Darling in the Franxx: Cold B...

By Mcdankler

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65 million years ago your species was driven to the very brink of extinction. Reawaking in the present as one... More

Prologue: Enemy Unknown
Chapter One: First Impressions
Chapter Two: Change in plans
Chapter Three: Getting a Foothold
Chapter Four: Running Interference
Chapter Five: Seek, Locate, Destroy.
Chapter Six: Unlikely Friends
Chapter Seven: A Violent Encounter
Chapter Eight: Overdue Vacation
Chapter Nine: A Meaningless War
Chapter Ten: What Friends are for
Chapter Eleven: Resupply and Repairs
Chapter Twelve: Official Introductions
Chapter Fourteen: The Calm
Chapter Fifteen: A Plan in Motion
Chapter Sixteen: People, Places, and The Things we Love.
Chapter Seventeen: Going Forward
Chapter Eighteen: A Little Heart to Heart
Chapter Nineteen: Deep Dive
Chapter Twenty: Back into the Fray

Chapter Thirteen: The Truth

916 22 10
By Mcdankler


One Month left until the due date

Sounds of drilling and scraping metal filled the open air as Squad 13 all stood around the S-Planning Site. The light of the midday sun glistening off their Franxx as they waited around for something to happen. Though as the squad stood around the perimeter of the site. Argentea couldn't help but keep their eyes off a nearby section of the wall. The male pilot of the mech lets out a whistle over the radio as he gazes at the freshly repaired hole in the wall. From what the two Parasites could tell from the newly placed sheets of metal on the outside of the S-Planning site. The damage done to it had been around the size of one of the Franxx. And odds were it went all the way through the outer part of the wall.

"What do you think did that?" Zorome questions as he places Argentea's hands behind her head.

"What do you think, you idiot?" Miku quickly fires back.

"Who are you calling an id-" before Zorome could continue, Goro begins to speak over the suit's radio. "Apparently from what I heard, a Klaxosaur attacked the last group that was stationed here and busted a wall in the wall. Luckily, however, it seems they all managed to survive the attack, but some did receive some serious injuries." "Well, that good, I guess. But what happened to the Klaxosaur?"

"Don't know, they said it just ran off."

"Hmm, weird." Relaxing the arms of the Franxx. Argentea's gaze shifts from the wall and up to the top of the structure. He watched for a few seconds as the hydraulics of the machine in the center of the site slowly moved up and down. Each time it did. It Caused a heavy cloud of smoke and dust to dispense the air as it hits its lowest point. Cranes all around the machine moved unknown objects inside the walls. Piquing the curiosity of the boy. "Speaking of which. What do you think they're doing in there?" Zorome once again asks the group. "Didn't Nana call it S-Planning or something?"

"Maybe they're digging for something?" Hiro answers back with the best answer he could. "That is an excavator, right?" Before anyone could get a chance to correct the boy on what machine it was. The voice of Zero Two quickly started to speak. "It's probably nothing good." The sound of the hydraulic interrupts the girl for a second before she continues. "I'm about to choke from the stench of Klaxosaur."

"I know!" Zorome yells out. "Maybe we should ask your friend. He might know." The rest of the children seemed hesitant about Zorome's Idea. But after a bit of convincing by the boy. Ichigo activated the small machine around her ear. "Warrior, It's me Ichigo. Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here Ichigo. Is everything alright?" You say, clearly focusing on other things.

"Yeah, we're doing fine out here. Just some Klaxosaurs here and there. But we wanted to ask you something."

"Ask away. Though I don't know how much help I'll be."

"Well, we want to see if you knew what S-Planning was? We're standing guard in front of a site and we wanted to know what it was." You stop what you were doing and give your full attention to the girl. Just the mention of the name was enough to make you shudder in disgust. But putting aside your disdain for the topic. You prepare to answer the question the children had. "I'll, um, tell you guys about it later. For now, I think there are more important things for you guys to worry about."

As you finish speaking with them, the group notices that Genista's comms were still transmitting. Turning up the volume on the Franxx signal. You and the rest of the children catch the tail end of a conversation Futoshi was having with Kokoro. "So, could you promise to be my partner forever?!" He proclaimed vigorously to his partner. Completely unaware that his words were being broadcasted for all to hear. 

"Sure. I promise." Kokoro responded back after a few seconds of silence. 

"Really!" You could overhear an overjoyed Futoshi exclaim. "It's a promise, okay? I'll protect you always and forever!"

"Could you give it a rest? You're starting to gross me out." Argentea questions. Who seemed to have had enough of the boy's proposal. She was quickly followed up by her partner, also commenting on the boy's statement.

"Uh, yeah, I think I'm gonna get going." You state. Feeling a wave of second-hand embarrassment from overhearing what the boy had declared. "Oh yeah, also before I go. I won't be able to assist you guys right now. I don't want to risk going out in broad daylight. So keep an eye out and be vigilant. You never know just what might attack you guys out there."

