Nobody Cared Enough !

By RubyVikar

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Harry is 11 years old and looking forward to attending Hogwarts with all his might, leave out all the bad thi... More

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By RubyVikar

21 Sept 1991 - Saturday

The rest of the week Hermione did her best to avoid her House mates; especially Eleanor Broodland who had been released from the Infirmary on Thursday. Twice Hermione had been hexed in the corridors but she'd dodged each one. A lecture from their Head of House ended the hexing war, but the teasing and pranking continued.  Hermione was glad of having lunch to sit with her friends, but breakfast at the Gryffindor table had changed for the better once Fred, George, and Neville joined her place of exile. Draco and Harry tried to sit with her but Professor McGonagall had forbade it.

In Gryffindor Hermione noticed that the nasty looks she would get in the common room were starting to fade as the twins and Neville were not going to be chased off.

Things were easier but not entirely. Hermione would not allow her guard to drop and for that she was slowly losing sleep as her body refused to relax.

Harry was having problems as well that were making his days difficult. Nightmares, horrific ones that made him scream or fight in his bed until he fell from it, were plaguing his sleep. Draco was suffering, too, from a decrease in sleep and because Harry wouldn't talk about the nightmares to him.

Also suffering was Prefect Billock, who was awakened nearly every night because Draco couldn't wake his friend and would wake him, instead. Once roused, Billock would find that Harry had retreated to the space under his bed. The Prefect sat poised in vigil over Harry while Draco was sent to awaken their Head of House.

When Harry did awaken he would only respond to Snape, seeking comfort in the stoic man's arms. He would weep silently against Snape's chest until he fell back into an exhausted sleep. Snape rarely was able to go back to sleep after tucking the small boy into bed because he would worry about him.

Consequently, despite strong coffee in the morning, Snape's mood wasn't at his best for his classes.

And Harry wouldn't talk to him about the nightmares.

And Draco was turning back into a little brat.

And Orencia and Prefect Billock had broken up, making everyone's life in Slytherin House miserable because they wouldn't make up.

These concerns were on the mind of the Potions Master when he dressed in his finest black robes, left the castle, and then Apparated to Malfoy Manor for tea on Saturday.

A somewhat distracted house elf escorted him to Narcissa's parlor where the lady of the house greeted him.

Narcissa Malfoy was a regal looking, tall, slim woman who wore her long, blond hair in a soft bun with perfectly styled curls dancing lightly around her face in a random way that was hardly random. The beauty that was Lucius Malfoy's greatest jewel was dressed in a gown of powder blue silk that complemented her ice blue eyes and creamy complexion.

Narcissa greeted Snape warmly and directed him to place his outer cloak upon a gold plated brass coat tree inside the parlor door. Snape did so, and then seated himself upon one of the silk upholstered, pine chairs that had a subtle, but clean design of celery green and cream stripes. It matched the rest of the furniture and the entire parlor.

"Lucius regrets being a bit late, but he was called to the Ministry for some last minute business," Narcissa smiled and bade her guest to seat himself.

Snape settled in his chair and took in a measure of his hostess. He’d had a crush on the willowy Black girl when he was a student. Narcissa had been the definition of grace and kindness. She held herself above the petty politics of “Pureblood Supremacy” that riddled their House. Even before she was a made Head Girl in her seventh year Narcissa was taking care of the younger Slytherins. She organised study groups, talked to the girls, and even some of the boys.

Instead of feeling jealous when Narcissa and Lucius had announced they were to marry upon leaving Hogwarts he had felt happy; especially after he had seen how happy Lucius had been before he left Hogwarts at the end of Snape’s first year. Lucius was not forgotten, though, something he made sure of when he came to visit Narcissa on every weekend of her seventh year. Lucius always spared a few minutes for the “poor” Slytherin boy.

Narcissa Malfoy had matured from a girl into a beautiful woman. Sometimes Snape felt his heart ache with that old school boy crush when he saw her. She would never know of that. As her husband was Snape’s friend so too, was she.

"Do tell me how is Draco getting along, Severus?" Narcissa placed a cup of tea in front of him.

"He is doing quite well in almost all of his classes with the exception of some difficulty in Transfiguration. I am certain he will work it out with added study," Snape replied.

"Transfiguration was never an easy subject for Lucius, but he did manage an E for his NEWTs. Is my son doing well in your class, Severus?" she inquired. She politely did not mention that she was a Mistress of Transfiguration.

"He is doing as well as expected," Severus hedged smoothly. In truth, he didn't wish to assess any student so new into the term.

"I am disappointed that my son is still allowing his temper to get the better of him, Severus." Narcissa was obviously referring to the two detentions Draco had already managed to earn. Draco, of course, had written the first letter to his father to tell about his infraction, whereas Snape had written the second letter.

"I believe that he and Harry may benefit from a meditation technique that is a foundation to Occlumency that I will be teaching them once the term is settled," he replied quietly. Of course he did not mention that he had hopes that the meditation would aid in easing Harry’s nightmares.

"That is good to know, Severus. I know how much it has helped Lucius since you taught him." Narcissa did not speak of it aloud, although they both knew it, Lucius' fair skill with Occlumency had saved his life a time or two. She did, however, give the Potions Master a slight, gracious nod in acknowledgement. "Draco seems quite happy with this friendship he has with Harry Potter," said Narcissa, gently changing the subject. "I was very pleased to learn that he had disassociated himself from the sons of Andrew Crabbe and Liam Goyle. I told Lucius that I was worried that the lazy habits and their bullish nature could influence Draco and neither his father nor I want to see his education to suffer." Narcissa took a sip of her tea and then turned her gaze fully to him. "I would never have guessed the son of Lily and James Potter would end up in our House, Severus. Remarkable, isn't it?"

