The List//A Rammstein Fanfic

By lavendershade

404 3 0

Molly has a complicated home-life, unlike any other sixteen-year-old girl her age. She lives in downtown Berl... More


Chapter One

201 1 0
By lavendershade

The teenaged brunette girl sat at her small desk, leaning forward on it with her arm. Her hand—which had elaborate henna designs painted on it—was pressed against her chin, as she wore an expression of boredom. She chewed her bubblegum, staring disinterestedly at the whiteboard in the front of the classroom. A middle-aged man with a cheap toupee was explaining cellular reproduction to the class of twenty sweaty teenagers, trying to ignore the uncomfortable heat. The air conditioning in the school had broken down earlier that morning, which had been the only defence against the sweltering heat outside. High temperatures like this were very uncommon in Berlin, and people were at a loss to explain why the weather was suddenly so warm. There were many different theories floating around, but none received a concrete and definitive answer. All that the girl knew was that she was overheating. And that she knew the key elements of cellular reproduction, because she had to help her friend study for his junior year biology test the day before. She wasn't even bothering to take extensive notes—which was unlike her. However, a good friend of hers was furiously copying down everything being said. He was sitting next to her, on her right side. Bullets of crystal clear sweat trickled down his forehead, fogging up his square-frame glasses slightly. She assumed that he was burning up in his shabby brown suit, but his face was twisted in determination. With nothing else to do, she turned her head to look at him out of the corner of one of her piercing green eyes.

His name was Christian Lorenz, a sophomore. With his glasses and suit, he looked like a typical high school nerd. Though he had interests that were common to that stereotype, she found him to be one of the most compelling people she had ever met. Christian was a shy, reserved, and educated young man towards everyone outside of her friend circle. Around his loved ones though, he was funny, outgoing, and caring. She always felt safe to be herself around him, like he did with her and their other friends. Giggling to herself, her heart skipped a beat as she saw him stick out his tongue in concentration. He heard her, and paused for a moment to look up at her. Raising a brow, she knew he was wanting to know what made her laugh. She waved a hand dismissively at him, gesturing that it was nothing. He nodded, returning to his task of note-taking. Luckily, nobody else had heard her small laugh. She glanced quickly at a beautiful redhead girl sitting across the room, who was writing in her science journal. Her posture was haughty and dignified, and she flipped her shiny and long red hair behind her without a word. But the girl could sense the corrupted pride in the gesture, and it made her scowl. She was getting agitated by just the sight of her, clenching her jaw in anger. But she knew that there was no point in becoming upset, and peeled her gaze away from the redhead. She looked down at the sheet of lined paper on her desk, that was covered in complicated sketches of her best friends. Smiling, she stared gently at her drawing of an edgy rocker boy. Her hand had effortlessly drawn his bold and sexy features, that looked so real to her. It was as if his thin lips were waiting for the kiss they always greeted each other with, and it made her heart start to race in joy. Biology class was nearly finished, and then school would be over for the day. Along with Christian, she'd be meeting up with him and their other friends. Halfheartedly, she peeked over at the fancy watch on Christian's wrist—to see that it there was less than five minutes less until the bell was supposed to ring. It brought her relief and satisfaction to know that she'd be reunited with her friends in a few minutes. She picked up the piece of paper, and folded it neatly in the middle. She put it in the front pocket of her hooded and urban style leather jacket, patting it as if it was a precious relic. It didn't take her long to pack the rest of her things up. Sliding her MacBook laptop and thick biology textbook into her pin-covered iridescent backpack, she zipped it close just as the bell went off. The teacher quickly reminded the class on what their homework was, and then strode away from the whiteboard. Rising to her feet excitedly, she heard a sigh of relaxation from Christian. Closing his notebook, he chuckled happily at her.

" You're already ready to go? Goodness, you're so prepared today, Molly. " he addressed her affectionately, buckling his leather satchel tightly. He swung it up onto one of his shoulders, and stood in a proper way. Molly laughed cheerily, shrugging after putting her backpack on.
" What can I say? I'm just glad to be finally getting out of this fiery hellhole. Plus, Richard's gonna order Vietnamese food for supper tonight. " she explained, smiling widely. He chuckled again, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.
" I suppose so. But I do agree, that it is hot. Should we go? " he asked her, extending out one of his skinny arms to her. Grinning, she nodded and took his arm. Pulling her close, the two of them sauntered towards the door.

But just as they were about to exit the room, a cruel female voice screeched from behind them:
" Ooh, there goes the nerd and his autistic freak of a girlfriend! Off to one of their lousy children's board game nights or to their slum of an apartment! " the redhead girl laughed, but Molly and Christian continued walking. She gritted her teeth, blushing profusely in embarrassment. He sensed her discomfort, and he wrapped his arm softly around her waist. When she looked up at him from the floor, he had a reassuring expression on his handsome face.

As soon as they were out of earshot and away from the classroom, he said:

" Ignore her. Just remember where it's coming from. " his voice was brimming with compassion and love, but she picked up on the undertones of anger. And she didn't blame him whatsoever.
" I know, I know, Flake. Rachelle's a jealous and depressed victim, who degrades others to feel good about herself. But I'm still annoyed by her comments. " she replied, calling him by his nickname. It made him crack a smile, and he nodded approvingly at her.
" I never said you weren't allowed to be upset by them. It's only natural for people to take things personally, especially snarky comments like that. Just don't let them get to you, more than needed. " her green eyes shimmered, and she exhaled in a mellow way.

