WANTED: Itachi Uchiha

By LeDahliaNoir

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AU: The Uchiha Massacre did not happen. The streets weren't lined with blood and Sasuke was not the brooding... More

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By LeDahliaNoir

Reina coughed up blood, the liquid spraying all over Danzō's face, soaking into the wrappings that covered his eye.

"Reina!" Sasuke and Itachi shouted, they taking a step towards her.

"Ah, ah, ah." Atsushi taunted, wagging his finger like a metronome. "Take another step and she forfeits the match."

"Match? You said it was just until one forfeits and he's just fucking rammed her through with a sword?!" Sasuke shouted, taking a step towards Atsushi, his eyes lit up with murderous intent. Itachi grabbed a hold of his shoulder, pulling his brother back and shaking his head.

Reina blinked, eyes wide as she looked at the blade protruding from her chest, it had definitely punctured a lung as she couldn't breathe and more blood proceeded to dribble from her mouth. She looked back to Danzō, clutching onto his haori as she wobbled on her feet.

"Nii-san, we need to do something." Sasuke hissed, watching as Reina's knees began to buckle.

"We can't." Itachi whispered, his eyes never leaving Reina's form, her words echoing around his head. "We can't."

Danzō twisted the blade in Reina's chest, she spluttering more blood onto his face. "You should have just forfeited the position when your grandmother died. You've brought nothing but shame to your clan and village." He whispered into her ear, his tone cold and devoid.

"And you shouldn't go around stealing body parts that don't belong to you." A voice called out from behind him.


Everyone turned and gasped, including Danzō.

"Reina." Breathed Itachi, relief flooding his body.

"T-that's...that's impossible." Danzō gasped, watching as the Reina in front of him began to disintegrate, molecule by molecule. "I'd have sensed genjutsu," he turned, looking at the two Uchiha in front of him who had the same expression on their faces. "they would have sensed genjutsu. It's impossible." He instinctively touched the eye beneath his bandages - Shisui's eye.

"The fuck...?" Sasuke whispered under his breath. Danzō was right. If there was genjutsu afoot then they would see right through it. But the old bastard was right, there was no genjutsu.

The real Reina sat on one of the three training posts, swinging her legs idly, her braid bobbing on her back in sync. "Genjutsu's not my thing." Reina shrugged. "Before I tell you what my thing is, I'll be taking something back from you, if you don't mind."

Reina hopped off the wooden posts, her boots kicking up a cloud of dust. She casually made her way over to Danzō, unable to move despite his attempts.

"What...what have you done to me?!" He asked, the panic beginning to rise in his voice.

"Hm? Oh that'll be the paralytic you've come into contact with." Reina replied casually.

"Paralytic?!" He spat, his single orb darting around to see where she was coming from. "You didn't even move?! How did you manage to inject me with a paralytic?!"

Reina stood behind her disintegrating doppelgänger, cocking her hand to the side. "The paralytic agent was in my blood." Reina looked to her clone, her blood saturating her face as well as his. Danzō's eye widened as the realisation dawned upon him: she had set him up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking back Shisui's eye."

Itachi froze.

"Did she just say..." Sasuke asked, his stomach turning watery.

"Hai." Itachi murmured, watching as Reina reached towards Danzō, his remaining eye white with horror as her fingers seeped through the fabric of his blood soaked bandages and positioned themselves around Shisui's remaining orb.

"This is going to hurt." Reina whispered before she plucked the organ clean from the socket and carefully placed it in a jar she pulled from her weapons pouch. Danzō screamed, vermillion immediately pouring down the lengths of his cheeks. Reina stepped back and carefully placed the jar at the end of the training ground, directly in front of Itachi's feet, bowing lowly before stepping back to her place by Danzō. Itachi picked up the jar and inspected the single orb, his own eye immediately calling out to its kin.

"As for my thing," Reina began, pulling Danzō's cane from his hands and causing what was left of her doppelgänger to disappear in a cloud of dust. "I messed with the chemicals in your brains."

"Wait - brains?!" Sasuke hissed, noting the plural format of the word. Reina glanced over her shoulder and smiled apologetically.

"Hai, brains." She repeated. "Danzō-san, did you know that extremely high doses of dopamine and serotonin can lead to hallucinations?" Reina asked, weighing the hidden blade in her hands carefully, another blade that needed rebalancing - she scoffed inwardly. "And I'm presuming my Uncle there told you that my kekkai genkai was molecular based, no?"

Atsushi felt his chances of victory beginning to waver. And Sasuke was now aware of how Reina passed the ANBU exams and it terrified and enthralled him all at once.

"Huh." Reina uttered out loud. "Guess not." Reina cleared her throat and pressed the tip of Danzō's blade to his throat. "Do you yield?" She asked slowly.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Atsushi spat from across the way, standing up in agitation. "We had a deal?!"

"You think you've won because you've played about with some chemicals in my brain?" Danzō cackled, his head bobbing about whilst his body occasionally twitched in reply. "Ha! It won't be long before my body heals and expels the toxins thanks to the First's DNA I have implanted in me." Danzō hissed, his single eye now wide with manic excitement as opposed to horror.

Reina wrinkled her nose in thought. "No," she replied casually. "I think I've won because I'm about to detach your head from your neck then disintegrate your remains into nothingness."

And before Danzō could rebel, Reina swiped his blade clean through his neck, the brothers barely seeing her blade move and wouldn't have had it not been for their sharingan catching the movements.

A strangulated sound escaped Danzō's mouth, his own blood gurgling in the orifice as his head slid away from his body, the bodypart landing in the dirt with a dull thud.

Atsushi gawped at the scene before him. This was impossible. His plan had been perfect. Perfect. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was meant to win.

"Are we done here, Uncle?" Reina asked, turning her attention to the gawking male. Silence. "Good. I'll take that as a yes." Reina answered, not paying attention as Danzō's remains began to crumble away piece by piece as promised. "You can take him back to his cell now. I think his day release has come to an end." Reina added casually, tossing the sword onto the ground beside Danzō's desiccating body.

Atsushi was speechless and didn't fight when the prison guards took him by the arms and led him away. He had failed. He had failed.

Reina turned on her heels and strode towards the brothers, her face pale and clammy. "I'm gonna need you to take me the hospital now." She whispered, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

"Wait, why?" Sasuke asked, his brows furrowed together.

Reina swallowed, wobbling on her feet. "Because I'm about to go into cardiac arrest."

Then she collapsed.

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