Empire of Dreams

By jonoyuk

156K 10.1K 5.1K

Set in the Golden Age of the Islamic Empire under the Abbasid Caliphate comes an epic love story! Ali and Lai... More

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By jonoyuk


"Baba's going to put it as a condition for our support," my heart dropped. She turned to look at me, her eyes bright. "I hope he's not bad looking..." her words barely registered over the buzzing in my ears.

Marriage. That's why she'd been so interested in Mehmet. Did he know? He had to be suspicious. He had to have considered it as an option. He would be stupid not to.

Did Baba know? Wouldn't he have told me?

But it was such an obvious solution.

An age-old way to strengthen an alliance. Kings had practiced this all over the world. Our Caliph himself had four wives. Strangely, none of which were currently present in the Palace.

A stout herald announced the arrival of the Turkish party. Silence fell in the room and Zaynab leaned forward eagerly, our eyes straining to make out the figures crossing the threshold. Mehmet walked into the room, his shoulders back, his stride confident. Zaynab gasped and clutched the drapes.

"Oh thank God!" I ignored Zaynab's reaction and squinted, watching his small party. "Oh my... he's so handsome!"

Searching for restraint, I was grateful for the veil hiding my emotions as my eyes narrowed at the figure behind Mehmet. I'd seen that figure before. Tall and imposing, set against the sun. A familiar recent posture flashed in front of me.

The woman from the Bazaar! She had her hand on the hilt of her sword, her eyes glancing at the onlookers with casual disdain. How was she here? Why was she dressed as a man?

"Well, we've done our job. Now, let's leave before Baba and my brothers see us. We'll wait for our introduction." I nodded, staring into the melee below, controlling my emotions, the beat of my heart still wildly erratic.

Zaynab deposited me in my room, citing some last-minute preparations. I had no doubt that she'd left to amplify her many assets, now that she was certain of the prospective groom's appearance.

Ayesha and Haleema seemed to have the same idea. They brushed kohl and powder over my face, making my face glisten and my eyes bigger. They rearranged my hair, curling the stray tendrils and fixing the light veil at the crown of my head.

"Prince Alizayd is waiting for you Princess," Hamza announced from behind the screen.

He hadn't come in to see me? A cold breath of fear trickled down my throat, Baba's words echoing in my mind.

'Your relationship with your husband is the most important thing'

I didn't know what to think.

Baba hadn't refuted the allegations against Ali but he'd certainly been dismissive. Which meant that there was something bigger in play.

'The answer you seek has destroyed men more powerful than the ones in this Palace'

Shaking those thoughts away, I lifted the hem of my new abaya, a fine piece of shimmering cloth that splayed open to show the dress underneath, and made my way out of my chambers, only to find my husband standing there, waiting for me.

I nearly collapsed with relief.

I strode forward, trying to make my way to him in a graceful manner. Stopping a few feet away,I flipped the veil back and let him see me, wanting to extend a flag of peace.

My heart skipped a beat as my eyes went over his form.

The linen of his off-white qamis was so finely spun that it reflected a faint sheen from the lamps lining the room. Their fires gave life to the carved hollows of his features. His rich brown mantle enhanced the golden flecks of his eyes, making them appear even more intense, even more fluid. Zulfiqar hung through the crimson sash wound across his hips.

He looked alert, dangerous, and oh so handsome, staring at me with the same intensity and longing reflected in my face. His eyes tracked my features, his breath catching when his eyes met mine and then going over the shimmery material, his body moving closer to mine.

His fingers brushed mine. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," I answered, readjusting the veil and falling in step with him.

"Are you ready?"

"Are you?" At this, Ali smiled.

"I trust the meeting with your father went well." I bit my lip. He was having me watched, again. And he wanted me to know it.

"As well as one could hope." Another twitch of the lips.

"You're here to drive a bargain."

"And a hard one at that" one that keeps you by my side. One that solves these mysteries. One that sets us both free.


The Caliph's arrival spared me from an answer. This discussion would have to wait. Feeling tense, I stiffened trying to lower my heart rate. Ali's grip on my hand tightened and I took in a deep breath.

I'd already seen Mehmet, but I was still nervous. What if he said something suggestive? Or invoked a fight? He wouldn't endanger his crown but what about Ali? Ali noticed everything. What would he do if he saw the glint of possession in Mehmet's eyes?

Fear and anxiety radiated off my skin, and I itched to rub the kohl and powder off just so that my hands could do something. Zaynab sauntered into the throne room, her eyes sparkling, looking catlike. She looked magnificent, like a huntress, waiting for her kill. She gave me a brief twirl which caused her brother to roll his eyes and me to smile. Her father patted her head and had her stand by his side. A place of honor, a place to be seen and admired.

Khalid and Amina followed her, their faces guarded, dressed impeccably in matching green attires.

A second later, the doors opened and Mehmet walked in, followed by one of his guards and the woman from the Bazaar. He paused in front of the Caliph, his eyes flickered towards me.

"Salaam! It's an honor to meet the Caliph's family." I cringed at the false formality in his voice.

"The honor is all ours, Prince Mehmet," Zaynab answered, her voice smoother than silk. Ali shifted, his hand brushing my waist.

Mehmet gave her a respectful nod, not even sparing her a proper glance, his eyes shifting to me. I saw surprise flash over her features, but she controlled her emotions by introducing us all one by one.

