Oleh mustbemydream0

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SEQUEL TO FOREVER, YOURS. One year later. Alyssa Stevens thought she was getting everything she ever dreamed... Lebih Banyak

The only thing he's really losing here is... me
I've fucked up with Alyssa so badly that she had to leave the show.
I just hope this works out well in the end, we deserve a happy ending.
Just give me one more kiss, for the Hell of it.
Please don't tell Matty.
Why Alyssa? Why did it have to be her?
I can't stay in love with someone that I've hurt this much.
Things were so much simpler when I didn't know Alyssa.
Believe me if I could see past that, I wouldn't be standing here right now.
I don't love him and if I'm being honest I don't think I have for awhile now.
I was with her for 2 years these slip ups happen.
New story!!!
Matty, you're drunk aren't you?
It feels like things are finally working out alright for both of you.
A secret love child out of an affair, basically.
Do you think I'm going to be a good dad?
Don't refer to my baby as his seed, he's only half of it.
Alyssa and I are happy the way things are.
I'm sorry your dad is being a grump about you lying on the couch.
I'm having a baby and you're gonna get married.
I need to relive my teens for a day before that's gone.
Scarlett Healy, has a ring to it.
You're meant to make sure that train wreck doesn't freak out.
She will walk in her own time.
I love you a lot Matty.

I slept over but nothing happened.

1.7K 43 59
Oleh mustbemydream0


A loud buzzing on hardwood woke me up from my deep sleep. I groaned slightly, opening my eyes and noticed it was my phone on the bedside table. I reached over and looked at the caller ID. It was Nessa. I clicked answer and there was just a screaming down the other end. I glared at my phone because of the sudden noise in the room. "ALYSSA!" Nessa screamed.

"Hold on." I groaned. "Please stop screaming."

"I don't think I'll be able to for a long time." She said so loudly. I pulled the phone away from my ear and grimaced.

"Why is there shouting?" Matty asked, I looked over at him and everything from last night hit me all over again.

"Wait who's voice is that?" Nessa asked. My eyes widened because she heard him.

"What's the big deal then Nessa, why you screaming?" I asked as I sat up quickly.

"GEORGE PROPOSED TO ME LAST NIGHT." She screamed down the phone. A smile spread across my face, I was so happy for them.

"Congrats." I said softly.

"Yeah, I'm so happy right now Alyssa." She sighed happily.

"I'm really glad." I said.

"Okay so are you going to tell me who that voice was yet?" She asked me.

"That's not important right now, I want to hear all about the proposal." I changed the subject.

"Meet me at the Westfield in an hour, we have a lot to discuss." Nessa told me. I closed my eyes and let out a breath.

"Sure." I mumbled.

"And you will explain what's going on." She said firmly, I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Nessa, I'll see you soon." I groaned.

"See ya." She said happily and then hung up. I looked over at Matty and he just stared back at me confused.

"What the fuck was that all about?" He asked sleepily.

"George proposed to Nessa last night." I told him.

"Oh yeah, he told me he was going to do that." He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"So I guess I need to go and hear all about it." I smiled.

"Do you want me to give you a ride home then take you there?" He offered.

"No, you don't have to do that." I said to him.

"I don't mind, I would've been taking you home last night anyway." He sat up. "It's honestly fine, it also means you don't need to get on the tube."

"If you're sure." I said.

"Of course." He nodded. "Just give me some time to shower then I'll be good to go."

"Okay." He looked at me closely, as if he was going to say something but just shook his head and then climbed out of bed. I don't know if he's aware that I heard what he said last night. I don't know what to think anymore. I wanted to tell him how I felt last night but I shit out of it. I'm such a baby.

I got out of bed and put on a pair of sweat pants that were on the chair at Matty's desk. They were a bit tight around my bump but they would do until I got home. I then went to the kitchen and made some coffee. Allen walked into the kitchen and followed me around. "What is it Allen?" I asked him. He stopped following me and sat at my feet, staring at me. "I know you're confused as to why I'm here." I could feel his curious eyes watch my every move. It was like he was judging me. "Okay look, please stop looking at me like that. I was going to tell him but I got scared okay, things aren't that easy."

