Rini One Shots

بواسطة rickybowensgirl

267K 5K 2.3K

This is a Rini one shot book as you can probably guess by the title. I right all types of stories so if you h... المزيد

I Love You (What if part 1)
The Kiss (What if part 2)
The Accident
Social Media AU
The After Party
The Fight
The Proposal
Wedding outfits
The dream...
"Come Back.." (what if part 3)
Fake Relationship
The Diary
The Diary Part 2
The Diary Part 3
HSMTMTS Opinions
Truth or Dare
Thank You!!!
The Hoodie
The Question
The Kidnapping
The Kidnapping (Part 2)
The Project
The Malfunction
The New Romeo and Juliet
The secret
River of Tears
The Lock Screens
The Bedtime Story (Rini Week 1)
Rini Instagram (Rini week 2)
Just F•R•I•E•N•D•S?? (Rini week 3)
The Trip (Rini week 4)
36 Questions (Rini week 5)
K-I-S-S-I-N-G (Rini week 6)
Operation Rini (Rini week 7)
Prompt Generator
I don't not love you (what if part 4)
Death Bed
Royal Pains (Part 2)
I'm out of ideas
5 things I want to see in Season 2
Paper Cut
Brother's Best Friend
Definitely Not Just Friends
The Dates
His Child??
The Concussion
100k Reads!!!
The Best Man (Rini week #2 1)
The Showcase (Rini week #2 2)
Single Parent Club (Rini week #2 3)
Moving (Rini week #2 4)
New Home (Rini week #2 5)
Don't Feel Like We're Faking (Rini week #2 6)
Don't Feel Like We're Faking (Rini week #2 6) 2
The Secret 2 (Rini week #2 7)
New Cover Vote
Talking it Out
new book alert
Fool Me Twice
When You're Ready
Christmas Through The Years
New Year's Eve
I love you (rewrite)(Rini week #3 1)
New Student (Rini week #3 2)
Apocalyptic Crush (Rini week #3 3)
Goodbye (Rini week #3 4)
That Way (Rini week #3 5)
Shocking Resemblance (Rini week #3 6)
Run Away (Rini week #3 7)
Get a Room
Drunk Words
Sober Thoughts
Hiding (Their Story)
Not Too Soon
Let You Go
Not Letting You Go

Royal Pains

2.9K 60 75
بواسطة rickybowensgirl

Prince Richard. It was a name known all around the world. I mean he was a prince, and the royal family have been the most well known people to ever walk the earth since the 10th century.

But he wasn't just a prince. He was a very attractive prince, and considered the most eligible bachelor at the moment. Every girl wanted a chance to be the next Queen.

Oh, did I not mention that. Yeah, besides being extremely attractive, the prince, he is also the next in line to the throne. The next king. Who wouldn't want to date the future king, especially if he looks like that.

Richard also has a gorgeous younger sister who he is very close with. Of course they are going to be close, they live in an enormous palace with only them, their parents and the people that work at the palace.

They were also close for another reason. Their parents. They didn't have a good marriage.  Actually that was an understatement. They had a terrible marriage. They were constantly fighting and refused to even be close to each other. They even had separate rooms in the palace, so they didn't have to sleep near each other.

But there was one big difference between them. She was their parents favorite. They always agreed with her. They always did whatever she wanted. She was perfect in their eyes, and he was the disappointment.

The thing was she never saw herself as above him. She saw him as her big brother that was always there to protect her. He was there to pick her up when she fell down and bring her back down to earth when she got a little too big headed.

Nini, on the other hand, wasn't well known at all. She was just a normal girl, who went to a normal school, in a normal town.

She was a singer, and performed at a lot of the coffee shops around her hometown, but she wasn't that known. A couple people would come to hear her sing but it was usually just the people that were already there.

She never could have imagined who she would soon run into at one of her performances.

Richard wanted a break from prince-ing, so he decided he would take a break and head to town. "Hey Mary, I'm gonna go get some coffee. Do you want to come" He asked his sister. "How could I say no to free coffee" she said, getting up and sprinting out of the room to get ready.

