Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

430K 16.5K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 36: Relations

5K 170 180
By FreshRawRot

*TIME SKIP* - Months Later -

Anastasia begins exchanging letters with Jennette out of nowhere. She explained that she moved to the Sidonna Kingdom and stayed with the King for a while. Jennette believed it and all her worries left her as she perked up again. Though she was still suspicious of Athanasia that lived in the new palace but couldn't reach her. However, since Anastasia was back, she didn't care and just focused on ways to make her stay by her side forever. Meanwhile, Penelope was a complete mess who didn't know what to do. She tried sending people over to the new palace to see the owners but they were all stopped and even threatened by the maids. And so nobody dared to try until one day she had had enough...

"Ugh! I can't take this anymore!" She screamed in her room. "I can't sit here all day when some whore is off seducing the emperor!" The door bursts open with Penelope stomping out of her room, making her way toward the palace.

The Emerald maids tried to stop her but Penelope would shove them out of her way and continue stomping to the new palace to see the people. Jennette heard the ruckus and sprint outside to find her mother huffing like a bull. She catches up with Penelope and becomes concerned for her.

"Mother, where are you going exactly?"

"To the Quartz Palace and confront them!" Penelope grit her teeth and Jennette opened her eyes wide at her statement. "They're taking everything from us!"

"Mom. This is outrageous. Father told us not to go there"

"Shut up! I won't let a mere beggar take our places as crown princess and Empress of Obelia" Penelope trespasses into the hallway and scans the area with her eyes for the first time. Seeing the magnificent garden and architect made her even more furious to see how luxurious they were living in. "Tsk! This is unfair!" She shouted.

"PFF!" The maid spits out her water and chokes on it while coughing. "Holy crap! She's in!"

"... oh my god, they both are..." Her co-worker crossed her arms as they all watched them from the rooftop.

"Shall I shoot them down?" The sniper points her gun and aims at them.

"Actually we would be giving them mercy if we did so don't" She rubs her chin.

"... uh, shouldn't we stop them?" One of them mentioned and all eyes were on her.

"... and risk losing the bet? Hell no!" She hits her back.

"Ahhhh! You caught me!" They all laughed and played around while Penelope caused a ruckus within the palace.

"Let's see what happens when she encounters the emperor" They all snickered evilly as they followed them.

Athanasia hears the noise from inside her room and runs out to the garden. She saw her mother and Claude having their regular afternoon meeting together peacefully with a gloomy aura. They were talking about businesses this time and not other things. Diana's knowledge surprised Claude when he found out she could do the work of an Empress efficiently probably due to the experiences of being a Duchess and learning from Anastacius. However, he was no longer interested after the 'betrayal' but still kept his promise to take care of them. They got interrupted by the sound of Penelope's shriek and they both turned their heads to the direction of the screech.

Diana stands up fast and runs to her daughter who was in distress and sweating bullets. She touched her face and looked at her up and down, checking for any signs of an injury or something.

"What's wrong?" Diana furrowed her eyebrows and brushed her hair back.

"I heard a noise and ran out, thinking that something must've happened to you" Athanasia exclaimed. "I think Penelope is here..."

"... Penelope" Diana sighed and as the memories of their close friendship replayed in her head.

Before, Dian was her only true friend that stood by Penelope's side no matter how horrible she was. She understood her and gave her support that Penelope had never gotten ever in her life. Hence they became friends... that until Dian captured the emperor's attention and soon jealousy took over. Penelope instantly forgot about their warm friendship and saw her as a threat to her position. She turned against her and Dian died. They were unable to make up nor did Penelope forgive her.

"... Mom, let's go far away so we can't run into her" Athanasia suggests and tucks her arm. "The maids will escort her out"

"Athanasia. Go to your room" Diana strokes her cheek softly and looks at her with gentle eyes. "I'll handle this"

Her hand dropped and she stepped past her daughter toward the loud noise of footsteps echoing in the halls. Athanasia gets baffled by her mom's statement and runs to her side.

"What? Mom, are you sure?" Athanasia asked in concern and Diana nodded. "Do you know what to do?"

"No. Not at all" She answered bluntly and Athanasia squinted her eyes.


They stopped in the middle of the hallway. There was no longer a noise nor a single step echoing in the halls anymore. The mother-daughter pairs looked at each other in astonishment as the atmosphere got very quiet as if nobody was allowed to talk. They all had a staredown as they stood on opposite sides. The maids shut their mouths as they watched the whole thing from above with mixed feelings. It was awkward and silent.

The maids just sit there, neglecting their duties without interfering when they're supposed to like: 👁️👄👁️

Jennette makes contact with Athanasia once and faces away nervously as Athanasia dully stares at her. Penelope furiously glared into Diana's pink eyes with her green eyes. Although Penelope was ready to blow out completely and talk trash on the "intruders", she instantly forgets her courage and determination to do so when staring into Diana's serious eyes. The emotion in her eyes showed no fear whatsoever and she continued staring right at her soul without even blinking. Then Penelope blinks and musters up her courage to call out on Diana.

"You think you deserve all of this?" Penelope insults her but Diana remains unfazed. "Who are you anyway? You think you're suited for royalty?!"

Diana sighed and crossed her arms while looking down on Penelope with contemptuous eyes. "You're not allowed to be here. Trespassing is bad enough but causing a ruckus is another thing" She moved her hand over her mouth and sharply batted an eye at her. "How.... disgraceful for a mother of a princess"

Penelope trembles at her insult in anguish, sneering at her in humiliation. Diana flips her hair back and keeps a straight face while Penelope begins her tantrum.