" I'll take that advice, Dad. " she teased playfully, and he laughed. Reaching over, he pinched her cheek lightheartedly. Pretending to wince in pain, she let out one of her contagious high-pitched guffaws. It made his heart leap in happiness, and he laughed along with her. The two of them weaved their way expertly through the gathering crowds of teenagers that reeked of sweat. It was not a pleasant smell to either of them, and she couldn't help but gag slightly. Still, they pressed on. After Christian had collected his other textbooks from his locker, he and Molly had held hands and made a run for it. The soles of his dress shoes and her Converse sneakers pattered against the linoleum flooring, as they ran down the hallway. But as they both dashed by the math classroom, the tall boy with spiky dark hair from her drawing walked out of the room. She skidded to a halt, pulling Christian back a foot or two. Stumbling bemusedly, he saw the familiar boy. He then understood why Molly had stopped, and stood back up normally. The boy gave a smirk, showing off his sharp and pearly white teeth. He was an intimidating young man, muscular and hazel-eyed. Dressed in a black muscle shirt and tight leather pants, the two of them saw that he was sweating buckets. Brushing his hair away from his eyes, he sighed in relief at seeing his friends. But he looked concerned, stepping out of the door and leaning against a locker. He crossed his burly arms, and blew another lock of hair out of his face.

" Happy to see some faces I know and like. But what in God's name are you running from? Mal and his gang? Rachelle and Trisha? " his voice was husky and deep, frightening to most people he spoke to. However, Molly and Christian knew him closely—and weren't afraid. Christian shook his head, curling his lip in disgust.
" Not exactly, Till. Rachelle shot some comments at Molly, but that was pretty much it. The smell is just so atrocious, that's all. What are you doing here? I thought your classes ended at two? " he inquired the boy named Till, who nodded.

" There was a test today, so I had to stay longer. But thanks to Firecracker's help on Wednesday with studying, I'm sure I aced it. I'm sorry that wench is picking on you again, babe. " he switched his attention to the brunette, after calling her by her nickname. She shook her head, and smiling gratefully.
" Ah, it's fine, thank you, Till. I'm just glad to have people who actually like me for who I am as friends. " she responded in a voice filled with delight, earning a shared smile from both Till and Christian. The dark-haired boy outstretched his strong arms, gesturing for her to give him a hug. Without hesitation, she trotted up to him and tackled him against the locker. He laughed, the deep booming sound filling her ears. His chest rumbled, causing pleasant sensations on her cheek. She breathed in his familiar musk of raunchy cologne and cigarettes. It was a scent that could bring her tranquility and peace to her any time, including now. A moment later, he released her from his grasp and smirked cockily. He pointed to his lips with one ring-clad finger, narrowing his eyes.

" Where's my kiss? I never got it, Molly. " he purred sensuously to her in German, and she flushed a shade of deep red. Shivering, she let his racy words sink in. He knew that using that tone could make butterflies start fluttering in her stomach, so he took advantage of it when he could. She was fluent in German, so there was no communication breakdown between them. Because Christian also knew German, he understood every single word that Till had said. He wasn't uncomfortable with it—but instead, he was jealous. Molly gave Till and their other friends small " hello " kisses, and not him. Did she think that he was that unattractive? Was it the potent cherry chapstick he used, or the raging acne on his face that turned her off? He didn't have a clue, but he knew that he felt excluded and insecure. His beautiful blue eyes dropped to the floor, and he shifted awkwardly to cover up the fact that he was feeling troubled. But he couldn't help but look up to see Till hoisting Molly up into his arms. She quickly pecked his thin lips, and Christian's blood began to boil. He clenched his blistered hands into fists, and swallowed angrily. He put his gaze back back on the floor, not wanting to look at them anymore. Till gave a proud smile, having enjoyed the brief moment that his and Molly's lips had connected. When she pulled away, she laughed to herself at the expression of pleasure on her friend's face.
" There you go, Mr. Lindemann. Happy now? " he only nodded, and cocked his head in Christian's direction. The glasses-wearing dirty blonde boy was so engrossed in his own jealously, that he didn't realize that the friendly kiss was over. Molly felt a sharp pang of guilt, sensing how he was feeling immediately. She had known him, Till, and their other friends since early elementary school—and she was able to tell when something was wrong or off with them. Wordlessly, she approached him. Coming to a stop in front of him, she wasn't afraid to show the regret and sadness on her face. At the sight of her sneakers on the floor below, he finally looked up. He had been unaware that she was there—and he raised an eyebrow in confusion. When he saw her guilty expression, his heart stopped for a moment. What had he missed in the past thirty or so seconds? He held out a hand to her, worry plastered on his face.

" Molly? What's the matter? " his thick Berlin accent came through clearer than ever, as he spoke to her in English. She smiled dolefully, hugging him suddenly. In shock, he stood nearly still and didn't put his arms around her. Right after she finished hugging him, she looked up at him with her cheeks tinted a dark red colour.
" Christian, would you like a kiss? I know you said you don't necessarily like to show massive displays of affection or receive them in public, so that's why I didn't give you one earlier. I'm really sorry, I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable. " her German was surprisingly fluid, which would take many native speakers aback. Molly's Western attitudes weren't typical for Germans ( such as Christian or Till ). Her opinions were slightly strange, and she was more positive and upbeat than the bulk of the population was. She showed emotion around strangers, and let herself be vulnerable at times. That set her apart from people greatly, which was both a good thing and a bad thing simultaneously. Not that the boys thought her extroversion was a negative trait—it was quite the opposite. Her energy was refreshing and reinvigorating, and it always helped them recharge their batteries after a long day. But along with her quirky sense of fashion, makeup, and her interests; her outgoing personality was different than most people were used to. But for Till and Christian, it was all they were used to. The blonde appreciated Molly trying to make the conversation easier for him by speaking in his mother tongue, but he wanted to keep practising his English. He didn't keep her waiting much longer, smiling broadly while laughing in a soothing way. He reached out, and placed his hand on her shoulder in a friendly gesture.