He noticed her immediately. How could he not. There was a beautiful girl, with a beautiful voice.

I hope your happy
but not like how you were with me
I'm selfish I know
I can't let you go
So find someone great
But don't find no one better
I hope your happy
But don't be happier

And those lyrics were beautiful too. Everything about her was beautiful.

Richard was speechless. He was frozen in his spot. He couldn't function. All he could do was stare at her.

Soon his sister broke him out of his trace. "Richard your staring" she said waving her hand in front of his face. "What" he said, shaking his head. "You were staring at that girl that's singing" she laughed, pushing his sunglasses back up the bridge of his nose. They always have to wear them when they go out so they get recognized less.

After gaining back his composer he went to the counter to order. After placing his order for a medium black coffee, he turned around and immediately ran into someone.

The singer.

Not only did he run into her he also made her drop everything she was holding in her hands, and made his glasses fall off his face.

"Oh um you dropped- oh, OH-" she started saying before she was cut off by Richard putting his hand over her mouth. "I will give you literally anything you want if you don't scream my name" He said slowly removing his hand from her month, and placing his glasses back on his face, trying not to be recognized more than he already has.

"I wasn't going to scream your name. I was just a little shocked. I mean It's not everyday you run into someone like you." she said laughing nervously. "Yeah" he said with the same nervous laugh.

"Um, I'm Nini," she said, sticking her hand out for him to shake. "Richard" he said, taking her hand and gently shaking it looking into her eyes. Not breaking eye contact, not even once.

"Um.. I heard you singing. You're really talented" he said and she blushed slightly. She didn't know what to do. How do you respond when a prince compliments you like that. "Thank you" she said after a while not wanting to come across as too awkward.

They continued to make small talk until the barista yelled out, "Medium black coffee for Ricky"

"That's me," Richard said. "Ricky?" she said laughing at his nickname. "I use it so people don't know it's me, okay" "Okay. You don't have to be so defensive, I like it. I think it's cute." Nini said. This time it was Ricky's turn to blush.

"I have to go before my sister comes over here and starts asking way too many questions. But you never know I might end up back here sometime soon."

"Well if you do end up coming back I play her Monday, Wednesday, Friday, from 1-2."

It had been a few days and Richard was trying to find an excuse to go and see Nini again. He knew there was something special about her. She didn't put up an act around him. She was just herself. And she didn't treat him like a prince. She treated him like a normal boy she met in a coffee shop.

And he felt like he could be himself around her. He hadn't felt like that in years. He felt like he always had to put up an act to keep his appearance. But around her he wasn't Prince Richard, he was just Ricky.

He wasn't able to go back to the coffee shop until 2 weeks after the last time he was there.

He walked in wearing almost the exact same thing he did last time, so Nini could spot him almost immediately. When she saw him her face lit up.

You cradle me in your arms
In dark in the back
We're looking at the stars
The moon's the cheshire cat
And your parents can probably see from the window
They say "they're just kids oh what the hell do they know"
I love you so much i'm scared
Cause they say young loves a loss
Or it's a lesson
I always want to be here
My heart is telling me we're gonna be the exception

Everyone clapped as she finished. But Ricky clapped the loudest. He gave her a big smile, and nodded to show her that he heard and enjoyed her song.

He sat and enjoyed the rest of her show.

After she was done with her performance she walked up to Ricky. "I was starting to think you weren't going to come back" she laughed. "I've just been busy, but now that I have some free time I came to visit you" he flirted. "Who me" she said pointing at herself. "Who else would I be talking about. Bridget over there" He said and they both laughed.

"So you came to see me" she smirked. "That I did," he chuckled.

Nini led them to a more secluded area in the back, so they could talk more without him getting recognized. 

When they got to the back room Nini gently took off his glasses so she could look at him. "You have nice eyes" she whispered. "Your's are beautiful too, just like you" Nini blushed at his words and looked away.

