IN LOVE (Complete) √√

By heartwrote

25.3K 1.5K 385

story about a girl who have long hairs and she is non serious person her life changed after meet his brother... More

IN LOVEπŸ’œ Cast..
rapunzel πŸ‘§ 1
#my brother in lawπŸ‘» 2
closer than you imagine πŸ‘₯3
first time πŸ‘€4
#__my son πŸ˜‚5
bad girl #__😑6
durnk girl .😭7
save πŸ˜‡...8
sorry sohyun πŸ˜‘9
you'll be okay10πŸ‘
guaid 11....πŸ“·
pure ....12🌷
14...theif πŸ†
16 why? 😫 .....
ugly me .πŸ™€17
Heart.18 πŸ’“
Her secret .⏳19
Truth .πŸ˜‘20
I love her.21πŸ’•
ture face .πŸ‘¦22
passion of kiss😘.24
first heartbeatπŸ’“ .25
cheap πŸ’”.27
Hate & regret.😷29
it's over πŸ™….30
aching heartsπŸ’”.31
different paths .🌁 32

Melting heartπŸ’™ .33

748 51 23
By heartwrote

Days were passing fast..........yoona was looking for a job but could not find a quality job..............The two sisters were getting very close to each other.........
Her mother was very happy to see all this........
Yoona used to go to the jail from time to time to meet her father..............
Joonki wanted to help yoona, but yoona refused........She said she wanted to do something on her own...........
Taehyung didn't force her too much because he knew she was a very honour girl.................
Yoona was slowly getting impressed with joonki...........She was beginning to understand people's moods.........She understood life........She stepped out of the shell of her pride and began to see the world.........she began to realize the feelings and emotions of the people.........she also realized that in the past she had hurt everyone's heart with her behavior........Now she began to feel the love of joonki that he had loved her since childhood.........Now even in her heart, feelings for joonki began to arise..........


One day she went to the old company to get some documents.........she opened her office laptop and found an email in it.........

This email was from Taehyung........
Yoona started reading the email.......

Hello yoona

You may be wondering where I suddenly disappeared and why I am emailing you.........I had some important things to say to you, but I did not have the courage to face you...... In all that has happened so far, I am sorry that your heart was broken by my hands.......
I was compelled by my heart too......
But that doesn't mean I don't respect you.........You may be very angry with me.......I have never in my life seen a wiser girl than you.......You can solve any problem.......I want you to still run this company the way you used to.........
I opened this company for you.....
No one can run this company better than you............I know there is a lot of bitterness between the two of us if I want to forget it all...........I am leaving here and this company is in your hands..............
If you respect me, you will not refuse........This company needs you.........
I know that it will be difficult for us to face each other right now..........I've been away for a while and I want to give myself time............

E-mail ended and
Yoona lost himself in thought.........
I have no idea what to do......Right now I don't have a good job that meets my standards .........I need a job anyway if taehyung is not coming here....... Its better to run this company.....

Yoona joined the company keeping in view her circumstances and also gave a job to sohyun in the same company...............she fulfilled the responsibilities of company well......
Sohyun asked yoona why she was now joining Taehyung company........
I have no other choice.........
He is not here. He has said that he will be away for some time so it is better to stay and work in this company and you have to help me in this.......Honestly, I don't want to leave this company because I have worked hard in this company................
Where did Taehyung go........sohyun was wondering in her mind how he suddenly left......... But she did not allow herself to think too much about him and express her feelings for her...... She hid her feelings for Taehyung......Because she knew that her and yoona's relationship would be affected............

When sohyun started working in the company, she started remembering Taehyung. Seeing every place, she remembered him........but she wanted to free herself from his memories..........
Time was running
whenever she sees yoona and joonki together she remembers the moments about herself and Taehyung.........
Whenever she went shopping with yoona and joonki, she remembered Taehyung.........
When joonki was giving the ring to yoona, everyone was clapping but Sohyun's eyes were wet.......
She would remember Taehyung on every occasion of happiness and sorrow............

3 month later........