For the last two or so hours. You had been jotting down different notes on your datapad for things around the boarding house. You'd been stuck there alone ever since the children left to guard the site. At first, you thought that you'd could just sit back and wait for them to get back. Though, you quickly found it boring. Causing you to start wandering around and explore every nook and cranny of the house. You were doing this not because you wished to be nosy. Instead, it was because you were looking for things you would likely need them for the next step in your plan.

Continuing on with your exploration through the building. You walk past several wooden doors lining the empty hallway towards a door on the far side of the hall. With each step, you couldn't help but peer over at the doors at your side. If they were anything like the others you'd been in. Then you didn't have to open them to know what was inside. Only identical bedrooms that were completely furnished with speckles of items from their past inhabitants. Just left completely unused and forgotten without a visible reason. 'This place could house at least thirty people.' You thought to yourself as you neared the door. 'But they practically have a skeleton crew for a Franxx squad. Why?'

Stepping into the room at the end of the hall. You were pleasantly surprised to see that it was some kind of infirmary. Two beds sat next to the wall on one side of the room with a cloth sheet separating them from each other. While cabinets and different machines decorated the rest of the room. Noting down what you saw, you open up one of the medicine cabinets and check what's inside of it. "Antibiotics, painkillers, rubbing alcohol. Those might be useful," you murmur to yourself in a quiet voice. "So combine this with that emergency food they have stored, and that should take care of the necessities."

Now satisfied with what you had found. You walk over and take a seat on one of the nearby beds. All while not removing your eyes from your datapad. As you touched down onto the mattress an odd sensation spread throughout your body. The soft bed folded in around your shape, consuming you into its cloud-like body. Shifting your focus to shift from the device in your hands down to the bed. How long has it been since you've gotten to sleep on an actual bed and not some cramped cockpit or sleeping bag? Weeks, months, years?

'Should I?' You questioned as your hand brushed against the cover of the bed. Though before temptation could take control. You quickly pulled your hand back. 'No, I shouldn't. I can't be sure it'll be safe to do so.' 

Putting your focus back on the machine in your hands. You tried to continue what you were doing before only to find you couldn't pay attention to the words in front of you. Letting out a defeated sigh, you gaze back down to the bed before looking over at the nearby curtain. "Well, I am pretty tired," you state as you begin to pull the sheet around the bed to hide it from sight. "And besides, a thirty-minute power nap shouldn't hurt."

Setting down your datapad on the nearby nightstand and slipping under the covers. It doesn't take long for your body to start entering sleep mode. You could feel your muscles begin to relax while your mind became clear of thoughts. Your eyelids grew heavier the longer you rested your head on the pillow. Even as parts of your tail hung off uncomfortably off the side of the bed and you worried about cutting up the pillow with your horn. You couldn't fight the feeling of overwhelming comfort. Not even five minutes after you entered. Your sleeping body rested on top of the mattress.

Sadly though, this state of bliss you had been in quickly fell away as the door to the infirmary swung open. Your eyes shot open as the sound of thundering footsteps entered the room. Moving over to the curtain, you peer out through a slit, catching a view of what was causing the commotion. Figures in white uniforms rushed inside the room while also wheeling someone in a gurney. Though you couldn't exactly make out who it was. "Careful, We don't know how bad of a state he's in." A female voice shouted out as two new figures entered the room. 

One of them was male while the other was female. The male was tall with short dark hair. His attitude seemed to have the emotional palette of a rock. He looked completely unfazed by the events transpiring in front of him. The girl, however, was different. She was shorter than her companion. Though by no means did this mean she was lacking in the height department. She also seemed rather distressed by what was going on. But the sight of her reddish-brown hair and uniform kickstarted something in your mind. You had seen her before back during your initial scouting of the Plantation.

Deciding to stay silent, you continue to watch everything unfold. Quickly they moved what you've determined to be one of the Stamen over to the bed next to you. After the figures had placed the boy on the bed. They quickly made their way out of the infirmary. The two others, however, stayed to watch over the boy. "This isn't good." the woman commented over to the man.

"No. No it is not." The man coldly states back as he looks down at a tablet in his hands. "It seems he's come down with the child fever. It came sooner than expected. It's a good thing the others could take out the enemy without Chlorophytum."

"For right now, I'll give him an antipyretic." The woman comments as she picks up the IV and injects it into the boy's arm. "It's only a stopgap measure, but it should show an effect by tomorrow."

While the girl spoke, the man across from her continued to stare at the tablet in his hands. Swiping through pages of information on the boy. He only stops once he finds something that surprises him. Focusing on a single line of text. You hear him begin to say something. "Huh, Code 326 has already had the procedure?" The two stood there in silence as they absorbed the information. That was until the girl noticed something odd.

"Hey, Hachi," the girl said to get the man's attention. "Has anyone else been administered to the infirmary?" "No, why?" Guessing what she was getting at. You quickly turn and try to form a plan. 'Could I try to run out of the room? No, they'd definitely see me. Maybe I could just kill them. It wouldn't be too hard. No, that would help anything. Think, Warrior, think!' Looking down, you notice something you hadn't thought of yet. Swiftly you get into position before they could see you.