They talked for a while, just getting to know each other.   

"so then my mom took me to go get ice cream to make up for the fact she lost my cat" Nini laughed as she finished telling her story.

He smiled at her and the excitement on her face while telling him the story.

"So do you have any funny stories" she asked him.

"Not really. It's mostly just me and Mary. My parents are always really busy, so I was mostly raised by my nanny. But one thing when we were by the pool Mary pushed me in and then jumped in after. My nanny went to help me out of the pool, but instead I pulled her down with me. We just swam around for like half an hour before we had to go back inside and actually get some work done." he laughed at the memory. She smiled at his sudden happiness.

"You have a very interesting life" she said, taking a step toward him. "You have an interesting life too, it's just different than mine." he said, also taking a step closer to her so their faces are almost touching. "You have a great life and it made you an amazing person, with the biggest heart" she said leaning in even more, and resting his forehead on hers.

Nini couldn't take it anymore. She leaned up and pressed her lips onto his. He was in shock and it took him a second to realize what was going on. By the time he did Nini pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were leaning in. I guess I was misreading the signals. And now things are going to be so awkward between us, and I just ruined everything and you're never going to want to talk to me after-" she was cut off by his hand resting on one of her cheeks, and his lips on hers.

It was what she always imagined kissing Ricky would be like. The way their lips moved against each other was magical. It was like they were waiting their whole lives for this one moment. And they never wanted it to end. But at some point they needed air. When they pulled apart both of them couldn't stop smiling.

"You didn't ruin anything, I did. I was just in shock" he said rubbing his thumb across her cheek. "I didn't think a girl like you would want to kiss a guy like me" She leaned up and pecked his lips. "I love kissing you" she said and he blushed.

"So how would you feel about being my girlfriend" He asked a few seconds later. "Hmm.. I don't know, I'll have to think about it" she said with a joking tone in her voice.  "How about, yes, i'd love to be your girlfriend"

They continued this routine for the next few weeks. They would meet and the coffee shop, have dates in the back room, and then occasionally make out.

They had been dating for 6 months when Ricky decided it would be a good idea for his sister to officially meet his girlfriend. His sister meant a lot to him so he really wanted her to like Nini. And Nini meant a lot to him and it was really important to him for them to get along.

Nini not only meant a lot to him, but he loves her. He never really believed in love. His main role models in that department were his parents, and they weren't in love. But now he knows what love is. And it's all thanks to Nini. Now all he has to do is work up the courage to actually tell her.

Mary and Ricky were meeting Nini at the coffee shop they normally met at but this time they went on a day Nini wasn't performing.

When Ricky and his sister arrived at the coffee shop in their disguises the noticed Nini in at a table in the corner. "Hi baby" Ricky said as he arrived at her table and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. "Heyy" she responded, dragging out the 'y'.

"So, you're the famous Nini," Mary said chuckling slightly. Nini joined her in laughing, "I'm not famous, but yes, I'm Nini" she said pulling her into a hug. "It's nice to finally meet you after everything Richard had told me about you" Mary said smiling. "Only good things, I hope," she said laughing again, this time with a little bit of nerves in her voice. "Of course"

Mary could tell how good they worked together. Nini had a very happy and bubbly personality and it contrasted well with Richard's darker but still soft personality.

She could also tell by the way they were around each other. Richard had his arm around Nini, and she had her body pressed into his side, not in a way that made Mary feel uncomfortable, but in a very natural looking way. A way that made her know they were meant to be.

After they were done getting to know each other Mary said that she was tired and was going to head back to the palace. But Nini and Ricky decided to stay out and go to a bar.

They didn't move around too much once they got to the bar. They just sat at the bar and talked like they usually do.

"Thank you for today. It was really important to me that you two got along, because she's my best friend, and if you two didn't get along it would put me in a really weird position. I don't know how I'd be able to choose between my best friend/sister and the woman I love" he stopped talking the second he realized what he just said.