Yoona was happy in her life but she was thinking of sohyun's life.....
Maybe if I had been in Taehyung's place, I would have done the same......If someone wronged my parents in this way, I would take revenge.......
But Taehyung did not harm anyone.....
He punished my father by law. He could have killed him if he wanted to. He could do anything with me.........
He was a good man and above all he loved sohyun.......
If I continued to hate and despise Taehyung in the same way....... It could ruin Sohyun's life.....She is suppressing her desires because of me......

Joonki and I have become very close and we are almost going to engaged soon.......But Sohyun is all alone in her life, she needs a partner....
I know that she can't love anyone except Taehyung and can't look at anyone with that look..........
If we look, Taehyung has not done anything wrong, so we should forget everything and start a new life.........

I have noticed many times that Sohyun misses Taehyung but she does not say it because of me..........She thinks that Taehyung is an obstacle between us......
Maybe if I had the same temperament as before, I would not be able to understand all these things......
But now I have changed and I see everything from the right perspective..........
Sohyun has made so many sacrifices for me......But that is all I can do for Sohyun.....I will bring Taehyung and sohyun two of them closer together.......
Thinking this, yoona started writing email in her laptop..............


I am writing this email to tell you that your company is performing very well.....
You know there are some issues between us that are making it difficult for both of us to deal with.......
I know it took me a while to realize that you are in so much trouble because of my father.........My father destroyed your family.......And for that I will be ashamed all my life............But I want to fix everything for you,My father has been punished for his sins...........
You have lost everything because of my father............
But I will not take away your happiness....... I don't want you to lose anything in your life because of me.......
This company is yours and you can come back here if you want, so we should not mind working together..........
I will wait for you..............yoona send the email......
After finishing the e-mail, yoona went to sohyun...........
Yoona saw that sohyun was busy with her work.........yoona pulled all her files from her and closed them............
Sohyun looked at her in surprise...........

Unnie ......what you are doing. My work is too much. If I do not complete it on time, you will scold me....Sohyun said with lame face...........
Leave the work, listen to me first......Tell me what you think about your life...........
If you want I can introduced you to a good boy can date him........
Yoona said....What are you saying i don't want to meet a boy........sohyun ignored her words and replied...........
Tell me the truth, do you still love Taehyung or not?.......yoona asked her sternly........
Sohyun did not say anything and became silent..........
Your silence shows that you love him..........What's the matter if i love you..........yoona asked...........
He has betrayed us all........Sohyun.......
Taehyung did not cheat .......we are his dad.........

When the bitterness between me and my mother increased, what was the reason?
I hated you and my mother much....... I wanted you to get out of my life.......
I was burning in the fire of hatred while my hatred had no reason..........
I lived my whole life like this until the reality of life came to me........
And I've completely changed.....Many people fell in love with me.......
And I found out who I was unaware of..........
Taehyung is also innocent......He was burning in the fire of hatred like me.......
Difference is just that my hatred was illegitimate and his help was legitimate........
Maybe if I had been in his place I would have shot everyone........
He became an orphan in his childhood..........He spent his whole life without his parents.........He was a small child, he could do a lot in his life but he spent his life in the fire of revenge...........
he needs love like me .......Taehyung could have harmed me if he wanted to but he did not harm me......It is clear from his eyes what is in his heart..........
He loves you very much but you did not understand his love...........
Your hatred has broken his heart badly........He had many sorrows in his life since childhood........Maybe there was only one happy moment in his life when you came into his life........
But you also misunderstood him and hurt him...........
I know he will be somewhere around here........he will keep an eye on you.......
He needs you just like me. Go to him.....
Find him........I wish I could see you both together so that my sins may be forgiven in the same way....
You know he emailed me .....
And he told me to work for this company because he doesn't want to take this company from me.....What greater proof could there be that he was a good man?
Yoona explained Sohyun..........

Yoona's every word was understood......
Tears began to flow from sohyun's eyes..........she regretted
that she had treated Taehyung so badly.........
Without thinking, she ran away and went to her house in search of Taehyung........
But Taehyung was not there. Then she went to Taehyung's secret house and when she went there, she saw that the house was burnt down.......
While searching for Taehyung, all the old scenes were coming to her eyes....

