Ben 10 X Kamen Rider Zero-One...

By Heroes2020

6K 104 26

(Y/N) (L/N), a 10-year-old boy, spend his summer vacation with friend Ben and his family until a magical devi... More

And Then There Were Zero-One
Washington B.C.

The Krakken

1.3K 32 14
By Heroes2020

*A/N: (y/n)- your name

             (l/n)- last name


The gang were at a lake, it a was night and ben wanted to go for a dip.

Ben: "Cannonball!" Ben shouted as he jumped into the water. "Yes! Perfect 10! Yeah! The crowd love him!"

Gwen: "A perfect dweeb is more like it." Gwen said in annoyance.

Ben: "Come on. Dive in." Ben said to the two.

Gwen: "Please. Who knows what nasty, slimy things are slithering in there?" Gwen said as she aimed her flashlight over the lake before shining at Ben. "I rest my case."

(y/n): "Very funny, red. As for me, I just going to sit this one out." (y/n) said.

Ben: "What's the point in camping by a lake if you're afraid to get wet?" Ben said as he splashed at Gwen and (y/n).

Gwen: "Knock it off, midget." Gwen said before walking away along with (y/n).

Ben: "Hey, what's happen..." Ben said before submerging. (y/n) and Gwen think Ben's playing a prank.

Gwen: "Very funny, Ben. I'm not falling for it." Gwen said, but Ben didn't come up the surface.

(y/n): "B-Ben?" (y/n) said, now getting worried.

Gwen: "Ben?" Gwen said, feeling worried herself.

(y/n): "Hang on buddy. I'll save ya." (y/n) said as he and Gwen saw a large green mass surfaced. Gwen screamed and hid behind (y/n) as hugged Gwen and using his body as a shield to protect her before Gwen dropped her flashlight and the light shined on the big creature, which turned out to be Ben transformed as Four Arms and covered and seaweed.

Gwen: "Ben?" Gwen asked in anger.

(y/n): "What the hell, dude! You scared us!" (y/n) said before noticing him and Gwen are still hugging. They both let go of each other while have a blushed on their face but Ben didn't notice it.

Four Arms: "You should have seen the looks on your faces. Priceless." Ben said before laughing like an idiot.

(y/n): "Oh, how hilarious!" (y/n) said in anger.

Gwen: "You are so busted when tell grandpa." Gwen said as she stormed off with (y/n) in front of her, leaving Ben alone.

Ben still giggling when suddenly, a large figure emerged from the water behind Ben as he turned around.

Four Arms: "Whoa! What the..." Ben said as the monster slammed one of its two tentacles down, and captured Ben as the beast dragged him down.

In water, Ben bit at its tentacle. The creature looked to Ben and launched its two tentacles at Ben. Luckily he evaded and Ben swam as fast as the could to the shore. When he reached to shore, he ran into the RV.

Four Arms: "Guys! Get up!" Ben said in fear. "I was just attacked by a giant lake monster!" Ben said to the three as (y/n) threw a pillow at Ben.

Gwen: "Hello! Current events! You already got me and (y/n) with that one." Gwen said before going back to sleep.

Ben: "But I'm not kidding this time." Ben said, completely honest.

Max: "Come on, Ben. Joke's over." Max said.

Four Arms: "But I-" Ben stuttered as Max interrupted him.

Max: "*yawns* Get some sleep. Remember we have an early day tomorrow with a fishing trip."

At the piers

It was morning and we were at the piers for a fishing trip.

Ben: "No really. It was humongous with these red glowing eyes." Ben explained to (y/n) Max and Gwen.

(y/n): "Are you sure, Ben?" he said.

Max: "I'm sure it was just some kind of big fish." Max said, not believing us.

Gwen: "Or just give the mega fish story a rest." Gwen asked.

Ben looks at a bucket of worms, grins as he brought a handful of worms to Gwen.

Ben: "Breakfast?" Ben asked, Gwen looked grossed out.

Gwen: "Oh, Ben, gross. What's with the bucket of similes?" Gwen asked in disgust.