The sound of metal rubbing against metal emanates from the top of the curtain as Nana pulls it open. Her gaze quickly swept the small area around the bed. But despite her suspicions. Nobody was there. Sure the bed itself was a bit ruffled. Though by no did that confirm what Nana thought. "Is everything alright?" The man asked in a confused tone. Causing Nana to shift her attention over to him. "Yeah. I just thought there was someone else in here. I guess one of the children must have used it and forgot to clean up behind themselves."

"Well, come on." You hear the man say as he turns towards the door. "We can always talk to the Parasites about it later. For now, we have to go start our report on what happened out there."

"Yay, paperwork." 

Taking one last look back at the bed. Nana spotted something she hadn't seen before. Sitting on the nightstand next to the bed was an odd device she had never seen before. It was similar to the tablet Hachi held in his hands though it was much thinner and seemed collapsible. Picking up the machine, Nana turned to face the man before brandishing it to him. "Hey, Hachi. Do you have any idea what this is?"

Handing the defense commander your datapad. He studies it for a moment before returning his gaze to the girl. "One of the Parasites must have brought it back with them when they went to that village. I'll report it tomorrow. Come on, we've wasted enough time talking." With that, the two adults exit the room. The sound of their footsteps slowly diminishing as they walk away from the infirmary.

Once you knew that it was safe to leave your hiding spot. You crawl out from under the bed and immediately begin to panic. "Damn it, how could I have been that stupid. If they report my datapad to anyone. Then all of this would have all been for nothing. I have to do something before they get the chance to do it."


Without realizing it, your yells of anger had alerted the boy to your presence. Turning to face them. You see that it was actually Mitsuru who was placed on the bed. Sweet layered his skin as the sound of his labored breathing filled the silent room. Abandoning your anger, you slowly walk up next to the boy and kneel down to his level. He seemed to be on the very verge of consciousness. His eyes were barely open and you could see he was struggling to keep his eyes on you. "Yeah. I'm here," you say in a quiet voice as to not cause him any distress.

"W-What are you d-doing here?" You can barely hear Mitsuru let out.

Letting out a quiet sigh. You dispel the last of your displeasure over your mistake and put your sole focus on the boy. "That's not important right now. How are you holding up?" "I feel hot, and m-my head hurts." As his words reached you. You turned over to face the cabinet on the other side of the room. Opening up the cabinet's drawers. You grab one of the small pill bottles before returning to the boy. "Here, these are painkillers. They should ease that pain in your head." To your surprise, you watch as Mitsuru weakly pushes the pill bottle away from himself.

"I don't need your pity." You can barely hear him claim in his weakened voice. Remembering that Mitsuru wasn't the type to accept help easily. You place the bottle of pills down on the nightstand to the side of the bed. "Well, if you say so," you state as you walk up to the nearest window and opening it to let the cool air in. "But if I was you. I'd down two tablets with water every two hours or so, pull the covers up if you get too cold, and get plenty of rest. But that's just me."

You could almost feel Mitsuru's irritated look fall on you as you placed a freshly poured cup of water down next to the pills. Without another word, you make your way over to the room's exit and quietly slip out. Mitsuru watched the door for a few seconds after you had left before turning to face the nightstand. He stared at the two small tablets placed on a piece of paper. Wondering whether or not to do it.

Walking down the hall. You could care less if Mitsuru actually decided to take the medicine or not. You had much bigger fish to fry. If APE knew that your datapad was Klaxoin technology. Then the entire area would be swarmed with APE personnel within hours. All with the sole purpose of finding and killing you. That meant that you had to find your datapad and fast. But you had to also do it without being seen. Picking up your radio. You prepare to do something you wish you hadn't had to. You had to tell Naosu you wouldn't be home for dinner.


Hours later

Night had covered the Plantation's forest in a blinding darkness. Without the aid of electricity. The inside of the dome was nearly covered in a dark void. Only the light of the full moon and the glow of the Plantation's exterior lights kept the forest from being pitch black. The sounds of birds and insects had been replaced by that of frogs and toads using the cool night to hunt.

Hiding in the pitch black of the night was a large glass building in the center of a lake. Its lights were shut off for the night and not a sound came from the building. And most importantly, approaching from the singular walkway to the structure was someone using the darkness to their advantage.

You ran down the bridge to the administration building. Hoping to get there before someone noticed you. You'd learned about the location of the place after you had asked Ichigo and the rest of the children where they would have taken your datapad. And they all said they would have likely taken it there. Though, you had no idea where it would be or if it was even in the administration building. But you knew worrying about that wouldn't help to find what you lost.

Finally arriving at the entrance of the building. You found yourself standing in front of the front gate. "Hmm, let's see. How would I be able to get inside?" You silently ask yourself as you look up to the rectangular structure. "The front door is probably locked up tight. So that means I'll have to find my own way in. Maybe there's a window somewhere that someone left open?"