Snape nodded. "Has Draco told you much about Mr. Potter?"

Narcissa smiled. "Quite a bit, Severus. I think I know almost everything that Harry has told my son; with the exception of secrets that boys will keep between themselves."

Snape sipped his tea thoughtfully. He wondered how much Harry might have told Draco of his home life. The main concern that had impelled him to accept this invitation to tea was to hopefully ferret out more information on the boy.

"Ah, Severus!" Lucius entered at that moment, tossing his outer robe over the back of a chair. He went to Narcissa and chastely kissed her cheek before sitting in a chair opposite Snape and accepting a cup of tea from his wife.

"A difficulty at the Ministry, Lucius?" asked Snape with feigned nonchalance.

"The Minister had another one of his panic attacks," Lucius replied blithely as he seated himself casually in one of the matching chairs.

"Would this be over the Tri-Wizard Tournament?" asked Snape.

Lucius nodded and then took a sip of his tea. "The Minister and that toady of his, Dolores Umbridge are looking upon the political and media opportunities that would arise with the revival of the Tournament. Fudge believes it would be most prestigious for Hogwarts to be involved, thus forcing Dumbledore to act, for once, with the Minister." He sighed and was quiet for a moment. "However, the Board of Governors are in an uproar over the whole thing due to the danger attached to the Tournament."

"It is unconscionable to put children in such deadly circumstances," murmured Narcissa. "It is enough that we must concern ourselves with past... associates."

"Quite right, my dear. The Minister is not even taking that into consideration and as such he is panicking over the backlash he is receiving not just from the Board, but parents, as well." Lucius sighed, put down his teacup, and elegantly crossed one leg over the other. He shrugged as he sipped at his tea, “That dim-witch Umbridge should never have spoken to the Daily Prophet about the supposed revival of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.”

Snape nodded. He recalled that massacre of an article that extolled the virtues of wizarding games that had taken the lives of at least ten children since its inception.  He then watched the older wizard choosing to leave the conversation to his friend.

Snape had no doubts about Lucius Malfoy's motives; what he did was for his family, and the honor of the Malfoy name. They had both taken the Dark Mark but Lucius was following the dictates of his father whereas Snape had done what Abraxas ordered him to do once he had foolishly pledged himself to the wicked man.

Snape survived as he was able. Lucius, though, was an obedient son, or else. He did as his father commanded; no matter if it came from the Dark Lord, or Abraxas Malfoy. Lucius had a new family to keep safe, and what he did, even if it was distasteful, he did to keep his family alive. Many in the wizarding world did not understand that there were more than just Snape and the Malfoys caught in such a deadly trap. Many of the Death Eaters had families caught in the maelstrom of the Dark Lord’s evil.

Snape, with his talent in Potions, and the Malfoys with their money, quickly became part of the Dark Lord's most trusted. They weren't  part of His elite, Inner Circle, but they were very close.

It wasn't until Abraxas Malfoy's untimely death from Dragon Pox, that the two men had come together. Snape, at great risk to himself, confessed to Lucius of his spying for Dumbledore, and Lucius revealed that he had plans in place to not only make it impossible for him to return to the Dark Lord's side should he return, but to restore the Malfoy family name and reputation and to keep his family safe.

When the Wizengamot held the Death Eater Tribunal, Lucius had refused to ally himself with Dumbledore. Dumbledore's charm had failed to thaw the aristocrat; he had underestimated the young, intelligent wizard who was able to provide solid proof that he had been under Imperius and thus innocent.

The Dark Lord often used the Unforgivables against his own followers, and there were times that he either tortured them with the Cruciatus Curse, for his own enjoyment, or put them under the Imperius Curse to get them to do his bidding when they would otherwise turn and run.

Lucius had never tortured or killed a Muggle unless he had been under the Dark Lord's Imperius and his pensieve evidence had been all too horrific, and convincing for the Wizengamot.

Snape, on the other hand, spent three months in Azkaban before Dumbledore gathered the evidence required to free the young man. It was a source of constant irritation over the years for Snape knowing that should Dumbledore choose to do so he would be gone from Hogwarts and back in Azkaban before he could blink.

"From my son's letters, I gather that the fight he and Harry had is no longer a problem," Lucius made it sound as though his mention of the fight Draco and Harry had had over the feathers and the summoned house elf, was of no great concern.

"Those two are quite united over a new cause, Lucius," Snape replied simply. He watched the older wizard and could tell by the briefest of expressions that Draco had not, yet, told his father of his Muggle born friend, Hermione Granger.

Lucius watched as Narcissa poured him a fresh cup of tea and then he leaned forward to take it from her. "I have not heard of this 'new cause', Severus. What is this about?" asked Lucius.

"A young witch of their year. Hermione Granger. She is an extremely bright and intelligent girl, but rather insecure and as a consequence she has a bad habit of needing to answer all the questions in class, to the point if she is not called upon quickly enough, she will blurt out the answer."

Lucius smirked at the younger wizard. In his final year at Hogwarts he could recall a certain first year Slytherin who had been similarly annoying. Taking another sip, he encouraged Snape to continue.

"Miss Granger was Sorted into Gryffindor and she is not... settling in well there. Her other teachers indulge her bad habits concentrating only on the fact that they are in possession of an intelligent student that desires to learn. Everything." A minor sneer crossed Snape's face for a moment.

"And you do not indulge her?" asked Lucius.