I grabbed my cup of coffee and Allen's leash and took him outside. He was pretty happy to be let out for a bit, obviously having needed to use the bathroom. When he was done he came up to me as I sat on the steps. I gave him a pet on the head and he buried his way into my lap, resting his head on my bump. It made me smile how cuddly this dog would get with me.

"Come on boy, let's go back in." I said to him once I finished my coffee. When we got back into the flat I went to the kitchen and remembered that Matty got me ice cream last night. I pulled it out of the freezer and grabbed a spoon. I opened the lid and started eating it straight from the tub. Matty walked into the kitchen fully clothed and made a face at me.

"It's not even midday and you're eating ice cream for breakfast?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant, don't judge." I said with a mouthful of ice cream.

"Well at least you're eating it and I didn't have to go to Tesco last night for nothing." He chuckled.

"I took Allen out by the way." I told him, licking off the rest of the ice cream from the spoon.

"Oh good." He nodded, giving Allen a look. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." I smiled and put the spoon in the sink. I put the remainder of the ice cream back in the freezer. "I'm good whenever you are."


I sat in Frankie and Benny's waiting on Nessa to arrive, for some reason I turned up before her. I'm shocked at that since I had to go back to mines, shower and get dressed. "Alyssa." Nessa said loudly, walking up to my table.

"Ness." I smiled at her. She sat down across from me and the smile on her face was unbeatable. She just looked over the moon.

"So we have a lot to discuss." She clasped her hands together in front of her on the table.

"Firstly, how did he propose?" I asked her.

"He took me where we went to eat on our first date and then a walk through the park near our flat, to look at the stars as he said." She beamed.

"That's a risky one." I chuckled. "You either get stabbed or a happy ending with a walk in the park in London."

"I was lucky last night." She laughed.

"It sounds really nice though." I smiled.

"It was romantic and just so out of the blue, I honestly had no idea." She shook her head. "Thanks for helping him."

"You've no idea how hard it was to keep that a secret Ness." I told her. "Let's see it." I nodded towards her hand. She held out her hand with the ring on it and I grinned. "It's so nice, it looks perfect on you."

"I'm just so glad you helped him pick this ring, you know me too well." She smiled.

"I'm glad he asked me, could you imagine if he got Matty or something to help him?" I shook my head laughing.

"Probably a nightmare." She chuckled. "So how did last night go then?"

"It went really well, thanks for suggesting it." I said to her.

"It's not a problem Lyss, Matty was going on about being nervous and it clicked." She said. "I said to my cousin and then she was happy to help, I thought it might've been short notice but they were happy to get a night away from Mia."

"He was really good with her." I told Ness. "He was hesitant at first but then it just sorta came naturally to him."

"I'm surprised but happy to hear that." She nodded. "I think he needed some reassurance that he will be able to take care of a baby when it comes down to it."

"Mia is a lovely baby too, it was really cute to see him so involved." I couldn't help but smile happily at the memories.

"Which brings me to my next question, was that Matty's voice I heard on the phone?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Yes." I mumbled. Her eyes widened.

"Did you stay at his last night?" She looked in shock.

"I slept over but nothing happened." I told her.

"Well that's boring." She huffed, sitting back in her chair.

"I fell asleep on the couch and he didn't want me to sleep there through the night so he took me to his bed." I explained. "I woke up in the middle of the night and he was on the couch but I felt bad for taking up his bed so I told him to sleep in the bed too."

"And nothing happened?" She seemed unsure.

"Not really." I shrugged.

"So something happened?" She wasn't going to drop this anytime soon.

"He thought I was asleep and I heard him call me beautiful." I mumbled.

"Of course he did." She shook her head.

"And then when we were falling asleep he held my hand." I felt like a teenager, gossiping about boys.

"Aw how cute, first get pregnant and then you hold hands." She joked. "Seems like it's getting serious now." I picked up my napkin and chucked it at her.

"Shut up." I chuckled.