Wandering around the side of the building you spot just what you were looking for. An open window big enough for you to sneak through. The only problem was that it was around fifteen feet off the ground. Looking for a way to reach the opening. You quickly find a rain gutter situated near the window. You could definitely use it to climb up to enter it. But the question was if it could support your weight. Deciding to risk it. You remove your armor to lighten your weight and begin the climb.

Slowly you begin to shimmy your way up the spout. The metal creaked and buckled each time you moved yourself closer to the top. You could feel that even without the extra weight of your gear. The thing could barely support you. It didn't help either that out of all the Praetorians. You ranked second to last in the climbing section of the physical exam.

Getting up to a point where you could make it over to the opening. You jumped over before the spout could give out from under you. Clinging to the windowsill. You slowly begin to pull yourself up and onto the edge of it. Looking down into the room. You could see it was some sort of office. With a fancy wooden desk and a couple of chairs around the room. With no signs that anyone was inside the room. You used your hands to hang from the indoors half of the window before dropping down into the room.

Without waiting a moment. You run over to the desk. Immediately you start to go through each of the drawers in search of the datapad. The first two drawers you looked through held nothing of interest. Mostly just basic reports. Who did what, how much of something was used doing what, and so on and so forth.

Other than that, you'd found very few things of interest until you opened the central drawer. Sitting haphazardly near the front of the drawer was your collapsed datapad. Grabbing it, you quickly grabbed it and securely put it away. Along with it, you could also see the tablet you saw the man using earlier and a pistol.

It took a moment for you to realize what you were staring at. Carefully you grab the gun and hold it up to inspect it. Pressing down on a small button above the grip. The pistol's magazine slides down into your hand. "Huh, still using projectiles. I thought they'd at least be a little more advanced than this."

As you gazed down at the bullets. You suddenly came up with an idea. Carefully you remove each shell from the magazine one by one. Your thought behind this was that it would still be better to stack the odds in your favor. Even if you were never going to confront them yourself. Once each round was removed from the clip. You placed a hand on the barrel and chambered the final round. Now with the weapon's offensive capabilities neutered. You prepared to take the shells and leave. That was until you went to put the gun back and noticed the tablet.

"No. You've been sidetracked enough as is." You try to tell yourself. But eventually your curiosity would get the better of you. Causing you to grab the tablet. A bright light emanates from the device as you turn it on. Nearly blinding you in the process. Once your eyes were able to adjust to the screen's brightness. You didn't waste a second trying to find what information you could. You were mainly looking for maps and information on available supplies. But most importantly: food, fuel, and the layout of the Plantation.

It wasn't like you didn't already have info on some of those things. You just thought it would be better to have more accurate details on said things. Following a couple minutes of searching and a lot of clicking through tabs. You finally found what you were looking for. There was information on the Plantation's supplies down to the exact percentage. Pulling your datapad out. You begin to swiftly jot down notes. Based on the last report. There were around two whole weeks worth of food and water stored away for the Parasites in the case of an emergency. Down below in the Plantation. There was a total of almost two million gallons of magma energy and four transports ready to carry it.

Once you had finished noting down what you could. You moved on to find a map of the Plantation. And what you found was better than you could have expected. Not only did you get a full map of the Plantation. But you also found patrol routes, access codes, and security checkpoints. everything down to where each and every restroom was on a level. Taking a nearby pen and sheet of paper. You frantically begin to scribble down copies of the maps onto the blank sheet.

Once you had finished noting down what you could. You moved on to find a map of the Plantation. And what you discovered was better than you could have expected. Not only did you get a complete map of the Plantation. But you also found patrol routes, access codes, and security checkpoints. Everything down to where each and every restroom was on a certain level. Taking a nearby pen and sheet of paper. You frantically begin to scribble down copies of the maps onto the blank sheet.

As you scribble down the last part of one of the maps. You begin to hear the faint sound of something on the other side of the room's exit. Not wanting to risk getting caught. You shut the tablet off and place it back inside the desk before hiding underneath it. As soon as you did. You could hear the sound of two people entering the room. "Are you sure it's in here?"

"Yes. This is the only other place it would be."

Keeping as quiet as a mouse. You hear one of the two starts to approach the desk. Without turning on any light source., the hidden figure opens the central drawer of the desk and takes something out. Suddenly part of the room is flooded in light before just as quickly returning to darkness. But even though the figure was illuminated for a few seconds. You were unable to get a good look at them since you feared being spotted. "Caelus, we have what we came for. Let's get going. We don't want to keep them waiting."

"Wait," you hear the other voice let out suddenly that caused the other person to stop. "Can we talk for a moment while it's just the two of us?"

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just want to talk here since there aren't any cameras in here. I don't want him to listen in on us." Taking a deep breath. The second figure begins to speak again. "Look, I've just been thinking. We've been sneaking around and doing all this stuff behind APE's back and for what? I know the doctor said he has a plan and to have faith in him. But even now, even with the assistance that he's given us. We still have no idea what he is trying to really do. He wants to give the children more independence. But why?"