"Shut up! You're a slut that whore your way here! You don't belong here!" Penelope points and walks closer to her. "You're a disgrace to society"

"I'm sorry but you seem ill. Do you need to see a doctor to fix that mouth of yours?" Diana said expressionlessly and Athanasia snickered into her hand, covering her laugh. "Sigh. Complain and blabber all you want but just know it won't do anything. I suggest you leave now, you'll never gain anything by just spitting in my face"


"Yes?" Diana raised an eyebrow and Athanasia was enjoying the show. Penelope raised her hand at her but none of them twitched.

Her eyes moved to revert to her daughter that was standing by her side and her mocking face irritated her. She was being taunted like it was nothing and she went mad. Penelope hurls her hand to them with the intention to slap Athanasia across the face. Diana thought it was for her but when it moved slightly to the side, she immediately knew who was her target. Diana grabbed her wrist fast and twisted it too while putting a lot of pressure on it.

"Don't touch my daughter" She said coldly and harshly. Penelope's face whitens and she yanks her arm away while stumbling backward. Her wrist was marked with a red handprint, still burning and hurting from Diana's tight grab. She glares at the blonde pair furiously as Diana puts her arm in front of Athanasia. Jennette didn't care about her mother but still feared her actions, after all, it affects her reputation too. But for now, Jennette just watched the whole thing and glanced at Athanasia from time to time.

"... Leave"


"Leave now or else" Diana gives her a threatening look and hides her hand behind while sending signals to the maids.

"Or else wh-" Penelope shut her mouth and stumbled backward, returning to Jennette's side. She seemed pale and mad, still giving Diana the dirty face.

However, Athanasia and Diana were confused by her sudden change of expression and backing away. Though they observed her behavior and body movement as they noticed that she was actually looking behind them. Within a split of a second, they finally realized the reason for her to be like that. Athanasia's face goes gloomy and dark while Diana remains the same.

"What is this mess?" A low cold-tone voice speaks from their back. Jennette's and Penelope's spines get chills as Claude walks closer to them. "What are you doing here?"

He walks into the scene and faces his family directly while covering the blonde-pair from their sight. He stared menacingly at them, demanding an answer from them. Jennette gets in front of Penelope and pleads him with a pouty face.

"Father, please. We just wanted to explore the palace" Jennette said. "We didn't mean to run into them" She lied, trying to win his favor.

"You were told multiple times not to come here and yet you guys did," Claude said harshly to them even to Jennette. She widened her eyes at his cold expression and gaped at him in shock. She thought he would be in her favor since she was always spoiled and loved by him. However, now it all changed for her when he got another family.

Claude turned and looked at Diana who was protecting Athanasia. "Go back. I'll take care of this" He tells them in a normal voice and Penelope furrows her eyebrows at his strange tone with them.

Diana nods and they both bow. "Thank you, Your Majesty," She said.

Athanasia was still ticked off about his visit and his family barging in. So she had one idea in her mind that will surely settle their relationship.

"Yes! Bye, uncle!" Athanasia beams and they all gaped at her. She skips away with a smug smirk while Diana follows her.

"Why would you call him that?"

"Well, we are family so I just wanted to be closer to him!" Athanasia speaks loud enough for the others to hear. "Calling him 'His Majesty' seemed too distant in my opinion. So, mom, you should start calling him 'brother-in-law' too!" Athanasia winks and Diana shakes her head in disapproval.

Diana peeks a glance back at Claude and they make eye-contact for a second. She turned to the front fast with a strict face and continued walking with Athanasia. She was a little thankful for his efforts of taking care of his family but it wasn't going to win her back. Maybe gain her trust at a minimum. She's too kind at heart.

Claude pretends to be unbothered by the conversation and keeps a still expression while confronting his family. Jennette and Penelope were relieved but at the same time worried about it. They were relieved to find out Claude technically didn't replace them however they were worried that he favored them more considering how they were not his actual family.

"... Your Majesty, why are they here?" Penelope asked and Claude didn't answer. "Why are you taking their side? We've been by your side longer than they have. We're your family too" Penelope bit her lips and begged him to tell the truth.

Jennette steps in and looks at him with eyes that were pleading for favoritism. "Father, you've been a little distant from us so we wanted to see you" She faintly said. "Why have you been avoiding us? Aren't we your family too?"

Claude doesn't change his emotion and still looks at her coldly as if she wasn't his daughter anymore. The gentle and warm eyes that loved her before were no longer there as Jennette shuddered at it. Penelope clicked her tongue and glared at him furiously.

"Do you favor them more when they're not your family? What about us? What happened?!" Penelope begged. "We were such a close and happy family together! Suddenly it had changed when they appeared! Your Majesty, don't tell me they're going to be the future rulers!"

"Silence" Claude stared murderously at them and Penelope shut her mouth while trembling in fear. "You have no business with them at all. Go back and don't ever come here again if you still want to live" He said.

Penelope swallows her saliva and Jennette's heart sinks when he threatens them harshly. Jennette was looking at him one last time with miserable eyes on the verge of crying right in front of him. She slowly reached out to tuck on him with a broken heart as he stared back at her. There was nothing in his eye but hate and fury.

He turned around without even taking a glance back at them and walked away. Jennette collapses and gets on all fours while shaking. Hot liquid comes out of her eyes and drops onto the cold marble floor as she cries silently. Penelope was pissed and already began hating the two with everything because they were a threat to their position.


The maids surround them and they both stand up. Jennette was wiping her tears away while Penelope scowled at them.

"We shall escort you back to your rooms, ladies," Hannah said calmly with a smirk.


Penelope walks in a straight line, back and forth while thinking about what had happened. Jennette sits still in her chair while thinking back to Claude's expression when she cried to him. He looked at her as if she was an enemy rather than a daughter. It pained her to see her father act like that to her. It was so strange when they were closed recently but after just one day, he completely ignored them. Jennette was losing his love at a rapid pace and she was too late.