" How could I be uncomfortable around you, Molly? That rule never applied to you! I was just feeling antisocial the day I said that. I should be the one apologizing, for confusing you. " he admitted, but she didn't reply using words per-say. Instead, she ran into his lanky figure, and buried her head in his chest adorably. It made his heart begin to race. The two of them had hugged before, since they were little kids. But this was more intimate and close than he had expected—which he didn't mind. She raised her head up to him, her pretty face beaming with love.
" Pick me up, like Till had to. I'm too short. " she pouted, demanding him a frisky and bossy way. Christian didn't think twice before lifting her up by her slim waist. She gave a cute little gasp, once she was at his face level.
" Oh, wow! I get to be tall again! " she joked, pushing his glasses up his nose for him. He flashed her a thankful smile, before it turned into a bashful one. She cupped his cheeks in her hands, which were beginning to heat up. Staring directly into his ocean blue eyes, he blushed copiously. With a mirthful chuckle, she pressed her plump, glittery purple lips to his cracked and dry ones. His eyes went wide as soon as she started kissing him, sending pleasurable chills throughout his body. He began to feel like jelly, while shaking a bit. Yes, the two of them had kissed before—after all, they were best friends with benefits—but there was something special about this one he could not explain. But as soon as it had started, it was over. Still, he had savoured every second of it, despite that it was so short. Setting her down on the floor gently, he said nothing. Both Molly and Till giggled, at seeing some left over purple glitter on the sharply dressed blonde's lips. Till still had some on his too, from when she had pecked him. It was just hilarious to see the tidy and pragmatic Christian in that way. He shuffled to side so people could pass by him, adjusting the strap of his satchel. Laughing romantically, he looked pleasantly flustered.

" T-that was quite an i-interesting experience. " he stammered, fumbling on his words uncharacteristically. Molly chortled, patting his forearm with a genial smile.
" Good! I'm glad! There's more where that came from, if you get my gist. " she teased, her voice comically provocative. It stirred something inside of him, that he could only guess was lust for the girl.

Till sneered in an amused way, while taking Molly by the hand. Compared to her feminine and dainty one, his was much bigger and rough with callouses. The cold metal of his rings pressed against her soft skin.
" I hate to interrupt this heartwarming moment, but can we please go? My back is getting sore from standing against the popular kid's locker, and it smells like death in here. " he questioned Molly and Christian, who both nodded collectively.
" Yes, I must agree. I can't tolerate the stench any longer. " Christian coughed, wrinkling his nose in revulsion. Indeed, the air smelled more terrible than before—and it made Molly sick to her stomach. She nodded simply, replying:
" Ditto. We're gonna be late if we don't blow this joint now anyways. " Christian held her by her free hand, pressing close to her side like Till was.

They began to walk down the long and wide hallway, not stopping for anything or anyone. It was two minutes or so before they stepped outside. Rushing down the brick stairs, the three teenagers broke free from each other's grips. Molly dashed towards the grassy lawn, dropping to her knees on the soft emerald green carpet. She rolled onto her back, to stare up at the cloudless azure sky. Till and Christian followed suit, laying down next to their best friend. She smiled, letting them wrap their arms around her. Their legs pressed against hers, a sign of closeness between them. The three of them breathed in deep gulps of the clean air, like they had been deprived of it for their whole lives. Till sighed in relaxation, his hazel eyes twinkling in the bright daylight.

" Man, it feels so good to be out of there. It was just like a zoo of stinky and dirty animals. " he analogized, with Molly and Christian agreeing immediately.
" No kidding. I hope that the rest of the guys got out of there in time. " she commented, sitting up on the grass. The two men did the same, but pulled their arms off of her. They watched her pull her old iPhone SE out of the pocket of her galaxy print joggers, and click the power button. No new text messages appeared on her screen, which had a background of her favourite band. She sighed in a monotone way, with no particular emotions in it. Putting back her phone, her gaze turned to the front doors of their school. Weissenberger High was the biggest high school in Berlin—but that didn't mean it was a prestigious or special place. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Weissenberger High was a name that no teenager dared to mention, unless they wanted to be ridiculed and criticized. The school was better known for its oddball teachers, non-authoritative environment, and lack of a dress code or rules. Anything was legal at Weissenberger, until it wasn't. But even then, those rules never stayed in place for long. Only kids from the lower-class attended the school; which included Molly, Christian, Till, and their friends. But they didn't mind going to the worst school in Berlin—perhaps all of Germany—a bit. As long as they got to be with each other, it was like being in paradise.

" They better fix the A/C over the weekend, or I'm just stay gonna stay at home until they do. " Till groaned, fanning himself. The heat wasn't much different outside, to his disappointment. A cool late afternoon breeze blew lightly, but it wasn't enough to bring his temperature back to normal.
" That's exactly what Richard said earlier. I'm honestly thinking about it too. I'll probably get him or you, " she glanced at Christian, who was listening attentively.
" To hand in a sick note for me, and we can share homework. " the blonde chewed his bottom lip, pondering her plan. He shrugged, and took his glasses off. Using the bottom of his tan button up business style dress shirt, he wiped the lenses a single time each. He put them back on a moment later, and blinked as he readjusted to his surroundings.
" I'm alright with that. You'd owe me a Dungeons and Dragons date night, though. " she laughed, punching his shoulder playfully.
" Deal, you big nerd. " chuckling, he opened his mouth to reply. But before he could speak, a separate male voice called out to the three teenagers.