"We've known the doctor nearly our entire lives. If it wasn't for him. We wouldn't even be standing here right now. I have faith that he can keep us-"

"I'm not worried about us." The individual apparently named Caelus interrupts. "I'm worried about them. What if APE finds out what we've been doing and decides to wipe their memories. Or even worse, what if his plan fails and the children get hurt or god forbid they get killed. I don't know how I would live with myself if that happened."

The room enters an eerie silence as neither of the two speaks. That is until you can hear one of them take a deep breath before the sound of fabric moving could be heard. "Look. These Parasites are tough, tougher than most, at least. I don't think any other Franxx squad could have won half the battles they won. So I'm sure that if it comes down to it. They can make it out of any situation alive."

"Yeah, yeah, I guess you're right," they respond back in a more uplifted tone than before. "Come on, let's get going."

With that, you hear the door open and shut. Followed closely by the pair's muffled footsteps slowly disappearing. Once you were sure that the coast was clear. You moved your compressed body out from the desk. Without skipping a beat, you dash towards the building's exit before anyone else could halt your progress. You already had what you came for and you didn't want to wait around for them to come back.

Sprinting out through the lobby and out the main doors. Swifty, you returned to your armor and placed it back on your body. Once it was settled back on your body. You started to make your way down the bridge and towards the treeline. Not stopping until you were far into the dense growth of the forest. But in your mad dash, you failed to notice that you had been watched the entire time.


Thirty days left until the due date

The midday sun pierced through the gaps in the trees. Shining rays of warm sunlight breathed a new life into the forest from the previous night. Birds flew over the canopies while the insects they hunted zipped between the trunks of trees. Small reptiles sat out in open parts of the clustered trees. Bathing in the sun to keep their body temperature up. And in the middle of everything was you, trying to alleviate the pain in your back and shoulders as you walked towards the boarding house.

You'd decided to stay the night in the forest after what happened the last time you slept at the boarding house. Sure it helped to keep you hidden from the prying eyes of APE. But was the concealment worth the joint pain? No, no, it wasn't. And the night terrors didn't help with it either. You would have much rather have slept the night away in a nice warm bed. But you had safer than sorry. Especially with how close you were to finishing up your mission at the Plantation.

As you walked further through the trees. You could finally spot the shape of the boarding house through the trees. Stepping inside, you notice just how quiet it was. "Hello! Ichigo, Goro, Hiro! Anyone home?" You yell out as you shut the door behind you. Your words echo through the quiet house. "Huh, guess they're not here."

Standing in the silence of the building's main room. The sound of your growling stomach cuts through it like a bullet through the air. Realizing how long it's been since you had last eaten. You make your way towards the dining room. Though upon reaching it. You found that the place was empty. The only thing that was still there was a plate of mostly eaten food that someone must have forgotten to put away. Grabbing the only thing worth eating on the tray. You start to bite pieces off a half-eaten piece of bread to try and satisfy your day-old hunger.

Once you were finished eating. You wiped the bread crumbs away from your mouth before walking over to the baths. It had been too long since you had properly cleaned yourself off. And since the squad was clearly not around for the moment. You had a little time and privacy to at least wash yourself off. Stripping the armor and undersuit off of your body. It doesn't take long for you to notice the smell emanating from you. It was only comparable to that of weeks-old roadkill. Without hesitation, you head into the bathing room.

You could feel your body relax and loosen up as the hot water of the shower washes over you. The knots and cricks that were once embedded in your joints were slowly melting away. As you used your hands to spread soup across your body. They stopped once you reached the large and distinct mark on your right shoulder where your skin was jagged. It served as a permanent reminder of the day that everything started to spiral downhill. Even now, all these years later. Just thinking about the events that happened on that day hurt to think about. But your reminiscing was cut short as you could hear the muffled sound of the front door slamming shut.

Letting out an annoyed moan. You dry yourself off and get dressed before checking out what was causing the commotion. Stepping out into the main room. You could see most of the children walking through the door. With the only exception being the boys who were already up the stairs and leaving sight. As you walk over to Ichigo to see what was happening. You noticed Futoshi was nowhere to be seen.

"Is everything alright, Ichigo? I heard slamming," you ask as you walk next to her.

"Yeah, it's just," she stops for a moment to find the right words. "Nana had this idea for a 'partner shuffle.' It was something that all of us had the option to do. So Kokoro volunteered to do it with Mitsuru. And I guess Futoshi isn't taking it too well."

"Oh, girl trouble, so that's what it is," you commented as you all enter the sitting room.

"I guess I'll go talk to him and see what I can do." Leaving the others in the sitting room. It doesn't take long until you hear the sound of sobbing coming from one of the rooms down the hall. Getting closer, you see Mitsuru standing outside one of the doors before he slowly opens it. Front the now opened door. You can hear someone yell at Futoshi to calm down. Likely deciding not to get involved with what was happening. Mitsuru attempted to close the door and leave. "Wait! You think I'm pathetic?" Futoshi shouts out to Mitsuru.

