90s Love

By love990

88.4K 5.7K 796

Set in California in the 1990s, follow Janae in her journey of navigating her high school life in an environm... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51: Epilogue

Chapter 1

11K 296 37
By love990


The hall was packed with students going back and forth trying to make it to class, or just chilling around like what my group of friends and I were doing.

That day, all of us crowded around Kaylen's locker to talk about how our history teacher got so mad during the period before that she started crying and up and left.

"I think she's gonna quit," Raquel said. "No, I know she's gonna quit."

I couldn't help but feel bad at the situation, Mrs. Pate wasn't a horrible teacher, she just had to deal with us, and we weren't easy to handle. "I hope she doesn't, I like her," I said.

"It's just the boys, like Leon and Aaron, that hype her up. They're always testing her patience," Kaylen explained, letting out a sigh. "They even started laughing when she started crying," slamming her locker shut she turned to face us.

"Bet you 5 dollars she won't be here tomorrow." Will smiled as she looked at the three of us. She was the only one of us that actually found the situation funny.

I still managed to smile at her words though. "Will, come on."

"Is that a yes?" She tested. "You know nobody sticks around here. She doesn't know this type of life. This may be Cali, but it ain't Hollywood."

Kaylen held up her hand for a high five. "Preach 'bout it." Will slapped her hand against hers with a smile.

"Why are all of y'all still in the hallway?!" The authoritative voice of Principal Watson filled the area.

At that time, already a year plus into my stay at Jameson High School, I quickly learned that he was not a man to be messed with. Everyone instantly scattered out of the hallway as the final bell rang, signaling for the official start of class.

"10 bucks she's not here for the rest of the week," I suggested with a smile looking at Will as I started walking backward in the direction of my class.

"Bet," Will replied. I just let out a chuckle, turning around and making my journey to my English class. A relieved breath escaped my lips as I appeared at the door, seeing one of the permanent building substitutes, knowing my tardiness would be excused.

"Hey, Mr. Garrison." I greeted cheerfully with a smile as I walked into the room.

The man looked a bit unimpressed by my warm welcome, "you're late, Janae."

I glanced behind me, seeing I wasn't the only one just getting in. "So is Devonte," I told him before taking my usual seat in the middle row, two seats from the back.

"Nae!" Devonte called out outraged.

"Ain't nobody in trouble," I playfully snapped to him before I turned my attention to the front of the room, listening to Mr. Garrison do the usual routine. He started out with attendance, followed by telling us our assignment for the day and writing it out on the chalkboard.

The room was filled with loud chatter as everyone messed around, not taking the assignment all that seriously. But I opened up my textbook and got to work knowing I would score an easy A if I wrote something instead of nothing. Able to keep it simple and finish it all within ten minutes, leaving me all the time to catch up with the other students around me.

"What did you get for number two?" Shana, a girl who sat to my left, asked me. I simply looked at her book, pointing out the answers to her before we got swept into a group discussion about the latest gossip.

The rumor was that Mrs. Towns, our actual English teacher, was pregnant. Multiple students were saying she was putting on weight, and the only assumed logical explanation for her absence was that she was going through morning sickness. That then propelled Shana and me to talk about an upperclassman who was actually pregnant and was starting to show.

"Who's the Daddy?" I asked curiously.

"I think it's Marcus, the one that dropped out last year," Shana explained.

From what I was aware of, not much was going on for him. He dropped out with thoughts of getting a job, but he just hung around, not doing much with his time.

"Oh, damn."

"But, she's been hanging around with other dudes, so I honestly don't know."

The bell rang, cutting off our conversation, not surprised to see people instantly flashing out of the room. I just got up collecting my things and walked to the front. Not forgetting to turn in my completed assignment, Garrison giving me a smile.

Of the few permanent subs we had, Garrison was everyone's favorite. He was cool, easy-going, and didn't force us when it came to getting our work done. He was sociable and even joined in on some of our conversations if he felt appropriate to do so. He was unlike the others, who felt it was their duty to take over as the teacher with strictness.

Seeing that he was so personable, I always made sure to be kind and hand in my assignments when he was subbing.

"Have a nice day." I smiled.

"You too, Janae." I heard as I walked out the door joining the masses that were filling up the hallway to go to their next class.

I had a free period, so I made my way to the library, where I usually spent it. Not many people went to the library, so it was a place for me to have quiet time and do homework.

Once I walked through the double doors, it was quick for me to find a free table where I pulled out my book for my science project, opening it to the bookmarked page.

"Hey!" My eyes looked to the entrance to see who was calling out for me. At first, I only saw Will but then, Raquel and Kaylen appeared from behind her, as well as Nicki, a girl who lived across the street from me and completed my friend group.

"Hey," a happy smile beamed on my face at the sight of them and I moved my backpack off of the seat next to me as they joined me at the table.