"... In-laws..." Penelope mumbles to herself, connecting the dots with the new people. "... Anastacius!" She gasps and Jennette looks at her in bewilderment.

"... Mother, what are you talking about?"

"Those girls that we just met! They're our in-laws"

"Yeah, Athanasia mentioned it" Jennette strokes her chin. "Then does that mean she's my cousin?"

"Yes but she's also a threat to your throne!" Penelope yelled. "Ugh! That woman!" She huffed in fury.

Penelope had no knowledge whatsoever about Anastacius having another lover when he was in power. She thought she was the only one when really they were using each other. She thought she managed to seduce him but it turned out he had another woman that he loved truly. However, she didn't want to get too deep into it because she needed to focus on the present. She needed to find a way to become the Empress first before the mysterious woman does. Though it'll be hard for her to do so when she's already living in a grand palace fitted for an Empress and even work too. Therefore she has to make Jennette get the title of Crown Princess before it's too late.

"Jennette, make sure you get that position!" Penelope screeches at her.

Jenette breaks a bit of sweat while looking at her nervously. "Mother, please trust that father won't let that happen"

"How can you be so sure of-" Penelope stops panicking and begins to calm down. She was nodding and stroking her chin while thinking about it. "... wait, you may be right"

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it, you're the emperor's daughter now. She's just a girl that coincidentally shares the same blood" Penelope grins. "There's no way he'll let his niece take his position after their bad history" She bites her nail and let her head down.

'But still, that woman is in my way of getting the crown' She thought as Diana appeared in her mind. 'I need to get rid of her'


Anastasia visits the palace after months of disappearing. Jennette was excited to see her again and so she set up a grand tea party just for the two of them. However, soon Ijekiel heard about it and came to the palace, hoping to take a look at her at least before she leaves. Jennette was a bit annoyed by Ijekiel's company but she didn't care since Anastasia intended to see her only.

Anastasia's carriage arrived and Jennette perked up as she stood outside. When the door opened, Anastasia finally came out with a cheery smile and a bright aura that everyone recognized. Before she can even walk down the path, Jennette runs to her with open arms and attacks her with a tight hug.

"Anastasia! I missed you!" Jennette smiled wide and jumped in excitement.

Anastasia grinned widely and looked at her softly as they pulled away. "It's been a long time, Princess. I missed you"

Jennette beamed at her in eagerness and hugged her again. "We have so much to catch up on! Come on in and let's talk!" She tucks her arm and skips.

Anastasia nods and speed-walk to match Jennette's skipping but before they could go inside. Ijekiel gets in the way and faces them with a charming grin.

"How are you, Anastasia?" He took her hand and lifted it to his lips. "I missed you"

Anastasia smiled wide confidently and spoke in a blunt tone. "Wow! I would say the same to you, Ijekiel but lying is a sin!" She giggled and Ijekiel gaped at her in shock.

"O-Oh? Is that so?" He asked awkwardly and Anastasia nodded, giving no fucks about his feelings.

"Yes!" She turned to Jennette that had an even happier expression on her face. "Now let's go inside, Jennette"

"Let's do that, Anastasia! I even had the servants brew your favorite tea!"

They both walked past the stoned Ijekiel who was stunned by Anastasia's heartless words. She didn't have any sympathy for him at all and was straight-up blunt right at his face. Though they all quickly forget about it as Jennette talks to Anastasia about everything she missed. It was going great at first until Jennette began to mention her other family living in the new palace. Anastasia nods at her while listening to Jennette acting like a victim and shows her pity.

"So your new family lives in a more grand palace?"

"Well, only technically an aunt and cousin but I'm not related to the aunt at all. Apparently she was my uncle's lover" Jennette leans in with one hand hovering on one side of her face. "You know.... The previous emperor?" She whispered and Anastasia nodded.

"I understand" She sighed and looked at her teacup. "... But don't you think it's because your father killed her father?" She explained and Jennette tilted her head. "Think about it. The forgotten princess turned out to be real in the first place when we all thought she was a myth. Maybe it's because she was Anastacius's child but when His Majesty took over. They probably went into hiding and appeared very later."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that His Majesty is giving them these gifts because he killed Anastacius who is her father. You shouldn't worry too much about it, Princess. He is your father after all" She reassured her.

Jennette sighed out of relief as the weights left her shoulders and her mood got brighter. "Really? Then I'll trust him more" She put on a gentle smile though she doubted him a bit.

She still remembered the face that the emperor gave her when they met in the Quartz Palace. It was stuck in her mind and Jennette couldn't get rid of it. She had a bad feeling about it but she forgets every bad thing around Anastasia.

"I'm glad you feel that way, Princess" She grinned and Jennette felt her heart thump at the sight of her loving expression.

"... Yes..." her cheeks heat up as she gets nervous. "Thank you, Anastasia" She fidgets with her hair. "Erm... How are you doing, Anastasia?"

"Uh. Good, I guess" Anastasia said dully and Jennette furrowed her eyebrows at her.

"What's wrong?"

"... Nothing" She said. "It's just that.... It's been so long since I've been here. Everything changed in such a short amount of time" She giggled.

"Yep, it has!" Jennette laughed with her.

'But not my plans for our future' Jennette stared at her with ambition and sipped her tea.


They take a walk around her garden like the old times. Ijekiel managed to join in and they began fighting over Anastasia again. Trying to take her as Anastasia deals with the whole mess but actually knew both of their intentions. After all, she didn't have anything else to think of since she only had one job. And that is playing as Anastasia. Commanded by her master, Athanasia.