"What does it matter who our partners are?" The boy responds in a cold tone.

Deciding now was a good time to intervene. You walked over to them, hoping to calm things down before someone does something drastic. "Hey, is everything alright over here? I heard-" as you walk past the entryway you're suddenly cut off as Futoshi's fist slams against your unguarded cheek. The force of which sent your head flying back until it hit the window behind you. Causing a large crack to form on it. Slumping down to the floor, most of the boys looked in horror as you weakly tried to rise back to your feet. Especially Futoshi, who was still standing in the doorway thanks to your face halting his momentum.

"Okay, Futoshi, ouch." You silently but angrily comment as you stand back up.

Joining you in the hallway. Hiro turns towards Mitsuru. Who was trying to walk away. "Mitsuru, try to understand how Futoshi feels." he cries out. Before he could do anything. You decide to add to what Hiro had just said. "Yeah, haven't you ever had something that you cared about taken from you?" You state as you try and use the window seal to get back up to your feet. Mitsuru stopped where he stood before turning back angrily to face you both. "What gives you the right to say that Hiro?" He lets out before turning his attention to you. "And you, what do you know about loss?"

"Oh, what do I know!" You snap as you finally get back up to your feet. Finally having enough, you chase after Mitsuru until you arrive back in the sitting room. With both Goro and Hiro following close behind. Grabbing the boy by the collar of his shirt. You feel the rage inside you boiling over as your irises start to glow a distinct blue. Seeing this, Ichigo, Ikuno, and the two boys attempt to pull you away from Mitsuru. But as they pulled on your armor. You simply used your tail to swipe them away. "What do I know about loss? Well, I'll tell you exactly what I know about losing things. So all of you listen up because it's about time I told the truth!"

"Ichigo!" you yell as you snap your head to look at her. "Before you asked me what S-Planning sites do. Well, I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything. They turn my kind, my people, into magma energy. People like you and me and everyone else. And if that wasn't enough, they churn up Klaxosaurs and melt them down for their own use."

"What?" You vaguely hear escaping her mouth.

"That's right! Klaxosaurs aren't some monsters that showed up one day. They're people forced to pilot machines made to wage a war they never wanted to fight. A war that we fought against each other over the fate of humanity. We brought our own species to the brink of extinction over trying to save your ancestors. And if that wasn't enough, all of it was caused by the person who I thought I could consider my brother. I had to kill my own brother just to save your species. But how did all of that turn out? You've killed and used our species for your own gain, to power your homes, to make yourselves immortal. Even after we've told you to stop, you continue to do it. But you want to know the funniest thing about all of this. Even after all the deaths, all the sorrow, and even after watching my own people commit planetary suicide. Would I stop humanity from being saved? No. So yeah, I do know a thing or two about loss."

With what you wanted to say out of the way. Everybody in the room looked at you in shock. You, on the other hand, had tears building up in your eyes. Your anger had transformed into sorrow throughout your rantings. Wiping your tears away. You begin to walk towards the door. "Warrior, wait-" Goro tried to murmur before you cut him off. "I'm sorry for lying to you. I just thought it was the only way to get you to listen," you defeatedly let out as you slipped your helmet over your head. "I'll be back later. If you want to contact me, don't bother." Stepping through the doorway. You stop for a moment to look at Futoshi and Zorome. Who had come to check on things. Without another word, you leave the Parasites to process the information they had learned.

"What was that all about?" Zorome comments, having no idea what had just happened.


Time would pass and the children would once again get called out to defend the S-planning site. Though this time it wasn't simply for guard duty. Standing in front of the massive site. The Franxx watched as a monstrous Gutenberg-class stumbled its way towards them. "That thing's huge!" One of the Franxx commented as they stared at the thing. But as they gazed at the thing they could tell something was off. It limped as if something was wrong with its leg. Adding on to it, with each roar that left it. It sounded like it was in pain.

"Finally one worth fighting!" Strelitzia let out as she rushed into battle. Completely ignoring the warning signs. Quickly reaching the Gutenberg-class. She notices tons of glowing orange cuts all along the thing's back and legs. With the largest of which being on its left shoulder. Likely causing the aforementioned limp.

With one quick and furious slash. Strelitzia cuts a line up one of the legs and onto its back. Once the cut was made, the Franxx looked back at her work. Noticing just how much muscle mass was on the thing. "No good. Its core is too deep inside." "Sounds fun!" Before Hiro could do anything, Strelitzia started to attack the creature once more, only for the Klaxosaur to trap her in its biomass. Though before any damage could be done. Delphinium and Argentea were able to tear her out.

Not even waiting a second after making it back to ground. Strelitzia once again went flying back to the Klaxosaur. Unknown to her, with each chunk of flesh she cut from the beast, more and more Conrad-classes started to break off from the Gutenberg. "It's a collective mass of Conrad-class of Klaxosaurs we've been fighting." Goro tells the whole squad as he watches another batch of smaller Klaxosaurs fall off. "Even when attacked, they recombine and close the opening."