When Taehyung saved her life from the thief.....When Taehyung was carrying her in his arms.......When Taehyung was hugging her and consoling her, when her hair was cut by the yoona's friends..........
When first time Taehyung kissed her......
When she slapped and humiliated him in front of everyone.......

Tears were constantly flowing from her eyes and she was running.............
She was terrified to see the house burn down and the thought of her parents' house came to her mind................
It was snowing but Sohyun had no idea she was running like crazy............
She arrived outside Taehyung parents' house...........she tried to open the door of the house but the door was locked and she peeked through the windows.......
the house was empty and there was nothing inside.........And she sat down on the doorstep in despair.......she was completely broken........
She Was thinking that Taehyung hates her so much that's why he left her.....
Taehyung closed all communication routes.....
I will always wait for you.......she whisper..........And she saw the snow falling from the sky.............

After a year.........


Sohyun, we are getting late. Finish your breakfast quickly to go to the office.........
Yoona shouted......My breakfast is over. You drop me off at the kia shop first because I will meet my friends there......
I have to talk to them and after that I will come to the office myself........Sohyun said..........
OK hurry up i'm waiting for you in the car......yoona said....
Sohyun finished her breakfast and ran to the car and sat down......yoona started driving and on the way he dropped Sohyun at Kia shop.......

Kia was a friend of Sohyun who had now opened a wooden shop and used to make wooden sculptures there......

Sohyun's other friends were also busy with their lives........but sometimes they would meet and eat together........She
When she entered the shop, she saw her friends talking to each other......
She joined them and started talking to each other................
She was talking to her friends when suddenly her phone rang..........sohyun saw yoona's name on the screen of her mobile and picked up the phone.......
Where are you? Come to the office quickly.......,yoona said.......

What happened?....Why are you so nervous?.......I'm just getting out of here and coming to the office.........sohyun said and yoona cut the call.........don't know what the problem is. Unnie called me like this..... I should go to the office, sohyun walked towards the office..........
She was walking because the office was not far away, so she decided to walk.........There was a large crowd of people going to work on road........
Sohyun was also passing through the crowd......She was lost in thought.......
She did not realize that a motorbike was speeding behind her.........
The motorcycle was approaching her very fast and she now realized that something was coming fast behind her..........She was terrified when she saw the motorcycle approaching...........
She had closed her eyes and was convinced that she would have an accident with the motorcycle...........

But in the crowd of thousands, suddenly someone grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him.............
He pressed Sohyun's head to his chest................In a way, he hid her in his coat........Sohyun was clinging to his chest and her eyes were closed.........
He saved her from an accident......
Before she could open her eyes and look at his face, the man removed her head from his chest and left.....
Sohyun wanted to thank him but he was moving fast.......
As he was walking, sohyun saw his back..........

His hand phone hung around her neck......
But before she could say anything, he was gone..........anyway thank you she whisper....... and walk to office........
When she entered the office, she saw that the atmosphere of the office had changed a bit........
She went to yoona cabin.........
What is this all about?Why all this fuss?sohyun asked yoona..........

You don't know.... Taehyung is back.......he is in his cabin sohyunaaaa.......Yoona tell her with smile to cheer her.....
Go to his room and meet him.........
Sohyun was running towards Taehyung cabin without thinking.......she was smiling........
As soon as she entered the room, she saw that the chair was facing the other side........Her eyes were anxious to see Taehyung face........
And suddenly Taehyung turned to the chair........sohyun looked at his face and nervous.......
When Sohyun saw the hand phone hanging around his neck, she recognized him.......he is the same person who saved me from a motorcycle.......
That's mean he was Taehyung........
She was thinking that suddenly a voice came...........

Didn't anyone teach you manners?
You entered my office without knocking.............taehyung said in normal boss style........
Don't call me by my name i'm your me sir...........
You are angry with me, you are behaving like this....... Sohyun said in soft tone.......
I am not angry with you......I have forgotten everything.........I am very happy in my life now........My life has changed and it is good that we are not together............
By the way, why did you come here in such a hurry? Taehyung asked.........