"Anastasia, I had the maids grow begonia for you because it's the flower of your household" Jennette showed it to them and they both stared at it in appreciation.

"Impressive. They're beautiful, Jennette" Ijekiel compliments.

Anastasia stared at them closely while lightly touching the petals with her fingertips. She was in awe and a soft smile formed on her face. "They're lovely. Thank you"

"Ah! I have a question!" Jennette asked and Anastasia nodded. "What do they symbolize? Do you know?"

Anastasia stayed silent as she thought about her question. After a while, Ijekiel answers in her place, knowing that Anastasia didn't want to respond.

"I know this" Ijekiel stands in between them and Jennette gets mad at him interrupting but can't show it. "They symbolize individuality. They stand out because of their beauty and unique appearance, proving that they can still be attractive despite not being perfect"

Jennette clapped her hands in amazement and beamed at Anastasia who was still touching the flower gently but with a gloomy expression. "What a beautiful meaning. It matches you so well, Anastasia"

"Yeah, it does..." She said with a happy expression and wrapped her hand around the flower head. "Except that it doesn't symbolize that in my household" She plucks the flower head and squishes it in her palm.

Ijekiel and Jennette got startled and looked at her in concern as she continued to smile in glee. Her back was turned against them and the wind breezed through as Anastasia still held the dying flower in her hand.

"What do you mean, Anastasia?" Jennette asked and took a step closer to her.

"My household didn't use the begonia for that meaning" Anastasia turns around with a serious face and they both gapes at her in surprise.

"Then what does it mean?" Ijekiel asked.

"Begonia symbolizes fear" She lets the flower drop and it hits the ground and bounces up before staying on the ground permanently. "Fear was my ancestors' power. They used it to terrorize the people and make them suffer for their own greed."

She clenched her fist over her chest and they both gawk at her in astonishment of her family history. They were speechless to hear such shocking information when her ancestors turned out to be horrible people. Using fear and being cruel ran through their veins until her parents broke the chain of cruelty.

Anastasia glanced at both of them and let out a sigh as she grinned. "Oh sorry if that got dark. I was just answering your question, Princess" She let out a soft chuckle. 

"... I see but it was nice to know your family history a bit" Jennette furrowed her eyebrows and stared at her. 

'Don't worry. I'll save you from the burden of your ancestors' cruel acts' 

Then Anastasia looked to the side and squinted her eyes.

"... Is there something wrong?" Jennette looked in the same direction but found nothing interesting.

"No, but I think I left something behind. Wait here, I'll come back" Anastasia quickly leaves them as she goes in the opposite direction of where they came from.

"W-Wait! That's the wrong way!" Jennette yelled but Anastasia didn't listen and disappeared from their sight. "... No, she's going to the forbidden palace"

"Then let's stop her before it's too late" Ijekiel advised and Jennette nodded.

They both run fast and begin chasing down Anastasia as she goes to meet someone. The clone senses them quickly and makes turns to throw them off. They were bewildered by it as they began wandering around and eventually got lost, letting Anastasia getaway. They were baffled and panicked about Anastasia. Meanwhile, she gets to the Quartz palace and focuses on her sides rather than the front. When the clone finally senses her master nearby, she runs faster and turns around the corner only to bump into Athanasia carrying a bunch of books. They both get knocked down as they fall in opposite directions with books hitting the floor, echoing down the hallways which caught Jennette's and Ijekiel's attention.

"Ugh." Athanasia frowns at herself. "Watch where you're going!" She speaks harshly at her own clone.

The black-haired girl with pink eyes that resembles her mother stood up and offered her hand. "I'm sorry, master. Please forgive me"


They both heard footsteps in the distance and Athanasia scowls at her. "Tell me the report now before they come" She bends down to pick up her books and her clone helps her.

"Jennette and Ijekiel are usual as always though she acted like a victim when she mentioned that master and goddess are living in the palace" The clone exclaimed and Athanasia cringed when she said the word 'goddess'.

"Erm. Please don't call my mother that"

"Shall I also call her mother or Diana?"

Athanasia's face turned gloomy as she frowned stiffly and sighed heavily "... Continue on"

"Jennette found out who your father is along with Penelope. Though they think you're a threat to the throne since you also have the right to it"

"... Typical" She sighed and stood up at the same time as her clone. She put on a small smile and patted the clone on the shoulder. "Keep up the good work. I need to know more" She compliments and dust herself and her clone too. 

Anastasia's eyes sparkled with glee and beamed at her brightly. She hands her the books while gazing at her in amazement. "... I will, master" She smirked.


Athanasia noticed two figures in the distance coming up to them and she glanced at Anastasia, signaling her to get into character and she signals her back. Athanasia took a deep breath and put on a gloomy expression while looking down on her clone. Jennette slows her steps as she gets closer to the troubling situation with a menacing atmosphere. Ijekiel followed her from behind and looked at the blonde figure that was standing out in his view.

Jennette cleared her throat and spoke clearly. "Anastasia! There you are!"

The clone jumped and she turned to Jennette. "Oh! Princess, what are you doing here?"

Athanasia shut her mouth and watched her own clone settle the situation as her aura became glum. She had a straight face and dazed expressionlessly as Jennette anxiously dealt with the concerning look.

"You went the wrong way" Sweats form on Jennette's forehead as she thought of ways to avoid troubles with Athanasia. "We came to help you"

"That's sweet of you" Anastasia peek at her master and Athanasia's eyes dull. "I got lost and ran into this girl"

Athanasia twitched at her clone's words and went glum in disappointment when she made her the center of attention. However, she couldn't argue nor scold her right now and so she had to speak.

"Since you're a new guest, I must warn you that this area is strictly prohibited to many people including the princess" Athanasia said. "Be careful when exploring the palace"

"Ah! Thank you!" Anastasia smiled brightly but Athanasia gave an indifferent look.