"Then what about those?" Argentea shouts as she points up to one of the open slash marks. Looking up, Delphinium caught a better look at what the Franxx was talking about. The glowing orange hue gave away the location of each cut. Almost as if a superheated object had sliced its way through the Klaxosaur. Inside each of the cuts, they could see it trying to fix itself, only to fail. As if extreme heat had somehow stopped them from merging. But unfortunately, while the cuts were deep enough. None of them were in a good enough position to take out the thing's core.

"What do we do, Ichigo? We'll never get anywhere like this."

"We need to shoot at it, Ichigo." Kokoro suddenly answers over the comm's system. "Genista could separate it with close-range fire."

"Nice idea. That'll for sure expose the core! Go ahead and fire a round into it!"

"But that plan's too risky for Genista right now. All of our lives are at risk. We're a team aren't we?"

Contemplating what Kokoro had just brought up. Ichigo quickly considers her plan before giving her verdict. "Fine," Ichigo announces back over the comms. "But don't get too reckless."


Going in for an assault on the three front most Franxx. The Gutenberg-class slams its two massive feet down towards them. Barely dodging the attack. Delphinium, Argentea, and Strelitzia couldn't do anything as three more small Klaxosaurs split off and made a run for the site. Seeing the small group get through, both Genista and Chlorophytum begin to open fire. Though as each enemy grew closer and more and more of their shots missed. The pair of Franxx decided to take a more direct approach.

"Ikuno, you're too tense. Loosen up a little." Futoshi states as the Franxx rockets after one of the beasts. Jumping high into the air. The purple Franxx impales its feet-mounted blades through the back of the Klaxosaur. Causing it to explode into a blue mist. Genista on the other hand was busy chasing down the remaining two Conrad-classes. Using her cannon like a mace. She attempts to hit her targets only to miss and dig up part of the earth. "No need to rush, Mitsuru."

"I know!"

Before the Franxx could even react. One of the Klaxosaurs goes in for an attack. Unable to defend herself in time, Genista is only saved at the last second when Strelitzia jumps in front of the thing, splitting it in two. "You okay?" Hiro questions back to the downed Franxx. "Thank you, Hiro." Seeing the Gutenberg back on the move. Strelitzia quickly turns to face Genista. "Hang in there, Mitsuru." Hiro says over the radio before he rockets after the last Conrad.

"Why are you always so," Mitsuru quietly scoffed to himself. Picking the heavy cannon, Genista once again rushes into battle without a second thought. Though either due to Misturu's anger clouding his vision or general carelessness. He couldn't do anything as he caused Genista to get rammed by the Klaxosaur's leg. Launching off the beast, Genista skids across the earth, kicking up dirt as she went. "Kokoro!" Futoshi bellowed out after seeing what had just happened to his old partner.

Lying motionless on the dirt. The rest of the squad could only watch on as the Gutenberg goes in to finish off the pest that was in its way. But at the last second, a purple smear moved in front of Genista. Stopping the foot. Looking up at her savior. Kokoro saw Chlorophytum standing above them.

"Are you okay?"

"Th-Thank you, Ikuno, Futoshi!"

With the beast now brought to a standstill. Both Argentea and Delphinium take the opportunity to swipe at its back legs. Now with only one functional limb to support it. The Klaxosaur dropped to the ground. Not wanting to go down so effortlessly. The Gutenberg raises its last leg up to the S-Planning site and extends it out towards it. As it does, the faint yet familiar sound of metallic footsteps could vaguely be heard. Then suddenly without warning the Klaxosaur's extended limb falls limp onto the ground. The only sign as to what had just happened was the quick cut of a blue light before disappearing just as quickly.

The Klaxosaur reeled back in pain as each of the squad members turned to see what had just happened. In the cloud of dust caused by the falling object, the group could hardly make out a separate dark shape moving through it towards Genista and Chlorophytum. "Is that?" "I think it is," Ichigo said, confirming Goro's thoughts. But before anyone could say anything else your words cut through the air like a knife.

"You idiots!" 

Storming over to Genista and Chlorophytum. You grasp the back of the dark mech's neck and throw her out of the way of the Klaxosaur. "Why did you do it?" Turning to Chlorophytum, you deliver a powerful kick to her side. Knocking her out from under the Gutenberg's foot. "Why did you run! Can't you see I'm trying to help you!" You yell out as you turn to face the Gutenberg-class.

By this point, the Klaxosaur had become aware of your presence. Letting out a bellowing roar of anger. The beast tries to send its foot back down on top of you. Rolling out of the way of the attack. You instantly go onto the offensive. Grabbing Genista's cannon off the ground, you take it and make a run for the Klaxosaur's underside. Knowing that would be the safest spot to work at. Laying the weapon on the ground. You slip your fingers into one of the gun's chambers and begin to pull. The sound of bulking rivets and bending metal immediately became apparent as the force you exerted on the weapon only increased.