"I just don't see what you're holding back for at this point, it's fucking obvious that you both want to be with each other." She said a little more seriously.

"We've had this conversation so many times Ness, it's not worth the risk when there's a baby involved." I groaned, putting my head on the table.

"Well you can keep telling yourself that all you want but you stayed at his last night, you slept in the same bed as him and you held hands." She said, I looked up at her glaring. "I just think you're both denying it out of fear that the other will reject the idea when it's literally the most obvious thing in the world." I looked back at her sternly, wanting to run away from this conversation.

"So have you thought about a date for the wedding yet?" I asked her, changing the subject. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You're like a child sometimes." She mumbled.



"Can't believe you're getting married." Adam shook his head at George. "And you're gonna be a dad." He looked at me. "We're getting old." He cried out, throwing his head down on the table dramatically.

"It was bound to happen someday." I shrugged.

"But not this soon, I'm too young for this change." He groaned.

"Grow up Hann." George chuckled.

"You grow up." Adam lifted his head and glared at George.

"So how did Nessa react when you asked her?" I asked George.

"She cried, a lot." He grinned. "Girls get so emotional over these things."

"And you're saying you didn't cry?" I shot back.

"I'm not disclosing that information." He shrugged and took a sip of his beer.

"You definitely did then." Ross laughed.

"It's an emotional thing okay." George said in defense.

"I'd definitely cry." I said.

"You cry at everything though." Adam pointed out.

"I'm just very in touch with my emotions." I rolled my eyes. "Besides, asking the love of your life to commit to being with you forever is a big deal. When they say yes it's like a promise to love you for as long as they can."

"So when you asking yours then?" Adam tilted his head at me.

"Right this is about George, not me." I groaned.

"You got all deep about it so you've obviously thought about it to an extent." Ross chimed in.

"I mean yeah, I have in the past." I shrugged. "But not anymore."

"Why not?" George asked.

"Because I'm not even with anyone, genius." I huffed.

"You basically are though." Adam chuckled.

"I mean you have the relationship without the romantic side anymore." Ross laughed along too.

"Ha ha, laugh it up." I rolled my eyes again.

"Let's be real here, you and Alyssa are going to end up together at some point. I'm just shocked it's taken this long." Adam looked at the guys for back up on his point. "You've been around each other so much over the last few months and nothing has happened?"

"No." I said firmly. "Nothing has happened and likely won't."

"Likely." Ross raised an eyebrow. "So you think it could."

"I can't say it's off the table, of course it's possible." I sighed. "But we're both trying to make sure we don't fuck up for the sake of our child."

"But you two are meant to be together." Adam said excitedly. "Like Romeo and Juliet."

"You do know how that story ends?" Ross asked Adam, who in return shrugged.

"Never read it." He replied.

"They both die." I said to him.

"You two are both going to die someday too, at least have some fun until then." He chuckled.

"Sometimes you're not the brightest." I shook my head at him.

"My point still stands, you two are made for each other and you're gonna have a baby together soon so why not just do the rest of us a favour and get back together so we don't have deal with the awkward sexual tension." Adam grinned.

"You're a prick." I shot back at him.

"And you love me for it." He said, blowing me a kiss.


I wasn't in the mood to deal with today. If I could cancel any day of my life it would probably be this one. Alyssa's dad was in London and had asked to meet us both for lunch. I didn't want to do it but I knew if I made up some excuse to get out of it then he would just have even more reason to hate me.

I didn't want to give him more ammo to fire at me, not like he has that much of a leg to stand on. I just know that in recent years Alyssa's relationship with him had improved a lot. Alyssa and I sat in a restaurant as we waited for her father to arrive.

"Thanks for doing this." Alyssa said to me.

"It's fine." I nodded. "I know that your dad hates me so if I didn't come then he'd just hate me even more."

"He doesn't hate you." Alyssa tried to sound as convincing as possible.

"You don't need to lie." I chuckled. "I don't really care if he hates me."

"He's just not your biggest fan." She mumbled.

"Well the feeling is mutual." I said to her. She just rolled her eyes but smiled a little at the end.

