn't even know how he got home, it's like he was in a daze at how he had this nagging little voice telling him he fails. No, questions ask. Izuku wanted to talk to someone about it, he did try getting in touch with All Might. However, he was not answering. So he thought it was best to leave him alone. And yes, he still hasn't told his mom about meeting All Might. After all, he trusted Izuku to keep his secret. had no one. In fact, Izuku slaps himself thinking about it now but he should have waited for (Y/n) and her mom to talk about what happened. If anything he wanted to hear what (Y/n) had to say. He can't say completely WHY but she just has the right words to make him look on the bright side. If anything, he likes hearing her. He did blush a bit, remembering her the first time he saw her smile. 

It was so rare. 





"Honey!? Your flooding the kitchen!?!"

Izuku was helping his mom with the dishes when he was trying to pre-soak the dishes he was thinking about how much her smile got to him! He couldn't stop apologizing to his mom, she just sighed that it wasn't that much. When did she ask what has him acting like this? When she was putting his backpack away something slips out was it a notebook? His mom kneels when she spotted Izuku as he had sketch one page of someone. In fact, it was on the first day of his school. 

And Izuku's mother saw how much detail Izuku put into his drawing. And she will admit the person he drew is very well detailed. When Izuku came out from behind asking his mom has he had seen something of his it wasn't until his mother came over with a blush on her face.

"Aw...Izuku honey.~ Do you have a crush on one of your classmates?~"

He turned to stone and even asked screaming why did she look into it!? She did apologize but she explained why she looks. But she just smiled when she asked him again if he had a crush on the person in this notebook? Izuku quickly denied it, his mother fans him letting him know he doesn't have to hide it from her. 

"No!! No, no, no, no mom it's not.....I-I mean.....Well, I might have.....doodled once or twice-!?" 

His mother had hearts already floating over her head daydreaming of this mystery girl of his, even asking him what was her name? However, he just tightens his lip already facing away, not telling her one more thing. His mom just held his arm letting him know she was just teasing and she meant no harm by it. 

When she looked at the picture she did tell Izuku this. 

She was a very pretty girl. 

Izuku's mom walked back to the sink washing up the dishes to put in the dishwasher, Izuku looked back down at the page he had sketched (Y/n). In fact, since the day she picks a fight with Bakugo to get off him, Izuku couldn't stop looking away from her. In fact, she came over asking him if he was alright? Even holding a hand up for him was so sudden that he quickly fled. Screaming thank you as he went inside. 

In fact, after that first meeting that's when he saw her saying she was going to be president of their school he just happens to have his notebook with him. And yes he did sketch your face, even making little notes. Telling himself her eye color, hair color, height, but in fact, he wrote how her words gave him a sense of wanting to be like that. 

When he wrote one thing that had been nagging at him, he wrote down when she finished her speech this one question.

'....Why doesn't she smile? What does she look like when she smiles?'

Those tiny things, in fact, didn't hit him until now, but Izuku doesn't know anything about her. She is the most mysterious he knows. Yet, looking back I don't think anyone knew much about her. All Izuku had was she was in the city for 2 years now. Going to the couch he had his weights but his side as Izuku quickly wrote down thoughts as he looked back on spending time with her.

'What was she like when she was a child? 

What were her favorite things to do?

What's her favorite food?

Who was her hero?'

Stopping his pencil from moving anymore he tightens his grip on it. 

'I wish I could ask you more about who you are.'

If you haven't figured it out by now, Izuku does not have her phone number, in fact, he wanted to ask her that BEFORE leaving the exam. Now.....he is left in the dark. Hearing how Izuku's mother was leaving out the door, he starts lifting his weights for his hand. 

Izuku wishes he could ask, how did (Y/n) think she did? Was she just as scared as he was, but he quickly giggled to himself. Shaking, no she won't she doesn't get scared that easily. She seems like the type of person who isn't scared of anything.~

A sudden slam of the front door almost made Izuku lose his weight and have it fall on his foot!? Izuku's mother came in tripping even holding the letter from U.A. screaming how it came today, his test results!?