Max: "Bait." Max said.

(y/n): "I always wanted to know how to fishing." (y/n) said, feeling like a kid again.

Gwen: "Well, I think I'm going to pass on the fishing thing." Gwen went to walk away.

(y/n): "Suite yourself, Red. Take care"he said as me, Ben and Max walked to a man with greyish-green hair on both the sides of his head as well sideburns. His chin is stubble. He is wearing a regular tan fisher jacket and olive pants. He has a red baseball cap with a tan rectangle on it.

Max: "Captain Shaw?" Max asked the man.

Shaw: "Who wants to know?" Shaw asked.

Max: "I'm Max Tennyson, this my grandson Ben, and a family friend of ours (y/n)." Max introduced." We chartered your boat today for a fishing trip."

Shaw: "Well, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation? Get aboard." Shaw said, and they wasted no time to hop aboard.

(y/n): "Woohoo! Fishing time!" I cheered as Shaw started his boat.


Max: "Anything interesting to catch out there today?"

Shaw: "More than you can imagine." Shaw said when he noticed Ben leaning over. "Looks like your boy's using his breakfast as chum." Shaw said when me and Max looked to Ben.

(y/n): "You alright, dude?" I asked worried Ben might be getting seasick.

Ben: "Yeah. I'm just keeping an eye out for that lake monster." Ben said, getting Shaw's attention.

(y/n): "Relax, Ben." I said to Ben. When he noticed a silhouetted.

Ben: "Whoa! There it is!" Ben said, but it turns out to be a log. "Oh. My bad."

Max: "Now, Ben, this is a fishing trip, not a monster hunt." Max said.

Shaw: "It's called the Krakken." Shaw said, getting our attention.

Ben: "Whoa. You know about it?" Ben asked Shaw.

Shaw: "It's my business to know about it. I've been on its tail for years. Folks say my rudder's not right." Shaw explained.

Ben: "Why does that not surprise me?" Ben said, knowing Shaw's pain.

Shaw: "Sightings go back hundred of years on this very lake. Some say it's a myth. Not me. I could take you where I personally laid eyes upon the beast, that is, if you got the stomach for some real adventure." Shaw said to us.

Ben looked to Max with a pleading look, and Max gave in.

Max: "I guess so." Max said.

Shaw: "Sonar. High-depth video setup. Ultrasound. I got it all, and I will find it. Mark my words. It can't hide forever." Shaw said as he drove his boat to the destined spot.

Max: "Boys, I don't want you to put too much stock into what Mr. Shaw says." Max said to us. "I don't think he has both oars in the water, if you know what I mean." Max said.

(y/n): "Well looking at the body language, it a yes but Shaw doesn't seem like a bad guy. He's a bit on the grumpy side, sure, but he's a good guy." he said to Max. Max was still unsure.

(y/n): "Besides, If the Krakken is real then there must be a reason why it suddenly show up now." he said to the two, Max saw where (y/n) was getting at. Saw then stopped when he noticed a Bowie with the words, do not enter on it.

Shaw: "What's going on?" Shaw asked when a large boat stopped in front of us. A tall and tanned man with a hawk-like nose, dark brown hair and a spiky goatee walked up with a megaphone. This guy was Jonah Melville.

Jonah: "Fishing boat, stop where you are. I am Jonah Melville, the founder of friends and fish." Jonah said.

Jonah: "We've closed this section of the lake for an environmental study. You'll have to turn your boat around." Jonah said, and Shaw was not happy about this.

Shaw: "Suppose you make me, fish huger." Shaw said in anger.

Max: "Well, since I charted the boat for the day, I believe I'm in charge." Max said, not wanting to get into any trouble.

Ben: "But what about the Krakken?" Ben asked as Jonah laughed.

Jonah: "The Krakken? Not that old fish story. Look. I'm a marine biologist, and anybody who tells you they've seen a monster in this lake is casting without a hook." Jonah said, but I knew he was lying.

(y/n): "Judging his body language, he must been hiding something" he though.

