Secrets Can Get You Killed (S...

By Crzy1DPatterson

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Avan Jones won a contest to meet her favorite band 2 months ago. Little did she know that they were Vampires... More

Secrets Can Get You Killed (Sequel to Their Secret)
Chapter 1: Letters
Chapter 2: 2 Month's and Counting...
Chapter 3: 5 Minute Head Start
Chapter 4: Hospital's, Hotel's, and Airplane's
Chapter 5: Mother and Father Reunited :)
Chapter 6: Eventful Evenings
Chapter 7: In Sickness and in Health..............
Chapter 8: The Family and Wedding Plans
Chapter 10: Alone....
Chapter 11: Merry Christmas :)
Chapter 12: The Love of a Father...
Chapter 13:The Love of a Mother...
Chapter 14: Shopping and Meetings
Chapter 15: Party's and Disasters
Chapter 16: School, Secret's, and Lies?
Chapter 17: There's been an Accident....
Chapter 18: Pain... Pain... and More Pain...
Chapter 19: Awakening...
Chapter 20: Starting Over....
Chapter 21: The Wedding and Goodbye's :"(

Chapter 9: Left Behind...........

1.9K 30 11
By Crzy1DPatterson

heyyy guys i hoped you liked the last chapter! because i absolutely loved it and everybody i have HOMEWORK FOR U!!! LOOK UP COLTON HAYNES AND HIS SEXINESS ON GOOGLE THEN TELL ME WATCHA THINK!!!!!!!




"Bye Mom thanks for helping me." I gave Jay a hug telling her bye.

"Your welcome sweetie anytime if you need me call me okay? I love you and I'll see you later." she said leaving with each of my sisters trailing behind giving me a hug on their way out.

"By dad." I said giving him a hug.

Louis was next he stood there with open arms and I grinned evily. "Bye Louis." I said shoving him out the door.

"What no hug for me?!" he yelled.

"Fine." I said going over and giving him a hug then he left. Then some other family members. Then Kyloe...

"Bye Kyloe." I said giving him a quick hug.

"It's Ky everyone calls me that." he said smiling then leaving. Then came Zayn.

"Hey! How did you get here I didn't even see you come in." I said since he was the last person.

"Sorry Avan you were upstairs when I came so I didn't want to bother you." he said giving me a hug.

"Zayn." I said as he turned around stopping on the steps to look at me. "Where is Harry?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"Beats me." he said turning to leave.

"Your lying." I said crossing my arms and sticking out my hip. He turned on his heal and stared at me with a wierd expression.

"Just know that he has something important to do and won't be back for a few days." Zayn said turning his back to me and leaving.

I stood there and watched as he got into his Red Ferarri and drove away.

"How did you know he was lying?" someone said from my side making me jump in fear.

"God Niall!" I yelled holding my chest walking over to the steps and sitting down breathing hard.

"Sorry love, didn't mean to startle yeh." he said with his Irish accent sittiing down next to me.

"It's fine." I said taking my phone from the elastic waist band. I dialed Harry's number.

It rang twice.

"Hello?" his melodic voice answered.

"Harry Edward Styles. Where the hell are you?!" I yelled into the phone.

"Calm down Avan everythings fine-"

"FIne!" I cut him off "Everything is not fine! I'm alone at the house all by myself! What if I fell down the stairs?! No one would find me. What if I have a siezure with no one here?" I was rambling on when he stopped me.

"Listen to me sweet heart. Niall's going to be with you. Your going to okay-"

"I want you!" I yelled cutting him off. "Harry. Baby, I love you and we haven't been spending that much time together lately.  I need you here with me." I said through tears. Why would he leave me is he insane?

"Avan you don't understand it's not safe for me to be with you rite now. I'll explain everything as soon as I-"

I hung up the phone and NIall helped me stand up with my huge stomach. I flung the phone across the beautiful yard and into the drive way making my way back into the house.  "Niall?!" I yelled looking for him as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Yes love?" he asked right behind me.

"Will you go get my phone?" I asked wiping my nose on a tissue. Then when Niall was gone I ravishly pulled open the freezer getting the remainder of the chocolate ice cream and scooping it into a bowl then pouring pickle juice on top then grabbing the cheetoes making my way to the couch as I started to stuff my face.

"Ugh, what are you eating?" Niall questioned as he handed me my phone which had dirt all over it and the screen was cracked. Even though the screen was cracked it still worked so I wiped it off with a napkin and put it back in the waist band of my sweat pants.

"Pickle juice on ice cream want some?" I asked.

"No thanks." he said sitting next to me and turning on the tv.

The door bell rings and I stand up slowly. "No I'll get it." Niall said setting down the remote.

"Too late I'm already up!" I laughed evily. "Who is it!" I yeled reaching the door and opening it.  As soon as it opened I tried to slam it back shut but he was too powerful i backed up as the door swung open the door knob knocking a hole behind the door.

"Niall!" I screamed. As the man advanced on me. Niall ran up startled seeing who it was.

"Get the fuck out!" Niall yelled at him "You've already caused enough fucking trouble! She will never love you!" he yelled letting his fangs show.

"That's no way to treat guests." Jefferson said walking towards us.

"Niall don't let him take me!" I said crying into his chest. "Don't let him take me!" I screamed as Jefferson was takled to the floor by someone behind us. It was Harry he attacked Jefferson from behind.

"Harry!" I screamed as he was slammed up againist the wall by Jefferson.

"Niall get her out of here!" Harry ordered.

Niall quickly brought me out the back door in a blur growing his beautiful black angel wings as he held onto me and took flight. "Harry!" I screamed as we took flight flying over 200 mph. "Niall we have to go back for him!" I shivered cold from the wind.

"I'm sorry Avan we can't I have to keep you safe." he said as we flew futher and futher away from London.


heyy guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter this was my favorite so far!

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