Against society [AMBW]

By demaz13

48.7K 2.4K 546

Completed- but in editing! "But what are we to society?" He questions uncertainly. "Friends." I say bitterly... More

4.Business dinner
8.Desperate Much
11.Get over yourself
12.Be Ready For That
13.Society's Dynamics
17. Not here
19. You're so cute
20.Phone calls
21. One's you least expect
22. FaceTime me?
23. Its just a strawberry
24. Say that again
25. Bulgogi
26. I-scream
27. Car anxiety
28. Virgin?
29. Four AM.
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Notice #1
Notice #2

Chapter Thirty One

671 36 6
By demaz13

Please vote and comment

W4~Friday night

"This is too much, Mel." I slowly run my hands down the elegant satin material. Observing the way my body fills the dress in the black rimmed mirror is reassuring, after the weight I've put on.

"If anything, it's not enough." She walks out of the room and returns with an arm bangle and shell necklace.

"Oh hell no." I attempt to push back her hands with the items.

"Yes, they'll add something to the outfit, but still keep it subtle." She puts her hands together, begging.

"Gimme." I extend my hand out with an eyeroll. She knows that she gets what she wants in the end of the day, so what's the point of arguing.

She places the objects in my hand with a smile saying it all. I take the round bangle and slide it up my arm until it feels secure enough to let go. I'm not going to lie, she was right. It suits the outfit and matches with the colour scheme.

"You know I did something there, right?" She scrunches her face up with cheek spread across her whole smile.

I suck my teeth to keep my mouth from slipping a laugh, then hiss at her face. She continues to point and clap.

"You know I did something." She jumps around the room, proud of herself.

"Come 'ere and put it on." I switch my accent to my mothers and raise the shell necklace up.

"Ahhh. You're in denial!" She jogs up to me and takes the necklace from my hold.

"Just put the damn thing on." I insist, to which she carefully attaches the piece of jewellery around my neck with the shell sitting lower than my gold pendant.

"Done." She spins me around so that I'm facing the mirror.

"I look good." I cover my mouth with both hands. The dress hugs my curves and my makeup remains minimal but also a statement. My hair is still undone, but I have twenty minutes to do something.

"Whilst I get dressed, you better get your hair done." She heads over to the wardrobe as I sit down at the dressing table.

I start to take out each three strand twist one by one as fast as possible. God blessed me as no flakes are present, which is always a hit or miss situation for me. Once every twist is out, I pick out my hair slightly with the afro comb, trying not to destroy the curls but get rid of the partings. I grab my rat tail comb with my two fingers, re visiting the middle parting I take my time to make sure it's evident and clean enough.

My rice water has done justice to my roots. At first I had no faith in the water and believed it was an ancient myth passed down, but hell I was proven wrong.

I pull on my curls slightly to gain further length from the style.

Turning around from the chair, I rest my eyes on Mel's figure snatching outfit. She wears a yellow two piece trouser and crop top set, her eleven line is on display exposing her small side crown tattoo. Her hair is slayed in wavy curls resting past her shoulders with a natural beat face consisting of her glitter foundation.

"Woah! All the guys are going to be on top of you tonight." I gasp, checking her out. The way she always represents is not just an opinion but a fact with evidence underlined.

"I don't want a single guy on me. Tonight is for the group!" Normally, Mel would hype herself up about the guys, however tonight her response surprises me. She's never held back with her excitement of being surrounded by guys.

"Oh-kay!" I raise my eyebrows with a puzzled expression taking over my face.

"Well let's go down, I want to wait for them and see their expression."

"Why do you want to do that? We're like ten minutes early." I scrunch up my face.

"Cause they probably expect us to be the late."

"Well then, after you..." I raise from the stool before placing my arm around Mel's shoulder. We walk out of the room and use the elevator to get down.

"Did you two really need all that time?" Adrian checks his black Hugo boss watch and shakes his head.

"Bu-" Mel shrieks creasing her forehead.

"And the fact that I had to re braid my hair but you still took your time." Judas rolls his eyes, but I'm not dumb enough to give into this joke of an act.

"You guys raced us down. Once you heard elevator you two ran down the stairs, am I right?" I fold my arms deadpanning the two boys in front of us.

"Why would you say that?" Adrian says.

I stride over to the two boys who start to part from each other as they see I'm headed for in between the two of them. Stopping besides both, I plant the palm of my hand on the left side of both the guys' chest. In an instant the increased heartbeat of the guys hit my hand to no surprise.