Suddenly, the sonar on Jonah's boat sounded off.

Worker: "The sonar. We found something." The worker said.

Ben: "Or something found us. Look!" Ben said as a dorsal fin appeared, and from the waters the Krakken emerged.

Shaw: "The Krakken!" Shaw said.

(y/n): " It's heading for the docks!" he said as the Krakken swam towards the docks.

Ben, Max and (y/n): "Gwen!" All three of us said in worry.

With Gwen

I was sitting on the docks, enjoying the sun's rays. And the best part, Ben wasn't around, so I can sit back and relax for a change.

Suddenly boat horns blow, and suddenly a big creature is seen rising from the lake. That definitely was not Ben.

Suddenly, I see XLR8 running across the water and saving many people. Then I see Zero-One flying keeping the monster distracted. XLR8 grabs me and puts me on a safer spot.

XLR8: "You ok?" Ben asked me.

XLR8: "I think so. Thanks for saving me." I said to Ben, only for him to run and kick up some sand at me. "Hey, you did that on purpose.

With (y/n)

After Ben brought him to a suitable place to transform. (y/n) change into Kamen Rider Zero-One Flying Falcon. Currently, he was using his blade at the Krakken to distract it as Ben saved the people.

Zero-One: "Time to end this!" (y/n) said as Jonah and his men prepared to escape, but the Krakken swam towards them. The Krakken used her two tentacles to grabs a big crate. Ben sped to the creature and kicked it at lightning speed to ward it off, but the crate fell into the water. (y/n) used this advantage to strike at the Krakken's forehead.

"Flying Impact!" (y/n) kick the Krakken making her roar in pain while she stumbling back into the water.

Jonah: "Thanks for the hand.... and the feet." Jonah thanked.

XLR8: "What's so important in that crate that you'd risk your life for?" Ben asked Jonah with suspicion.

Jonah: "Um, our lunch." Jonah lied.

Zero-One: "You almost got munched for a few sandwiches?!" he asked, knowing full well Jonah was hiding something. Ben's ominitrix symbol started to flash red.

XLR8: "Uh-oh. Sorry. Gotta run." Ben said as he sped off and (y/n) flew followed Ben.

Ben changed back to human form and (y/n) caught Ben and flew him to safety before (y/n) changed back to civilian form.

Ben: "Thanks dude." Ben said.

(y/n): "No prob." he said with a nod. Shaw drove his boat to shore.


It was late evening and many people were leaving for obvious reasons.

Ben: "See? I told you. That was the same thing that tried to munch us last night." Ben said

(y/n): "That thing only targeting that marine specify but why?." he asked.

Max: "Just because he was right about the Krakken doesn't mean I was wrong about him. I want you both to stay away from that guy. He's trouble." Max said to Ben.

Ben: "You're just being stubborn." Ben said in anger

Gwen: "Yeah. Don't you just hate people like that?" Gwen said to Ben

Max: "We'll leave this to the experts, Ben. Like those Friends of Fish guys."

Ben: "Experts? Who better to snag a lake monster than a guy with a monster buster on his wrist?!" Ben said as he showing his watch.

Max: "I'm afraid this is just gonna have to be 'the one that got away', son." Max said as (y/n) was quietly listen to the family drama. (y/n) feels like he better stay out of it.
Then Captain Shaw appear nearby.

Shaw: "Lockdown, no-good fish kissers." Shaw said in rage.

Ben: " Captain Shaw, what is it?" Ben asked.

Shaw: "The nerve of those enviro-punks." Shaw said in anger. "They shut down the entire lakes me where to sail. And nobody's gonna keep me away from reeling in the catch of the century." 

At The RV

Gwen: "Come on, Ben! What did you do, fall in?" Gwen knocking at the bathroom door for don't know how long since Ben get in the bathroom. Little did they know Ben wasn't there anymore

With Ben

Shaw is currently on the boat. He was rowing his boat to get near the Friends of Fish guys. Suddenly, he hear a noise behind him. 