All of us instantly got to talking and joking around, making me forget what I was supposed to be doing.

"Shut up." I laughed, pushing Kaylen's shoulder, her dimple denting deeply into her caramel toned skin as she chuckled, laying her head on the table.

"Hey! Break that up over there!" The librarian spoke from her desk, making all of us look to one another as she glared at us, inspecting the situation before her, her eyes settling on Will. "Now, I know you're not supposed to be in here, Willemina."

Will instantly groaned at the mention of her government name. "Fine," she rose from her seat, snatching her backpack from the ground. "Bye, Nae."

"Bye." I smiled.

"I know y'all aren't staying here too. Let's go." Will said, looking to the girls, and I just chuckled as they got up getting their things together.

"Bye, see you later," Rocky spoke.

"Bye, go to class," I told them.

"I'm already late." Will defended.

"Will if you don't-"

"Stop! Nobody's about to listen to you." She cut me off with a smile, letting me know she was simply joking.

"I'm out," Kaylen announced, starting to walk to the exit.

"Wait! Kay! Can you still do the nurse's signature?" Nicki asked, rushing after her.

"Y'all stop runnin'." Raquel sighed. "But if you for real about that signature, let me know."

"Get out," I spoke, pointing to the door.

"Hater." Will teased, starting to walk away with Raquel. Leaving me chuckling, they always found a way to entertain me and make me laugh.

The five of us have been a crew since middle school, and at this point, they were like my sisters.

Will was the ultimate tomboy and troublemaker. She was the only girl out of a gang of brothers. So, it was fitting that everybody threw her government name out the window just called her, Will. Especially with the way she got down on the blacktops after school with a basketball.

Kaylen, or as we liked to call her Kay, was the pretty one. When she smiled, she had perfectly straight and white teeth, and dimples that sunk into her cheeks. Every guy in our grade was on high alert when she was around. But with the way Kay focused in school, she barely noticed the attention.

Nicki was the one you went to when you had a problem. She would listen to you vent and made sure you were fed after you were done. Her Mother and Grandmother made sure she knew her way around the kitchen early, making her one of the best cooks I knew.

Most of the time, we called Raquel, Rock, or Rocky. She was known for always having her head on straight. She was the smart and logical one who kept us all in line. A future lawyer in the making, she consistently got the highest grades and was always learning something new.

And I... I was just somewhere in the middle of the mix.

All of us together, we built an unbreakable bond that I didn't know if I could survive without.

In their absence, I started to focus on my project, scribbling down notes as I read.

"You shouldn't hang out with them."

My eyes drifted to the side, seeing Quincy, or Q, as everyone called him, sitting alone at the table next to me. He was so quiet that I didn't even notice he was there.

His statement made me quirk up an eyebrow. "Why?"

"You're not like them."

"They're my friends." I defended.

"They're gonna get you in trouble."

"And what's that gotta do with you?" My attitude came out as I looked to him intently.

"Nothing, but I know you're better than that." He told me.

And with that, I watched him go back to whatever he was writing in that notebook. While I rolled my eyes and went back to my work.

But I couldn't help but wonder why he would say that to me. Sure, we were in the same grade and knew of each other, and we played together when we were babies. It didn't mean he knew my life. I was a sophomore in high school, I grew up, and my best friends grew up with me. I knew I had a solid group of friends by my side. That could never be debated.

Looking over to him, I watched as he ripped out the paper he was writing on, folding the edges and making sure it looked like a clean page before sticking it in his book.

I would've never said something like that to him. Even though some of the boys he hung out with were knuckleheads. So the fact he said it to me, made me feel some kind of way. I didn't know if I should have been offended or found a way to take it as a compliment. I quickly decided I was offended because even if it was a compliment, it didn't need to take down my girls.

I closed my book, seeing that I had all the notes I needed. Getting up, I walked over to the librarian's desk, handing it over.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," I responded just as the bell rang.

Walking back to my table, I started collecting my things. Glancing to Q, I held back a frown as I saw him already looking at me. Swiping my notebook off the table, I hiked my backpack strap higher up on my shoulder before making my way out of the room.

His unnecessary comment completely ruined my mood.


"You think my Momma would let me get a tattoo?" Will wondered curiously, as we walked down the street.

School was officially over, and the girls and I found ourselves walking around the neighborhood before going our separate ways.

"Donte got one," Will informed, referring to one of her older brothers. "It says my Mom's name, and she still ain't like it. My Dad thought it was alright, though." She shrugged her shoulders. "I think tattoos are cool. What do y'all think if I got one?"

"I think you'd be stupid," Raquel answered. "I think you'll regret it."

"Not if I get something cool." Will countered.

"Like what?" Kaylen asked.

Will paused in thought. "I don't know. Something cool."