" Hey, gang! We were wondering where you had gotten to! " turning to look behind her, Molly saw two young men strolling towards her. Christian and Till grinned, and stood up quickly. The young man who had called out to them had a black mohawk, and edgy makeup just like Till's. He was dressed casually in a black leather jacket over a band t-shirt, with a pair of low crotch black jeans and battered Doc Marten boots. A chain belt secured his pants to his thin waist, and it was topped off with a choker around his neck. He looked intimidating like Till, but had a kind smile on his face. Molly's heart jumped in her chest for what seemed like the millionth time that day, and she ran into his arms.
" Oliver! Christoph! It's good to see you guys! " she said jubilantly, making the edgy boy smirk.
" Heya, babes! It's good to see you again too. Christy and I were just at Starbucks a few moments ago. " Oliver responded, making the boy beside him named Christoph hold out a tray. She caught sight of her drink immediately, and squealed with joy. Speedily, she yanked the plastic cup with her name on it out of the tray. Shoving the straw in her mouth, she took a deep sip of her Unicorn Frappucino. After swallowing, she smacked her lips dramatically.
" Sheer perfection. It's like a sexual fantasy, but in a drink. Thank you guys so much, you didn't have to do that! " Oliver scoffed, nonchalantly waving her off.
" Don't mention it! We owed you big time for supporting us at the football game last week. So here you go. " he explained, and she blushed a bit.
" You're still thanking me for that? All I did was encourage you. " her humbleness was something that got on Oliver's nerves at times, and this was one of those moments. He sighed in exasperation, but kept his composure.
" Molly. Baby. Sweetheart. You made an inspirational banner for us, brought a pack of Gatorade for the whole team, and were screaming your head off all the while. Encouraging us is putting it much too lightly. " she bit her bottom lip, feeling slightly inferior to him. Oliver was a fun and entertaining guy to be around, there was no doubt about that. But he was a critical and honest man, with no tolerance for humility or insecurity. Before she could let it sour her mood, Christoph entered the conversation.
" What Ollie is trying to say, is that we feel we owe you a debt for how supportive and loving you were last week, Molly. This is how we're showing our gratitude. How were Rachelle and Trisha withyou today? " he changed the subject, and she harrumphed angrily. She drank some more of her Frappucino, before answering him.
" Better, actually. Two comments, but that was pretty much it. " she watched Till take his Nitro Cold Brew from the tray, and Christian with his plain iced cappuccino. Christoph smiled, obviously happy at the news.

" That's great! Much better than yesterday, I take it? " she nodded, letting him hug her. Following her usual routine, she kissed both him and Oliver. Left over glitter from her lips rubbed off on theirs, decorating the areas of light pink flesh. They both blushed, giving the brunette girl a shy expression. Molly's kisses never failed to leave them stunned, no matter what time or situation they were in. When she pulled away, she felt Flake take her hand from behind. The others noticed, smiling nonchalantly.
" Sorry to be rude, but have you two seen Paul anywhere? " he asked, and Oliver nodded. He cocked his head over towards the cobblestone pathway to his left, replying:
" Yeah, he's over by the fountain on the phone. Hopefully he's wrapping up. " Till raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised.
" Oh? I figured he would have been at park. " Christoph shrugged, still holding the cardboard tray of drinks.
" I dunno. Should we make our way over there, at least? " his friends didn't protest, starting to walk across the grass with him.

The rows of trees lining the pathway rustled in the breeze, their veiny jade green leaves providing a source of shade for the teenagers. Other students were on the pathway, walking parallel to or alongside the friends. Most of the them had their headphones on, blasting their music to tune out the world around them. Molly had turned it into a game, to judge the music of each passerby that had any playing. Talking aloud to herself, she started the game.
" Judas Priest... Eh, I liked Stained Class, but the rest of their stuff wasn't to my liking. " Till smirked, closely listening to the music of the emo girl walking around them.
" I hear Panic! At The Disco. Not really my thing, but Brendon Urie's got a great voice, I'll give him that. " he stated, eyeing a statuesque blonde in a short skirt and clingy blouse. Molly smacked him on his shoulder, half-teasing and half-annoyed.
" Alright, you pervert, back to the game. " he chuckled, slightly embarrassed. When an ordinary looking boy in a sports jersey and basketball shorts went by, Oliver took his turn in the game.
" Hey, it's Biggie. I've got some of his stuff on my iPod. " Flake's eyes went wide, as he heard the music of a mannish looking girl dressed in skater jeans and a West 49 hoodie.
" I think it's that artist from TikTok that you like, Molly. That's what the girl who just walked by was listening to. I'm not sure though. " Molly grinned, catching a brief section of the song.
" Yeah! That's girl in red! I'm a huge fan of her music. Richard and I do a killer duet of midnight love! " she gushed, a sudden change on her face. It was usual for her to have these switches, so nobody was too concerned. She looked towards Oliver and Christoph, with a curious smile.

" So, you guys never did explain how you managed to get to Starbucks so quickly and back before we even got out. " she glanced towards Till and Flake, and then back to the other boys. Christoph clicked his tongue, laughing exhaustedly.
" Well, I left school midway through the day. The A/C broke, and the heat overwhelmed me. So I went down to that indie coffeehouse on Marks Street, to memorize and read up on some things so I could help you study for your upcoming Nepali test. I texted Ollie a few hours later, letting him know where I was. We ended up meeting at the Starbucks down the road after school was finished, and here we are now. " he explained, making a prideful and wide smile appear on the brunette girl's face. She leaned to the side, and hugged Christoph. Though it was an awkward angle, he accepted the hug with shimmering eyes.
" Thanks for helping me with studying, Christoph. I really do appreciate it. " she thanked him, and he laughed sweetly.
" Absolutely, liebling! I know how much it means to you, so I thought I'd put my linguistic skills to good use for once. How's the Frap? " he indicated to her drink.
" Delicious and just what I needed. Thank you so much. " she took another sip, savouring the taste of the sugary flavours in her mouth.
" Our pleasure. I think that Paul is still on the phone, right over there. See? " Oliver spoke, giving a nod in the direction in front of them.

