Never wished for you (Camren...

De ubitchbackof

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Have you ever did something wrong for love just to realise it was never enough , it could have given you happ... Mais

Chapter 1: inheritance
Chapter 2: the one
Chapter 3: will you?
Chapter 4: A girl?
Chapter 5: I do !!
Chapter 6: i do! Part 2
Chapter 7: first night
Chapter 8: hOnYmOoN
Chapter 9: plan cruel
chapter 10: Unwanted Feelings
Chapter 11: Lost
Chapter 13:A troubled start
Chapter 14: wedding girl
Chapter 15:Friends cuddle right?
Chapter 16: what is the truth
Chapter 17: wife
Chapter 18: Mike
Chapter 19:there is two side of a story
Chapter 20: let me explain
Chapter 21: You deserve me
Chapter 22: Pedro
Chapter 23: Unforgettable past
Chapter 24: Value never changes
Chapter 25 : Harsh Reality
Chapter 26: Trust
Chapter 27: sISteR
Chapter 28: It's a new feeling I'm finding
Chapter 29: keena
Chapter 30: keena part 2
Chapter 31: different prosprectives
Chapter 32: you just feel it
Chapter 33: damn feelings
Chapter 34: Dinner
Chapter 35: aftermath
Chapter 36 :mijo
Chapter 37: dick wife
Chapter 39: all the thing she said
Chapter 40: surreal
Chapter 41: easy
Chapter 42: promises are meant to be broken
chapter 43: is this our Happy ending?
Chapter 44: surprise?

Chapter 12: My Protector

2.6K 123 33
De ubitchbackof

Camila's POV

I woke up shivering because of the cold weather but thankfully someone was near me. Actually, I think I was in someone's arm. This person strangely felt so warm and cozy and so safe yet scary ......however I just feel like I never wanted to leave this person so I tighten my arms around the waist which was already wrapped in my arms

but suddenly the flashback from last night just hit me


After Lauren found The cave and told me it was secure, we got in and waited for the rain to stop we waited for a long time but there was no sign of the rain stopping anytime soon so Lauren suggested we might just sleep here tonight just like a total insane and unstable person , like did she just not see the condition of the cave or is she kidding me.

"Camila what about we just stay here for tonight" she asked me and I simply gave her my most precious evil GLARE.

"okkk I know what you are thinking but we don't have any other choice, do we? If you have any other choice please feel free to suggest" she said with determination in her voice which was kinda little bit hot but just because usually she is just you know calm and all but actually thinking she's right we don't have any other choice if we go out now we will get sick if we stay here we might get infected by some weird diseases but for now this is the safest choice we have.

"OK maybe you are right. So what you suggest  to do like how are you gonna sleep here and it's freaking cold here and there is no wood with which we can start fire"

"I know Camila and I too don't know what to do about this maybe we can can just take out all the clothes from the bag and use it as a cover?"

"But it's wet "

"better then nothing and actually this is waterproof so hopefully it's not"

And like always Miss Jauregui or better Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui was right the cloths weren't wet so we made ourselves comfortable in The Cave and we laid on the floor with the clothes on us but still I was cold and I guess Lauren noticed so she asked me if we could sleep closer just for tonight and knowing that I had no other choice I agreed , in the beginning it was really awkward because our body was touching but at the same time I was feeling good because her body was so warm that I wanted to thank her body to be here with me but like always I maintained my silence .

Somehow, we fell asleep so that I can wake up from the nightmares

"I'll give you anything but please leave me" I begged him crying while he was taking off my pants forcefully

"Please leave me" I kept yelling but he didn't listened.


"Camila"  I felt someone shaking me

"Camila wake up it's me Lauren" with that my eyes shot open

She looked at me and didn't say a word, she came closer with her hand and wiped my tears away slowly which started falling again but she didn't care she wiped them away again.

In that moment I lost it.

I started crying desperately, she clenched her jaw and all of sudden hugged me really tightly.

I don't know why but I didn't push her away.

Surprisingly I did the exact opposite I hug her back with everything I had, she didn't let me go till I fell asleep but I still was able to hear what she said

" I am here whenever you need me, I won't ask , I won't judge but I promise you if I ever find out the reason behind your state I won't let go easily I'll make them suffer every second of their life" she said sighing loudly and holding me tightly like she meant what she said.


I was actually sleeping with Lauren not someone random but I was sleeping wrapped up like a burrito with one and only Lauren JAUREGUI.

I never thought she could comfort me the way she did.

And I am really grateful maybe she is a lot better then I imagined.

Anyway, I tried to free myself slowly to not wake her up and I realized Lauren was actually half naked and all her cloths were on me.

This little thing she does never lose to make my heart fizzy, she is such a genuine person that I feel totally a bicth for every time I behaved with her.

And you know what I don't care I will behave good from now on it's not her fault so why does she need to suffer for me and my father?

All of sudden she stirred making me fall on top of her, I tried to get up but felt fully paralyzed when my eyes got stuck into her beautiful green eyes.

Lauren's POV

Am I dreaming?

Because never ever have I woken up to such a beautiful and breathtaking view.

The sun reflected on Camila making her beautiful brown eyes glow up looking directly into mine.

"Good morning" she cleared her throat and said to destroy this awkward silence between us.

"Good morning" I said smiling so much that I'm going to destroy my face but what could I do otherwise?

"Thanks, by the way"

"For what?"

"Helping me yesterday with my nightmares and giving me your cloths just to keep me warm."

"First always and secondly I was feeling hot anyway" I said making air with my hand and she smiled at me and shook her head.

"I think we should get ready" she said I nodded and started getting dressed and packing our stuff when I heard her yelling


"what!!!!" I said and she pointed at the snack, I took her hand pulling her behind me

"Listen take our stuff and run"

"What about you?"

"I am going to come too but I just want you save first ok, so please don't argue and do what I am saying, don't worry about me I know how deal with sNaKes"I said confidently when I was scared shitless but thankfully Camila did what I asked for.

When she was gone THE LOVELY SNAKE WAS FREAKING STARING AT ME making me anxious.

"LAUREN GET YOURSELF TOGETHER", I said to myself and slowly started taking step back till I was out of the cave and then ran off  and started searching for Camila.

"LAURENNNN I'M HERE" I looked behind and saw her running towards me till she hugged me tightly.

"Thank god you are ok"

"I told ya I know how to handle this type of situations "I said hugging her back making her laugh

"Oh well that's why you run off like a scared baby?"

"How do you know this?"

"Well I just couldn't leave you behind, we are partners, right?" she said making me smile.



Sorry for late update and mistakes hopefully you will like it

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