"Although I understand the child's insecurities I take points where I see fit and I do not tolerate any student speaking when not spoken to. Unfortunately for Miss Granger, this has led to a loss of points for Gryffindor, and one detention for the young witch. From me." Snape put down his empty teacup.

“There is something else you have to say, my friend,” surmised Lucius. “What is it?”

Snape took a deep breath then replied, “Miss Granger hexed a student that was taunting her with a very sophisticated Boil Hex.”

Lucius leaned forward as he was very interested in what the Potions Master had to say about a first year wielding a ‘sophisticated’ hex. Hexes were notoriously difficult to control which is why they tended to be widespread in their damage, and not terribly harmful. “How sophisticated, Severus?”

“Miss Granger centred the boils on the student’s nose,” he grimaced with a dark half-smile.

Lucius laughed and clapped his hands together once. “Capital! Good form, Miss Granger!”

Snape’s right eyebrow rose briefly. “I suppose that is why I took over the week’s worth of detention Minerva gave to the girl.”

Lucius’ brow furrowed in anger. Narcissa gave no clue to the dismay she felt. Instead she spoke softly, “How good of you, Severus. More tea?” He nodded and held out his cup for his hostess to fill.

"Am I to understand I that the young lady has made no friends in Gryffindor and they are ill-disposed to do so, Severus?"

“Fred and George Weasley have but those two have never followed the popular vote. Neville Longbottom has also become a friend as he is a terribly nervous sort,” clarified Snape.

“Augusta Longbottom’s boy?” asked Narcissa with pointed curiosity. Lucius merely shook his head, and Narcissa gave him the shadow of a glare. “Augusta is a fearsome witch, Severus, and her brother Algernon is…”

“Algernon tried to kill the boy when he was seven by tossing him from the north widow’s walk,” sneered Lucius. Snape was aghast. “It was fortunate that the child’s magic manifested and saved him, Severus.”

“We still should have brought charges against the wizard for abuse,” Narcissa chided softly. She turned to Snape. “How does the Longbottom boy fare, Severus?”

“He is nervous about everything,” sighed Snape. “Miss Granger’s presence, I have noted of late, appears to calm him. He has also improved in his work since he blew up a potion in class recently. I believe he understands the seriousness of Potions better.”

“Tell me, Severus,” smirked Lucius as he sipped at his tea and returned the discussion to the interesting Miss Granger. “How did a first year ever manage such a spell. Are you teaching magic we were not taught at our age?” He chuckled softly, and Narcissa smiled at him.

Snape chuckled softly himself, then elucidated, "Many students have learned the Boil Hex in their first year, or even at home. It is often used in petty little duels between students. Madame Pomfrey uses the Boil Shrink Potion for their cure. What Miss Granger did was to focus the Boil Hex in such a manner that the boils only appeared on the girl's face. Quite impressive."

"However did she manage it, Severus?" asked Narcissa.

"The child is a voracious reader," explained Snape. "I learned that she has been reading all the textbooks for her classes for the years in advance."

"And you say that this is a friend of Draco's?" smiled Lucius in satisfaction. "I like her."

"And Harry's," Snape added.

"It is unfortunate that she wasn't Sorted into Slytherin," mused Lucius.

Narcissa spoke delicately, "Do you know the reason why Miss Granger jinxed the other girl so... proficiently, Severus?"

"According to the boys, while Harry was trying to comfort a crying Miss Granger, Miss Broodland saw the three friends and called Miss Granger a 'Slytherin whore'."

Narcissa's cup of tea rattled, but Lucius' teacup exploded with his sudden outrage. Narcissa, quite recovered from the vulgar insult, took out her wand and vanished the mess and repaired the broken cup.

"And McGonagall's response?" asked Lucius tightly.

"Minerva did take points from Miss Granger, as she should have,” Snape added quickly to cool Lucius’ anger, “and then Minerva assigned the little witch a week's worth of detention." Snape gave Lucius a small, smug smile. "I heard Miss Broodland’s insult and so I took 25 points. Equally, I awarded the child 35 points for the jinx. As I said, it was quite well done."

"Professor McGonagall was no doubt displeased about that," observed Narcissa.

"Indeed, but it was no matter." Snape and his Gryffindor colleague often argued over points, whether it was a loss or a gain.

Lucius eyed the younger man shrewdly, "Yet you still appear to worry about Miss Granger, Severus, and she isn't even in our House."

"Minerva has unfortunately burdened Miss Granger with the idea that it is her fault that her Housemates dislike her so," Snape shrugged lightly. "Minerva has always believed that all her lions must get along and it is difficult for her to accept that they may unite against one of their own."

"Professor McGonagall comes from a simpler age," Narcissa gently defended the older woman. "It was easier then for a House to unite. We live in difficult times and it's quite evident that all the Houses are suffering."

Lucius nodded in agreement with his wife. "We Slytherins are a wary lot and are accustomed to questioning the motives of all, even those we are allied with. A schism in the House of Gryffindor is like a fatal wound upon an animal."

"They are black and white and cannot exist in the grey areas," added Snape.

"Light and Dark, Narcissa said softly.

"Voldemort and Dumbledore," Lucius added wryly.

Snape winced at Voldemort's name, but he continued, "As Miss Granger is not in my House, there is little I can do and although, of all the staff, Minerva is the one I best get along with, she and I do disagree. Often."

"Miss Granger at least has Draco and Harry," concluded Narcissa.

Snape nodded. "That, and Minerva at least conceded to allow the girl to eat her lunch with her friends. It has been interesting to see how... comfortable Miss Granger appears with some of the other Slytherins."