His heart was bumping, Izuku walked and close the door while his mom was pacing back and forth praying its good! Inside his room, Izuku just stared at the envelope with just the lone lamp over him. In fact, that was the only source of light in his room. You can see how much he has his eyes set on All Might cause his face was everywhere. 

Oh yeah, he was fanboy alright.~

The hands that were on his lap were trembling like crazy. Squeezing his eyes shut, he was just screaming inside his thoughts. 

'Please.....I.....I know.....I why?! Why can't I open it!?!?'

Looking down, Izuku's messy bangs covered his eyes, a big frown creased on his face. He really, really, REALLY wishes he could hear someone's anyone's voice right now. But all that was left was the darkness of Izuku's room. It wasn't until a phone vibrated making the teen jumped out of his seat!! Seeing how his phone was stuffed under some clothes of his Izuku walked over digging it out. Seeing someone leaving a message for him. 

And it wasn't someone he expected. In fact, it was from your Mom!? 

Izuku clicked on what Airi had left him on his phone and letting in speak. In a low volume, he listened closely. 

'Hi there Izuku. I'm sorry, I know it's odd but I was just worried when I heard what happened to you during the exam. I hope you're doing okay. Listen.....(Y/n) didn't tell me much but all she said is your a boy whom not many people believe in? Oh please don't hold it against her, I was the one who asked.....Well anyway. I'm just leaving you this voice mail cause I know you're fearing the worst. I'm guessing you got your results today? Oh sweetie, don't be afraid. My....husband said once....'If you EVER want to know when you're ready to be a hero? The trust won't. Cause's that all it is Izuku.....'

'It's a Leap of Faith.'

Holding his breath the voice mail ended, he lifts the cellphone as cradled it in his chest as he calms down a lot more now. Opening his eyes, he had a new look in his eyes. Walking calmly over back to the desk, Izuku nods once. As he opened his letter, he wasn't caring about whether he made it in or not. But more than anything Izuku opened it with the newfound voice saying while opening it. 

'...I want to take that leap. I have the faith to make that leap! I will...I KNOW! My leap will help me be the hero.....I was MEANT TO BE!!!!'

Finally ripping it open something rolled onto the desk, it was like a compass. With a screen and four lights surrounding it. When the compass-looking metal stopped shaking, a sudden light brought up a yellow suit All Might!? Of course in his hero media form, he grins telling a surprised Izuku. 


(Me: *Rolling my eyes*....oh boy....)

"Ah-!? A-All Might!?"

Jumping out of his chair Izuku had a dropped mouth wondering what the heck is he doing here?

"I know it been a while, but Great Power comes with a great amount of paperwork.~"

(I don't know if this is a Spiderman joke but eh.~)

"My apologies Young Midoriya...but you see I didn't come here JUST to fight villains.~ Your looking at the newest U.A. faculty member!~" 

Dropping his mouth again Izuku leans over his desk asking that he was going to be a teacher and working at U.A. Nodding at his surprised face, but before All Might could continue a hand was signaling him to look this way. All Might was explaining that he had to show him something when Izuku could hear mumbling. And All Might's face looked tired from what he had heard. 

"Wait...I have to how many of these things....*Sigh* Alright moving on...."

That long dramatic pause is what held Izuku's breath as you could hear a pin drop in his room. As he waited for what All Might had to say. 

"...Even though you PASSED the written part of the got ZERO points in the particle exam...Sorry."

Slowly and trembling dropping his head wrinkles were formed under his eyes. Looking at his legs already drained from hearing that. He knows that...Of course, he knows that. Shoulders trembling on edge of sobering and turning it off Izuku scream in his mind that, YOU FAIL is all he had been thinking about. 

Wrinkling his pants and his knuckles turning white from the disappointment he had overflooding his body. Biting his lip as he whispered to himself how he was a failure. 

But it didn't take long for All Might to bring Izuku's head back up saying that there WERE other factors. To the exam. Slowly raising his head to meet All Might's gaze on the hologram, I think he wanted to build up the suspense. 