"You- you love me" Nini stuttered. "Yeah I do. Unless you're not ready for that, in which we can just forget this conversation even happened." he said and she laughed at his nerves. "I love you too" she whispered, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, kissing him. 

"Um.. Ricky what is this." she said, showing him the TMZ article.

"How did they figure out that was me. And that was such a personal moment. Why are the property the worst" Ricky complained, putting his head in his hands. "Baby, it's okay. You can't see my face in the photo and you can barely see it's you. If everyone just ignores it, it will go away" she said, taking one of his hands off his face and kissing it. "Everything will be fine"

"You should come visit my beach house with me this weekend." Ricky said excitedly as they were on their normally scheduled date. "I don't know Ricky, I don't want to intrude-" she started but was quickly cut off by Ricky. "No, Nini, you would not be intruding, I promise. And before you even say it. I know you're not using me or else you would have suggested this way before I did. Okay, I want to do this because I think it will be fun and I want to spend more time with you"

"Okay fine I'll go. But only because you want me to" she said taking his hand in hers.

They went down to the royal family's beach house that next weekend. It was a nice relaxing weekend of them laying out on the beach, spending some time in the oceans, and simply enjoying each other's company.

"Ricky, it happened again," Nini said, showing him the newest TMZ article.

"Ugg, those damn paparazzi" he said hitting his fist on the table "Can't I just get a little pivousy around here"

"Babe, calm down, at least these are the photos they got, they could've made both of us look really bad if they got other photos of us, then just laying on a rock.

"You're right, like always. But they do make a good point. When do you want to meet my parents" he asked. Her eyes went wide in shock. She wants to meet his parents, but it's not like meeting Joe and Sally down the street. This is the King and Queen we're talking about.

"Oh.. um.. when do you think I should.. meet them" she said very obviously panicking. "Look Nini they're not that bad, I promise. But you can meet them when you're ready. I don't want to scare you off just yet" he said, both of them laughing at his attempt to lighten the mood.

"I'll meet them. The more I put it off the less likely it is to happen, so next time you're having a family dinner I'll join you" she said trying to convince herself this is a good idea.  

"Nini, talk to me. I know meeting my parents is a big deal so just tell me what's stressing you out" he said placing a hand on her shoulder

She placed her hand over his before speaking. "I just want your parents to like me. I've never felt this strongly about anyone before. And they're the King and Queen for crying out loud. I'd be nervous meeting them even if it didn't mean anything, let alone them being my boyfriend's parents."

"I know the titles can be scary but just remember if you take away their titles they're normal people just like you and me, okay, you're gonna do great. And they won't hate you, I promise, it's impossible to hate you."

It was another 2 weeks before Nini officially met the King and Queen. Which meant 2 weeks of thinking about scenarios that could play out in her head.

When she did finally meet them it was nothing like she thought it would.

"You must be Nina" Queen Lynne said. "Yes, but I usually go by Nini" Nini responded, trying to respectfully correct her. "Nina will work fine," the Queen said walking away.

"I'm Michal but you can call me Mike. Or dad if this goes the way I think this might be going" he said whispering the last sentence so only she could hear. She started to laugh before stopping herself. "You're allowed to laugh around me just be more cautious around that wife of mine" Mike whispered, laughing with her.

The dinner was very weird. It mostly consisted of her being interrogated by Lynne and smiling and subtly laughing with Mike.

Lynne kept asking her questions about her social status and about what she did for living. And then she kept making comments about how little money she makes.

Everytime Ricky could tell Nini was getting a little annoyed he would grab her hand and rub his thumb over her knuckles to calm her down.  

After dinner was done Mike pulled her aside and allowed Ricky to join them. "I'm so sorry for her behavior in there. She should not be asking those types of questions, because the answers shouldn't change anything. You're a really lovely girl Nini and I'd love to see you around here more often" Mike said with a large amount of sympathy in this voice.

Nini did something that shocked everyone, even herself, when she wrapped her arms around the older gentleman and gave him a big hug. The only thing that was more surprising was the thing that happened next, Mike wrapped his arms around the small girl and hugged her back.