About a hundred feet away, was an ancient looking stone fountain. The cold grey stone was cracked, with moss and other small plants growing in random crevasses. A small stream of water flowed from a basin on top of the central pillar, falling into the circular pool below. A handsome boy with short medium brown hair sat on the outer part of the fountain, with his cellphone pressed to his ear. As he saw his friends approach, he thrust up his hand in a thumbs up gesture to them. Till finger-gunned him back, smirking in a silly way that made Molly laugh.
" Must be Nells or Jakob. I have no idea. " he said, crossing his bulky arms to his chest. Christoph opened his mouth to reply, but Flake spoke before him.
" Actually, I don't think it's either of them, Till. Look how relaxed he is. His body language towards Nells and Jakob is always serious and rigid. And I'm not getting that feeling whatsoever from him. " Till shrugged, not saying anything back.
" The landlord? The neighbours? " Oliver suggested, but Flake shook his head. He rubbed his chin, trying to think of who their friend was speaking to.
" What do you think, Moll? " Christoph asked her, getting a blank expression from her.
" Hmm. To tell you the truth, I don't know either. I wonder who it could be though—! "

But she didn't get to finish her sentence, as a tall young man in a terrifying Bubonic Plague Doctor mask ran up and grabbed her from behind with a deafening yell.
" AAAH! HOLY MELTED CHEESE BALLS ON A STICK! " she shrieked, whipping around. Without even hesitating, she swung her leg up in a hard and aggressive kick. Striking him in his crotch region, he screamed out in pain and fell down on his knees.
" Oww! My balls! What was that for?! " he said angrily, and her and the others recognized his voice. Immediately, Till, Christoph, Oliver, and Flake broke out in hysterical laughter. Molly looked at them, her pale face aghast with horror. Why were they laughing? He had just scared the daylights out of her, and this was how they reacted? She harrumphed, crossing her arms.
" Oh, that was a good one, Richard! Dude! " Oliver cackled, clutching his sides.
" Gosh, her face was absolutely priceless! " Christoph added, annoying Molly further. Till was laughing the hardest though, his hazel eyes already glossy with tears of hilarity. He looked towards Molly, not being able to help but snort.
" You okay there, Firecracker? Did you crap yourself a bit? " she gasped, striking a pose with her hands on her curvy little hips. She genuinely didn't look happy, but the boys were too busy laughing to notice or care.
" Shaddup, Lindemann! No, I didn't soil myself! That was a jerk move, Richard! " she fumed, switching to the boy who had scared her. He had recovered from her kick, and stood up to his full height again. No longer was he wearing his mask, and it hung lazily at his side from in his hand. He was a strikingly handsome boy, with dark hair and icy bluish-grey eyes that were shining with amusement at her. He wore a cocky smirk, his hands also on his feminine hips. She stuck her tongue out at him, waiting for him to say something back. But it wasn't him who spoke next. From behind her, she heard a smooth and placid laugh. When she looked behind her, she saw Paul smiling delightedly.

" I thought it was pretty funny, actually. I haven't seen that mask since Halloween, and I was wondering if I ever would again. " he said, and Richard winked at him in thanks. She huffed, tapping her foot on the ground in irritation.
" Don't—don't you take his side right in front of me! " she ordered, making Paul roll his eyes and blow his lip arrogantly.
" Psh! And what are you gonna do about it if I do, little lady? " he dared, playfully challenging her with a smirk. She tutted, shaking her head.
" No make-out sessions for you or Richard for a week. That's what I'll do. " her final verdict brought looks of regret and distress to their faces. Till whistled, just as surprised as Paul and Richard were. She sounded serious, which was never good when it came to Molly.
" Aww, c'mon baby, that's not fair! I was just playing a stupid prank! You know I can't go for a week without making out! It's inhumane! " he complained like a toddler, stamping his foot to put more emphasis on his words.
" Ditto! And kissing my pillow, while pretending it's you stopped working in fifth grade! " Paul followed up, just as disappointed. She shook her head, showing them that she wasn't taking her decision back. Richard sighed miserably, fumbling with his fingers at his side. He didn't take his eyes off the ground, deciding to attempt to change her mind one more time.
" Molly, look, I'm really sorry. I won't do it again, I swear. I had a bad day, and was just trying to have some fun to get me out of my sour mood. " he admitted, and she could hear how genuinely sorry he was. Paul nodded apologetically, staying silent. She smiled, and walked over to Richard and Paul. Hugging each of them, she sighed in what seemed like relief.
" Well, lucky for you two, I was kidding around. I'm sorry for overreacting. And I'm sorry about your day, Richie. Should we walk and talk? " she offered, before the dark-haired prankster kissed her forehead. He took her by the waist, pulling her close into him.
" Mmm, I love you so much, sugar. Call me Richie again, it's turning me on. " his growl was erotic and stimulating, causing heat to form on her cheeks. She laughed bashfully, letting him put his lips to hers.
" I hate to interrupt your flirting, but I do need to tell you all some good news I got a few moments ago. And let's start the walk home to school" Paul cleared his throat, uneasy at how quickly Richard was moving.

But with what seemed like the flick of a switch, the prankster had become a completely different person than he had been a second or two ago.
" Hold on to your horses! I just need to come out and say that this is the crumbiest weather we've had this year! " he exclaimed, and Till agreed enthusiastically. The teenagers began to walk together, turning right onto another path leading towards a busy street.
" Oh, I know. It's absolutely disgusting! The halls were just stinking with the smell of sweat earlier. Stupid A/C decided to quit at the worst time possible. " Christoph fixed his backpack, but nodded at Till.
" I couldn't even make it through PE without nearly vomiting. Berlin hasn't gotten this hot since we were in elementary school. Third grade, I believe. " Flake said, pushing his glasses back up his nose. 
" Climate change, folks! Proof that climate change is no hoax, to all the doubters! " Richard triumphantly yelled out the last part, none of his friends caring about how loud he was. This was normal for Richard and the others, to suddenly shout out something random.
" Okay, now that we've gotten our conspiracy theories and complaints out of the way, let's give Paul the opportunity to say what he was going to tell us earlier. " Molly pressed the three boys gingerly, steering the conversation back to where it had originally started. Paul flashed her a grateful look in return.
" Oh yeah, sorry man. " Richard apologized, and Paul sighed in faux anger. He crossed his arms indignantly, and raised his head in a snooty way.
" Whatever, fine. Nah, I'm just kidding. It's all good. " he laughed, patting Richard on the back.