"I see you have met my cousin... " Jennette grinned

"... Cousin?" Ijekiel commented and looked at Athanasia.

"Yes, you guys should introduce yourself" Jennette suggested and Athanasia squinted her eyes at her.

"Ijekiel Alpheus at your service" He bowed like a gentleman and looked at her in wonderment.

"Anastasia Karalis" The clone curtsy and also gives her a similar face while glittering at her in awe.

"Athanasia," She told them bluntly and kept her eyes on the clone. "... Just Athanasia"

"That's a beautiful name and similar to mine" The clone smugly smirks and Athanasia looks at her in suspicion.

"Well, you guys should leave now before my servants come. They don't like being nice"

"Oh! We shall go now!" Jennette tucks onto both of her guests' sleeves. "Let's go now"

"It was nice meeting you," Ijekiel said and gave her one final look.

"I hope to see you again, Athanasia" The clone slyly exclaims while gazing at her with her head turned to the back. Then she looked to the front and the three walked away, leaving Athanasia behind in her isolated palace and books.

Anastasia's face was different than usual. Her eyes seemed brighter and more full somehow. She was holding her hands together while pressing them against her chest. There was light and sparkles in her eyes as they began walking out. Ijekiel had his head down the whole time while they walked. He felt strange when she first saw the emotionless Athanasia. She was obviously disinterested in their conversation and seemed like a lone wolf. She didn't want to speak with anyone at all yet Ijekiel was fascinated by her beauty.

Jennette looked at both of them closely and observed their behavior. She didn't notice anything off about them and moved on from it.

"... so that was your cousin huh?" Anastasia faced Jennette. "We should invite her next time," She said sincerely.

"We should..." Ijekiel agreed.

"I don't know." Jennette put on a sad frown. "She doesn't like meeting strangers"

"But can we at least try?" Anastasia took her hands and faced her closely. "Please? For her?"

"... erm..." Jennette breaks into a cold sweat while staring deep into her pink enchanting eyes. She was intrigued by the happy emotions that were in her eyes. She never has seen Anastasia like this before. But before she even realized it, she responded. "Sure, I'll invite her" Jennette nods and Anastasia smiles wider.

"Thank you" She hugged her which caught Jennette by surprise.

Jennette wrapped her arms around her as she got warmth from it and comfort. She felt safe and loved in her arms. She only feels joy and excitement around Anastasia. She was so glad to have her in her life and she wanted to keep it this way forever or even better.


"Master, that's all I have for now. Sorry if I disappointed you"

The clone sits against the trunk of the tree by Athanasia's side. They were under the shades and sitting on top of a sheet with various desserts near them. Athanasia sips her tea calmly with one book on her hand as the breeze relaxes her mind. She rested against the tree with her eyes closed and a smile across her face. She felt at peace. The clone stared dully at her with a straight face, not knowing what else to do because she hasn't given a command yet.

"It's ok. This is just your first day on the job. You did well, Anastasia" Athanasia exhales and listens to the birds chirping.

The clone glumly stared at the ground with a blank face as she processed the compliments. 'I... did well?...' The clone thought. '...I'm... Anastasia?.... Anastasia Karalis. I'm Anastasia'

She accepts her own identity passed down from her master. Then she gets a strange and unfamiliar feeling inside her as time passes. She felt lighter somehow and warm when she wasn't supposed to be. She's a clone that only feels whatever her master gives her.

Athanasia opens one eye and looks at her clone who was spacing out. "... Don't you want to rest?"

"Master, I am unable to rest though" She answered emotionlessly but then her hand clenched over her chest all of a sudden. "I don't get tired"

"Oh. That's right" Athanasia straightens her spine and looks at the desserts. "Do you eat?"

"I can't taste but yes..." The clone answered and Athanasia put on a weird face as the clone got confused by her expression. "... Are you disgusted, master? Is it because of me?"

"No. I'm questioning where it goes actually"

".... Hm, good question. I suggest we wait until tomorrow to find out where those desserts I ate earlier go" The clone nods. "But my guess is that it probably got turned into mana"

"Wait what?"

"I'm a being of pure magic only like Raven except that he is his own being that feels and has a regular body. As for me, I only function based on the-"

"Ok. Ok. I got it, you're just a mana overall"

"Yes, that is correct. Master"

"But still, I kinda do wish you could be your own person"

"What do you mean, master?" The clone tilted her head. "Do you want me to be independent?"

Athanasia picks up a plate and a fork then hands it to her with a bright smile. "Nevermind, we'll talk about that later. For now, just enjoy your celebration on completing your first day as Anastasia, Anastasia"

The clone hesitated to take the plate but with her master smiling joyfully for the first time in forever. She took it and her mouth slightly curved up into a tiny smile.

"Thank you, master" She thanked her sincerely and Athanasia bares her teeth.

Anastasia's eyes widened at her expression as she got an unfamiliar feeling inside that was swirling in her chest. She couldn't identify it properly but was surprised to feel on her own. The clone slowly turned away and looked at the view in front of her with the fork and plate in her hands. She watched her master eat her sweets in delight with a happy expression. It made her sighed in relief and she wanted to smile but she kept a straight face. Then when she took a piece of the cake and put the fork in her mouth while chewing on the soft pastry absentminded.

'... Taste like nothing' The clone exhaled and swallowed it. She peeks at Athanasia who was enjoying her time in glee, forgetting the fact that she's in isolation.

'Master... why are you so kind to me?' Anastasia's eyes glitter at her as it becomes full.