It had been a few weeks since her dinner with the royals. She had gone and hung out at the palace multiple times since then, always greeting Mike with a smile and occasionally a hug.

They could have never expected what happened next.

"Ricky how- how did they find out who I am, Ricky, what do I do" she said pacing around his room.

After a few minutes of silence she came over and sat on the bed next to him. "Honey, calm down okay, yes this is a large jump. I was trying to slowly ease you into this spotlight, but that plan's out the window so we have to go to plan B. So we are going to pretend like nothing unexpected happened, okay. The public will now know you as my girlfriend, nothing more, you can come with me to charity events if you want, but you don't have to if you don't want to. But look on the bright side at least we can walk on the streets together now." he said holding both her hands in his. "Okay" she breathed out. "The bright side" 

It had been three years since Ricky and Nini started dating and he wanted to ask her to marry him. But he wasn't just asking for her hand in marriage he was also asking her to take on the responsibility of being a princess and future queen.

And he didn't just have to ask her. He also had to ask for her parents permission and his parents permission. He had arend asked for her mom's permission , and she said she wouldn't want anyone else to be her son-in-law. Over the past three years Ricky had gotten Really close to her mom. She used to have two moms but one of them passed away so now she only has Mamma D.

Asking for his parents permission was a lot harder than he thought it would. His mom was completely against the idea. "No, I'm not letting someone of her status into my family" Lynne said when he asked her.

His dad and Mary didn't care about her social status, because they both saw the love that Richard and Nini have for each other, and they know what Nini is able to accomplish when she puts her mind to it. Which is exactly what they need in the next queen.   

All it took to convince Lynne was one tear from Mary's eye. She told her a sob story about always wanting a sister but her mom never got her one, she shed one tear and Ricky got his mom's blessing. What can I say she was the favorite, and she was going to use that to her advantage in any way she can, even helping out her big bro.

"Hey Nini, want to go back to the beach house this weekend" Ricky asked out of nowhere one day. "Um.. sure, why not" she said, picking up on how weird Ricky was asking.

The day after they arrived Ricky had planned for them to go on a walk on the beach. The thing was they never planned things when they went on these trips, they always just go with the flow. That  was when Nini knew something was definitely going on that she didn't know about.

"Nini ever since the first time I laid eyes on you in that coffee shop, I knew you were a special person" Ricky started his speech, and Nini started to cry finally connecting the dots. "You are the person that convinced me that love was real and that it could happen to me. You are the most kind and caring person I know. You are the only person who looks past my title and sees me for who I really am. You didn't care that I tried to hide you from the public and you weren't mad at me, when your identity got exposed. You look at everything with an open mind, and you've taught me to do the same. You made me a better person, and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else, so Nina Maria Salazar-Roberts will you marry me" he said getting down on one knee as a few tears spilled out of his eyes as well.

"I don't know I'll have to think about it" she joked through her tears, quoting herself from when he asked her to be his girlfriend. "YES, YES, I'll marry you" she yelled wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him as close to her as possible. They broke apart slightly so he could slide the ring onto her, and pulled her into a very passionate kiss.

The ring was his grandmother's ring. His dad's mom's ring. When he was younger and she was still alive he said he wanted to propose to the love of his life with a ring like hers. So when Mike heard his son wanted to propose he gave him her ring, so he could do what he wanted to do as a child. And he did. He proposed to the love of his life, Nini, and with the ring he always wanted to use. It could not have been more perfect.


This might be my favorite thing I've ever written. It's also the longest.

(there are probably a lot of typos, and I'm sorry for that but I've been writing all day and now it's 4:30 in the morning, so I tried my best but there probably a few still in there)

I had this idea when I finished reading The Selection series about 3 years ago. It was what if the selection never existed, would Maxon and America still end up together. In that version, Maxon's parents were happy in their marriage, Maxon did believe in love, and there were no siblings, he was still an only child. But I like this version better.

4220 words

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