" Anyways though, that was Jens on the phone. " he continued, and the mood lightened considerably as everyone's faces brightened.
" No way! We haven't really heard from him since the Debate Club Nationals in January! How have him and Gigi been? " Molly cried out joyfully, skipping happily.
" They're good! Tired, but well. Moving is difficult for them, with Gigi being pregnant and all. Her due date has been set for September 24th of this year. " Paul replied, just as glad. Richard laughed, stepping over a rock on the path below.
" Gosh, we're gonna have to head down to Geneva once the baby arrives! " he chortled.
" Absolutely we will! Christoph, the two of us are going to have to start making some little blankets and sweaters for their bundle of joy! " Molly giggled, nudging him. He was undoubtedly in touch with his feminine side, something that all of them knew. When they had spare time, you could often find Christoph and Molly sitting on the sofa together while embroidering or knitting something. In fact, the dark orange scarf he was wearing around his neck was one of their many creations. He hummed excitedly, nodding.
" I'm down for that. Is it a girl or a boy? " he asked Paul.
" A girl, I'm pretty sure that's what he said. Okay guys, let's focus. He didn't call me to rant and rave about the baby—not that I would mind that, though. " he quickly added, to make sure nobody was angered by his comment. After none of his friends seemed to scold him, he carried on with what he had been saying.
" He's about to fly down here by himself, because he wants to speak with us about something over dinner. " Till's face faltered, and he furrowed his brows anxiously.

" Did he say what he wants to talk with us about? " Flake questioned, wiping sweat away from his forehead. They all walked down the street, away from the crowded high school. Cars zipped past them, in an effort to get to their destinations before rush hour kicked into full swing. The air was thick with the smoky smell of industrial machinery, as the six friends neared a construction zone. But it was a smell they were accustomed to, so it didn't faze them. The sound of a jackhammer drilling against pavement filled their ears, when they walked by the area. Christoph and Oliver covered their ears, and Till instinctively placed his hands over Molly's as well. His current occupation was at a metalworking shop, so he was used to loud and aggressive noises.
" The transaction went through, right? I thought I gave him the money we owed him for those guys coming in and retiling the bathroom! " he shouted to Paul, his deep voice booming a bit louder than the machinery in the background. Paul nodded, but said nothing. It took a minute for all of them to get away from the construction zone, before anybody spoke again. Once he could be heard without raising his voice, Paul answered both Flake and Till.
" No no no, it's not like that, Till. He got the money on Sunday, with no issues. He didn't say, Flake. But it must be pretty big for him to leave Gigi and the baby to fly all the way here in the middle of May. " he said, and Till sighed in relief.
" Dang, you're right. Ooh, but did he say where we're going for dinner yet, and where? " Richard asked eagerly, already drooling at the thought of eating in a nice restaurant. Molly laughed one of her trademark laughs, and punched his shoulder.
" You just can't take your mind off food, can you Mr. Kruspe? Sometimes I think your stomach is your best friend, and not us. It's food and sex with you, pretty much. " she observed, and he gasped dramatically.
" My lady, I am hurt! I can't help it! Jens always brings us to the best places in town, and it gives me more credit with the cool kids! " he exclaimed, and she shook her head with a smile.
" You're a drama queen, that's what you are. " he laughed, beginning to play fight with her. As usual though, Paul got right back to the subject at hand.

"  He gets here tonight. He was calling me from the airport, before his flight leaves in an hour. He has a business meeting to attend tomorrow, but he said dinner would work on Sunday around five thirty at The Flaming House. " Paul stated, trying to recall all the details. Richard whooped out instantaneously, making Flake jump a bit in shock.
" Woo! Alright! Their steaks are to die for! I can almost taste that juicy and ever so perfectly cooked meat I'm gonna order! Where's my medium rare club at? " he roared, doing a small dance as he walked.
" Present! " Molly, Till, and Oliver said in unison, and she waved her hands in a cute little way.
" You should be a cheerleader, Richard! Look at that little dance! " she said, laughing. Flake then started to dance too, obviously defeating Richard with his smooth moves.
" Break it down, brother! Yeah! " Christoph yelled, making Flake perform some more complicated steps and twists. But he stopped after awhile, catching his breath. His friends all clapped for him, smiling widely. Before he had met them, nobody had thought his dance moves were funny or cool. He was beat up by the school bullies or by his father, and labelled as a foolish little joker. Yet, these people viewed his dances as comedic and wonderful. It was a tradition between the seven of them, for him to bust out some moves at a party or dance. The most recent time this had happened, was the Christmas Dance at their school. Though the bulk of the crowd had loved him, he only cared about what his friends thought. Judging by the fact that they had all dominated the dance floor that night thought, he assumed that they had enjoyed his presence greatly. There was already a plan in the works, for him to unleash his best choreography at the upcoming prom.