Lucius caught the underlying implication that there was a reason for only some of the Slytherins accepting Hermione. He pressed this point by asking, "And why wouldn't all of the Slytherins welcome the child, Severus?"

Here Snape paused, studying the cooling surface of his tea. He then glanced over the rim of the teacup at his old friend. "Miss Granger is a Muggle-born."

There was a long silence between both husband and wife as Snape carefully regarded them both.

Abraxas Malfoy had harbored a great hatred for Muggles and the Muggle-born. There had been too many times that he had sickened both young men with vile tales of horrors he had been a part of towards unfortunate Muggles and Muggle-borns.

When Lucius had refused to join his father on one such terrorising raid of a Muggle family Abraxas had not hesitated in putting his own son under the Imperious Curse. Snape, working with his Potions Master on his own mastery, had not been a part of it. He had dealt with the aftermath; Lucius, sick to the point of fever, had been so distressed and ashamed, that he could not bear to return to his own family.

It was inevitable that Lucius soon began parroting his father's beliefs and hardened part of his soul against nearly half of the wizarding world. Snape had expected it. It was the only way for Lucius to survive, to keep his family safe. Even so, there were still nights when Lucius would retreat to Snape's home on Spinner's End to weep, to rail, to drink, and to sleep without nightmares beneath the veil of Dreamless Sleep.

Naricissa Black Malfoy came from a family, all but for her sister Andromeda, and cousin Sirius, that had a heavy prejudice against the Muggles and Muggle-borns. Another sister, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, was a psychotic mad-woman who desired any excuse to hurt someone. Narcissa had managed, with grace, to remain neutral. Snape suspected but did not know for certain but Narcissa comforted her husband as well when his nightmares had him waking with screams.

It was Narcissa who spoke first, "As Miss Granger's parents are Muggles, then, they would not be able to petition for a re-Sorting, would they?"

Snape's eyebrow rose as he took in Narcissa's subtle mien. Her mind was calculating decisively over something. Snape shook his head. "As Miss Granger’s parents are Muggles they would have no knowledge of the petition, Narcissa."

Lucius straightened. "Are you aware that it has been done in the past, Severus? The re-Sorting?"

"Truthfully, no, I was not. I have heard of it being done but rarely so. Nor do I understand under what circumstances it would be requested," Snape confessed. Both Malfoys had something up their sleeve, and Snape was quietly eager (although neither Narcissa nor Lucius could see it) to know what it was.

Lucius was more than amenable to educate the educator; in fact, he was somewhat smug about it. "To a Pureblood family, your House is not just something you have for seven years and then leave behind once your NEWTs are complete. A House is status, a symbol, an ally that can aid one in stepping through the Door of Opportunity. As of late what your House was can be used as a source of prejudice.” Lucius sneered. He was proud to be a Slytherin and he would never feel ashamed. He continued, “It is no accident that certain Pureblood families are drawn to one House or another. The Weasleys, for example, all Gryffindors as far back as Augustus Weasley in the 17th century on Arthur's side and Elgar Prewitt in the 18th century on Molly's side. As for the Malfoys, we've been Slytherin since the time of the Founders."

Narcissa smiled indulgently at her husband's obvious pride. Snape tried not to scowl. Snape was a half-blood and from his mother's side members of the Prince family didn't start attending Hogwarts until the latter half of the 18th century. They were a scattering of Ravenclaw and Slytherin, with an odd Gryffindor or two despite the strong Darkness of the family and their ‘Blood Purity’ prejudice.

Lucius went on, "Because of how important a House was to a family, you can imagine the stress it might cause if say a strong Gryffindor family were to find themselves suddenly with a Slytherin. Or, vice versa. A solution was instituted that allowed for the immediate family of the mis-Sorted child to petition for a re-Sorting; hopefully one that was in line with what the Pureblood family desired."

"Sirius Black," Narcissa said so softly that Snape almost hadn't heard her.

Snape turned to Lucius' wife. "Did Sirius' parents ask for a re-Sorting?"

Narcissa nodded. "Aunt Walburga Black was absolutely scandalised by Sirius having been Sorted into Gryffindor. A petition was made, and granted, but the Sorting Hat was adamant, and refused to put Sirius elsewhere." Narcissa smiled sadly. "I believe, that in Sirius' bid to distance himself from the Black family name that he talked the Hat into Gryffindor and it wasn't the Hat that wouldn't re-Sort him, but Sirius himself."

"As fascinating as that history lesson is," Snape paused and calmed the sneer that had appeared in his silken tones. Any mention of any of the Marauders of his childhood had that effect on him. "I do not see how that would help Miss Granger if her parents are unaware of such a petition. There is also the small matter that as Muggles they can neither see Hogwarts nor approach it."

Narcissa had noted Snape's acerbic tone and gave him an admonishing frown. She then smiled at her husband. "One of the few ideas I rather liked that Headmaster Dumbledore tried to institute was a sponsorship program that paired a Muggle-born child with a Pureblood family."

"It was doomed from the start," stated Lucius. "Prejudice against the Muggle-born was growing, and exploded when the Dark Lord arrived on the scene."

"It was too dangerous," Narcissa interjected firmly. "For Pureblood and Muggle-born." She rose to her feet and laid a hand upon her husband's shoulder. "This may not be the time for the program to be revived, husband, but I do think it would be... diplomatic... for our family to sponsor a Muggle Born child."

Lucius blinked slowly. "We are still in dangerous waters, my dear," Lucius spoke carefully.

"Black and white though it may be, Lucius, if we wish not to be dragged down by your father's sin when the Dark Lord returns, we will need to be allied with more than the Savior of the Wizarding World." Narcissa leaned closer to her husband. "We must protect all the children, my love," she cajoled softly.