"But before I get to that I have another surprise! Here! Look a short clip for your viewing pleasure!~"

Pulling out a remote a screen was pulled over to show Izuku an event that happened after the exam. It was Uraraka!? Looking worried and nervous as she peeked in speaking in a polite tone. Asking if the announcer had a quick second to talk to her. Apologizing for intruding, Izuku's eyes were glue knowing that she was okay. All Might explained how she showed up RIGHT after the exam, saying how she had to talk about you. 

Basically, he was narrating and speaking on 'Q' what was going on. Uraraka described Izuku, saying a boy with messy hair and freckles. And saying how plain-looking his face was, she asked if it was possible to give some of the points she made in the exam, asking if they could give it to him. 

Izuku held his breath as he listened to her words. 

"He said something about just getting one point in. It just seems crazy how could someone who took down that huge villain all by himself not make any points in the end!?"

It didn't take long before Bakugo's words cut him from behind as he was groaning from behind. 

'You'll never be able to handle with the best of the best!?'

"He would have HAD a better score if he hadn't stop and helped me!?" 

More and more negative thoughts were thrown into his mind as he was reliving the events of the sludge monster how he was chewing up by those other heroes. 

Uraraka screamed at the top of her lungs as Izuku gave his fist an even tighter squeeze. 

"He SAVED ME!!! I have to make it up to him!! Please sir can't you just give him my points!?"

The video paused as Izuku was moved that someone was looking out for him. All Might then turned over letting him know the difference between the person he was 10 months ago to now.

"...You have a 'Quirk' now yes....But it's your actions that inspire others. And THAT is why I am here! You see the practical exam was NOT graded on combat alone!"

Using his arms making an X mark, All Might showed the last of the video. The announcer cheerful let Uraraka know that was no reason for her to be too worried. In fact, the next words he said were music to Izuku's ears. 

"Thanks for your concern and we do appreciate your request, but there's no reason for you to worry little lady, or to give him your points. The kid's doing chart is doing just fine on his own."

Coming into view of the center screen All Might spoke strongly and proud of what Izuku's actions have done for himself that moved even the judges. 

"How could a hero course REJECT someone who fully committed to saving others No MATTER the consequences to himself? After all...that IS what makes a hero. And that is what U.A. is all about. Training those who would risk their lives for the greater good...So we have rescue points!!"

"A panel of judges watches, and they award points for heroic acts beyond just fighting villains! Izuku Midoriya: 60 rescues points! And Ochaco Uraraka: 45 rescues points!"

The whole time Izuku's mouth went from dead quiet to gasping, to mouth a-gap as he kept asking to himself. Does this mean......what he thinks it means!?

All Might had that grin as he told both him and Uraraka passed both parts of the exam. A new fresh set of tears were on the verge of dropping down his cheeks on both sides. Izuku wanted to be double sure as he asked in a trembling voice if this was some kind of joke? As his green hopeful eyes tremble. 

  Airi's voice was tickling behind him as Izuku stood up hearing her motherly advice. 

'Promise me one thing while you're in there? You must promise me, no matter what happens in there.....that YOU will stay who YOU are. Not as a boy who is training, or someone who wants to be a hero....but a GOOD MAN.'

All Might reach a hand out as he smiled proudly letting the words he LONG to hear come out from this.

"Welcome.....Izuku. You made it, YOU are part of the Hero Academia.~"

Izuku wanted to fall and sob but he stood up straight trying to smile and nodding thanks.


Wiping his eyes Izuku thought of all the help he had got here, it's funny how his life is changing completely now. For now, Izuku is enrolling in the High school of his dreams, as the night had finally blanked the side where Izuku was. It was a befitting way to end such a happy moment for him. For it seems even the crescent moon grinning down on the very house of Izuku. 

Meanwhile, after finishing up his videos All Might stop to take a short break as he picks up his phone and sat down making a call. When it picked up he smiles finally letting the air out.

"Hey there...Airi."

