I Think Your Love Would Be To...

By littleninja0

367K 8.4K 3.1K

Working for Post Malone shouldn't be too hard right? Simple, just don't fall in love More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Authors Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Author's Note
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Author's Note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Author's Note
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Author's Note
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 43

4.1K 96 62
By littleninja0

Austin POV

I felt myself begin to abruptly stir as the sharpness of the bright sunlight streamed it's way over my closed lids. My head immediately felt like it was splitting in two from the few hours of sleep I had gotten. I just barely squinted before I rubbed the exhaustion from my eyes, pulling myself out of the heavy slumber.

I stretched my tired body against the mattress along my side, as I slanted my eyes in suspicion. I unexpectedly didn't feel Lena's warm small frame pressed up against me as it was when we fell asleep just hours before.

"Baby girl." I mumbled, still holding on to my glimmer of wishful thinking that she had just rolled over to the other side of the king sized bed and that was the only possible reason why I didn't feel her body molded into mine.

When I heard no response, I dreadfully rolled around to see she was no where to be found, and instead there was a little note in her place.

"Fuck, not again." I groaned to myself before snatching the paper from her pillow, the heavy disappointment boring through my mind.

Morning handsome
I know you're probably upset that I'm not there when you wake up, but I'm working as usual
You should really give me some time off
Can't wait to see you baby

I put the note down and ran my fingers through my messy curls as I could still smell her intoxicating scent lingering from her side of the bed.

I dragged myself to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking a much needed hot shower before I got dressed for the day. I pulled on a pair of boxers, followed by a pair of black joggers. I saw the merch shirt Lena wore the night before folded neatly on the chair next to the bed. I grabbed it and pulled it over my torso, the smell of her perfume still left behind. I applied some deodorant before I lastly I slid an unlit cigarette from my pack of Camels behind my ear and headed down the stairs.

Not much to my surprise I saw Chris once again, sitting entirely too close to my girl, his arm purposely brushing against hers, pointing to his laptop in front of them as they sat at my kitchen island.

Smitty was sitting on top of the opposite counter, smoking a cigarette and holding a mug of coffee with one hand and scrolling on his phone with the other.

"Morning." I said in a still groggy voice, everyone reciprocating their greetings, Chris much less enthusiastic than Smitty and Lena as he responded.

I saw Lena pouring cereal into a bowl of milk and soon after was about to take her first bite as she put down the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Don't you fucking dare groupie." I said, stopping her in her tracks, the spoonful halfway near her mouth as she turned to me, her expression much like a deer in headlights.

I casually waltz into the kitchen as her eyes seemed to soften at the sight of me.

"I promised you French toast remember?" I smirked as she slowly lowered the spoon back into the bowl, a grin overtaking her pretty face.

"Oh yeah! How could I forget?" She chuckled as she rolled her eyes at herself and emanating that million dollar smile that always made me weak in the knees. "Fuck this cereal then." She laughed.

"You want coffee ba- Austin?" She tripped over her words, her cheeks nearly turning pink as she chewed her bottom lip, slightly taken aback by her almost mishap.

I couldn't help the smirk forming on my face as I seemed to be the only one to catch it. Or so I thought until I saw the amused look on Smitty's face as he tossed me his lighter.

I pulled the cigarette from my ear, quickly sparking it before I tossed the lighter back across the room.

"I can get it Lee." I mumbled as she rose from her bar stool.

"I don't mind. You're making me breakfast. It's the least I could do." She slowly batted her lashes, her eyes drinking me in by the second.

My own eyes traveled her body, admiring her appearance as she now stood in front of me.

She wore a pair of light wash ripped denim jeans, and a strapless black top. Her hair was pin straight down her back and her pink lips looking as kissable as ever. She somehow looked as gorgeous as ever even with the tiredness seeping from her irises from waking up in the middle of the night to have beautiful fucking sex with me.

She turned to the coffee maker, grabbing an empty mug off my counter and began pouring me a cup. I walked up behind her, absentmindedly reaching for the cabinet above where she was standing to grab a mixing bowl, and set it on the counter infront of us.

I placed my hand along the side of her hip, nearly pressing my chest against her back. I leaned in, the sweet scent of raspberries invading my nostrils.

"Thanks. You're an angel." I said to her, my words as honest as they could be.

I felt her back arch just barely as she slightly pressed her ass against my groin, her body's natural reaction anytime I was behind her.

I gave her hip an almost rough squeeze, well aware that Chris was eyeing our more than close interaction.

She turned around to hand me the full cup, her bright eyes raking mine as she gave me a sly smirk.

"Careful. It's hot." Her soft voice soothed my soul as she spoke, our fingers brushing as I took the cup from her hands.

"Yes it is." I said as I lightly blew away the steam. "Thanks Lena."

I raised my hand to her face, brushing a strand of hair from her eyes, my finger just barely grazing her skin.