Lucius lightly kissed his wife's fingertips. The one good thing his father had allowed, was to permit him to wed a witch that he loved. Over and over again, Narcissa had proved to Lucius her worth; in giving him a healthy son, in easing his pain, and in being an intelligent witch with whom he often consulted for her wisdom.

"Shall we begin with Miss Granger, dear wife?" Lucius spoke formally, but there was a gentle tease in his voice.

Narcissa smiled graciously, her ice blue eyes warming with the smile. As she stood, a twinkle touched her eyes. "I think I should like indulging a girl." She cast a quick, wicked glance at Lucius, and he blushed outrageously, choking on the sip of tea he'd taken. While he recovered his demeanour, Narcissa nodded to Snape. "I'm pleased you could visit, Severus. You'll have to excuse me, though, as I have some correspondence I must take care of."

Both men stood. Snape gave Narcissa a courtly bow, and Lucius kissed his wife's cheek, delicately. He whispered something in her ear, and she laughed. Once she'd left the parlor, the two wizards resumed their tea.

"Your... beliefs appear to be changing, Lucius," Snape observed smoothly.

 Lucius frowned. He put down his tea and summoned his brandy, which he offered to Snape. "I never believed in the wholesale slaughter of Muggles, Severus. To accuse me of that is more than rude, it's thoughtless." His voice held old resentments that weren't all pointed at his younger friend.

 Snape agreed to the brandy, and Lucius poured them each a half snifter full. Snape drank a portion of the brandy that he knew would have cost him at least half a years salary. It tasted like it. "We both believed that our worlds should remain separate, Lucius," Snape persisted. "How we chose to voice that belief was our downfall."

 Lucius glared at Snape as he perceived insult where there was none. He knew of Snape's Muggle father and he also knew of the grief the drunkard had caused the younger man.

 --The Year 1971--

 Lucius had been in his seventh year when he'd met the scrawny, poor boy whom many in Slytherin viewed with distaste. Severus Snape was not from a wealthy family, although, it was known that his mother, Eileen Prince had come from wealth, and pureblood. Snape's mother, to nearly her entire family, had defiled herself by falling in love with a Muggle.

 Lucius hadn't thought much of the skinny boy. Things were changing in the wizarding world and as a wealthy pureblood, engaged to the daughter of the high ranking Black family, his position in society and politics was secure.

 Lord Voldemort, as he was known then, was simply a powerful wizard who preached the complete severing of the Wizarding world from the Muggle world. As Lucius was not a part of the Inner Circle as his father was, he had no clue that Voldemort desired the annihilation of all Muggles and that his hatred of them was so acute, that it had been poisoning his mind for years. Voldemort was going mad and intended to take his followers along with his madness.

 To Snape, Lucius Malfoy was an arrogant, snobbish aristocrat who neither deserved his time nor attention. Content with his books and his potions, Snape never gave the man a second thought. Not until they discovered each other in the library one evening.

 Lucius Malfoy appeared to be a charming, wealthy, and spoiled wizard, but that did not mean he was without intelligence. Lucius had long held a fascination, not for the Dark Arts, but the Old Magic that had fallen into disuse over the centuries in favor of the more "spectacular" magic.

 When Snape was researching the origins of a potion, he was a bit surprised to find the supposed spoiled Malfoy Prince deep in his own research. Lucius had nearly taken over an entire table in the library and was almost hidden by the books, parchment, quill, and ink he had at hand. Lucius was not aware of the first year boy's arrival until he sensed someone staring at him. When he looked up, his gaze was caught by the unwavering gaze of fathomless black eyes. Those eyes unnerved him. Thy looked like they belonged to a man three times the boy's age.

 "Have I taken your study space, Snape?" drawled Lucius, teasingly.

  Snape blinked once, "Not at all. I was just surprised to see you in the library, much less studying."

  Lucius watched as the eyes of the boy stole over his books and he smirked. "Not the scholarly type, am I? Maybe if I didn't wash my hair, or broke my nose, hm?"

 Snape scowled darkly and drew back like a turtle behind the curtains of his unfortunately oily hair. He did not deign to answer, and was contemplating leaving, but he had read the titles of some of Malfoy's books and he was intrigued.

 "Oh stop that!" chided Lucius with a slight smile. "You really are too sensitive, Snape. And, I know the Marauders broke your nose, so don't be so shy about it." Lucius used his wand to pull a chair closer. "Sit down, Snape."

  The skinny boy hesitated, then did so. "How do you know they broke it?" asked Snape.

 "Cissy was in the Infirmary visiting Annelise Moss when you came in. Seems Apprentice Pomfrey made quite a fuss and was rather disgusted when the Headmaster chuckled at the 'prank'." Lucius leaned forward, his eyes clearly upon Snape's poor broken nose. "It's been broken before, hasn't it? There's only so many times the fragile bones and cartilage in a nose can be magically repaired."

 "You sound like a Healer," accused Snape.

 "Anatomy was a fascinating subject for a time and I indulged myself in quite a few books that had Healing magic in them," elaborated Lucius. "Were you aware that the Healing Magic that a witch or wizard learns is still one of the oldest magics we use? Hippocrates invented many spells including the practice of drawing upon the elements for help in strengthening spells that once drew directly upon the magical core of the injured."

 "I didn't know that," said Snape. "Is that why you're reading about Elemental Magic?"

  "It's really quite brilliant," smiled Lucius, all teasing gone from his voice as he shoved one book over to the smaller boy. "Baggins History on Earth Magic. I think it must be the definitive work on that particular Element."