".....Hey yourself. Toshinori.~ Thank you for calling.~"

"*Chuckles* Yeah took so long. I heard around the school of judges YOU were thereafter I left after seeing Midoriya."

"Yes, I was. How is he, is he okay?"

"Yeah he's fine and I'm glad to say he passed.~ So tell you gave him so last-minute advice huh?"

"...Hey it works every time doesn't it? It worked on you didn't it?"

"Gah!? Hey, stop turning this on me will ya!? And you promise you'd never bring that up again!?"

Airi chuckled known she hasn't heard him in a long time she almost forgot how much he makes he laugh on a friendly level.

"So what did you talk about when you were here?"

"Hm? Why are you so worried?"

".....Uh....well.... it's just after what happened.....well.....11 years ago......I just angry you were at the last principal at U.A. He was so mad you said those things he quit."

There was a long awkward silence as Airi looked down feeling old wounds tickling down her back, as she grips the side of her right arm. Holding the area where her arm had scars that still haven't completely healed yet. Eleven years ago...Airi's right arm almost was completely ripped off. Now she wears a lot of long sleeves shirts just to have everyone stop and stare. 

".....Let's....not talk about that, and save that for another time."

All Might sighed in relief, not because he got out of it. But because of how little she never got to vent out. Eleven years is a lot for a mother to hold, especially since she is hero number 3# on the hero charts.  

" anyway...I never found out what happened to her's your daughter doing? She.....okay adjusting with you moving to the city and all?"

"Hm? Oh, she's....fine...Yes I know she is going to have a hard time....opening up. But I just hope she will make so many friends and feel like she is accepted for who she is. Not what she was born with."

A sailor-like chuckled was on the other line.

"Hahaha, I bet she has her dad's hair color by now.~ Boy what I would give to see it. Let me ask....does she have...HIS SMILE?"       

Airi's eyes blinked twice surprised, asking what is he getting at? Even asking does he even remembers what happened to her?

"Hm? Well come on she was just a little girl when I last saw her. But I'm sure she has his hair. That bright orange color.....and that smile no one will ever forget.....oh! I'm sorry Airi my break is coming to a close. Talk to you tomorrow?"

Airi sighed as she laughs to herself saying yes, All Might then made a comment and a name when he was handed a paper of the next video.

"HAHAHA! I'm looking forward to this next one.~ Can't say I'm surprised hey Airi when we talk tomorrow I have to tell you about this girl I meet. She was with Young Midoriya, her name was (Y/n), oh hey she has your last name too? You think your daughters are cousins or something?" 

Airi was about to scream if he was an idiot or what, however, he quickly had to leave but he did say bye to her. When Airi set the phone down she slapped her forehead and massaged at how clueless All Might CAN be sometimes. 

"....Oh yeah he hasn't changed one bit...."

Now coming downstairs (Y/n) came down with Penelope on her shoulder, asking coming right out of the shower and dressed who was she talking to. Airi just sighed as she smiled just her friend from high school. When Airi held up her acceptance letter, making that goofy grin on her face. 

"I think I know what THIS is going to say.~"

Playfully giggling to herself as she pours her kitten a small pour of milk. Petting her head, as she said how she is acting like someone she knows. 

"Hm? Who sweetie?"

"Hm....oh guy with T.V. antennas for bangs...."

It wasn't long before her mother hunched over busting out laughing, at how she has never heard someone say that about him. Wiping one tear from her eye she looked up commenting how she has GOT to write that one down. 

Airi came over kissing her daughter's head as she embraced her.

"...You know honey....I think you going to U.A.....Is the first start for you to heal...."

 (Y/n) did really understand what her mother meant but she just set her head on her mom as she took in all the love she has. Just at the front entrance was a small shrine with a picture frame of a figure. Was about 5'2, with red, orange-like long hair just about the same length as (Y/n)'s. And what you will remember most about him when you first meet him is that bright angel-like smile. 

That...Of a GOODMAN.

(This is YOUR dad.~ I love, love, LOVE this man.~ In my option he is My ALL MIGHT.~)

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