I step back revealing a smug face to the boys who seem to have knocked off some sort of confidence.

"It's not complex science to know that when you run, your heart rate increases." I roll my eyes, clenching onto my silver clutch bag before walking past them with Mel trailing from behind.

"We're going in your car right?" I ask Mel as we step onto the driveway. She takes out her black and grey car key from her black shoulder bag, holding it up and shaking it in the air.

"What's wrong with my car?" Adrian scowls in an offended voice.

"Boy, your car is not it!" Judas bursts out, "It's just not. It's like arriving to a pool party with a snow jacket! Do the maths."

Adrian's face looks so hurt and as much as I can try to hold in my laugh, I can't. I mean his car is nice for evening drives and everything but not for the underground.

"Viola, I thought you like my car."

"I do, just not for this."

"Better luck next time, bitch! Now, everyone please board the bitch wagon."

"You know what they say, a car and its owner have many things in common."" Adrian smirks with disgust.

"Yeah and your ugly ass car looks like you." She scowls back at him then bends her head down to enter the car.

"Fav, I'm sitting in front tonight." Judas runs around to the other side of the car and enters the passengers seat.

"You lied to me." Adrian shakes his head and opens the car door for me.

"Suck it up." I bend down about to enter the car. Adrian gets down to my ear level, almost right on top of me, as if he can't wait for me to sit down first.

"Oh you will."

"Fuck you."

"Huh?" Judas glances back at me with concern all over his face.

"Nothing." I brush him off and slide across to the other side.

"Adrian get your fat ass into the car before I run over your feet."

"Funny." He quickly hops in and closes the door with Mel speeding off soon after, giving him no time to fasten his seat belt.

Leaving the estate, we enter the main road with road lights standing tall with light bulb wires wrapped around connecting each end from lamppost to lamppost. The bridge we're now approaching, reflects itself against the dim black water similar to a mirror effect. White shiny lights decorate the tower cables, dotting the cables like the stars in the now dark sky.

Mel, takes a few turns finally driving down the sloped opening, into the valet entrance for the club.

She rolls the window down before grabbing her bag and taking out her members card along with mine and two guest cards.

"Thank you, madam. You may all make your way to the lobby." The suited white man nods glancing at all four of us. We've spoken multiple times when he's at the bar, due to his strict commands of staying in character when working in valet.

The four of us leave the car whilst Mel drops the keys in the man's hand.

"Thank you, sir." She smiles then turns back to us. Adrian walks over to the man who's now in the car.

He bends down and knocks on the car window inferring the man to lower the window.

"Take care of the bitch wagon for her. The car truly defines the owner and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." At some points, I notice that Adrian struggles with some words, due to his slight language barrier.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be fine." He thanks Adrian then raises the window.

"He knows us, dumbass!" I smack his stomach slightly, forgetting how hard the surface is. Reading my thoughts, he continues to smirk.

"Behave kids! We have to show up and show out!" Judas rolls his eyes, striding up to the double glass gold doors. Might I add, he looks mighty fine in his burgundy crushed velvet suit with a white button up shirt underneath, two of the buttons opened, and a gold chain to match.

Although Adrian is dressed in all black, he still knows how to style himself. His black suit consists of an opened black velvet blazer and a black patterned button up shirt. He looks like a mafia king himself.

Once we enter the doors, we show our cards, make our way past the casino then into the nightclub. Carefree vibes spread the room like a virus, for all the right reason. As we weave our way past the dancing crowd we walk over to the blue-lit bar. Raquel slouches in her stance behind the bar, obviously already tired from all the noise and people. It's quite strange for someone as introverted as her to want to work in a nightclub.

"Serve us bitch!" Mel calls out to her, Raquel's head quickly shoots up, recognising the voice.

"Mel! Fav! Thank God you're here, I get off in a few minutes."

"Are you that bored?" I giggle.

"I was, but now I feel a tad bit... disrespected." She crosses her arms and glances over at the two guys.

"Of course. This is Adrian and this is Judas." Both guys give her a nod. I'm surprised Adrian has already clicked on with the black greetings.

"You two really know how to catch them. Lemme guess, Mel and Adrian, Fav and Moses?" She points between the two of us.

"Didn't I tell you I have rules for the type of guys I date?" Mel gags slightly.