  Snape opened the book and found it to be handwritten, not typeset. It was rather a beautiful book that the author had illustrated with quaint drawings of animals, landscapes, and images of magical people. He then realised that the book was written in a language he couldn't read.

 "You can read this?" asked Snape incredulously.

 Lucius leaned forward and tapped the book with his wand, "Reddo mortuus lingua!"

  Snape watched as the odd letters shifted until they morphed into words he could read. "Wicked!"

  "It lasts about an hour, unfortunately," sighed Lucius. "I've been thinking that if I draw a particular rune instead of just tapping my wand against the text, I can make it last longer."

  "You've taken Ancient Runes?" asked Snape. His perception of the spoiled aristocrat was shattering beautifully.

  "I did. Professor Fehring believes himself to always be right despite being wrong at times. I'm better off studying on my own. I think Rune magic needs to be incorporated more into serious magic," commented Lucius.

  "My mother used Rune magic with Potions," stated Snape. "I was hoping I'd learn more of that here, but Slughorn seems to prefer the more modern aspects of potion making."

 "Slughorn's an idiot," declared Lucius with a sneer. "Rune magic is an old, powerful magic and your mother is smart to teach it to you, Snape."

 Snape shook his head woefully. "It is far too risky for my mother to teach me runes."

 Lucius frowned. "And why would that be?"

 Snape stared up at the aristocrat warily. He would not be duped into giving the older boy ammunition that could be used against him. When he saw the earnestness in the older boy's question, he spoke softly, "My father has forbidden it. He is... he is..."

 "Muggle," stated Lucius. "I know, Snape. From what I've been told, he's a drunkard, too."

 Snape's anger flared and Lucius shook his head. "The truth hurts, Snape, but we must accept it and move on." Snape gave the older boy a puzzled glance. "I can teach you, then, Snape. At least until your fifth year when you can take Ancient Runes. Of course, if ‘Auld Fenny’ is still teaching that class you had better write to me on a regular basis."

 Snape looked up abruptly into the grey eyes of the Malfoy heir. He said nothing, but Lucius smiled as he could see the gratitude in the young boy's dark eyes. He then smirked, "But first, we need to find a good potion to take care of that hair of yours!"

 Snape smirked and with a sharp toss of his head, moved a portion of his hair out of his face.

 "I meant," soothed Snape, "that we chose to allow others to think for us when we knew better."

Lucius nodded. "Too true. Had I known my father was as mad as the Dark Lord..."

"You had better not be preparing an apology, or repeating an old regret, Lucius," warned Snape. "We spoke of this years ago. What is done is done. All we can do now is make certain that when He does return that He has made the biggest mistake of His existence."
Both men touched the Dark Marks that had been burned into their forearms by the cruel hand of the Dark Lord himself.

"You still worry that Voldemort will return?" asked Lucius warily.

Snape scowled at the older wizard. "As do you, Lucius. It wasn't long ago that you woke feeling the same burn that I did." Lucius did not reply, retreating to the remainder of his brandy. Snape spoke angrily, "As long as the old man believes it, I will worry, Lucius. I have long held the belief that there was more to that damned prophecy than what I overheard."

"You don't believe in prophecies!" scoffed Lucius.

"I certainly do not. Unfortunately, there are wizards that do and it is them I am concerned with." Without asking, Snape summoned the brandy and refilled his glass.

"And their belief was more than enough to damage lives, wasn't it, Severus?" Lucius' look was calculating, studying his friend's reaction since Snape rarely spoke of Lily, and certainly never mentioned her death.

Snape eyed his friend narrowly as his lips thinned tightly. His voice was as taut as the emotions he'd beaten back so long ago, "More than enough," he agreed. "But I have the feeling, that if I do not do something, that prophecy will be to the ruin of Harry Potter, as well."

"Ahhh," mused Lucius knowingly. "And how might that be, Severus?"

Snape paused a moment. He had come with the intention of asking a favour of Lucius, but a cautious nature borne out of habit and childhood experience kept the Potions Master from being completely open. Snape was uneasy about being beholden to Malfoy senior. Only Abraxas' untimely death had allowed Snape the freedom he desired to ask for help from Albus Dumbledore. One bond had been broken only to be replaced by one more difficult to bear.

For now, he would only speak of Potter. He would not mention the artifact that Dumbledore had brought into the castle. Not yet, at least.  "As you know, Potter did not make it on time to Hogwarts."

Lucius nodded. "An accident, you said," as he recalled the afternoon he'd gone to visit his son and found him playing with Harry Potter in the Infirmary. "Am I to believe it was something more?"

"It was, and is," nodded Snape. "Dumbledore placed the child with the family of his aunt. Petunia was Lily's older sister and even before the mention of magic, Petunia was not always... kind... to her youngest sister. Once Petunia learned that Lily was a witch, any bond the two sisters might have been able to forge, was lost."

"The aunt was not pleased to have the responsibility of her sister's magical offspring," deduced Lucius.

Snape's mouth was grim. "She was not. Petunia, her husband Vernon, and son, Dudley, have abused the boy for years." Now it was Lucius' turn to look grim. He poured each of them another brandy as Snape continued, "I was charged by Dumbledore to find out why the boy didn't make it to school. What I found was... deplorable. Potter had been beaten and bloodied and shoved into a cupboard. Pomfrey's diagnostic showed older beatings, and broken bones, and severe, ongoing, malnutrition."

"Potter did appear quite small when I saw him."