The Caliph strode forward. "Lovely to see the family reunited, eh Mehmet? I'm sure you're happy to see your cousin married?" Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, their eyes bouncing back and forth between us.

Mehmet didn't flinch. "Yes, it's very strange to see Laila become a married woman." His handsome face eased into aching familiarity—awash in the memory of our childhood—and I immediately looked away.

Stop it Mehmet! If Ali saw you looking at me like that ...

"I've already offered my congratulations to Prince Alizayd, please let me offer my heartiest congratulations to you, cousin." I gave him a brief nod, not trusting my emotions to speak. "Allow me to introduce my companions, Seif, and Afet."

Seif moved into the light, eliciting a soft gasp from both Zaynab and Amina. Broad-shouldered, with the skin of the desert and eyes of silver, he was the kind of boy who turned heads and never noticed. The faint shadow of hair that darkened his jaw served only to accentuate features hewn from stone by the hand of a master sculptor.

Afet stepped forward, her crystal blue eyes and sharp face stunning onlookers. She'd swapped her armor for a traditional red Turkish garb with intricate embroidery along the hem. Her mahogany hair flowed down her back, slightly held back by her small veil, her presence stealing the air in the room. True to her name, she was truly awe-inspiring.

I looked up at my husband, watching his brows come down in a severe expression, his eyes sharp and calculating.

She came forward, and I saw that her fingertips were red and raw from her sword drills. Afet gave us all a short bow, turning around to give me a small wink. I held my breath and shifted from foot to foot.

"Are these all? I'm sure you'll need more to conquer a kingdom?" Mehmet's eyes brightened with amusement. He pressed his lips together as if fighting a grin at Amina's barbed question.

"I've already lost my queen, what else is left for a man?" I nearly fainted at the words. My stomach tightened into a knot and I shoved aside the blast of uncomfortable emotions his words had evoked within me. How could he have said that?

After a tense beat, Mehmet gave the room a warm winning smile. "That was a joke. Laila is so much more than that, as you already know." Unease flickered in Zaynab's eyes. "To answer your question, we have more men and some... unconventional help."

"Unconventional help?" Khalid asked, moving closer. A loud noise reverberated throughout the room and we paused to look at the new arrival. The Emir of Cairo, Baba, entered the room, his face red, eyes hard.

Baba gave the Caliph an apologetic nod and moved to my side. "You may have heard of the rebels?" Mehemet continued. I looked up at Ali, watching his face harden.

"Heard of them? They've been causing skirmishes at the border."

"I've heard you've kept one of them?"

"They attacked my wife. Sliced her shoulder open." Ali's warning was clear as day. Mehemet gave me a small bow, his eyes stony.

"And I'm sure they paid with their lives." his placating tone had no effect on Ali. He tensed even further, the muscle in his jaw ticking wildly. "We should lay that issue to rest, don't you think Laila?"

I was going to kill Mehmet.

I cleared my throat, wildly uncomfortable. "The rule of law in the Caliphate is absolute." Baba gave me a gentle pat on the back, letting me know that I'd said the right thing.

The Caliph moved forward, his eyes twinkling, his face emotionless, clearly enjoying this interaction. He clapped his hands three times.

A flurry of servants entered the room, carrying platters of Umm Ali, Qatayef, Basbousa, and Harrisa. Countless jugs filled with Karkade, Helba, and Sobia were placed in front of us. I let my eyes look at his companions. Seif stood by Mehmet's side, his face and posture stoic. Afet caught my eye and I immediately averted my gaze to look at the other people in the room.

"Please, help yourselves," Khalid motioned, handing a cup full of Helba to Mehmet. He raised it to his lips but did not take a sip. "Are you afraid it's been poisoned?" Mehmet shrugged, declining to comment.

"Perhaps we could ease your worries if your cousin drank from it?" The Caliph offered. The tension in the room racketed up. Mehmet stared at him, his eyes filled with a dangerous emotion. His companions moved to his side, their eyes sharp, bodies alert.

"Is there a need for that?" Baba intervened. Zaynab's eyes focused on mine and I gave her a pleading look. She opened her mouth to say something but was beaten by the Caliph.

"He doesn't trust us," He said, a hint of a cold smile appearing on his face. "Laila, my dear, please." Both Baba and Ali went rigid beside me. This was the Caliph demanding. I had no choice. No one could do anything. Mehmet started to say something but I shut him with a warning glance.

Ignoring Amina's smirk and Khalid's exaggerated sigh, I poured myself a cup.Feeling everyone's eyes on me, I took a sip of the drink and then made a face, setting it down on a low mirrored table beside me.

Before anyone could say or do anything, Ali took my cup and placed it to his lips, drinking deeply from it. Shock and awe rippled in the room and red stained my cheeks. His non-verbal statement had been recorded.

Mehmet took a long drink from his cup and his companions followed suit. The temperature in the room turned normal and I breathed a sigh of relief. This was ridiculous.

"As we were discussing, the rebels are now under my protection. They will no longer be of any trouble to you." Khalid nodded at Mehmet's words. "However, the rival faction, Orhan's camp has been causing some issues."

The Caliph leaned forward, his eyes blank."We will send a small military force, as a token of our support and the start to a fruitful alliance," Mehmet placed a hand on his heart. "We will take back the land and send a strong message."

"You're very gracious."

"Ali will be accompanying you. He'll be leading our men."

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