I came to apologize....I hurt you a lot........sohyun said in low soft voice............

Forget all the old things like I forgot.........
I have moved on in my life and my girlfriend helped me a lot.........
At first I was very angry but later my life changed when my girlfriend came into my life...........

As soon as sohyun heard the word girlfriend in his mouth........She was shocked............
I have no complaint against you......
I am giving a party for my girlfriend in this week. You will arrange this party............The party preparation should be very strong and all the office people should be there.........
I'm your boss.......and this is the only relation between us understand....You can go. I just need to call........
Taehyung said ..........

Sohyun got upset seeing Taehyung new style and behavior.......There were tears in her eyes as she walked out of his cabin........She went to her sister's room where her sister and joonki were present...........
She hugged yoona and started crying......
unnie he has changed a lot, I didn't notice it at all......He told me that you are someone else in his life.........
He has a girlfriend.....unniee.....what shall I do.......sohyun said with tears.......

I go to him and talk to him. How dare he make you cry.......yoona said with anger.........

Stop yoona,... You will not go there. We cannot force a him to love someone.......
This decision is his personal matter.......
If he has moved forward in life, Sohyun should also move forward in life........
The two need some time now, maybe in a few days they will understand each other.....and Taehyung will change his mind........Let us work patiently......joonki said to console sohyun....
You're right joonki yoona said .......
Sohyun would often come in front of him.......But every time Sohyun would ignore her presence.........
She was worried and sadness was clearly visible on her face........
As Taehyung ignored her, she realized what must have happened to Taehyung's heart when she treated him like this.........
Taehyung's attitude towards her was very a boss and employ........

Sohyun wanted to talk to him but he always avoided her.....She was looking for an opportunity but could not find one.....

Tomorrow is the day of the party. Have all your preparations been completed?
Taehyung asked Sohyun.......

Yes sir, all the preparations of the party are complete......Sohyun said.......

Give an invitation to all the people in the office .........and if you want to invite your special boyfriend you can do..............
Taehyung said in professional tone......

I have no boyfriend nor I want to come to this party because that party is my responsibility so I will definitely come there...........
........... ................ .................
Party day......

Everyone in the office was there at the party........There was a huge crowd.......
Everyone was dancing at the party........

Sohyun seemed very upset. She did not know what to do to persuade Taehyung to listen to her..........She was looking for an opportunity to talk to Taehyung.....

Sohyun went to yoona and joonki who were busy with the party..........yoona saw the distress on her face and asked her what had happened to you.......

Unnie .....What should I do? He didn't listen to me. I want to apologize to him but he ignores me..........I want to tell him everything but he is not ready to listen.......You tell me what to do.....

Sohyun said, bowing her head in frustration..........

You insulted him in front of everyone and slapped him.........If you apologize to him in front of everyone, then maybe he will forgive you................yoona pointed to the stage and advised her..........sohyun understood the gesture of yoona's eyes and understood what she had to do now..............

Sohyun was moving towards the state with a new enthusiasm in the crowd of thousands.........She reached the stage and grabbed the mic in her hand...................No one paid attention to her and people were busy with themselves...............Before she could say anything..........Suddenly someone grabbed the mic from her hand...........

She looked up and saw that he was Taehyung..............

Taehyung looked at her with angry eyes.............What are you doing here......
You know very well that today my girlfriend is coming here and you were going to say everything here.......
You want my girlfriend to be angry with me.........You always add to my problems.............Taehyung was saying this to her in low voice.......

Sohyun was silently listening to his words and her eyes were fully wet .........
She was convinced that it was impossible for the two to be one now because taehyung apparently hated her.............and she felt guilty..........
Taehyung told her to go down the stage..........
And she came down from the stage hiding her tears..........She was slowly stepping towards yoona, who was standing a middle distance from the stage............