"You look beautiful by the way." I mumbled, admiring her exquisite appearance as I took my first sip.

"Thank you." She replied as she gave me a smile. "You're not so bad yourself."

"Did you ask me if you could borrow this rockstar?" She questioned as she tugged on the bottom hem of the shirt I was wearing, earning a low chuckle from me.

"Oh I didn't know I had to ask you if I could borrow my shirt Lee." I shot back, rolling my eyes at her statement.

"You gave it to me!" She went on with an adorable scowl as I continued to corner her against the counter.

"I let you borrow it groupie. But fine, I guess it's ours now." We chuckled together as we gazed playfully into each others eyes.

I heard Chris clear his throat from a few feet away as we remained lost in our own little world.

"Lena, we need to finish reviewing this contract." He intervened, his voice dripping with disdain, causing her to shift her eyes towards him.

"Oh, right. Sorry." She mumbled under her breath as I rolled my eyes just barely at his presence.

"You're getting me in trouble." She whispered jokingly, playfully hitting my chest with her hand.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you with the best breakfast you've ever had." I winked as I finally moved out of her way, letting her walk back to join Chris at the island.

"It's gonna be pretty hard to top those amazing pancakes." She teased as she slid back into her barstool.

"I think you know better than to under estimate me." I smirked flirtatiously, taking a pull of my cigarette as I made my way to the fridge to retrieve a few ingredients.

She shot a smile back to me before she turned her attention back to Chris and his laptop.

I made an entire stack of my famous French toast as Smitty and I discussed the possibility of a second Salt Lake City show while we were still in Utah.

Sure I was exhausted nearly all the fucking time. But I loved nothing more than doing what I was passionate about and making my fans happy. Besides, adding an extra show to the tour wouldn't kill me.

"Alright, breakfast is done." I said as I finished sprinkling powdered sugar and pouring some maple syrup on top. I handed Smitty a plate and placed one in front of Chris.

"Thanks bro. I'm gonna go share these with V. I'm gonna tell her that I made them." Smitty joked as he hopped off the counter and made his way up the stairs to wake up Vanessa.

"I'm good." Chris mumbled under his breath, he eyes still stuck on his screen as he waved me off.

I internally rolled my eyes as I turned my focus to my beautiful girl who was patiently waiting for her share.

I watched her eyes sparkle with excitement as she adorably rubbed her hands together.

I grabbed a fork and knife, cutting a piece off to feed it to her, obviously no longer giving a fuck about keeping things discreet.

Chris's gaze followed my every move and I could tell he was trying his best not to roll his eyes at my actions.

"Austin that's too big." Lena softly giggled as she shook her head at the sizable piece I had cut for her.

"You can handle it." I said through almost gritted teeth, my attention remaining on her though Chris was becoming visibly uncomfortable as he sat next to her.

I saw Lena's eyes slightly widen at my slick comment though she ignored it and opened her mouth for me to feed her. She chewed slowly and nodded her head, her lips twisting into a smile as she swallowed.

"Austin how the fuck did you outdo yourself? I don't get it." She chuckled. "You have to teach me how to cook cause I'm absolutely terrible."

"I could give you a lesson or two while we're still here in Utah." I winked at her, overjoyed that she loved my cooking so much.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom before I inhale the rest of this French toast." She said before she hopped off her chair and gave me a grin before she disappeared around the corner.

"I think it's fucking hilarious that you could literally pull any bitch you want, but you only seem to be after the one girl that I already told you I was interested in." Chris spoke up, the moment Lena was out of ear shot.

"You don't know what you're talking about." I brushed him off as I began loading the dishwasher and cleaning up the mess I had made.

"Oh I don't? So you're not into her? Cause it looked like you were about to strip her clothes off and bend her over the fucking counter like 10 minutes ago." 

My eyes cut sharply into his as I could see the anger rising in him by the second.

I didn't understand what the hell he was getting so worked up about.

Lena rejected him, end of story.

"Why do you even care? She turned you down. I thought you were over it." I muttered, not wanting to get into it with him.

"I thought she didn't want to get involved with me because we worked together but she seems willing as all hell to get herself involved with you." He seethed with jealousy. "Well to be honest, I really shouldn't be surprised that she wouldn't want an ordinary dude when the infamous Post Malone is trying so damn hard to fuck her." He went on.

Trying? I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. He really was fucking clueless.

"Let me ask you something. Why do you want her so bad?" I questioned, raising my brow as my expression remained hardened.

"What do you mean? The same reason you want her. She's hot as hell. And I'm sure she's crazy in bed." He stated matter of factly as if I were asking him the obvious.

My chest heaved with anger at his words and I clenched my jaw tightly before I spoke.

"You see Chris, there's the difference between you and I." I took a short stride closer to him.

"We aren't after the same thing. Not even close. You're just trying to get into her pants. I'm trying to get into her fucking heart." I muttered, irritated beyond belief.

"So stay away from her, cause she's fucking mine."

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