Felix stands in the hallway, guarding the emperor's door tiredly. He had eyebags and struggled to stay awake, his head dropping and shooting up from time to time. He barely had any sleep for the past week with Lily haunting him at night. He questioned how she managed to stay alive along with the others if they don't sleep. They are very energetic and never look tired at all every single day. He was so lost into his thoughts and began dozing off while standing that he forgot to stay aware of his surroundings.


A noise rings in his ear and his eyes widen in shock as he pulls out his sword. He swings it toward the direction of the sudden noise and holds it still, just a centimeter around from the neck. Lily gazes at the restless and poor man blankly as he gawks back at her.

"... I see that you've been struggling" She pushes the sword down gently and away from her neck with her fingers on top of the blade.

"A-Ah! Lily!" Felix stuttered and his lips quivered as he put his sword away. "Sorry! Did I- Ah how rude of me" He sweats nervously and gets embarrassed by his actions as he continues to blabber gibberish at her.

Lily strokes her chin and scans his face closely. "Have you gotten any sleep at all?"

"What?" Felix stared at her in astonishment. "No! I never got the time to sleep at all!"

"You actually do..." Lily looks to the side and back at him. "Like right now"

"How can I do that when I'm on duty?!" Felix waved his hands in the air in startlement. "I can't neglect my work!"

"... Your job is guarding a door in a very empty hall where nobody is here..." Lily judges him. "You seriously think this is work?"

"My job is to protect His Majesty" Felix exclaimed with pride.

"His Majesty can already protect himself and isn't he stronger than you?" Lily crushes his pride. "He has his protection spells and other knights too"

"But still what if there's an assassination attempt?"

"In broad daylight and in this huge palace?" Lily sighed. "..... there could be one but the chances of it are extremely low because nobody would risk it, even we know that"

"Well, I still have to keep my guard up just in case" Felix's head rocking up and down as his eyes droop.

Lily gives him a wistful face, feeling pity for him and guilt. She cracks her fingers while fidgeting with her foot as she plans something in her mind. Her heart was telling her to do something while her brain said no. Her mind and body weren't cooperating at all while she only chooses one side then switches to the next, going back and forth. However, she was fully using her brain and closed off her heart entirely. But now it came back and she's fighting it again.

".... We sleep at different times" Lily tells him and he faces her in bewilderment.


"I sleep at sunrise and in the afternoon sometimes..." She exclaimed. "We take naps on duties"

"... That's how...?" Felix tilts his head and looks back in his memories. "Now that I think about it..." He remembers that not he actually doesn't see the maids all the time since they go running to the roofs. Lily isn't with him all the time and Diana is seen alone too sometimes. "Wait? Then I can sleep?!"

"I didn't say you can't" Lily boldly tells him.

"But why did you force me to stay awake all night?!" His shoulders jumped. "You even threatened me!" He cried.

"I only told you to stay awake until sunrise but that doesn't mean you can't sleep during daytime" Lily sighed.

"But my time schedule is different!"

"Right..." She nods. "You can tell His Majesty to change it"

"No. I don't think I can do that" Felix whimpered and Lily again compared him to a puppy. "Please don't make me talk to him"

"I won't since you're scared of him" She gave him warm eyes but a small frown. "... Sigh. I guess you really are strong." She said with a disappointing tone and He noticed.

"Is that a bad thing??" He asked innocently and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Not particularly. I'm saying you're worthy to be her knight"

"... Is this all a test?!"

"There are still more..." Lily looked at the door and back at him. "Since you're sleep-deprived. Why won't you take a rest while I take your place? You deserve it" Lily becomes softer towards him but he was too tired to notice.

"No thanks! I'm ok, you can move along" He said with enthusiasm regardless of his awkward voice.

"... Then I'll stand here until you fall asleep" Lily grinned gently. "Or until you leave"

"Ha... I won't fall asleep" He said so confidently despite the dark circles around his eyes.

"But I bet you will" Lily giggled and he let out a rough chuckle.

"We'll see" He smiled joyfully as she scooted to his side.

They talked again and Lily slowly moved on from the burden. She no longer saw him as an enemy but a friend and Felix got a burst of energy just by talking to her. Soon, their friendship recovers and becomes close again but closer than ever as they open up their hearts. With Felix winning the bet and Lily letting him get good sleep for the night.


"Who wanna bet that Hannah will be the first to fall in love?!"

The maids roared as they engulfed the immense amount of alcohol that came out of nowhere. They were tired and super bored in the new palace that had strict rules. Then they planned a party to let themselves loose and have fun. Lily didn't approve of the idea since it was risky and she was afraid they might cause a mess considering their behaviors. However, Diana gave her permission and support to them. Hence, they were given a day-off and went crazy.

"No way! I don't want to bet on something ridiculous!" The cup slams against the table as the alcohol spills out. "Can't we do our old games again?!"

"Yeah, but it got boring because apparently 'murder' is illegal" She air-quotes while rolling her eyes. "Though I believe Lily will be the first to fall in love"

"Bullshit" She chugs her cup and wipes her mouth with her sleeve. "She's been with so many men in the past and doesn't even feel anything for them"

"Agree and we're not even allowed to marry so why would she fall in love?"

"Hmmm. I don't know" Ces swirls her cup around while staring at the surface of the red liquid. "... Lily is a complicated person and plus we break so many laws. So I don't even think this one matter at all"

"Whatever. Let's drink to our heart content, ladies!" She puts her foot on the table as she raises the glass and the rest follows.

"WHOO! SCREW EVERYTHING!~" They all screamed in delight.

Their loud screech could be heard as it echoed throughout the whole palace. Everyone turned to the direction of the noise, disturbed by it, and had an uneasy feeling about it. Lily's expression goes blue as she looks at the sky in concern. Diana glanced at Lily who seemed worried about her co-workers and grins.