"He is flesh and sinew!" snapped Snape. He took a long sip of the brandy and then a deep breath. "I can still count each and every one of that child’s ribs.” Lucius was suitably appalled. “Foolishly, I had expected Dumbledore to do the right thing by the boy when this school term was completed and to find him a new home. A proper, wizarding home. However, that barmy old coot is going to send Harry back! He claims that the Blood Wards are of utmost importance!" he spat.

Lucius noted, shrewdly, Snape's unintended use of the child's first name. "I'm not that well-versed in Blood Wards," Lucius interjected.

"I spoke with Minerva who knows a bit more about Blood Wards and according to what she said, and I was able to verify this with some further research, unless the person the Blood Wards are protecting feels the place is 'home' and that there is love, they are useless."

"They are certainly useless against the very same Muggles who are supposed to be protecting the boy," agreed Lucius.

"Indeed," Snape nodded with a scowl. "Harry's uncle burned all his school items and would have killed the child's owl, as well, but Hedwig is a smart bird and escaped," added Snape, still not entirely aware that he'd stopped referring to Harry by his last name.

"What would you have me do, Severus?" Lucius asked benevolently.

Snape stared at the older wizard. "Harry must not return to those relatives, Lucius. My hands are tied, though. If I try to go against Dumbledore, he may choose to send me straight back to Azkaban."

Lucius waved that worry off. "He can do no such thing..."

Snape angrily interrupted Lucius, "Dumbledore has evidence...!"

"Which is inadmissible after Dumbledore gave evidence on your behalf!" Lucius declared loudly. "Our judicial system leaves much to be desired, Severus, and is, most certainly, rather flawed in many places, but this I do know; once Dumbledore has given evidence and testified upon your behalf, he cannot go back on that testimony and evidence without implicating himself in your crimes. Or, any crimes you might have committed since your exoneration. Have you been criminal?" asked Lucius with a slight taunt to his voice.

"Of course not!" snapped the Potions Master in irritation. He slumped in his chair and finished his brandy in one gulp. There were many things he knew, but the law, the judicial system of the Wizarding world, was not one of them. Among the many things that Lucius had made a study of, he did know the judicial system. He would not have been able to escape incarceration at Azkaban without such knowledge. Politics, the law, and diplomacy; these were the disciplines that Abraxas Malfoy had drilled into his son's head.

It had never occurred to Snape that Dumbledore had sealed his own fate the day he gave evidence and testimony as to Snape's innocence, and his own place in the war against Voldemort as a spy.

"Then, I am no longer obligated to Dumbledore?" asked Snape in disbelief.

"No more than any of his other employees are," shrugged Lucius. "Of course, if an employer is perpetuating and covering up the abuse of a magical child by Muggles, he is obligated to report such behaviour."

"Would not that employee's job be in jeopardy?" asked Snape.

"Only if there weren't enough evidence to support the employee's assertions. I would counsel anyone asking my advice to wait and to be vigilant. An employer that risks the life of one child, may be risking the lives of others. Is he?" Lucius' tone of voice was quiet, but the look in his grey eyes was hard, and demanding.

Snape was a bit chilled by that look. He knew of the artifact sitting within the bowels of the castle that he and the others had helped the Headmaster to protect. They had all voiced their concerns and had been 'happily' told 'not to worry'. Had Lucius somehow made the connection between the robbery at Gringotts to... no. He couldn't have.

Lucius poured them each a last, small measure of brandy before closing it and replacing it upon the table. "Through some discreet inquiries, I discovered that the vault that was robbed belonged to Nicholas Flamel. It is interesting to note, that Flamel has not visited his own vault in over five centuries."

"Flamel hasn't been seen by the wizarding world in five centuries," stated Snape.

"Indeed, that is true, Severus." Lucius gave the younger man an insincere smile. "I also discovered that in the last year, Albus Dumbledore was made the legal custodian of that vault. And then, it was robbed. Curious, isn't it?"

"Curious, yes," Snape echoed cautiously.

Lucius finished the last of his brandy and vanished the snifter to the kitchen for cleaning. He leaned forward and pinned Snape with his gaze, "What did Dumbledore bring to Hogwarts, Severus? What foolish plan has that old coot bullied his employees into helping him keep secret? And why, why have none of you said anything?"

Snape rarely squirmed under anyone's scrutiny these days. He knew his magic was exceptional, and he also knew that he intimidated, and could frighten, the most diabolical of Death Eaters. There were a few times Lucius felt intimidated by Snape, but it was no more often than those times Lucius turned the tables and intimidated him.

Lucius might not know what exactly Dumbledore had brought to the castle, but he knew that it had belonged to Nicholas Flamel, the ancient alchemist, and therefore Lucius assumed it was dangerous. That was more knowledge than Snape himself had of the artifact.

Snape's fingers drummed nervously on the arm of his chair as he composed his ruffled emotions. Once they were back in place, the drumming of his fingers stopped and he returned Lucius gaze with one of his own. His depthless, dark eyes gave away nothing. For a very brief moment, Lucius wondered if he had made too many assumptions. He did not give away his thoughts, though, and waited until Snape spoke.

"We… I... do not know what it is. Until you said so, I was not even aware that the vault supposedly robbed belonged to Flamel. Dumbledore has made assurances that the object itself is not a danger to anyone, and he enlisted our help to protect it." At Lucius' perceived objection, Snape held up his hand. "All of us voiced our objections in order to get the Headmaster to tell us his plans.” His dark gaze then became like steel in which he pierced Lucius. He then bit out, “Those of us that know of an artifact in Hogwarts have all made Unbreakable Vows to Albus Dumbledore as members of the Order of the Phoenix.” Severus then closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He then opened his eyes and spoke softly, “The most I have been able to... speculate... is that Dumbledore suspects that one of us desires the object."