"Dad." Alyssa said excitedly as he approached our table. She stood up and he gave her a hug. I stood up too and he offered out his hand to shake mine. I was a bit shocked at how welcoming he seemed to be since every other time I've seen him he's given me the cold shoulder, mostly.

"It's nice to see you." He said to Alyssa. "You're definitely about to pop." He said motioning towards her stomach.

"Less than 2 months to go." She said happily as she sat down on her seat.

"Well it's getting close, are you ready for it?" He asked her.

"As ready as I think I can be." She said in return.

"And what about you Matthew, are you ready to be a father?" He looked at me.

"Bring it on." I said confidently, he looked at me a little unsure but accepted my reply.

"I just hope you realise how much of a responsibility this is going to be, for both of you." He looked between us. I felt like we were about to get a fucking lecture. Not like I haven't already had this off my parents but I guess it's only fair that Alyssa's get the chance to do it too.

"We know dad." Alyssa groaned. "I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back in a few." She said getting up and walking off. Her dad turned his attention to me.

"I just want you to know that I don't have a very high opinion on you but there's not much I can do about that." He said. "But if Alyssa trusts you to be in her life then I'll accept it."

"Thanks?" I said.

"I do however have a slight issue, I don't think bringing up a baby in the city is a good idea." He looked at me firmly. "I know Alyssa would never want to move back to Brighton so I wouldn't try to convince her but I have proposition for you."

"Okay?" I was so confused now.

"Alyssa would never agree to this off the bat, hence why I'm talking to you about it first." He continued. "I want her to move out of the city centre and buy a house."

"Isn't that up to her?" I asked.

"Well of course, at the end of the day but." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a cheque. "It's not a whole load but it's enough to take a mortgage down to a comfortable level for her."

"And what am I supposed to do about this?" I questioned.

"I need you to convince her it's for the best." He said simply. "She's a stubborn girl but I know deep down she's always wanted to buy her own house and start a family, if this is the way she's going to do it then I can't stop her but I don't want her to make the mistake of living in a big city while she has her first child."

"I can't really force her to do that." I sighed. "I'll talk to her about it."

"At the end of the day, you should want what's best for your daughter, just like I do right now." He nodded. "There's just a lot of risks in London, trust me. I've been there and done that, it didn't do any of us any good."

"You lived in London?" I asked.

"When Rachel was born, Julie and I stayed in a flat in Hackney, it was tiny and just so unbearable by the time she could walk. We were miserable. That's why we moved back to Brighton." He explained. "I know she's not going to like the idea too much at first but in the long run, she will be happier that way."

"Okay." I nodded. "I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks Matthew." He smiled. "You're not as bad as I first thought."

Maybe her dad isn't as bad as I thought either, anymore anyway.



As Matty drove us home, I looked over at him and he looked deep in thought. It seemed as though the entire mood of the afternoon shifted as soon as I came back from the bathroom. I don't really know how to describe it but it was weird. I decided to turn on the radio and after a few songs I saw him glance down at the radio. "What?"

"This is our new song." He mumbled. I raised my eyebrows at him in shock.

"You didn't say you had a new song coming out yet." I replied.

"We had more important things to do today." He shrugged.

"You still should've said something." I said quietly, he looked at me and sighed.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I've just got a lot going on in my head right now."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"No." He shook his head. "Not yet, I just need to figure some things out then when I've got a clearer head I'll be fine to chat."

"Okay." I agreed. "I'm always here if you need to talk."

"I know, thank you." He said, concentrating on the road ahead of him. The music played softly in the background and I listened to the lyrics.

"What's it about?" I asked him.

"My addiction." He said quietly. "I kinda made up a character in my head to explain how it felt in a way."

"I see." I nodded. "I'm proud of you y'know. I never really got to say that to you, it wasn't really appropriate at the time but I am. I'm really glad you overcame all of that."

"Thank you." He said, looking at me and smiling softly. I wanted nothing more for him to kiss me right now, absolutely nothing more. But that's not what did happen. He dropped me off at my flat and I was left feeling empty again. I love him so much.

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