"Would you like to join them?" Diana asked her playfully.

Lily shakes her head with a wry smile. "No thanks. I prefer to stay with you than them... especially when alcohol is with them"

"Yeah, they do go crazy when drunk" Diana's eyes dulled and she focused back on her meeting. "Sorry. Shall we continue where we left off, Your Majesty?"

"Go on." He leaned on one hand as they discussed work.

He was no longer trying to gain her love. No, he couldn't at all. He realized that it was already too late and Diana was truly in love with her brother, deciding that she will remain faithful to them until the end. Though the position of Diana in his heart never changed because she's still the only woman that he loved and shall love forever.

Diana was a bit relieved that he stopped trying but his health worsened as a result. She was concerned about him because he is human to her. However, she couldn't do anything and just lived in the palace while doing the work of an Empress, waiting for someone to take the position officially.

"Your Majesty" Diana calls out to him but he didn't hear her because he was dozing off. "... Hmmm, it's better to sleep on a bed than a chair" She said and he wakes up.

"...." He stared at her emotionlessly as she gave him a bittersweet smile. "... Is there something else you want to say?"

"... No. Not at all" Diana smiled wistfully as her eye drooped and stared at the table. Then she blinked and looked back at him. "I want to say thank you"

"Thank you for what?" He questioned with a sneer and she exhaled.

"For that time when your family came here... rudely" Diana coughed and Claude raised an eyebrow. "I'm saying thank you for handling the situation.... And moving on"

Claude gaped at her, speechless and unable to respond. She felt relieved and lighter when she thought he gave up. However, she was still depressed about the death of Anastacius and being locked in the palace, not being allowed to go outside to town like she used to. It was sad but she didn't care. She was grateful for at least having her servants and Athanasia by her side. She was satisfied enough.

"... Don't say that" Claude said and Diana got confused. "That was nothing and yet you compliment me for it..." She raised her eyebrows in shock.


Diana's expression saddens as she frowns at him pitifully while he gets angry. She immediately found out that he wasn't going to move on.

"... Your Majesty" Her eyes go wistful as he grimaces. "... Stop hurting yourself" She felt sorry for him.

"Shut up, you don't know me" He stands up. "I'm tired of playing this game."

"....." Diana sighed heavily and stood up. "You cannot bear it any longer and yet you still throw away your pride just to see me once." She put on a sad frown. "It's my turn to beg now, Claude"

"No! You better not!" He grabbed her arm and stared furiously into her eyes as she returned it with a stern face. "You left me without my permission and suddenly you think you can do this to me?"

Diana ignored his words and stuck with her words as she spoke to him in a strict yet soft voice. "I beg of you. Please give up and focus on giving love to your real family" She frowned. "You still have a chance to redeem yourself to be a good lover and father" She looks back at him with a serious face.

"..." Claude shut his mouth, lost at words, and unable to think. "... You're referring to them aren't you?" He lets go of her.

"... Claude" Diana steps backward and clenches her hand over her heart while looking at him sorrowfully. "... Your Majesty... I don't know what to call you any" She closed her eyes and faced the side. "I'll admit we were lovers before but I married Anastacius. We made our vows and sealed our love together until death do we part though I don't think I'm able to part." She sighed and gazed at him.

"... You're not my lover but my brother-in-law now. He shall remain in my heart no matter what and Athanasia is the only one I care for..." She grinned as tears slid down her cheeks. Her hand covered half of her face as she silently sobbed about it.

Claude was struck by her heartfelt words and felt remorseful about it. He already knew from the beginning how much Diana was devoted to his brother but it still pained to find out she wasn't this loyal to him. It really showed the differences in love between them. His expression darkens as he gets irritated by her truehearted speech about their history.

"Why weep for someone dead?"

"Because it shows how much I really love him and miss him" Diana calmly smiled as she shed tears. "... Your Majesty, I hope you realized that one day if the same thing happens to your family but I don't want anyone to go through the same pain"

Her kindness shocked him. 

Claude turns around and stomps away frustration and torment, going through the same pain and thinking about how her love with Anastacius was more special than them. Diana wipes her tears and stops crying as Lily runs into the scene in disbelief. Lily was enraged to see her crying and glared at Claude walking in the distance, thinking that he did something.

"What did he do this time?!" Lily fumes and goes up to her.

"... Nothing" Diana reassures her. "He did nothing... like before. He couldn't do anything" She shakes her head in shame.

She opened her palm and there was a black spot on it. It looked like a mole to others but in reality, it was something. Diana felt it surging and coursing through her veins as she closed her palm and walked with Lily. 

'... So it has begun...' She thought miserably. 'At least she won't be alone and I'll see him' She grinned with grief.  


The girls were all gathered around the table and sipping their own unique teas. Athanasia and Jennette sat across from each other while Anastasia sat in between. With the two of them happily socializing brightly with an optimistic aura, the atmosphere gets counter by a gloomy and dark aura lurking from Athanasia as she watches them with a straight face. She was bored as hell while her own clone and Jennette talked normally. The clone had most of her happy emotion to keep up with the persona of Anastasia while Athanasia began to create a new character for herself with the leftovers though she could redevelop it.

"Ah! I brought in your favorite cakes, Anastasia!" Jennette clapped her hands and brought it toward her.

The clone smiled gleefully with gratitude to her. "Thank you, I'm sure I'll enjoy this later" She avoids eating the tasteless cakes.

Athanasia peeks at the chocolate desserts that are supposedly for her if she didn't let go of her identity. She was actually comfortable around them and wanted to dine on the delicious sweets that the servants made. But it wasn't for her, it was for Anastasia now.