Shaw: "Hey! No stowaways on my boat, even if ya are only a filthy rat." Shaw said as he about to smacked before pull the blanket and saw Ben was hiding under it.

Ben: "Uh, first mate Tennyson and Potter reporting for duty, sir?" Ben said nervously.

Later At The Boat

Shaw: She's probably been chased deep by Fishy Friends. Only one way to flush her out." Shaw said he puts on a scuba suit. "With a bait." 

Ben: "Maybe I should go with you. You know...just in case."

Shaw: "No need. I've got my dive buddy right here. Wish me luck." Shaw said as dove underwater to find he Krakken.

In the water Shaw been capture by some mask guys in their scuba suit which seem expensive. They brought Shaw to their base at the cannery for questioning. Then the boss came toward Shaw.

???: "Don't you know night diving is dangerous, old-timer? Unless, of course, you went with a friend." He asked Shaw in threatening voice.

Shaw: " I work alone. I and got no friends."

???: "And with a sparkling personality like yours." He said as he put his feet at Shaw body making Shaw struggle to breathe.

Shaw: "I haven't anything worth stealing, either." Shaw said while struggling to breathe

???: "Oh, but you have us all wrong. All we want is an information." he said with little patience. "Like what did you see down there?!" He asked in anger voice

Shaw: "Nothing. Same as always." Shaw said the masked guy punches Shaw and passes out masked guy takes his mask off and it revealed to be Jonah

Jonah: Well, I have to be sure.

With Ben

Ben: "Come on... Work!" Ben said at the Omnitrix as he try to activate but it still in recharge mode.

At the cannery

Jonah: "Take Ahab here with us. Find out if he knows anything back at the cannery". We'll come back later with a mini-sub to snag the rest of the eggs." He said as he pick up a bom and throw it in the water. In the meantime I think his boat just got lost at sea." Jonah said as he throw the bom a Shaw boat. Luckily, Ben is currently hiding and his Omnitrix turned green. 

Ben: "It's Hero Time!" Ben change into Stinkfly and fly toward the bad guy.

Bad guy #1: "Is that a bird?" he said as he notice something flying toward him while pointing up.

Bad guy #2: "Nah, looks like a plane." he said while looking up.

Jonah: "It's a bug! Man the harpoons!" He shouted as he saw Ben getting closer.

Stinkfly: "Give it up! You are totally busted!" Ben said as he dodge and counter with his slim ball but one of the bad guy manage to shoot by surprise and making Ben lose balance and crash into the water

Stinkfly: "Oh, man! My wings are too wet for take off!" Ben said as he try to dry off his wing.

Jonah: "Let's squish that bug once and for all!Jonah drive the boat toward to Ben at full speed.

Stinkfly: "Come one, come on...! Dry off!" Ben said as his wing dry off at the last second and dodge Jonah's boat 

Jonah: "It's getting too crowded around here." He said as saw the Krakken,s fin. "Dump the trash overboard." Jonah said as he was pointing at Shaw.

After they leave, Ben flew toward Shaw and scoop him up before heading to the RV.

Stinkfly: "Almost...there!" He said before the Omnitrix started beeping.  "Oh, not again!"

At The Shore

(y/n), Max and Gwen going outside the RV looking for Ben and Shaw after (y/n) pick the lock at the bathroom door find Ben wasn't there. So, Max said that Ben must been with Shaw but still no luck finding them

Max: Any sign of Ben, and Shaw?

(y/n): "Not yet." he said before he heard Ben scream getting closer.

Ben: Ugh... I hate it when that happens. Ben reverted back to human form and falling down the water.

(y/n): "Found them!" he said as he pointing his flashlight at Ben.

Later at The RV

Ben and Shaw was drying themselves. Currently, Ben was recapping on what happen.

Ben: ...and the Krakken's nest was full of eggs. No wonder she's been attacking everything! Jonah must be stealing her eggs!