" I prefer mine to be done very well, truthfully. What about you, Flake? " Paul said, and Flake was quick to give his answer.
" Very rare, I do not like my meat to be cooked very well. I suppose it's just a weird preference of mine. " he shrugged, pulling his satchel back up his shoulder again.
" I don't think it's weird. But then again, I don't eat meat. Please tell me there's gonna be vegetarian options there. " Christoph begged, waiting for somebody to bring him solace. Richard clicked his tongue reassuringly, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.
" Dude, it's The Flaming House. Asides from their steaks and burgers—which are amazing, may I remind everybody here—they are also known for their soups and salads. It's like Berlin's ultimate restaurant for the rich people, or sorta like Germany's answer to the Ritz. " he comforted him, and Christoph sighed in response.
" Rachelle is gonna eat what she said earlier this week about us eating peasant food. Once I post pics of us at Flaming House on Instagram and FaceBook, she'll shut up for weeks! " Molly sneered, not being able to wait for her sweet revenge.
" Mal and Brick will too! Bonus points! " Till laughed, and both him and Molly fist-bumped.

Turning a corner, the group of teenagers found themselves on a narrower but familiar street. The green sign at the curb read in bold white lettering: BRIARWOOD STREET. They walked past a small but intimate little convenience store, that they frequently went to for small grocery runs or midnight party snacks. Up ahead, was a towering apartment building made of old red bricks. They knew it to be their home. Or at least, the building that their home was in. Five years ago, the seven of them had run away from their families, in which they were in abusive and unstable conditions ( all except Molly, she had just run away to be with her friends ). Sneaking onto a semi truck carrying produce and fruit, they had travelled to Switzerland to stay with Paul's older cousin—Jens, and his spouse, Gigi. It was a long and complicated process, but the businessman and his model wife had taken in the kids. They had gone to school together, shared many adventures, and gotten into plenty of mischief. Until last year, they had lived with Jens and Gigi in their luxurious mountainside home in Geneva; then, once Till had turned eighteen, him and his friends moved to an apartment in Berlin. He secured himself a steady job, along with Richard and Christoph, and all of them had enrolled at Weissenberger High. They planned to relocate to Molly's birthplace of New York City, so she could attend a prestigious art school once they had all graduated. Savings were being set asides every payday, and each of them had trust funds from Jens and Gigi just in case. Moving around a mother with her baby in a stroller, they continued to talk.

" It's awfully generous of Jens to take us to Flaming House. Does he want repayment? " Flake asked, and Paul shook his head vigorously.
" No, he was very explicit when he told me that it was on him. " he replied simply and firmly.
" Perfect, so no financial worries. He's so nice. " Flake said, and Christoph scoffed.
" Nice is putting it lightly, Flake. He flys us out to Geneva every summer, is constantly loaning us money when we need it, pays for all our academic essentials, and all without asking us for anything back. " everybody nodded in agreement, and Oliver followed up with:
" Gigi is just as awesome too. Sending us her baked goods, just to make sure we have backup food. Indulging in us, with designer clothes and nice cars since we were kids. Giving us advice with friends and romance, don't leave her out of the picture. " his tone was a bit more gentle than Christoph's, but was still firm.
" Not to mention, that she's always checking up on our physical and mental healths constantly. She's more of a mom to us than anyone. But her and Jens are basically are parents. " Molly pondered aloud, rubbing her chin as if she was Sherlock Holmes. It made Till chuckle, of amusement.
" I can agree with that. Hey, does anybody remember when my history paper was due? Was it today or Monday? " he questioned, instantly getting a reply from Molly.
" Monday. I double-triple-checked with Mrs. Skelvich today for that reason exactly, Till. " she soothed him, jumping up a bit to readjust her backpack. He exhaled slowly, placing his arm around her in a tiny little hug. He kissed her head of dark chocolate brown hair, smacking his lips loudly as he did so.
" Thank you, my schnookie. What would I do if I didn't have you? " he crooned, and Richard didn't hesitate to comment.
" What would we all do? We'd be absolutely lost without you, Molly. Probably, we'd still be living with our horrible and abusive families—or be in prison as juvenile delinquents. " she blushed humbly, but was beaming.
" Aww, thank you boys. I don't know what I'd do without you guys, either. Most likely, I'd be in the same situation. I hate to say that, but it's true. I'm just glad I was able to help you all before you ended up in jail or had gone to Hell for killing yourselves. " Till shrugged at the last part, itching the back of his head.
" Well, I'm going there anyways whether I like it or not, but whatever. " he opened his mouth to continue, but Flake cut him off.
" Let's not talk about suicide or depressing things like that. We're all together, which is all that matters. " his voice was shaky and uncertain, and it was obvious that he wasn't pleased. Molly hugged him, picking up on his discomfort.
" He's absolutely right. I'm also glad we're still together. " Christoph said, trying to ease the tension. It worked, and Molly rolled with it when she spoke next.
" Totally. Gosh, I just love you all. My little gumdrop boys. " she said, earning kisses from both Richard and Oliver.

But then, everything changed. Suddenly, Molly's face had grown a deathly white, and her steps were unsteady and wobbly. Oliver noticed immediately, and his eyebrows turned upwards in worry.
" Hey, you okay, Firecracker? You're looking pale and sickly. " she waved her hand dismissively, but her face was dark with exhaustion and slight pain.
" I-I'm okay, just tired all of a sudden. I-I think it's just the h-heat... " she trailed off, abruptly toppling forward. Richard swooped in, gasping in horror as he grabbed her roughly.
" What the?! " he said, the other four boys spinning around to see what was going on. Their faces fell, at seeing the form of Molly being lifted bridal style by Richard. He cussed under his breath, putting his hand on her forehead.
" What happened?! " Flake asked, dashing up to her side.
" I don't know! She just suddenly looked sick and then fell forward! " Oliver stammered, and Richard quickly added:
" She's burning up. Baby girl, you still there? " he asked Molly, who gave a small nod. He exhaled sharply, sighing deeply.
" It's okay, I gotcha. And don't you go apologizing for being dramatic, because you weren't! I know you, and you wouldn't fake something like this. Just relax, and breathe. " he coached her, and she took a few deep breaths.