"You said you don't date ugly boys..." She starts ending with an eruption of laughter leaving her lips. "Girl, stop lying. He's fine as fuck."

When Raquel calls someone fine she means it, it's not just a statement, but a fact. She also won't say it for no reason. And when I tell you her body count is high, it's HIGH. But it's fine-high. There's never been an ugly person she's slept with. There's nothing wrong with that, I mean let's not lie it must be fun. I guess I just prefer to stay with one person at a time, or else I'd stat mixing up names or sum.

"And I'm gay." Raquel looks take aback for a sudden.

"Same! Well I'm bi, but still." Ever sine she knew, she has not been quiet about it, and as I said, when you live on the island no one judges you. You can be who you want to be.

"Well, can we order drinks and get wasted or..." I question, interrupting the groups mesmerised moment.

"I'll have a coke." Mel doesn't question her choice for the first time.

"I can drive, I don't like drinking that much. I'll have one then water." I suggest, purely because the taste of alcohol has never been for me. It's the strong taste of beer and wine which puts me off the most.

"Nah, I don't want to all asleep halfway up the stairs." She smiles but I see right through her. Everyone who knows mel, knows she like to drink, so today is kind of confusing.

"Alright, suit yourself. I'll have an LIT." I tell Raquel to which everyone looks at me with faces of confusion.


"You say you don't like drinking, yet ordering the best drink for a hangover." Judas' mouth hangs open in shock.

Judas and Adrian order their drinks and leave to talk on the dancefloor. Mel and I stay with Raquel till her ahift ends to keep her company.

"Girl, it's eleven. Time for 'us' time." I clap my hands excited to be reunited with the island trio.

"Lemme just get dressed and hand over the shift to Alec." She begins jogging over to the white guy from the valet.

"Hurry!" Mel shouts out.

"Let's go dance, you know she'll take fifteen!" I drag her arm over to the packed dance floor of bodies moving to the beat of the music, like a drug casting an addictive spell.

"Fuck." Mel mumbles under her breathe, causing my eyes to automatically follow her stare, resting on the same typical bitch.

"What is she even doing here?" The girl starts talking to Adrian, who looks bored, as it should. She sways her hips to the music and waves at him, as if she knows it's her time to leave. However instead, she turns around not moving a step further and continues to grind on Adrian subtly but clearly.

"Let's say hi?" Mel, questions.

"Why not." I bite my lip as I witness the bitch dancing against my toffee, waving her drink in the air.

The two of us walk over to the two of them and I see the sparkle in Adrian's eye show when I come into sight. His face screams for help. No matter how much he backs up, the girl continues to presss herself against him.

"Oh, you stopped moving. So you do prefer me instead of that whore?" She rolls off the words from her tongue.

"Which whore, if I may ask?" Adrian's voice grows stern and demanding, but her head stays facing the floor.

"That black bitch, Faviola." As if she's also not half black.

"Hello, Natalie." The girl's head pops up and smirk quickly washes over the apparent embarrassment at first.

"Hey, flower" She stands up straight.

"Why were you dancing on our friend?" Mel, jumps to the point with annoyance in her tone.

"Isn't it a... nightclub. Where you... dance. But I'll leave him for you two, if you want." She winks, taking a sip of her dink.

"Don't act smart. I don't want you to drag our group into your malicious ways, Natty." I roll my eyes.

"Of course not! Well I should leave you all." She throws out a fake smile.

"We're waiting." Mel rolls her eyes at the ignorant girl.

"Have a good night..." Her voice trails off into the music, " I like your dress by the way, Fairy." She mischievously smirks before almost all of the clear contents from her cup finds it's way onto me. Why the fuck is she obsessed with drinks? As I've already said, she's a bitch!

The drink drips off my body and Adrain quickly takes off his jacket, wrapping it around me, like yet another cliché film, despite the fact that this is news Natty would happily spread around school.

"Oriental man's whore." She huffs under her breathe and leaves all three of us, stunned for words.

Hey, hey! Today I don't have much to say, other than the fact that, I'm so happy I've finally updated on time!

I'm so mad with the fact that one of the police officers have been bailed out from jail in regards to the murder of George Floyd. Yet they claim the system is not corrupt?! Well done!

Anyway, I'm still annoyed and although I feel like I'll live all my life not knowing what freedom and all rights are, I'll still fight!

Thanks for reading! Please: Vote, Comment and follow me!

Muchas gracias!

Demi FeliciaXx

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