(y/n): "And we think we know who Jonah is. Gwen did a little checking on Friends of Fish and found out it's not listed on any environmental website. But we did find this. Jonah Melville isn't a friend to any kind of wildlife. He travels around the world, poaching rare animals, then crates them up and sells them to private collectors." he said making Ben shocked at this and slap his forehead.

Ben: "Oh, man! I bet that crate the Krakken took off their boat had her egg in it!" Ben said at Max

Max: "Looks like we were both a little too hardheaded." Max said while feeling bad for himself.

Ben: "We've gotta stop him! They said something about going back to a cannery."

Shaw: "All this talk doesn't change a thing. Mommy or not, that beast is mine. Let's go. I have a spare boat down at the docks." He said at the Tennyson.

Gwen: "It'll take a while until the police can get here." Gwen said as she turned off her phone

(y/n): Look like we gonna have to stall them long enough until the police arrive." He said as he nodded to Tennyson.

Shaw: "What are ya doin'? Get back here!" Shaw said as he saw the Tennyson were leaving with his boat.

Ben: Sorry, captain.

At the Cannery

Jonah was surfacing with the remaining eggs and loading them. One of the goons almost dropped one of the canisters containing the two eggs.

Jonah: "Careful, or you'll be cleaning up the world's most expensive omelet." Jonah said. "After we sell these babies to the highest bidder, we'll be kicking back in a beach in the Bahamas."

Meanwhile, Gwen and Max climb up to the cannery.

Ben: "See if you can find the eggs." Ben said to Gwen.

(y/n): "Be careful, Red!"He said in a worrying voice.

Gwen: "I will but what about you two?" Gwen asked the duo.

Ben: "We gonna kick some Friends of Fish tail." Ben slammed his Omnitrix and turned into Ripjaws.




"Progrise! Kirikiribai! Kirikiribai! Biting Shark! Fangs that can chomp through concrete."

Then suddenly, the Krakken sprung out of the water.

Jonah: "The bigger the Krakken, the bigger the payday." Jonah said before suddenly, Ben as Ripjaws landed on Jonah's visor.

Ripjaws: "You want to mess with a monster? Try me on for size." Ben said as I released the eggs and presented them to the Krakken. She took them, But Jonah dove in after them. Ben dove into the water as well.

Jonah shot shot out torpedoes at Ben, sending him back a few inches.

(y/n) then jump at Jonah and sucker punched him at the face .

Jonah: "GAH! What the heck!" Jonah asked as (y/n) was about to punched him again, but he dodged and went for the Krakken and grab the eggs.

The Krakken swam towards him, but (y/n) used his shark power to swim faster to grab Jonah and Ben grabbed the eggs and placed them in the Krakken's nest. I then swung Jonah to a rock, causing his sub to break.

Jonah swam out, and took out a knife to stab, but the knife broke. After that, Ben socked him in the face and (y/n) hung him on a rock.

Ripjaws: "Now, wait for the cops to pick you up, because a nice dry cell's waitin' for ya." Ben said as he and (y/n) swam away. The next morning, after Jonah been seen to prison. (y/n) and the Tennyson continue their trip. The trio was talking and laughing at the back of the RV while Max is driving. But in (y/n) mind, he was thinking that the world becoming bigger and lot of mysteries awaits them in their adventure. (y/n) couldn't help but feeling excited what the future hold.

At the lake

The Krakken is seen, resting in her nest, her eggs close to her. The eggs then hatched, getting her attention. The young ones broke through their eggs, swimming towards their mother.


A shadowy male figure stare at the small screen while sitting at his chair

???: "So, Jonah fail to capture the Krakken eggs. I looking forward to study it" He said while closing the screen with his remote

A woman stand in front of him as she pick up a small tv screen and hold it in her hand

Woman: "Yes, sir."

???: "It ok you can leave now." he said as the woman left, he pulled up a file and looked inside it. Inside the file there are picture of Ben in his alien form and Kamen Rider Zero-One figthing along side Ben.

???: So, it look like you strike again heroes but soon I will unlocked your secret especially you Kamen Rider Zero-One." He said with a smirk as he close his file saying.......


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