With a loud snap, the cannon's cylinder was ripped away from the rest of the gun. During this, you noticed the sound of thrusters emanating behind you. Turning around you could see Delphinium and Argentea standing behind you. "What are you doing?" Ichigo sternly questioned. Likely not happy about how you'd treated her squadmates. Without acknowledging her. You coil your tail around the cylinder full of rounds before tossing the gun over to the Franxx.

Catching the gun, Delphinium swiftly notices the missing piece of the weapon. Turning back to you she saw you pointing to your mouth before extending your fingers out as if to mimic something. Catching on to what you were planning. She quickly turned to face Argentea. "Go get Chlorophytum and Genista, now!"


"Just do it!" Delphinium ordered as she activated her radio. "Strelitzia, we're falling back to the site." Turning back to you, Delphinium gave you one last disappointed look before speeding out from under the Klaxosaur. Doing the same. You run out in front of the Klaxosaur to get its attention. You were about to attack the beast before you realized that the two Franxx you saved earlier were hardly moving. Knowing you couldn't kill the beast while they were still in its radius. You try to buy some time for them to leave.

Dodging the beast's mouth as it goes in for a bite. You jump up on top of its snout before charging down its back. Doing so, three smaller Klaxosaurs separate from the main body. Charging directly at you, you managed to dodge the first of their attacks before landing on the back of one of them. Using it as a shield. You were able to block another attack while also killing one of them. Running over to the other Klaxosaur. You start to use the heavy cylinder in your tail like a club by bringing it down on the thing's head. Now with a perfect opening, you jump into the air and bring the tail club down on the center of the creature killing it.

Before you could get a chance to catch your bearing. You were blindsided by the last Conrad-class. Falling through the air with a Klaxosaur trying to scratch and tear at you. It quickly became apparent that while the one on top of you was the most imminent threat. It wasn't the one to worry about. Looking behind it. You could see the colossal maw of the Gutenberg coming right for you. Thinking on your feet. You slam your feet against the falling Klaxosaur knocking you out of the way of the jaws of death. With a pop, the Conrad bursts into a blue mist as the Klaxosaur bites down on it.

Crashing down on the ground, you look over as the sound of a shriek comes from where you last saw the two immobile Franxx. Shockingly, not only were the two Franxx still there, but it seems that Genista was currently undergoing her transformation into the Franxx beast mode. Glowing slits appeared on the top of the mech's head as a row of green teeth made themselves known.

Turning back to the Klaxosaur. You knew that you had to finish this and fast. Grabbing the cylinder from your tail. You empty three of the five chambers of their ordinance. 'This won't have the kick I wanted it to have. But it'll have to do.' You thought as one round after another hit the ground. Once you were finished lowering the radius of your attack. You take the object in your hand and prepare to throw it. Waiting for the perfect chance to take your shot. You get that opportunity when the Klaxosaur opens its mouth to let out a roar. Using your entire body to launch the cylinder through the air. The makeshift explosive device soared through the air until it made it to the beast's mouth.

Time seemed to slow as the creature closed its mouth around the metal object. The cylinder bent and crumbled between the teeth of the thing until it hit one of the shells. In an instant, the round erupted in a violent blast of hellfire and fury. Not one second later. The second shell went off and caused an even bigger and more violent explosion. Which forced you down to the ground.

Once the dust had cleared. You rose to your feet and tried to locate everyone. Through the chunks of falling body parts. You could see each of the members of the Franxx squad. While scruffed and damaged, they all seemed to be alive and in one piece. With your ears still ringing and vision blurred. You made your way over to the heavily damaged body of the Klaxosaur. With your gaze slowly returning back to you. You could see the thing trying to repair itself. Even if it didn't have enough body mass to do so. Sitting in the middle of the lump of artificial flesh was the blue core of the Klaxosaur.

Making your way over to the heart of the Klaxosaur. You watch as it focuses all of its strength into covering the core from you. Before it could get too buried in the biomass. You plow your arm into the Klaxosaur's flesh and tear out the blue ball. Looking down at the round core of the beast. The sound of several footsteps behind you becomes apparent. Taking out your sword from out of your back. The Franxx remain quiet as you drop down to your knees. Slamming the ball with the hilt of your weapon. A large crack forms on the exterior of the core. Sticking your thumbs inside, you rip the thing in half before sliding it over to the Franxx.

"What is this?" Delphinium questions as she looks down at the split core.

"Proof," you stated as you turned your back to the group. "that everything I said is true." Without another word. You rise back to your feet and quickly make your leave as you walk through the nearby smoke. Bending down, Delphinium picked up the remains of the core. Examining the thing. They found a golden object sitting inside of the sphere. Removing it, all the Franxx leading it to get a good look at it. At first, it almost looked like some sort of molten rock. But upon closer examination of the small entity. They could definitely tell that it was the shape of a person.

Hey guys, it's me again. Sorry that this chapter took so long to come out. I was focusing more on school and lost the steam to work on the story thanks to a lot of different life stuff. But now that is over and done. I hope that I can spend more time on doing what I want and giving you more chapters of this story. Thank you all for waiting and I hope to release more in the future!

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