"Ayo!" A loud voice called out, making us stop walking to look down the street, where we spotted a couple of guys from school, one of them having a basketball tucked under his arm. "Will, we playing some three on three, you down?"

"Who's on my team?" She asked, seeming interested in the offer.


"I'll pass."

My hand covered my mouth to hold back a chuckle at how she turned them down. Laughter was heard from both sides of the street.

Will smiled softly. "Nah, I'm just joking. I'm down." Looking at us. "I'll catch up with y'all."

"Y'all better win," Nicki said as Will rushed off down the street to catch up with the boys and head to the courts.

"No doubt!" She yelled back.

"You really think tattoos are stupid?" Kaylen asked, looking to Rocky as we started walking again.

"We ain't even 16 yet. If you get one when you're older, that's your business." Rocky expressed.

"Good 'cause I wanna get a big ole Jesus piece on my back," Kay replied jokingly, making me smile, pushing her softly.

"Shut up."

"I think guys with tatts are sexy," Nicki admitted. "Like Rahiem." She bit her lip as she stared off into space as if he were a dream. In reality, he was a dude three years our senior that still hung around our hood.

"He has a baby y'know." I reminded her, snapping her out of her daze.

"You think I'll make a good stepmom?"

"I'm going home." I instantly declared while Rocky and Kay went for a simple, "ew."

"You can do so much better than a thuggish baby daddy," Rocky spoke.

"You sound like my momma." Nicki teased.

"Well, she ain't wrong."

"Boys ain't even worth one wasted breath," Kaylen added. "We got other shit to focus on. Real shit."

"Now you sound like my Mom." Raquel countered, making me smile.

"I should go. I gotta see if I can squeeze a couple more bucks out of my Mom for Rashad's birthday present." I informed them.

"You still haven't got it?' Nicki asked, surprised.

"I got time." I waved off.

"Less than a week."

"Like I said." I smiled. "I got time." Taking a couple steps ahead of them. "Bye!"

"Bye!" They called after me as I jogged to the end of the street, making my way home.

Swinging the front door open only a few minutes later. "Ma!" I called out.

"Janae!" She called back, mimicking my tone. I just followed her voice to the kitchen, where I greeted her with a hug.

"Can I get 5 dollars?" I asked, hopefully with a smile.

"What for?"

"Rashad's birthday. I got 15 saved up, and I think I can snag him the Tupac album at the record store."

"I thought he already had one of those?"

"Not on cassette, I think he'd like it. What do you think?"

"I think you stole my idea." My other brother, Calvin, spoke up as he made his way into the room.

"No, I didn't!" I denied. "I thought you were getting him socks 'cause you're cheap."

"When'd I say that?!"

"I'm getting him the cassette!" I declared firmly.

"Not if I go pick it up right now."


"Alright!" Mom spoke, cutting off our argument. "Nae need five more dollars to get it. You got five dollars?"

"Yeah." Calvin softly responded.

"Good. Then you both can get it for Rashad, together."

I just let out a breath walking off to my room with an eye roll. With only a year keeping us apart, we always managed to bump heads on something. The last thing I wanted to do was go halfsies on another birthday present with him. Something that always seemed to happen every time Calvin's non-creative ass got a whiff of my plans.

I took my money out of its hiding spot in one of my drawers and stuck it in my pocket before going and meeting Calvin in the living room. "Let's go."

"Ma, we'll be back!" Calvin spoke loudly, so she could hear from the kitchen.

"I want you there and back, you hear me? No extra stops."


"I know y'all got homework to do, y'all are in high school. You had time to play with your little friends. So be home in thirty minutes, or I'm calling your father."

The two of us exchanging looks before letting out a monotone. "Yes, Ma." And exiting the house.

"Why she always gotta pull the Dad card?" I huffed as we hit the sidewalk.

"'Cause he's the one who beats our asses whenever Ma's not in the mood."

The truth in that comment made me smile.

"It wasn't supposed to be funny, Nae."

"It is a little bit." I smiled at him. "A little tiny bit." Seeing he wasn't having it, I nudged his shoulder. "Calvin."

He didn't hesitate in nudging me back twice as hard as a smile came on his face. "Stop touching on me, you little rag doll." 

"Hoe, I will slap you." I playfully threatened.

"Watch your mouth," He instantly snapped, his smile leaving his face. "What'd I tell you about that?"

"To cuss only when the song comes on." I recited emotionlessly.

"Good. Before I beat your ass."

"Leave. Me. Alone!" I gave him a stank look. "I can't even have a good two minutes with you."

"Wouldn't have happened if you knew how to talk right."

"Wouldn't have happened if you knew how to talk right." I mocked, making him push me, and I instantly smacked his shoulder.


I couldn't hold back my laughter at that.

Even though we both pushed each other's buttons, he's my blood, and going 75-25 on a birthday present with anyone else would just be wrong.

Having siblings was more ride or die than anything else.

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