Lucius blinked in surprise. "You?"

Snape irritably shook his head. "No. The Headmaster has twice reminded me of my obligation to Lily, and in no uncertain terms, when the need arises, he reminds me of my debt to him." Snape's expression soured at the memory of that old reminder.

Of the five that the Headmaster had enlisted to help protect The Artifact (as Flitwick had dubbed it) Snape had been the most vocal in his objection of even allowing the artifact in the school.

 --Before the 1991 Hogwarts Term Begins--

 "You have had us construct a puzzler's nightmare, Headmaster, for an unknown artifact..."

 Albus interrupted as he cleaned his spectacles. "There is no need to tell you what it is, Severus."

 "That is not my concern!" snapped Snape. "It is clear to me that you have brought an artifact into the school that might be a danger to the children! How do you expect us to keep whoever it is from stealing the artifact and protecting a school full of children?"

 "There is no danger, Severus," the Headmaster spoke coolly. "It is well protected, and even if someone should try to steal the artifact and make it through all the obstacles, they still will not be able to possess it."

  Snape's gaze darkened at the tranquil expression on the Headmaster's face. His watery blue eyes twinkled with assured madness. Stiffening his spine and his resolution, Snape spoke, "And what of the children, Headmaster? It would take a powerful wizard to break through all of our puzzles. You are putting the children at risk in order to trap one of us!"

  “Not you, my boy.” The twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes vanished, and for the briefest of moments, Snape wondered if he'd gone too far in his chastisement of his employer. "We shall speak no more of this, Severus. As I trust in you to keep Harry Potter safe, I expect you to have trust in me to keep the school safe."

 With a shuffling of the papers on his desk, Dumbledore dismissed Snape. The Potions Master rose to his feet, drawing the volume of his robes close around his person. Without a look at the Headmaster, he strode across the office to the door. Just as he opened it, Dumbledore stopped him.

  "Severus?" Reluctantly Snape turned to regard the old wizard. The twinkle was most certainly gone, and there was a hard edge to the old wizard's expression that spoke of his years, and his power. Snape's shoulders slumped a tiny bit. "Do not forget, my boy, I trust you. Implicitly."

 As it had always been for him, Albus Dumbledore's declaration of trust was not the assurance of confidence that others heard when the Headmaster used that phrase. For Snape, it was an uncomfortable reminder that he had traded one master for another.

 Now that he knew Dumbledore had no hold over him, especially legally, it sickened him.

 Lucius watched as Snape's sallow colouring dropped so quickly to white, he was immediately concerned for the young man's health. Practically leaping to his feet he caught the younger wizard by his upper arms and prevented him from slipping, bonelessly, off the chair in an undignified heap upon the floor. Intuitively diagnosing the problem, the elder Malfoy summoned a Calming Potion and helped Snape drink it down.

 As a warmer cast washed the Potions Master's cheeks, Snape gritted his teeth before leaning forward and catching his woozy head in his hands.

 "That... bas... he lied to me!" groaned Snape. He raised his head and Lucius was pleased to see the return of his imperiously cool friend.

 "I know you shall keep up the charade, Severus; never let your Occlumency shields down around him. I shall make inquiries on behalf of Mr. Potter. He will not return to those Muggles.

 Snape nodded sharply in gratitude to his friend. He knew, of course, that he must remain Dumbledore's 'servant' until Harry's safety was assured.

 "I must ask again, though, Severus. Your answer, although concise, was not the one I was seeking. What do you wish me to do... for you?" Lucius' fingers had formed a triangle over his abdomen as he re-seated himself. He was the picture of aristocratic superiority, and for a moment Snape bristled at the image.

 Lucius knew that he was projecting the persona that most irritated his friend, but he felt it was necessary. It was time for Severus to realise that he had allies other than that manipulating, old, man. Allies that had a much better understanding of what 'sacrifice' meant than an elderly wizard who fought by sacrificing others in his place.

 Snape had a sudden vision of Harry's drawing that he'd taken from the boy's cupboard. He recalled how Harry smiled, at him, when he visited him in the Infirmary. He remembered the look of joy no one else in the castle had seen as Harry had looked to him right after his Sorting. In the drawing, crayon-Harry stood beside crayon-Snape, assured in the safety the wizard offered him. To protect him from, not just his enemies, but from well-meaning, manipulative, old wizards.

 For the moment, Snape was the Dark Man of Harry's dreams. His saviour. And, in that moment Snape realised something that he did want. He wanted to be more than a rescuer, more than the Dark Man, he wanted…

 "I can give him what his relatives did not," Snape spoke in humble tones he'd never thought to hear come from himself. "I want to give Harry a family."

 Lucius smiled. A warm smile, that although touched with a bit of triumph, it was triumph in that Lucius was pleased that Snape discovered he could truly trust his old friend.

 "It shall be done, my friend," Lucius assured him.

 Even though Snape's own smile was grim, he was a pessimist after all, he knew that Lucius spoke the truth.

Lucius escorted his friend to the door of Malfoy Manor. He was pleased at what had been accomplished over the tea. Before the younger man stepped through the door, he stopped him by lightly placing his hand upon Snape's shoulder.

 Snape turned to regard the hard look behind Lucius Malfoy's genial smile. "I know that you miss nothing, my friend. Watch Dumbledore. As Narcissa says, we must protect the children. They are our future. Do not allow a foolish, old man to harm them."

Snape merely nodded his agreement. Then, he stepped out of the door, turned on the spot, and vanished.

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