A few moments later, Flake said carefully:
" I think she's just dehydrated. Are you feeling extremely faint or nauseous at all, my rose? " he asked, and she shook her head. Richard held her closely to his toned chest, not letting her go.
" No, I don't think so. I'm hungry, but I'm always like that. " she joked, in an attempt to ease her best friends anxiety. Richard cracked a tiny smile, tucking her hair behind her pierced ear. Flake also smiled, along with the other four young men.
" Well, we will feed and rehydrate you as soon as we get home. Supper won't take too long. " Flake promised, and she nodded with some effort.
" Thank you, boys. I'm sorry, I really don't know what happened. But I think that Flake's right, and I'm just needing some water and air conditioning. " she reassured them, her voice quiet and soft like it hadn't been in awhile. She only used that tone when she was genuinely unwell, something that was rare for her. It was quite alarming to hear her use it, to her friends.
" I speak for everyone here when I say, don't apologize! Dehydration and overheating isn't unheard of in hotter temperatures! " Paul said, with a boyish and toothy grin. She nodded to show that she had heard him clearly.
" Yes, absolutely. A cool cloth, air conditioning on full blast, a glass of lime water or a Popsicle, and watching TV will make you better in no time, liebling. " Till included helpfully, taking her backpack from her. He swung it onto his back, with no effort whatsoever.
" Add an ice cold shower, and that's the perfect remedy! " Richard said, wiggling his eyebrows at her. She understood the underlying themes in it, and gasped out in shock.
" Richard Zven Kruspe! I know exactly what you were implying, you perverted doofus! " she cried out, trying her best to land a smack to his chest. But because of the fact that she wasn't feeling her best, her slap didn't have very much of an effect on the mischievous prankster. He chuckled in a slightly mocking way at her, kissing her head.
" You're so funny when you're angry, Molly. Little fists of rage! " he teased, and the other boys couldn't help but laugh with him. She grumbled incoherently to herself, crossing her arms.
" Whatever, just do your job as my knight in shining armour and take me home. "

A few hours had passed since the teenagers had arrived at their apartment. They were currently sitting in their living room, watching a movie on the small flat screen TV while eating their dinner. Crowded together on the sectional sofa, their eyes were peeled to the television screen. A young Al Pacino captured their full attention, as the movie played. Molly had a glimmer of terror and fascination in her eyes, not able to look away. Her fingers were tightly entwined with Flake's, and she gripped down on them hard as the all too familiar ending of the movie played. It was a scene that sent chills throughout her whole body, every time she saw it. The movie never failed to take her on a wild and bumpy adrenaline rush, and leave her breathless afterwards. A few moments later, the credits began to roll. She exhaled sharply, and stood up from where she had been sitting on Richard's lap. Arching her back, she thrust her arms up towards the ceiling as she stretched. Flake and Paul also got up, looking oddly relaxed. Noting this, she raised an eyebrow at them.
" Am I the only one here who's in a state of shock? " she asked, crossing her arms. Till chuckled softly, rising to his feet.
" It seems as though you are, shnucki. But why? " she flung her arms open and head forward, looking utterly confused.
" Uh, hello? Isn't The Godfather supposed to be a suspenseful movie? How can I not be tense? " she replied, making him shake his head.
" You've seen it a thousand times though. " she scoffed, shrugging.
" Doesn't matter. It'd be like saying you don't get terrified every time you watch The Exorcist. Or that you cry when Jack dies in Titanic. It's a thing that comes with movies like that. " she shot back, and he shrugged nonchalantly.
" I suppose so. I'm going to make myself a late night snack, does anyone want anything? " he inquired to his friends, his stomach rumbling.

" Can you get me a Diet Pepsi? " said Oliver, crossing one of his legs over the other.
" I second that. But add in a tomato and mayonnaise sandwich with extra genoa! " Richard demanded prissily, picking at his neatly manicured nails.
" What about you, Firecracker? There's some left over sweet and sour noodles, I think. " Molly shook her head politely at Till, smiling.
" No, but thank you. I'm gonna head to bed now, boys. My headache is coming on again. " she explained, and was given a collective expression of disappointment from her friends. She sighed apologetically, chewing her bottom lip awkwardly.
" Aww, really? It's only nine, Molly! Plus, it's the weekend. We don't have to go to school tomorrow. " Paul begged, but she didn't budge.
" I know, I know, but I'm tired. Please don't be like this. " she replied, and Flake was quick to jump to her defence.
" And that is perfectly fine, Molly. We understand you need your sleep. I think I'm going to do the same thing as Molly. Does anybody need me for math or history homework? " everybody shook their heads, but looked quite surprised.
" You too, huh? Wow, I guess school must have been a lot today. " Christoph said, his voice slightly passive aggressive. But neither Molly or Flake took notice. She went around the room, kissing and hugging her best friends goodnight. A minute or two later, she joined hands with Flake and said before walking away with him:

" Night, my gumdrops. Feel free to come snuggle whenever you want. " that was an offer none of them could refuse. Immediately, Richard sauntered over to the brunette with a jubilant smile.
" Ooh, you little minx. Forget my extra-genoa-sandwich , I can't pass up cuddles. " he chuckled, and she giggled. Yawning, she waited patiently for anyone else who would accept her offer. But nobody else moved from their places. She smiled gently, blowing kisses to the other four boys.
" Alrighty then, see you guys in the morning. "

With that, she, Flake, and Richard strode quietly down the hall, and into the group's shared bedroom. The door was shut noiselessly, leaving Till, Paul, Christoph, and Oliver to themselves. They didn't speak a word, until Oliver said enthusiastically:
" So... Can I have my Pepsi now? " Till just gave a heavy sigh, and walked towards the kitchen.

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