Jennette glanced at the glum Athanasia who was sipping her tea with elegance. She had mixed feelings about her own cousin living with her. She couldn't like her because she took everything from her and potentially the crown. Though she couldn't hate her because her father did kill hers and she's stuck in isolation at the grand palace with her mother. However, she thought it would be nice to know her cousin a bit more and so she decided to give her a chance.

"Ahem! Athanasia, may I ask you something?" Jennette beamed at her with an innocent smile.

"Sigh. What is it, Princess?" She puts down the teacup and looks at her expressionlessly.

The clone's eyes moved back and forth, looking at her master and target. Unlike the regular human, the clone tends to be more observant and is able to figure out everything on point. Though it wasn't always 100% true because there are errors and so they leave out the insignificant part or predictions. Anastasia didn't know how to feel about the situation except for happiness but then she got another feeling about it. Anxiety.

She's the clone that had been alive for the longest time ever and treated the kindest too. Athanasia would think less of her own clones and treat them however she wanted to. She only used them for her own benefits without any sympathy for them. After all, she can just create another one. However, with Anastasia, she treated her like a friend despite the clone's robot behavior. Athanasia's loneliness did lead her to be kinder to herself but she just wanted a friend and so she pretended that Anastasia was her own person. The environment was changing her. 

'Master, be careful. Jennette is very manipulative' The clone's eyes dimmed.

"Where have you been all this time for 17 years?" Jennette asked in curiosity.

"Living normally"

"How did father come to find you?"

".... Some folks snitched on me and my mother. So he sent knights to pick us up and my jeweled eyes were enough to prove that I was a part of the royal family" Athanasia lied and Jennette gasped in shock.

"Oh! It must've been horrible to leave your home. I'm sorry"

"Eh. I had no home in the beginning and this place is nice" Athanasia comments without caring about it and Jennette gets annoyed by her already but she was baffled.

"I see. I hope we all know each other well because we are family now" Jennette said. "Shall I call you cousin?"

"I think I prefer to stick with our names. Is it ok for me to call you Jennette, Princess?"

"Of course!" Jennette nods.

Anastasia tilts her head. "But aren't you technically a princess too?"

Athanasia squinted her eyes and pressed her lips together. "I don't deserve that title. Please I don't want to be called that at all"

"Ok, if you say so" Anastasia glimpses at her favorite cake. She picks up a small fork and takes the plate then turns to her with it. "Here, Athanasia! You should try this delicious chocolate cake!" The clone picks up a piece and holds up the fork to her mouth.

Athanasia hesitates to open her mouth as Anastasia smiles gleefully at her while gesturing her to say 'ahh'. Jennette's heartbeats abnormally as she watches Anastasia get close with her cousin. Athanasia exhaled and finally opened her mouth as Anastasia gently put the cake in her mouth. When the fork slipped out of her lips, Athanasia savored the cake and chewed on it as Anastasia became satisfied at her mushy face.

"... it's good" Athanasia swallowed and cleared her throat.

"It is!" Anastasia nods her head while keeping a bright face. Jennette's face went pale as she stared at Anastasia adoring Athanasia with sparkling eyes that seemed in love with her. Her heart throbs as she breaks into a cold sweat.

Athanasia looked at another beautiful slice of soft cake on the table, untouched and still fresh. She picks up the plate and takes another fork. Her vein was popping because she basically felt humiliated being fed by her own clone. She forced an evil grin on herself and stared at the content clone menacingly.

"Then you should try this one" Athanasia stabs the cake and takes a huge chunk of it. "It's very good and sweet" She holds it up to Anastasia's mouth.

The piece on the fork was bigger than her mouth and it worried Jennette a bit, fearing that Anastasia might choke on it. The clone grinned wider and opened her mouth wide as Athanasia shoved the whole piece into her mouth.

"Better savor it well to get the flavor" Athanasia gripped her fork tight.

Anastasia managed to get the whole piece inside her mouth because it was soft and squished. Her mouth moved up and down as the clone chewed on the cake. Anastasia flinched and covered her mouth as she chews on it even slower as her tongue around.

"... It's sweet" Her eyes widened in surprise as she tasted the flavor of the cake. "It's soft... and sweet" She gaped at Athanasia who was confused.

"Yeah, it is" Athanasia smiled gently.

"... I like it" The clone beamed at her joyfully in excitement. "I... like it" A weird sensation appeared in her body.

"I'm glad that you do, Anastasia" Athanasia takes another half of the cake and puts it in her mouth with the same fork that was in her clone's mouth. "... It's not as sweet as the chocolate cake though"

Jennette bit her lips harshly as she glared at Athanasia calmly eating the cake that Anastasia shared and even with the same fork. She was mad and envious at Athanasia for doing such a shameless act right in front of everyone.

"Really?" Anastasia lits up and looks at the chocolate cake. Then with the fork that was in Athanasia's mouth, she picks up a small piece and puts it in her mouth with delight and ease. "It is sweeter!" She giggled and continued eating it.

Jennette's heart sunk as she felt it twist in pain. She was heartbroken to see Anastasia already indirectly kissing someone else. She had yet another rival that she needed to get rid of. She sneered at her blonde cousin who was cluelessly enjoying her cake in peace as Anastasia enjoyed being able to taste.

'... You better not get on my bad side, Athanasia' Jennette grit her teeth and gripped onto her dress tight, hiding her hands under the table.

Anastasia peeks at Jennette and goes back to looking at her master with a normal face.

'I must protect the master from Jennette.' The clone grinned at Jennette and she does the same. 'Jennette is head over heels for me now...'

Then Anastasia gets a weird warm feeling inside her body.

End of Chapter 36

AN: This is what I mean by GL. Y'all overreact too much and no the ship isn't going to sink. It's gonna fly like peter pan. 

|Word Count: 9504| 

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