She approached yoona and hugged her.....She was constantly crying..........
Yoona was asking sohyun what happened to her but sohyun hugged her.. And didn't want to break it.......

And the announcement was made on Mic..........

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm kim Taehyung ..your CEO......... as you know, I am back here after a long time.........
I will probably never come back here................But I came back here because my girlfriend loves this place.......................

Every word of Taehyung was passing through Sohyun's ears.....
But she was not turning to this stage........she hugged yoona even harder...........yoona was aware of sohyun pain so she patted her back with her hand...........

Back to Taehyung speech

Whatever I am today is because of my girlfriend............
I want to introduce her today ............

And Taehyung was coming down from the stage in slow motion..... ...All hall lights were off and only two spotlights were spotlight was on Taehyung. The spotlight was following him...... wherever he was going.......

But since sohyun was hugging yoona, she could not see anything........When yoona saw the second spotlight on her and Sohyun,
Sohyun yoona whisper..........And grabbed Sohyun by the shoulders and turned her to stage..........
Sohyun opened her eyes too and looked at stage..........Her eyes were wet.........
Taehyung was coming in slow motion
And wherever he passed, the crowd was giving way to him.....
And she was surprised to see it all because the way and the spotlight were coming towards her...........Out of all the people, Taehyung was walking towards her in slow motion...........
He approached her in the crowd........
Sohyun tore her eyes and looked at him because she was surprised she had no idea why he came to her like this............
Her eyes were wet and there were tears in her eyes..............
Taehyung brought his face close to hers and smirk with smile.........Without wasting time and without thinking, he grabbed her face with his hands and kissed her lips in front of everyone..........
His restlessness was evident in the way he kissed her......
his kissing style showed that he loves her......He was kissing her lips as if he were drinking water.............

Seeing this scene, everyone started clapping for them.........
Hearing the applause, Taehyung stopped kissing and took Sohyun's hand and ran outside...........

He was running away with Sohyun and while running they reached a park.......

Taehyung let go of her hand after coming to the park........
Sohyun was looking at his face in astonishment...........
Taehyung also looked at her face and gave her a small smile.......
Seeing him smiling, sohyun started crying...........Seeing her crying, Taehyung grabbed her hand and pulled her towards her chest............hugged her tightly.....
I thought you would be happy but you are starting to cry.........I don't know why you are crying........I know you love me too ....but you're just a little crazy......
You are crying because you can't say that you love feel embarrassed.........
Believe me, I have no complaints with you now..........
I tried so hard to forget you but I couldn't.......
I was very angry at that time......
But moving away from you, I realized that it was impossible for me to live without you..............
But I thought I'd give myself a little time..
I can't hate you even if I want to.........
I came here just for you,....
I thought maybe you had changed a lot and what would I say to you in the first meeting..........

I wanted to tease you...........I thought it would be very difficult for me because there was so much distance between us.........I thought I'd go back and bother you a little bit and you apologize to me so we can be one.......I thought I'd tease you and force you to fall in love with me again............But I didn't know how much you hated me, so I was afraid.............
But when I went to my parents' house, I saw you in some security camera......
My hopes were fulfilled...........You sat there for hours waiting for me in the snow.........No matter how hard I am, my heart melts at the sight of you......
I felt a lot when I saw you suffering for me.......

I realized that you love me very much...........I was glad to see that but still I annoyed you a little bit because I wanted to see how much you can tolerate............I never have a girlfriend.....I just want to make you jealous.......Taehyung said.....I have been talking for so long, you also say something.............Taehyung said........

I'm sorry Taehyung........I have always disappointed you and always hurt you.....
I am always confused.......
I just didn't want to lose anyone, neither my mom, unnie nor your.....
And that's probably why I was left behind...........forgive me...... I didn't understand you......I love you so much......

I promise I won't disappoint you after today.......Sohyun said with tears.........
Well, stop crying. I told you, no one can separate us now...........
But after today, if you do the same as before, I will hit you hard.............and both smile........Taehyung wiped her tears
Now let's think about our future. We're married and we'll have kids.......and we will always be happy............

And they both kissed....................

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